gcastDtServHolder PLEASE HELP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Charles
  • Start date Start date


when i boot up my comp i always get this little box that
says gcastDtServHoler as the title. this has never
happened to me befor now it started to. the box has 5
buttons that dont do anyting when clicked and has 3
microsoft antispyware logos inside. does anyone know what
this is and how i can get rid of it. please help me and
You could do two things here, right click the Windows Taskbar and click
Taskmanager, choose the processes, end both the gcasDTServ.exe and
gcasServ.exe process and see if that removes the dialogue. Try launching
Microsoft AntiSpyware again. You can repair Windows AntiSpyware using Add or
Remove Programs in Control Panel. Click Microsoft AntiSpyware and click
Change. Click Next, and then click Update. One thing though, you are not
suppose to see the gcastDtServHoler, its a bug in Microsoft AntiSpyware,
hopefully it will be fixed in beta 2.
Extended64 | http://www.extended64.com
Blog | http://www.extended64.com/blogs/andre
FAQ for MS AntiSpy http://www.geocities.com/marfer_mvp/FAQ_MSantispy.htm