I'm totally baffled on this one. Yesterday, my neighbor's eMachine [WinXP
Home] began displaying a window titled "Generic Host Process for Win32
Services." No matter what action she chose ['send' 'don't sent' 'X'], she
was unable to access any website until rebooting. Upon rebooting, all was
well - until the next appearance of GHP for Win32 - which, may be in a few
more minutes.
I searched Google - and found no solution.
She's running Mozilla Firefox 0.9.2 and no firewall. Did the usual:
Ad-aware, Spybot, Norton scan - unrelated, I think.
How can I get rid of this problem? [I did learn it's part 'n parcel of
svchost.exe] [Until yesterday, this GHP window never appeared]
Home] began displaying a window titled "Generic Host Process for Win32
Services." No matter what action she chose ['send' 'don't sent' 'X'], she
was unable to access any website until rebooting. Upon rebooting, all was
well - until the next appearance of GHP for Win32 - which, may be in a few
more minutes.
I searched Google - and found no solution.
She's running Mozilla Firefox 0.9.2 and no firewall. Did the usual:
Ad-aware, Spybot, Norton scan - unrelated, I think.
How can I get rid of this problem? [I did learn it's part 'n parcel of
svchost.exe] [Until yesterday, this GHP window never appeared]