I want to present geography in a fun way to my fifth grade from my tablet
running PPT2007. I can mark on a outline map of the world, and that's
interesting but what other ways can I make the map more interesting? (I don't
want to do Shockwave, or Flash work in a browser, which would be one
alternative.) Can I set up invisible hot spots at a specified point that
launch other shows? When I did this kind of Powerpoint work (corporate sales
and marketing career before teaching) I did these kinds of branching shows
but I remember it was very hard to have their "trigger points" be invisible!
I had to make a trigger image that looked like it was part of the graphics...
you know what I mean.
Now I want to have certain templates that I fill with content and attach
that content quickly to hot spots.
For the geography I would love to have layers like Photoshop's that I could
show and hide at will.
I have to go over to Kathy Jacob's site to check out her ideas; anyone know
other sites to visit, especially anyone covering PPT2007? I looked in our
local Borders and only a few of the Office2007 books have made it to Hawaii
neighbor islands. This kind of stuff was never a big part of those books
All suggestions welcomed.
Jonathan Rawle
Big Island, Hawaii.
running PPT2007. I can mark on a outline map of the world, and that's
interesting but what other ways can I make the map more interesting? (I don't
want to do Shockwave, or Flash work in a browser, which would be one
alternative.) Can I set up invisible hot spots at a specified point that
launch other shows? When I did this kind of Powerpoint work (corporate sales
and marketing career before teaching) I did these kinds of branching shows
but I remember it was very hard to have their "trigger points" be invisible!
I had to make a trigger image that looked like it was part of the graphics...
you know what I mean.
Now I want to have certain templates that I fill with content and attach
that content quickly to hot spots.
For the geography I would love to have layers like Photoshop's that I could
show and hide at will.
I have to go over to Kathy Jacob's site to check out her ideas; anyone know
other sites to visit, especially anyone covering PPT2007? I looked in our
local Borders and only a few of the Office2007 books have made it to Hawaii
neighbor islands. This kind of stuff was never a big part of those books
All suggestions welcomed.
Jonathan Rawle
Big Island, Hawaii.