Gargantuan proportions!


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
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Having read the article I could relate to it as just last month I had gone to meet someone staying in the hotel which is part of the Galleria Mall here in Houston. I parked my car and made sure of the location, on my return what happened was what I was afraid of, could not locate the damn vehicle. While I was pacing up and down the security officer in Golf cart noticed I looked lost. He offered to help find the car and I was out of the basement parking lot in the next 10 minutes.

This was my first trip to the mall on my own, the last time I was a guest having recently arrived in Houston and I promised myself I would not come here again. If you like getting lost this is THE place to visit :D

Gargantuan proportins
I loved my trip to the Lone Star State.
Still remember the classic road sign "This is Gods Country, Please do not drive through like Hell!"

And of course always nice to hear how your getting on Quad.
I just had a quick butcher on Google at some images of this mall, and all I can say is WOW, that place is huge...
I once lost my car in Pretoria. I had parked in a multistorey in one of the main streets and when I came back for it I couldn't find it. After much searching about and confusion over a 15 minute period I eventually realised I was in the wrong car park. There were two identical car parks on the same street run by the same company.

I felt a right plonker.
feckit said:
"This is Gods Country, Please do not drive through like Hell!"


Never came across that one here in Texas so far, but I have not been to every place in Texas. You may have seen it on the border entering the state probably.
nivrip said:
I once lost my car in Pretoria.

Now days you wouldn't leave your car parked in Pretoria, its rated right at the top of the list for car theft and car jacking in SA