Generate a table of thumbnails on the fly without saving to disk


Espen Evje

I am trying to present the images in a folder as thumbnails in a dynamically
created asp:table.
I however do not want to save the thumbnails to disk, only show the images
in this folder as thumbnails and then forget about them.

I've seen a lot of samples using a datagrid/list and automatically bind
thumbnails to these controls, but it does not meet my requirements. I've
also seen a sample where the thumbnail of one image is genereated and then
saved to the response.outputstream, which is almost what I am looking for,
but I cannot make this work with more that 1 image.

So my pseudocode for what I want is something like this:
for each image in folder
add new cell in table
cell.text="<img src=" & image.getThumbnail( ) & "/>"

I know that the Thumbnail that is generated is an object and it will not
make sense in a src attribute, but you might see what I want.

Hope anyone can help

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