Gant Charts for MS Access



Is there a way to get a Gant chart like in MS Project into MS Access? I
found this question being asked before but no answers.


Hi Matt, I won't be able to answer but i am asking the same question...

Let met tell you what I found:

-Did you know that it's possible to build a ODBC database in order to link
Ms Access and Ms projet? I guess that you would like a gant chart on
Access...Well today I found out that we can add independant object like
Acrobat reader or...Ms Project! If you had it you would get a gant chat on
your form but know we have to figure out how to link this chart to the

This is probably the easiest way, i was thinking about building a gantt
chart by VBA (deleting controls, create controls, lines) but It a long job...

Anyway, i am still working on it and if you guys have an ideas don't hesitate!

Good luck,



i did gant charts with Access once upon a time

just use a crosstab and keep the column names consistent

and then controlsource

=IIF(IsMonday=1, X, NULL)

or even conditional formatting

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