João Santa Bárbara
Hi all, lets get start.
i have a few questions to ask perhaps someone can help me.
i´m doing a simple aplication. some thing like this
i have a form with a button that opens another form in dialog mode.
' button code ...
Dim frm As New frmAbout
first , when the application start, it uses (ex 17 mb of memory see using
the windows taskmanager), and after i close the dialog form, it uses even
more memory.
is there any sample that shows how realy gc works, i need to save memory not
spend an waiting for a stupid function todo his job.
second. when i use a form and open inside a function , the finaliza method
is never called. why ? see below ..
private sub Button1_click (...... )
Dim frm As New frmAbout
end sub
i think it is suposed after the end sub, it calls the finalise of the
frmAbout ??? or It is'nt ?? the finalise is never called in this situation.
what is microsoft thinking when they do the GC.
i have a few questions to ask perhaps someone can help me.
i´m doing a simple aplication. some thing like this
i have a form with a button that opens another form in dialog mode.
' button code ...
Dim frm As New frmAbout
first , when the application start, it uses (ex 17 mb of memory see using
the windows taskmanager), and after i close the dialog form, it uses even
more memory.
is there any sample that shows how realy gc works, i need to save memory not
spend an waiting for a stupid function todo his job.
second. when i use a form and open inside a function , the finaliza method
is never called. why ? see below ..
private sub Button1_click (...... )
Dim frm As New frmAbout
end sub
i think it is suposed after the end sub, it calls the finalise of the
frmAbout ??? or It is'nt ?? the finalise is never called in this situation.
what is microsoft thinking when they do the GC.