One More Try
Not to start a flame war here, but I really would like to know if someone
did a comparison of Java to dotnet, and what the benefits (pros and cons)
each development environment has. Since I have gotten back into Java, it
surprises me how far Java has advanced from the dark days of 1.0-1.2.
My preferred programming language is C++, so I get frustrated with Java's
"trying to protect the programmer" mentality, which makes it much harder to
code slick routines.
I am looking at comparisons for
1) E-Commerce
2) Online Game development (for this I am looking for best practices for
items like card games)
did a comparison of Java to dotnet, and what the benefits (pros and cons)
each development environment has. Since I have gotten back into Java, it
surprises me how far Java has advanced from the dark days of 1.0-1.2.
My preferred programming language is C++, so I get frustrated with Java's
"trying to protect the programmer" mentality, which makes it much harder to
code slick routines.
I am looking at comparisons for
1) E-Commerce
2) Online Game development (for this I am looking for best practices for
items like card games)