You were so gracious in giving me generic code to identify and activate
Contol Tool Comboboxes on a sheet. (works a treat!)
Now could I get your indulgence for generic code to capture any of the
Comboboxes change.
What I would like is something like for any combobox, on change, the
next cell is selected.
Sub ComboBox_change
end sub
You have already saved me a ton of code and I am greedy...
You were so gracious in giving me generic code to identify and activate
Contol Tool Comboboxes on a sheet. (works a treat!)
Now could I get your indulgence for generic code to capture any of the
Comboboxes change.
What I would like is something like for any combobox, on change, the
next cell is selected.
Sub ComboBox_change
end sub
You have already saved me a ton of code and I am greedy...