Thank you for your replys on this topic. I understand
that I probably did not explain myself well.
There are 200 patients who will take 3 different medical
tests to measure same disease information. We have 3
readers (resident, physician, or expert) do each test on
same patient so that their results can be compared.
I created a form with a field called readertype that is a
draw down menu for choices of reader 1, 2 and 3. I also
have a field called testtype that is a draw down menu for
choices of test types such as MRI or XRay. Of course, I
have two tables here: tblreadertype tbltesttype for the
choice fields. I have then many variables to measure the
disease. All the measure questions are the same for each
The structure of this database is that each table will
have a patient id entered 9 times. Although the
combination of patient id, testype and readertype will be
unique, the patient id will not be unique. It is easy to
make mistakes for data entry people to enter the data when
they can select the reader type and test type. So, for
data entry purposes, I think it is better to construct 9
distinct tables and forms. The variables in all the
tables should be the same with one variable to distinguish
test type and reader type. Is this correct?
Since I am new to ACCESS, I would like your confirmation
on this. I also want to know if I should use different
disease variables for each table so that R1M_LAD will
refer to Reader1 MRI test results.
I very much appreciate your response.
Thank you for your replys on this topic. I understand
that I probably did not explain myself well.
There are 200 patients who will take 3 different medical
tests to measure same disease information. We have 3
readers (resident, physician, or expert) do each test on
same patient so that their results can be compared.
I created a form with a field called readertype that is a
draw down menu for choices of reader 1, 2 and 3. I also
have a field called testtype that is a draw down menu for
choices of test types such as MRI or XRay. Of course, I
have two tables here: tblreadertype tbltesttype for the
choice fields. I have then many variables to measure the
disease. All the measure questions are the same for each
The structure of this database is that each table will
have a patient id entered 9 times. Although the
combination of patient id, testype and readertype will be
unique, the patient id will not be unique. It is easy to
make mistakes for data entry people to enter the data when
they can select the reader type and test type. So, for
data entry purposes, I think it is better to construct 9
distinct tables and forms. The variables in all the
tables should be the same with one variable to distinguish
test type and reader type. Is this correct?
Since I am new to ACCESS, I would like your confirmation
on this. I also want to know if I should use different
disease variables for each table so that R1M_LAD will
refer to Reader1 MRI test results.
I very much appreciate your response.