Your question is so vague that an answer is hard to give.
Since you seem to be illiterate and into games, you may also
have WARZ software. Just a guess on my part.
Try to post again with some detail and you may get a
valuable answer.
The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| hi can you help i am having trouble running games on my
| pc. I am also finding it inpossable to run windows update
you might try in the 'games' forum (left side menu) for game problems. for windows update, 'performance and maintenance' forum. if you run your game, and it won't work, you might give the error message you received. you might tell what game it was. then when they answer you, give them more detailed information from what they ask or tell you. the experts will not do the work for you, but their answers are valuable to solve your problem.