I know this is probably very easy to do, but I'm lost. I have a
workbook with 5 tabs. The first tab is a Master Stock List. The
second is a Controlled Inventory List. The last 3 tabs are assigned
to each of our 3 salespeople and they are to use these to list their
acquired inventory. All of the worksheets have the exact same
format. I need all of the inventory which gets added to the last 4
tabs to automatically appear on the Master Stock List (tab 1) so it
keeps a record of all of the inventory we have between Controlled
Inventory (tab 2), and each individual salesperson (tabs 3,4,5). Like
I said, it's probably a cinch for a pro, but I don't have a clue how
to do it. Thank you in advance.
workbook with 5 tabs. The first tab is a Master Stock List. The
second is a Controlled Inventory List. The last 3 tabs are assigned
to each of our 3 salespeople and they are to use these to list their
acquired inventory. All of the worksheets have the exact same
format. I need all of the inventory which gets added to the last 4
tabs to automatically appear on the Master Stock List (tab 1) so it
keeps a record of all of the inventory we have between Controlled
Inventory (tab 2), and each individual salesperson (tabs 3,4,5). Like
I said, it's probably a cinch for a pro, but I don't have a clue how
to do it. Thank you in advance.