gantt chart

  • Thread starter Thread starter K. Decker
  • Start date Start date

K. Decker

I am creating a gantt chart. i have multiple "projects"
and then start time and duration plotted on the chart.
However, I have multiple time allotments for the
same "project" but they show up as individual bars on my
chart. I'd like all the time segments for a single project
to be in the same row on the Gantt chart.

So, for Project A, I would have a bar from 8-10am, then 12-
1pm, then 3-5pm all in the same row (rather than 3
individual rows with the same label on the X axis. Any


K. Decker
The answer would depend on how the data are laid out and how the chart
is created and if you are using any special software for it.

Check the Gantt chart tutorial as well as the add-in available from my
web site. Also, search on the subject.


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions
You make a gantt chart as a floating bar chart, with an invisible bar
for the starting time, and a visible bar for the duration. To show
multiple bars for the same task, you need to have multiple invisible
bars as well. Invisible-start, visible-duration, invisible-gap,
visible-duration, invisible-gap, visible-duration, etc.

- Jon