Gaming Monitor for 9800 XT

  • Thread starter Thread starter Barry Barlow
  • Start date Start date
Can anyone recommend a good 19 inch tft monitor to accompany 9800 XT

I have a 9800 XT and use a 21.3" Samsung SynchMaster 213T TFT on
Monitor #1 DVI OUT. On Moitor #2 I use a 22" ViewSonic P225f ag CRT on
VGA OUT. Both screens at 1600x1200. The Samsung is great ... all
parameters. It was my second choice though. First on my list was a
ViewSonic 21" VP211b (slightly better specs).

For 19", take a look at:
ViewSonic VP191b

Samsung 191T

I didn't have any but some LCD adopters complain about dead pixels.
Different mfrs may vary on what constitutes an unacceptible number of
them. Make sure to compare return policies.
ViewSonic has always had what amounts to a "few questions asked"
policy for return/exchange on their CRTs at least.

Happy trails,