
  • Thread starter Thread starter Lee
  • Start date Start date


I have notice that a message headed 'gcaservealert.exe'
appearing when some
spyware (usually claria) is rejected from trying to load
on my pc.
The message asks for a disk from one of my cd drives,
after pressing
'cancel', the message disappears...however one or more of
my IE browsers
This is a regular event.

Has any else struck this bug, or knows of a 'cure'?

many thanks
Some others have posted some of this behavior, but without all the details,
I think.

Can you describe the message asking for a disk? What app is it looking for?
Is it one you in fact, have installed?

If it is something you have available and believe to be fully installed, I'd
recommend doing a repair install of that app.

If it isn't something you have installed, and you don't have a source for
it, you might try the Windows Installer cleanup application:


If you succeed in removing this request for a CD, does it change the
behavior when this threat is detected? What happens? Does it still close
Hi Bill,

Thanks for your response

Have tried to provide all the details that appear.
The panel message has gcasservalert.exe (in blue at the
top of the error panel). It mentions no application per
se, just for a disk in one of my cd/dvd drives.
If I hit 'continue' the removal of the bug continues,
however all IE sessions close.

I have tried the windows installer cleaner, and the
problem continues.

Thanks for your interest, and I look forward to any
further advice you may be able to provide.


Strange indeed. If you put a disk in the drive, do you get any further

Can you give a sequence of how this gets started?

I'm wondering why you are getting hit by particular bug or bugs so
regularly--can you specify which threats are involved?
Hi Bill,

Thanks again for the response.

FYI, after having read about 'issues' with this (albeit
beta) version of MS antispyware and encountering this
issue...I have uninstalled.
I never actually tried to insert a disk....funny that;
and this always occured each time an appl I have was
trying to run/install Claria.

If you have any further thoughts I would be interested,
as for all other purposes the MS appl was an improvement
on spybot S&D & Adaware Personal, so i may reinstall at a
later date.


Ok--I think I have a picture--see if it rings true for you:

You have a freeware app which is claria supported. Each time you run it, it
attempts to install claria. (what's that joke about the doctor and the
patient?--it hurts when I....)

I think what happens from there on is a Windows Installer issue, which the
beta seems to be prone to--the installer pops up looking for some previous
application which it thinks isn't fully installed, either at Microsoft
Antispyware install time (not your issue) or when some internal operations
are invoked (your situation.) The key to fixing this is to figure out what
other app the installer is trying to fix up, and get it fully installed, or
fully uninstalled, and not stuck in between (at least in the eyes of the
installer, which seems to need some help!)

I don't have a sense about whether future builds of the beta, which I expect
to involve substantial changes, are likely to change this behavior on your
system--such Installer issues may also come up with other installations--for
me, for whatever reason, Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 often invoked a similar set
of circumstances on my machine.
Hi Bill,

I think you have hit the nail on the head there.

It did seem to be a installer (type) of issue.

I will await a fully tested version of microsoft
antispyware (have you heard how close this maybe)?

Finally one of you prior advices was to download and use
the windows installer cleaner, has presented a problem
with my startup. I note that there are plenty of warnings
regarding the possible need to reinstall some
software...which is understandable, but now when I boot
up (XP) I face a blank screen for some 3-4 mins (not
joking), before it kicks into action. have you heard of
anything like this?
I tried to restore to prior to running it, but System
Restore wouldnt restore to the date/time.

Again, thanks for you input to date.

