GeForce Fx 5200 (128 Mo)

It's a cracking little card as long as you do not want to play the latest 3d games with it...:D
For £28.00 inc VAT its hardly going to be for games, but if you do 3D stuff occasionally, and don't play games often, its good.
Hi all, just found this website, wow what a load of useful information I may nevar need buy another computer magazine, anyway does anyone have or know the link for the latest driver for the nvida5200 128mb card, ive looked at some but not knowing a great deal about computers i wasnt sure if i had the right one, thanking you in advance,

Harry5 said:
Hi all, just found this website, wow what a load of useful information I may nevar need buy another computer magazine, anyway does anyone have or know the link for the latest driver for the nvida5200 128mb card, ive looked at some but not knowing a great deal about computers i wasnt sure if i had the right one, thanking you in advance,


Welcome Harry5:thumb: introduce yourself in the introduction section.;)
I have had a PNY Geforce 5200FX 128MB AGPx8 for a few years now and it does as good as ATi Radeon 9200 on games that are built for "nVidia"
I used to have a fx5500, quite good, but never run games like quake 4 like my X800 does :P

But it was value for moeny ill tel you that
Not true my friends, I forgot, the quality of a 5200 is extremely poor. It is FX for specifically Direct3D x9 applications like Counter-Strike: Source or Source games for VALVe. When using for internet browsing, it is poor like crap. It can't load .swf files cleanly. They lag. And for just picture and video quality, as good as the first generation of graphics cards above 8 megabits, yes megabits. I am sad nVIDIA called the 5200 GPU chip a part of the FX (5) series.
I'm not entirely sure what a bargepole is, but I sure as hell wouldn't touch it with one.

But then again I'm one of those people that must play the game in the highest possible resolution and with everything turned up. If you don't mind Playstation 2 graphics, you'll be alright. Having said that - there is a fair argument that modern games truly are made more enjoyable by having the latest technology available... I mean, Quake 1 will look pretty crap now on any PC, but new games like Far Cry and the upcoming Elderscrolls: Oblivion simply suck you in and give you a more compelling experience with a great graphics card.

I take it you got this with a chain-store PC, yes? They LOVE flogging off the lower models in a range... People might be inclined to think a card with '5000' is good, but they know you won't interpret the meaning of the '200' bit..