Genuine verification

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When I downloaded the older version of the MS Antispyware
software it verified my software. This time it would not
and I had to type in the letters. Can someone tell me why
I had no problem before and this time did? Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
When I downloaded the older version of the MS Antispyware
software it verified my software. This time it would not
and I had to type in the letters. Can someone tell me why
I had no problem before and this time did? Thanks.

Never mind. It was my firewall settings about my
browser. It verified this time. Nothing is just simple
anymore. I miss DOS.
This process should be a one-time procedure. If you have a machine from one
of the larger OEM's, Dell, for example, or Gateway, you will have to type in
the numbers. I'm not sure why you didn't the first time around.
Could you be more specific? Are you talking about user information or
particular application it is not verifying like it did in a prior build?
Which older version, Giant or one Microsofts present builds?
I believe he is citing the Genuine Windows Advantage at the d/l page of

Ron Chamberlin
I build my own machines, and sorry that I was not clearer
but was in a hurry. I am talking about the verification
of a genuine MS product. It said it couldn't find one
even though it downloaded the control.

I wanted the Control not type in letters. It's just a

I had redone my system with a new HD and lost the original
activeX component that it downloaded the first time that I
downloaded MS Antispyware.

I discovered after fiddling around that my firewall
settings (don't reveal where you've been, don't reveal
browser, etc.) were to blame, and when I downloaded the
ActiveX control this time it verified my OS as being

This bothered me because we have three computers, and I
purchased Windows for each of them. Two W2Ks (one is an
OEM the other retail and the OEM was purchased for a
particular machine and will stay with that one), one WXP,
and one W98SE (older systems are in a drawer)and they all
verified without any problems.

Thank you all, anyway. I appreciate your replies.
If you can give me a set of repro steps for how the firewall was set up
which interfered with the Genuine validation process, I can pass that
information back to folks at Microsoft who will be interested.
Information about Browser - blocked. Information about
visited web sites - blocked. Several other items I had
blocked. Lord, I don't know, I just played around until
it worked. It could also have been Win Patrol or my old
version of MS Anti-spyware or one of the other programs
protecting me, which I did not have installed before the
system redo. All I know is when I disabled all my
security except basic Firewall, the ActiveX applet
installed, verified and is still installed. All my
software is registered with MS so it should install
without all this mess. As said before the old OSs are
missed, heh. Thanks to all for your replies. I have the
app and am running it without problems. Frankly, I like
Terrific--thanks for the details. This validation process is new and may
have issues that aren't well tested, so Microsoft needs to hear what can go
wrong out there in the real world, and they really don't have much of a
feedback system in place at the moment.