

sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Just a few observations on Flops’ gaming world.

Picked up a used hard copy of Borderlands 2 for £18 at a CEX store, is good so far but I’m only part way through level 2 and I’m starting to die frequently. It’s basically just a huge improvement on Borderlands 1 – a lovely quirky world.

Bought Sin – Episodes: Emergence from Steam coupla days ago for £1.49 on offer, that was good, I liked the original Sin. Took me about 4 hours to complete, as the title says – just an episode. The idea was the publishers would periodically release more episodes but they never did. The game is from 2006 and graphics are HL2 quality.

It’s back to £6 now but if you’re tempted to buy it to get the original Sin (which is bundled with it) don’t bother, as it wouldn’t work for me in neither Win 7 with a fairly new machine or XP on a 6 year old machine. I still have the original copy of Sin and it plays in Win 98 ok but I was still disappointed.

Saw Dishonoured on Amazon for £20 (it’s currently £30 on Steam) but when I reached the checkout it stated that delivery was ‘2 to 5 weeks’ so I didn’t bother, I might see it same price or cheaper within that time.

I stated elsewhere on the forum I couldn’t get Prototype 2 to work in Steam within Win 7 and emailed Steam concerning the prob. A week later they replied with links to all their standard trouble shooting guides, a stock mail out, no personal touches.

I’d already tried most but went through them all again and game still doesn’t work. It does work on my older machine in Win XP but I’m still annoyed. This has dented my faith with Steam enormously.

Around the same time I also contacted Steam saying Killing Floor wouldn’t work, never did get a reply from them on that one. Then it suddenly started working. I only paid £3.49 for it but I shouldn’t have bothered – it’s a load of crap :lol: So Killing Floor joins the list of other rubbish titles I’ve bought on Steam, most of them cheap, mind.

Have been playing Doom 3, it’s so-so but still enjoyable. Is it scary? To quote that joke punch line: ‘Pass me my brown trousers Hardy’ :D

I won’t be buying Black Ops 2 – yet. Forty quid with probably £50 worth of ‘DLC’ to follow shortly. When I see it for £20 I’ll have some.

On a similar subject I paid £20 for MW3 shortly after it was released, probably from Amazon. I do play a little Multi-Player on MW3 so bought the two DLC packs with extra maps for around £23 so total spent so far - £43. Then blow me they release another two DLC’s worth of more maps for £23 the pair or thereabouts.

That would bring the cost of MW3 up to £66 so I don’t know, I just don’t know, I'd like the extra but paying that much on a game sticks in the throat.

The only thing that can be said in favour of the CoD series is that they are good, I love all the single player campaigns.


F1 Race Stars: Tried the Steam demo, it’s Lego racing in all but title, not worth £27 imo.

Risen 2 is quite good but it’s easy to die if you stray from the recommended story path.

On the Xbox have got back into Kingdoms Of Amular – The Reckoning – it’s really quite good.

On the Xbox again Lollipop Chainsaw (£15 on Amazon atm) soon becomes a one trick pony, there’s only so much humour and enjoyment can be had playing an 18 year old cheerleader killing Zombies with a chainsaw. Where would we be without Zombies eh?

I got stuck on Dogfight 1942 (Steam) so much for me thinking it was an easy flight sim :o

There’s more but lastly, I recommend Dawnguard, a Skyrim expansion, well worth 12 quid, I’m thoroughly enjoying it.
Glad your enjoying the gamez Mr Flopp's

I do try to get into some of the games out there nowadays but find it more and more of a chore and a timewaster, I dunno perhaps its me getting old..:p
Borderlands 2 - Ace, you know you got months of play there and its always fun pick up n play
Dishonored - Even Ace-er but so damn short
Doom 3 - Fun but brainless (I know its meant to be brainless, but still)
Kingdoms Of Amular - Best game mentioned in your post flops ^^

Unless you play Black ops 2 online then your wasting your money, the single player is so linear it makes me cry :(.

The new Painkiller (hell and damnation) is a brain dead all out fun FPS if you like that kinda thing, same as the others but with much much better graphics.

Edit: The new X-Com game has had me hooked, its unforgivably hard at times but when your masterful strategy works the smugness you feel is worth every second!
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Reef: I have all the Painkiller Series, have played the first two twice now and got the Hell & Damnation new one the day it was released. Yup, it is brain dead pure shoot em up but really huge fun, which is what it's all about, sometimes.

So, I managed to get Dishonored and Borderlands 2 for fair prices, both at least half of which they were originally offered. I've played the intro to Dishonored, up to where he's just about to break out of jail, looks good but can't really comment yet.

Borderlands 2: Absolutely loving it, gotta say. Have had three sessions so far and racked up 8 hours gameplay, deffo a bit more-ish. It is a HUGE improvement over the original, gameplay hasn't got the niggles the first one has, it's obvious a great deal of thought has gone into this game.

Can be quite difficult, some thought and planning needed to overcome some levels for sure. I'm now part way through Chapter 4, just got my first vehicle and am actually a little bit lost trying to reach goal, but that's how Borderlands is, offering challenges.

As Reef says, you can just fire this game up and get lost in it for a whiles, it's good, bit like Skyrim in that respect I suppose.

Bought a whole truckload of games recently, none full price, so I've put the brakes on but still tempted by Far Cry 3. Far Cry 1 was the bizness, Far Cry 2 was very very poor and reviews for Far Cry 3 have been unanimously good, but all with reservations about some parts of the game that can be frustrating, like respawning only to see all previously killed enemies have also respawned but your ammo is all gone. I'll probably wait til it's a bit cheaper but it does look good.

Anyhow, Borderlands 2 - The shiznit :thumb:
Got Far Cry 3, X-Com, Dishonored, Borderlands 2, Hitman Absolution, Black Ops 2 and Dark Souls prepare to die edition to keep me happy over xmas ^^ Far Cry 3 is so much better than 2, more like 1 now which is what I wanted.
CL: Voucher code expired - bugger :(

I have become somewhat addicted to this game, much like I did to Skyrim when it was new.

14 hours and just started chapter 8

The last bit of chapter 7 was well 'ard, I almost gave up but persevered and got there in the end.

The hard bit was rescuing Roland from the Robot thingie, had to actually use the old grey matter to work this one out. That, and a little bit of stealth.

Brilliant game so far :)
A mate gets his games mostly from CEX and Cashconveters at discounted prices.
And once played sells them back to the various 2nd user game sellers.

I'm even back to playing Theme Hospital on my laptop.
I'm sure if i ever wanted a job in the NHS it would help!:p
Just bought a thq humble bundle for £3.75, it contains saints row the third, warhammer40k dawn of war gold edition, a few company of heros games, titan quest and a red faction game. Must be over 100 hours of gaming for mcdonalds money ;-)

Saints Row The Third is good and the Warhammer games are meant to be good I've played about 2 thirds of Space Marine but got stuck on it. However, Space Marine is more of an fps than the others in the series. I didn't care for the Company of Heroes series and the one Red Faction game I tried was not particularly too good. Don't know anything about Titan Quest.

Saints Row & Warhammer easily worth the £3.75 anyhows - bargain! :)
warhammer Dawn of war is probably in my top 3 pc games of all time, dawn of war 2 was a real let down as it went down a different rts route. Titan quest got a good score on ign though I havent played any yet
And...................... Finished Borderlands 2. Yay!

Killed the monster at 01:15 hours, 67 hours played, level 32.

Was told I have unlocked Vault Hunter mode but right now it's time to hit the sack.

Bestest game I've enjoyed for quite a whiles :)

Have also completed 10% of Far Cry 3, it's an interesting game, great well-rendered world to wander about in if you want to stray away from set path mission mode.

The beginning of Far Cry 3 is as frustrating as hell though but a certain point is reached, an invisible line almost, where it all suddenly becomes good and interesting so if you're playing this game, excercise a little patience at the start, it is worth it.
And...................... Finished Borderlands 2. Yay!

Killed the monster at 01:15 hours, 67 hours played, level 32

That sounds like games we used to play a few years back, when they were worth playing and you didn't get only a quarter of a game and then get charged another 3 times for the other 3 quarters as DLC :rolleyes:
I finished Dishonored yesterday :) 27 hours it took me and I paid either 15 or 20 for it so in my opinion that's pretty good value for money.

It's a very good game, fluid gameplay, excellent puzzles and a versatile game engine. You can play 'in your face' and kill everything that moves or choose stealth and avoid killing, it's up to you. Great storyline too.

I hope they make some more or at least another game using that system, it was good. I've just bought some DLC, an add-on, for Dishonored for £3.49 from Steam, have yet to try it.

Also bought/pre-ordered Brutal Legend from Steam, unlocks in about 4 days. £11.24 atm. I had that game on Xbox and was enjoying it a great deal but must confess I got stuck about 90 minutes into the game, so I'm gambling I might find it easier on PC, I do find that's often the case.

So, thumbs up for Dishonored, think I'll now spend some more time with Far Cry 3 and Skyrim's Dawnguard.
Haven't posted here in a whiles, so...

In Borderlands 2 I started playing through again on True Vault Hunter Mode which is basically a lot harder and got about half way through again before getting irretrievably stuck so have now abandoned the game. I may play through again as a different character. Also wondering whether the 'Season Pass' which is 4 add-ons, is worth £20 - anybody bought them?

Tomb Raider was the biz, thoroughly enjoyed that.

Have played some Brutal Legend, got further with it than I did on the Xbox, probably cos the PC version has different difficulty levels and I'm playing on Easy. It has annoying sequences where you have to hit the Xbox controller buttons in sequence to play a power chord to do things like call your car. The game's not bad but nothing special.

I played CoD Black Ops 2 to the last level but one and got stuck trying to shoot down six lots of six rocket thingies, I get to the very last one each time then die. So I've abandoned that one, haven't tried multiplayer yet, probably won't and can't get anywhere with Zombie mode, keep getting killed almost instantly, dunno what I supposed to do.

It was, as usual, very short, wish I hadn't bothered spending £27 on it. However, there are some sequences of pure class, if only they'd make a longer CoD game with no stupid fiddly bits it would be superb.

Bioshock Infinite is also a very good game but again I'm stuck on the very last part, where there is this huge battle and you have to protect a power core. Again, I get close to the end (I've watched a few walkthroughs) but die and then you have to go right back to the beginning again and play through ten minutes of the same crap again :mad: So Goodbye Bioshock Infinite and no, thank you, you can keep your 'Season Pass'. Other than that though, very good game indeed.

Right now playing Race Driver: GRID (again); Lego Lord Of The Rings (excellent); Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast - has been good playing this again but I'm now up to the part where you get your Jedi Powers and as I remember this is where the gameplay pretty much falls to pieces; The Witcher 1 enhanced edition and I finally made some progress with Flat Out, an old racing game, now I've managed to configure the Xbox controller to work with it.

Haven't been near Far Cry 3 much, tbh I'm not mad keen on it.

Will probably buy GRID 2, have just figured copckpit mode, which won't be included in GRID 2, is just one view out of all the others and one I rarely use anyway, so that doesn't bother me. I usually use either third person (complete car) view or bonnet view.