I've written a macro to import data points from nearly a hundred workbooks
based on inserting cell values into a filename reference. Now, I'd like to
take the data points and generate a chart based on 2 criteria (possibly more
in the future). The first criteria can be chosen from a list in cell A2. This
criteria is a reference to a specific worksheet. The second criteria, which
can be chosen from a list in A4, refers to a specific column in a worksheet.
So, in essence, i'd like to take two cells, one referring to a worksheet, and
another referring to a column and enter the data into a chart in a seperate
worksheet. Ideally, entering in new values into the reference cells will
update the chart, and not generate a new one. Any suggestions would be
I've written a macro to import data points from nearly a hundred workbooks
based on inserting cell values into a filename reference. Now, I'd like to
take the data points and generate a chart based on 2 criteria (possibly more
in the future). The first criteria can be chosen from a list in cell A2. This
criteria is a reference to a specific worksheet. The second criteria, which
can be chosen from a list in A4, refers to a specific column in a worksheet.
So, in essence, i'd like to take two cells, one referring to a worksheet, and
another referring to a column and enter the data into a chart in a seperate
worksheet. Ideally, entering in new values into the reference cells will
update the chart, and not generate a new one. Any suggestions would be