R. McCarty
Following yesterday's inquiry about a "Phantom" instance of the
"ABetterInternet" I started reading up. Turns out the instance of
that was indeed due to caching of IE data & the index.Dat.
Today, before running tools I exported my Cookies. Probably
not necessary as they exist in both the TIF and Docs&Settings
folders. Logged in to the Administrator account and completely
purged my TIF folder ( On a separate partition). Once I logged
back in to the day-to-day account and ran Spy Audit and all the
others, everything was 100% clean.
So it looks like prior to running Spyware tools it would be good
to completely purge the TIF cache. Not just the Delete Files and
Cookies, but a complete cleanout of your Temp Internet Folder
done from an alternate Administrative account.
Thought I'd post my results as it might be helpful to others.
"ABetterInternet" I started reading up. Turns out the instance of
that was indeed due to caching of IE data & the index.Dat.
Today, before running tools I exported my Cookies. Probably
not necessary as they exist in both the TIF and Docs&Settings
folders. Logged in to the Administrator account and completely
purged my TIF folder ( On a separate partition). Once I logged
back in to the day-to-day account and ran Spy Audit and all the
others, everything was 100% clean.
So it looks like prior to running Spyware tools it would be good
to completely purge the TIF cache. Not just the Delete Files and
Cookies, but a complete cleanout of your Temp Internet Folder
done from an alternate Administrative account.
Thought I'd post my results as it might be helpful to others.