Generating CPU load with a C# app?



I need to build or buy an application that will allow me to generate a
specific CPU load and memory usage. Ideally I could throttle this up and
down to simulate different load conditions. This for application testing -
we'd like to see how the app performs under certain load conditions.

I'd prefer to build it myself with C#, mostly just for the learning
experience and because I have the time.

Has anyone done something like this? I'm looking for suggestions, links,
and info to help me start investigating the namespaces I might need or the
approaches I might take since I'm not exactly sure where to start.

I know I can use the System.Diagnostics namespace for monitoring cpu load
and mem usage, but I'm not really sure how to approach loading the CPU and
memory so that I can throttle it up and down.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

Andreas Mueller

Greg said:
I need to build or buy an application that will allow me to generate a
specific CPU load and memory usage. Ideally I could throttle this up and
down to simulate different load conditions. This for application testing -
we'd like to see how the app performs under certain load conditions.

I'd prefer to build it myself with C#, mostly just for the learning
experience and because I have the time.

Has anyone done something like this? I'm looking for suggestions, links,
and info to help me start investigating the namespaces I might need or the
approaches I might take since I'm not exactly sure where to start.

I know I can use the System.Diagnostics namespace for monitoring cpu load
and mem usage, but I'm not really sure how to approach loading the CPU and
memory so that I can throttle it up and down.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

Here is what I use:



Greg said:
I need to build or buy an application that will allow me to generate a
specific CPU load and memory usage. Ideally I could throttle this up and
down to simulate different load conditions. This for application testing -
we'd like to see how the app performs under certain load conditions.

I'd prefer to build it myself with C#, mostly just for the learning
experience and because I have the time.

Has anyone done something like this? I'm looking for suggestions, links,
and info to help me start investigating the namespaces I might need or the
approaches I might take since I'm not exactly sure where to start.

I know I can use the System.Diagnostics namespace for monitoring cpu load
and mem usage, but I'm not really sure how to approach loading the CPU and
memory so that I can throttle it up and down.

Some quick code:

public static int Fac(int n)
if(n > 1)
return n * Fac(n -1);
return 1;
public static int CpuTime()
public static long WallTime()
return DateTime.Now.Ticks / 10000;
public static void Load(double target)
int n = 1000000;
int cpu = CpuTime();
long wall = WallTime();
int dcpu;
long dwall;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if(Fac(10) != 3628800)
int cpu2 = CpuTime();
long wall2 = WallTime();
dcpu = cpu2 - cpu;
dwall = wall2 - wall;
n = (int)(n * ((target * dwall) / dcpu));
Console.WriteLine(dcpu + " " + dwall);
cpu = cpu2;
wall = wall2;



That may do it, thanks for the replies. I'll be working on it this week, so
I'll give it a try.


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