gcasDtServ.exe using 100% CPU

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nancy
  • Start date Start date


Every time I used the undocking utility on my Dell
Latitude laptop with docking station, I was unable to
reconnect to exchange server, or run other programs. Task
manager shows that gcasDtServ.exe was using 100% CPU. As
this is a previously reported problem. I will uninstall.
Thanks for the report--I hope you'll be able to test again when another
build is released.
I have found that Sunbelt's CounterSpy can cause the CPU
usage issue. CounterSpy is derived from the same Giant
product as MS AS. It seems that installing and
uninstalling CounterSpy's 15-day trial leaves an
incompatible gcasDtServ.exe behind that MS AS just cannot
use without bringing Windows to it's knees.

I find that uninstalling and reinstalling MS AS fixes the
Thanks! I am hoping that significant improvements will be made in the
installation routines--and this is one issue that might be fixed that way.
If we can get 3-4 usermode dumps of the process when it is at 100% that
would be very helpful in troubleshooting.


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security


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I'm checking to see if my keyboard is the right species--hmm.. should work
on the laptop and probably on the VPC. I'll watch for it.
FAQ for Microsoft Antispyware:

Steve Dodson said:
If we can get 3-4 usermode dumps of the process when it is at 100% that
would be very helpful in troubleshooting.


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security


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IE-Syspad causes 100%CPU usage

After you use IE-Syspad
(Its an application to add thousands of known rogue websites to the IE Restricted sites list.) Microsoft AntiSpyware shoots up to 100% CPU usage & stays like that for a very long time. (I had to shut it down & start it again)

Same things happens if you add another site tothe Restricted sites list, once the list is already too long.