From asp.net (vb) or another winforms vb.net application I would like to us
generic functions compiled in .dl
Of course a reference is made to the .dl
All the examples show a component to be compiled as a creatable objec
I would like to use the functions more like a librar
for instanc
public Class MyComponen
public function GetText() as strin
return "This is text
end functio
end clas
New project will use it like
dim mycomp as mycomponen
dim s as strin
s = mycomp.GetTex
In vb6 I could compile a .dll to use the function global multiuse withou
the need to instantiate an object firs
like thi
- make a reference to mycomponent.dl
dim s=GetText (directly without an object
This must be possible in .net because all the FrameWor
components work like tha
just import system.data.sqlclient and I can use all the functions from sqlclien
Can anyone give a hint because all solutions upto now do it by instantiating a
thank you elka
generic functions compiled in .dl
Of course a reference is made to the .dl
All the examples show a component to be compiled as a creatable objec
I would like to use the functions more like a librar
for instanc
public Class MyComponen
public function GetText() as strin
return "This is text
end functio
end clas
New project will use it like
dim mycomp as mycomponen
dim s as strin
s = mycomp.GetTex
In vb6 I could compile a .dll to use the function global multiuse withou
the need to instantiate an object firs
like thi
- make a reference to mycomponent.dl
dim s=GetText (directly without an object
This must be possible in .net because all the FrameWor
components work like tha
just import system.data.sqlclient and I can use all the functions from sqlclien
Can anyone give a hint because all solutions upto now do it by instantiating a
thank you elka