Genuine Advantage problem after restore of hard drive


Jack T.

The hard drive on my laptop crashed. I had done an ASR backup just hours
before. However, after the restore, the Genuine Advantage thing no longer
works. I've gone through two other hard drives with the same laptop, and
didn't have this problem when I restored it, but they were before Genuine
Advantage. Failing the ASR, I simply did a mininal install from the CD, and
it took the Genuine Advantage with no problem and downloaded updates. Then
I did a full restore so I could bring the laptop back to normal. After it
rebooted after the restore, it tried to update again, and it said I needed
the Genuine Advantage thing again, but it didn't work again. I repeated
variations of the above two scenarios 5 times, each taking about 10-11 hours
with format and ASR restore off a 4mm tape or manual install plus full
restore. No luck.

The version is XP Professional VLA. Has anyone here had this problem, and
if you found a way out of it? I'd be grateful to know how you got past it.


Carey Frisch [MVP]

Try the following workaround:

The WGA diagnostic tool has been updated to correct
this problem seen by some users.
Please download and execute it from:

After running the tool, please return to Windows Update and try it again.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| The hard drive on my laptop crashed. I had done an ASR backup just hours
| before. However, after the restore, the Genuine Advantage thing no longer
| works. I've gone through two other hard drives with the same laptop, and
| didn't have this problem when I restored it, but they were before Genuine
| Advantage. Failing the ASR, I simply did a mininal install from the CD, and
| it took the Genuine Advantage with no problem and downloaded updates. Then
| I did a full restore so I could bring the laptop back to normal. After it
| rebooted after the restore, it tried to update again, and it said I needed
| the Genuine Advantage thing again, but it didn't work again. I repeated
| variations of the above two scenarios 5 times, each taking about 10-11 hours
| with format and ASR restore off a 4mm tape or manual install plus full
| restore. No luck.
| The version is XP Professional VLA. Has anyone here had this problem, and
| if you found a way out of it? I'd be grateful to know how you got past it.
| Thanks,
| Jack

Jack T.

That got me in to see the updates. I did download a couple of updates to
make sure it would work. There were no critical updates required, so I
selected one for the modem and another for the NIC. After the download and
attempted install, it came back with the error: "Updates were unable to be
successfully installed" for both items. That is the same behavior I
experienced with the WGA tool except now it no longer prompts me for that

The following are restore methods that I've tried:
1. ASR - That didn't work at all. It wouldn't even boot when I was done.
Took extensive repair using the install method to get it to run.
2. Since I have a VLA, I sliptreamed the disk with SP2 and did another ASR.
That worked, but I had the registration problem.
3. This last one I did a minimal install followed by a full restore.
However, I get a pretty good size error log with entries such as
Reason: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
Warning: Unable to set the short 8.3 name for ......

I've with these I've tried variations such as:
1. "Low level" formatting the drive. (Fill with zeros to check for errors)
2. Tried a different drive after low level formatting it.
*Some of the restores had registry rights errors that it could not change
it. (That may be what I got with the ASR restores.) I looked at the MS TID
that says to go to that key, and to change its rights to the administrators
group. I tried that. It won't allow you do that, even as a member of the
administrators group.

The failure to install made me wonder if I could install any software that
used the Windows installer, so I tried a re-install/repair of Outlook 2003.
That went fine.

I've done successful recoveries on this same computer several times in the
past with no problems. I have a good, clean, ASR backup, that will put the
system back together, but it will no longer allow the installation of
updates from the web.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated,

Jack T.

I looked at that article, and may use it, but the errors listed are not the
ones that I have. I did however look inside of my WindowsUpdate.log and
found where the download and attempted install was. I did find these two
The first error I looked up at
and found the following for the descriptions:
0x80246002 -2145099774 SUS_E_DM_INCORRECTFILEHASH The file digest did not
match the expected value
0x80240022 -2145124318 WU_E_ALL_UPDATES_FAILED operation failed on all
specified updates

The most interesting one is the first one. The log shown below shows the
download went fine, but it didn't like something about the files afterward.

I may try to think about if the article you pointed me to makes sense
somehow for this, but the error codes mentioned here are not mentioned in
the article.


Error log with date and time removed from the beginning of the lines for
DnldMgr *************
DnldMgr ** START ** DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId =
DnldMgr *********
DnldMgr * Priority = 3, ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}
DnldMgr * Updates to download = 2
Agent * Title = 3Com Corporation - Networking - 3Com 10/100 Mini PCI
Ethernet Adapter
Agent * UpdateId = {73879069-A698-4BDE-ABC1-A2A43E41A963}.100
Agent * Title = 3Com Corporation - Modems - 3Com Mini PCI 56K Modem
Agent * UpdateId = {DEB8A894-55BB-4EDC-9FB7-791FB08E28CA}.100
DtaStor Update service properties: service registered with AU is
DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId =
{73879069-A698-4BDE-ABC1-A2A43E41A963}.100] ***********
DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId =
DnldMgr * Downloading from
(full file).
Agent *********
Agent ** END ** Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = MicrosoftUpdate]
Agent *************
DnldMgr BITS job {540A7AAA-B356-4866-9ADA-A702B4029C24} completed
DnldMgr WARNING: File failed postprocessing, error = 80246002
DnldMgr Failed file: URL =
Local path =
DnldMgr Error 0x80246002 occurred while downloading update; notifying
dependent calls.
DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId =
{DEB8A894-55BB-4EDC-9FB7-791FB08E28CA}.100] ***********
DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId =
DnldMgr * Downloading from
(full file).
DnldMgr BITS job {F1517B5D-5B95-43F0-A601-586A4A086902} completed
DnldMgr WARNING: File failed postprocessing, error = 80246002
DnldMgr Failed file: URL =
Local path =
DnldMgr Error 0x80246002 occurred while downloading update; notifying
dependent calls.
DtaStor Update service properties: service registered with AU is
COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
COMAPI - Download call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0,
failed = 2, unaccounted = 0)
COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x80240022
COMAPI ---------
COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
COMAPI -------------
Report REPORT EVENT: {DD1874FF-60B7-4C5D-A344-CC1B96188FDB} 2006-04-04
16:32:08-0400 1 161 101 {73879069-A698-4BDE-ABC1-A2A43E41A963} 100 80246002
MicrosoftUpdate Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.
Report REPORT EVENT: {486AA3D0-BEB3-4921-9A42-C443C7418B30} 2006-04-04
16:32:09-0400 1 161 101 {DEB8A894-55BB-4EDC-9FB7-791FB08E28CA} 100 80246002
MicrosoftUpdate Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.

Jack T.

I went through the steps, even though it didn't mention my error. It still
doesn't work. The only thing that is off is the GE certificate expired in
Feb 23, 2006, but I checked the new computers that are up to date, and
theirs aren't current either. MS says they don't distribute the certs
anymore except through auto updates. However, since the new machines work
with the old cert, I'm guessing that is not the problem. I tried another
fix that I found on the web that regsvr a bunch of files. No luck there

I appreciate you trying to help, but this appears to be a new problem that
MS doesn't know about yet. Apparently through all of the changes, ASR no
longer can no longer recover a system. I had to slipstream the disk so the
ASR would be bootable. This whole thing has cost us huge because we thought
we had backups, and they were shown to work not long ago. However, we
cannot afford to rely on MS NTBackup any longer. Since ASR doesn't work, I
think we will look for something that will mirror the drive from
time-to-time to a USB drive so we can simply plug it in when we have a
failure. For us, we have lost more than a man-week trying to get the
computer back, something that took only a 2-3 man-hours before.


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