Which version of Vista - upgrade or full?
What is the hardware configuration? (motherboard, CPU, hard drive types
Have you tried minimizing the system
Updated BIOS
What version of OS are you trying to upgrade?
Is your system connected to the internet during the install?
Any other problems noted? Read the newsgroup, call MS.
Thanks for the inquiry. I am doing an upgrade from Windows XP SP2 to Home
Premium. I have a Dell XPS 400 an I am not entirely sure what my system
configs are. I am not sure what you mean by "minimizing my system" for the
install. I shut down every program I could before I tried the install and
uninstalled my Antivirus program before running the install. I havent updated
my bios recently but I will do it right now. My system is connected to the
internet constantly by cable modem.
Solomon Neuhardt,
I have a Xps 410 ( 1 1/2 months old) as well and it gets stuck on 21% in
gathering files. I called MS and was told as of right now the only way to
upgrade would be to do a clean install and still no guarantee that it will
work. So I decided to wait until they fix the problem and then upgrade later.
Hopefully its not 6 months down the road. lol