general progression question

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
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I was approached the other day by the boss(es) who asked
me what the logical progression would be beyond A2k.
Like I really knew. This question not only pertained to
what the company would consider but also what my next
course of action would be to stay even with what the
company is doing.

So, I throw this out to the group for your thoughts on
what would be the next logical step from A2k usage?

Thanks for the feedback.
So, I throw this out to the group for your thoughts on
what would be the next logical step from A2k usage?

Depends on where you want to go.

If A2K is meeting your needs, an upgrade to AccessXP or Access2003 (I
prefer XP due to the irksome features of 2003 Help) would be prudent -
2000 has proved to be rather less stable than 2002/XP.

If you're pushing the 2 GByte limit, or finding more than 30
concurrent users hitting your database, or otherwise straining at the
limits of what Access was designed to handle - consider moving to
SQL/Server, probably with an Access frontend. You can use MSDE (free
on your Access install) to get your feet wet with SQL, since it's a
full version of SQL (with limitations on the number of concurrent
active threads).