Games you've not finished?


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I was taking a look at my Steam games list last night to see which games I've not yet played, but I spotted a few that I gave up on or never finished - normally I'll always finish a game, even if it's mediocre...
  • Duke Nukem Forever - at one point in the game (near the end) I got so stuck that I couldn't finish the level and I no matter what I did I couldn't get past it. No idea if it was me or the game, but it's one of the only games I've had this happen to!
  • Dead Island - just couldn't get in to it, although it looked like it had potential.
  • Killing Floor 2 - same as above.
Are there any games that you've started but not finished?
lol half my steam library. :blush::lol:

My issue is Steam sales, though I am better now. I'd buy things thinking I'll play that after I've finished whatever I'm working through at the time.

Then games like BF4/BF1 come out and I plough hundreds of hours into them and kinda forget about everything else.
I also almost finished Duke Nukem Forever then got stuck, I seem to recall it was where you had to swim underwater and suck oxygen from bubbles, I just couldn't do it. Sucking oxygen from bubbles was something of a staple feature in early computer games, what a silly thing.

Dead Island I spent at least twelve hours playing it but it became repetitive and boring so I just quit.

I only have Killing Floor One, which I found not very good at all, spent half hour or so on it and quit.

I have more games than I care to admit that I've quit, usually cos they get stupidly hard, I have little patience. Most recent was Ori & The Blind Forest Definitive Edition, I was enjoying that a great deal for the first six hours or so but then it became difficult, frustrating and ultimately no fun at all, so I gave up on it.

I'll probably think of more.
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My issue is Steam sales, though I am better now. I'd buy things thinking I'll play that after I've finished whatever I'm working through at the time.

Yup, I know that feeling! I've not bought much in a while, but at one point I probably had 1/3 of my library that was yet to be played, simply because of the sales.

I also almost finished Duke Nukem Forever then got stuck, I seem to recall it was where you had to swim underwater and suck oxygen from bubbles, I just couldn't do it. Sucking oxygen from bubbles was something of a staple feature in early computer games, what a silly thing.

Dead Island I spent at least twelve hours playing it but it became repetitive and boring so I just quite.

I only have Killing Floor One, which I found not very good at all, spent half hour or so on it and quit.

I'm glad it's not just me then :D. Duke Nukem forever was such a disappointment.
Mad Max. I gave up on that. I think I need to get a controller. Struggling with the keyboard and mouse.
I am addicted to F1 2016 and Dirt Rally
Lord of The Rings Online ... been at it for 8 years now. :)

maybe 'cos we not got to Mt Doom yet :D
Sniper Elite V2 was one of the games I could not finish. I got bogged down at the missile site. I kept on starting the game up and having a go but always came away defeated. Took another shot at it this week and whoooopeee I blew up the rocket and after that the rest of the game was like a turkey shoot.:dance:

I am still stuck in that idiotic tunnel down in the Metro 2033. :cool:
I actually finished Sniper Elite 2 and enjoyed it a great deal. Haven't ever tried Sniper Elite 1; Sniper Elite 3 was absolute tosh and version 4, the latest, is pretty good, am currently playing that one although tbh I don't go there often.
I posted some time ago about how I was stuck in Metro 2033 in a railway scene.

Well I managed after many many attempts to get past that. Then I got stuck in the library with those almost impossible (I thought) to kill librarians.
I remember trying to change to an easier way to play and somehow deleted all my progress. So I had to start the game all over again. For some reason the play through was much easier. Breezed past the railway problem and found a way to beat the librarians, still not easy, and finally finished the game. Whooooooooooooooooopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm on top of the world , well top of the tv tower.


Just started Last Light and am having fun. By the time I have finished it Exodus should be down to a couple of quid in the sales. :lol: