see this thread: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?CompositionInsteadOfInheritance
Of particular interest note this statement:
"CompositionInsteadOfInheritance is somewhat related to
DelegationIsInheritance. It also tends to reflect implicit cultural
assumptions. For some reason (perhaps simple history), the American OO
community has always tended to think in terms of Inheritance and
Specialization. This may reflect the influence of early and naive
Smalltalk activity. The European OO community, conversely, has always
tended to think in terms of Delegation and Composition."
Also the Gang of Four book design patterns, which are interesting and
I'm going through now, I think are rarely used outside of libraries.
I mean I never use anything much more than the "Composite" design
pattern. But they are good to go through, as programming exercises.
Of particular interest note this statement:
"CompositionInsteadOfInheritance is somewhat related to
DelegationIsInheritance. It also tends to reflect implicit cultural
assumptions. For some reason (perhaps simple history), the American OO
community has always tended to think in terms of Inheritance and
Specialization. This may reflect the influence of early and naive
Smalltalk activity. The European OO community, conversely, has always
tended to think in terms of Delegation and Composition."
Also the Gang of Four book design patterns, which are interesting and
I'm going through now, I think are rarely used outside of libraries.
I mean I never use anything much more than the "Composite" design
pattern. But they are good to go through, as programming exercises.