Tsunade said:
Printing with the application's print button. The application was
created using Delphi 3. Any help?
I'm still not quite sure what you are attempting.
As near as I can tell from a quick look at some Google search results
Delphi is a program development package for Windows published by
Borland. Windows is designed so that applications and their data files
don't need to (and SHOULDN'T) generate printer model or brand specific
codes to switch fonts or text attributes like boldface, italics,
underline or even page orientation. This even applies to often emulated
printers like Epson dot matrix printers and the early HP Laserjets. all
that model specific stuff is supposed to be taken care of by the
operating system's printer driver(s).
IF you are selecting the Generic Text "printer" for a windows
application's hard copy output, that driver is NOT intended to send
anything but printable characters and a FEW codes like carriage returns
and line feeds. It's really intended to be a way of generating an
unformatted version of a program's print output in the form of a text
file. As XP is derived from Windows NT instead of Windows 9x, it might
be a little more thorough at stripping the text down to basics than
Windows 98.
Try selecting the actual driver for your printer in the application's
print dialog. If you are printing from a button that bypasses the print
dialog, try setting the actual printer as the default printer in the
Windows XP control panel.
IF instead of the above you are trying to print a file that contains
print codes, have you tried setting your actual printer driver to
capture the LPT1: port and using the command prompt to copy the file to
LPT1: ?