general question

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I've not networked anything yet and am about to try it and thought I may
save some time by asking here a couple of general questions.
The setlup cosists of a laptop with wifi, and a desktop without wifi. I am
sharing internet access with the two pcs via a wifi router. The
desktop is cat5'ed to the router, the router cat5'ed to the modem. I have
no problem connecting to the internet on either machine.
The desktop is running XP professional, and the laptop is running windows 7
home basic.

1. Can you network XP and windows 7 together?
2. Does it matter which one you run the network wizard on, and if so, which
one should I try it with.
3. Would I better off buying 3rd party networking software and using that
instead of the microsoft nework wizards?

Thanks for any help with this, and I appologize in advance for asking such
basic questions.

If the two computers are connected to the same router and can access the
Internet then they are already Networked.
In order to exchange file between them you have to configure the File
sharing on each computer.
Maybe this can Help.
Win 7 - When configured on peer-to-peer Network, Win 7 has three types of
Sharing configurations.
Home Network = Works only between Win 7 computers. This type of
configuration makes it very easy to Entry Level Users to start Network
Work Network = Basically similar to the previous methods of sharing that let
you control what, how, and to whom folders would be shared with.
Public Sharing = Public Network (like Internet cafe) to reduce security
The Work Network is the one that most of us are going (and need) to use.
Win 7 Work Network's Sharing settings are in principle similar to Vista's
configuration, some menus locations in Win 7 might be in different place,
and look a little different, but it should not be a problem to adapt.
Make sure that the Software Firewall on each computer allows free local
traffic. If you use 3rd party Firewall On, Vista/XP Native Firewall should
be Off, and the active Firewall has to adjusted to your Network IP numbers
on what is some time called the Trusted Zone (consult your 3rd Party
Firewall instructions.
General example,
Win7 -
Win7 - Work Network with a little visual help,
Vista File and Printer Sharing-
Windows XP File Sharing -;en-us;304040
Printer Sharing XP -
Windows Native Firewall setting for Sharing XP -
Windows XP patch for Sharing with Vista (Not need for XP-SP3) -
When finished with the setting of the system it is advisable to Reboot all
the hardware including Router and all computers involved.
Jack (MS, MVP-Networking).
Jack, thanks so much for the explaination and the links.
I'll report back after I dhave igested this info and tried it out.
It may take a while!
thanks again.
I spent this morning trying to set up the network.
no luck.
at one point the laptop could see the desktop and could
see files on it, and get them, but the desktop never saw the laptop.
That's all gone now. Neither sees the other. don't know why.
On the win7 laptop, couldn't se up sharing becuase the
sharing thing was locked. couldn't find a way to unlock it.
I'm about to just give up.
May be you should cancel the sharing on both computers.
Reboot and make sure that you follow the steps correctly.
Make sure that you do not have any 3rd party security suits that block the
Some time it is not enough to disable them, they have to be uninstalled and
Jack (MS, MVP-Networking)..
Hi Jack,
Sorry so long getting back to this. I've been on the road.
Still no joy in mudville, but I have a buddy who says he
knows how to do this so he is coming over next week end
and we will play networking and see what happens.
Wish us well, and thanks again.