imabrowneye said:
Susan Bugher said:
today's pick:
Printable Notebook [...]
you can make new print templates via Template buider.
Template builder is a quick designer of pages for your Printable
Notebook. Buy now
HHHmmmmmm, crippled freeware
- is an oxymoron.
- is entirely unwanted.
But you have said the naughty word at the end of your post.
It was quoting from the website description. To draw attention to how
that company was abusing the word "freeware."
I'd suggest rereading for meaning. If I thought you were interested in
comprehension or communication. But I doubt that. Might be you misread
deliberately for motive to start a flame war. And no, you didn't get
one going with me. I am not going to waste more time than this one post
here. I'd rather engage in threads where people talk about freeware with
the sincere interest in understanding each other.
I'm not looking for a flame war. I get frustrated when i see one of the
leading posters in this group, have a go at someone for mentioning a
program on a site that has gone payware ie the post:' too bad pc mag
uitils went $$$ ( at least the site did )' and get crucified, when it is
okay for the crucifier to talk about crippled/limited freeware (ie:
crippleware, it's in caps at the top of this post, crippled freeware can
mean only one thing) in the same manner. I've been lurking this group
for quite a number of years, and have been noticing that there is the
beginnings of a culture where a certain few can talk off topic all they
like (eg again: the last 13 posts on my news server on the slide rule
thread) which had nothing to do with the original posting,
blah blah whats the f%&$ing point... just plonk me i'm wasting my time
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