Klatuu said:
Thanks for replying, Dirk. I see your posts often, and you seem very
knowledgable, but your answers, as in this case, are sometimes
cryptic. I already know where it is not. Now I am trying to find
out where it is. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry, I never mean to be cryptic. I actually have a tendency to be too
wordy -- ask anyone who's been around a while -- and I'm trying to cut
Anyway, to answer your question, the newsgroup
<microsoft.public.access.modulescoding> has been created on Microsoft's
NNTP server and may have been picked up by other, independent news
servers by now, but hasn't yet been added by Microsoft to the newsgroups
that they make available via their web-based newsreader. If you use a
newsreader program like Outlook Express, Agent, Dialog, or XanaNews (to
name a few), as opposed to the web interface, and connect directly to
the server msnews.microsoft.com, you'll be able to see this and many
other newsgroups that aren't presented on the web site.
If you aren't familiar with the use of a newsreader program to read and
post to newsgroups, you may want to try it. Most of us old-timers --
particularly those of us who don't have broadband internet
connections -- prefer it. Many corporate employers block NNTP, though,
to keep people from wasting time read ... prurient material ... all day.