Generic Inventory System - MIA?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
  • Start date Start date
Susan Bugher said:
Another one for the expert searchers: home page: is gone - haven't found a download link:

Generic Inventory System
Groone's World
12680 KB

The site is still there. This is from the 'news' section-
"Tuesday, February 17th

Okay, it's up
I decided to get the site back up. It's nearly finished, maybe 85%. I'll
work on it as I go. Enjoy!

Groone on 02.17.04 @ 08:40 AM CST [more]


Generic Inventory System
I've removed the GIS program from my list of programs to download. Some
people loved it and some people hated it. It was in alpha stage of
testing for the longest time and since I never got back to it I decided
to take it off the list until I finish with the updates of other, more
stable programs that are listed.

Groone on 02.17.04 @ 01:11 AM CST [more]"
Ben said:
The site is still there.
Groone on 02.17.04 @ 08:40 AM CST [more]
Generic Inventory System
I've removed the GIS program from my list of programs to download. Some
people loved it and some people hated it. It was in alpha stage of
testing for the longest time and since I never got back to it I decided
to take it off the list until I finish with the updates of other, more
stable programs that are listed.

Thanks *very* much Ben. :) (I've marked the app as unavailable.)
