General Queries on dotnet

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1)which of the following operates in homogenous platform?
Is it DCOM,Corba,Web Services,Remoting.
Which of the above is right.
2)No.of threads in a thread pool where N is a process?
Is it N*2,N*12,N*25,N+12 .
3)How many generations of objects can exists in GC.?
Is it 1,2,3,4.
4)What is Factory /Factory Setting? Is it available in dotnet/VB?
Is it Factory,Abstract Factory,Build & Singleton.
I havent heard about this concept... :(

Kindly justify your answer,as i was not able to conclude on this.
Kindly help me in knowing the answers for the above.
1)which of the following operates in homogenous platform?
Is it DCOM,Corba,Web Services,Remoting.
Which of the above is right.
uh....... what is the question exactly?
Anyway Remoting is .NET specific. Web Services is platform neutral but is
(almost shamefully) easy to write with .NET. DCOM work with .NET no problem.
For Corba there is some port
2)No.of threads in a thread pool where N is a process?
Is it N*2,N*12,N*25,N+12 .
you can't multiply a process's HANDLE by a number. doesn't make sense!
anyway each process has its own thread pool. which is limited to 25 thread.
but nothing prevent you to create your own thread with this single line
new Thread(ThreadedMethod).Start()
(Beware most classes are threat UNSAFE by default. (including WinForm))
(here I speak of the framework's ThreadPool class, but nothing prevent you
to write your own, it's quite easy. In fact it's advised if you plan to make
heavy uses of it, has the GUI uses it and could be hampered if no thread is
3)How many generations of objects can exists in GC.?
Is it 1,2,3,4. 2

4)What is Factory /Factory Setting? Is it available in dotnet/VB?
depend on the factory I suppose......
the only "Standart" factory I know of is for DbConnection in ADO.NET.
Introduce in 2.0.
Otherwise you could do whatever factory you like in your in your code!
Is it Factory,Abstract Factory,Build & Singleton.
I havent heard about this concept... :(
Singleton is very common! I don't know about the other! But it's all up to
you man!
He wants someone to answer questions on some sort of school test. I wouldn't
help him, it's considered kind of a "no-no" around here.
How'd you do on your take-home test?

Hopefully, we didn't spoil your learning by doing any of the hard work for

As for the Factory, Abstract Factory, Builder and Singleton, these are
design patterns.

--- Nick Malik [Microsoft]
MCSD, CFPS, Certified Scrummaster

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this forum are my own, and not
representative of my employer.
I do not answer questions on behalf of my employer. I'm just a
programmer helping programmers.