Hi Allen,
My answers are shown in line below.
I have a few Questions.
1. When using an Access Db, sharing with more than one
person, is it better to split the database, or juct creat
a shor cut, though a map drive?
The database should be split. Although you can share the entire database, this involves a
lot more network traffic to transfer all the bytes of information that define each object
(query, form, report, etc.). In a seminar that I attended at Microsoft earlier this year,
the issue of sharing an entire database was identified by an Access Program Manager as the
# 1 cause of database corruption. Unfortunately, they have not published this advice, as
far as I know, in either the KB or MSDN.
Also, you are much better to use UNC paths to the back-end database, rather than relying
on a mapped drive. A mapped drive requires that all users have the same drive letter
mapped appropriately. This is not a requirement when using UNC paths (\\server\share).
2. How do you lock down the database so people can not
edit it?
Download and read the Access Security FAQ. However, be aware that implementing Access
security only raises the bar. It will not keep someone out who is determined to get in.
Although this document covers versions up to 2000, the information applies equally well to
Access 2002. I suspect that it also applies to Access 2003 as well.
Microsoft Access Security FAQ Available in Download Center
Make sure to practice on a *copy* of your database first.
3. How do you hide the object window?
Tools > Startup. Uncheck the option to Display Database Window.
4. What is some good software that can make an Access Db a
runtime version with out having access installed?
You need to have the Developer's edition of Office to do this. This has a new name for
Office 2003, but I can't remember exactly what it is called. This gives you a royalty
free right to redistribute the Access run-time. Without going this route, you would be in
violation of Microsoft's EULA (End User License Agreement) for Access.
5. Is there a better way to manage users, than what is
built in?
You can "roll your own" so-to-speak, but that's going to involve a lot of work on your
6. When making an Acess Db a run-time version, can the
above aply as well?
Probably, as long as you don't attempt to make changes in design view to any objects
during run-time. For example, some methods of changing report properties rely on first
opening the report hidden in design view, making the change, and then opening it in
preview mode. This just doesn't work with a run-time version, since you are not allowed
to open any objects in design mode.
There are many changes that are usually required to implement a shared Access database
successfully. Start by reviewing the information available on Tony Toews web site:
In particular, pay attention to all of the details in the links "Microsoft Access
performance FAQ" and "Corrupt Microsoft Access MDBs FAQ" (to learn methods to avoid
encountering corruption).