CPU:Sempron 2800+
motherboad :K8V-X
RAM: 512 DDR 400
Video Card: saphiree 9600se
Hard drive: maxtor dimaond max 10 sata 200gb 16 mb cache
sound card: sb live value
When i am playing games like quake 4 and F.E.A.R and i up the graphic
detail a little bit, i notice when i walk around and espically open
doors the game pauses for a second or two and the hard drive light
comes on and it starts seeking. Quake 4 will run good on low settings
640 by 480, but when i put it to medium the problems comes up alot,
espcially when opeing doors. But the werid this is that after i play
the map once and i die, and i load the map up again, its really smooth,
It doesn't pause at all.
I also notice the problem when playing UT2004, however it hard ever
happens. But when it does it will pause and the hard drive light will
come on for about 5 -10 seconds. However once agan the problem happens
when the graphic detail is on high rather than low.
Is this a problem with my video card? or my hard drive (which is brand
new)? or maybe i don't have enough ram? Or could it be that the link
between my south bridge and my north bride is too slow ( V-LINK 533
Can some one please help me out
Thanks alot
motherboad :K8V-X
RAM: 512 DDR 400
Video Card: saphiree 9600se
Hard drive: maxtor dimaond max 10 sata 200gb 16 mb cache
sound card: sb live value
When i am playing games like quake 4 and F.E.A.R and i up the graphic
detail a little bit, i notice when i walk around and espically open
doors the game pauses for a second or two and the hard drive light
comes on and it starts seeking. Quake 4 will run good on low settings
640 by 480, but when i put it to medium the problems comes up alot,
espcially when opeing doors. But the werid this is that after i play
the map once and i die, and i load the map up again, its really smooth,
It doesn't pause at all.
I also notice the problem when playing UT2004, however it hard ever
happens. But when it does it will pause and the hard drive light will
come on for about 5 -10 seconds. However once agan the problem happens
when the graphic detail is on high rather than low.
Is this a problem with my video card? or my hard drive (which is brand
new)? or maybe i don't have enough ram? Or could it be that the link
between my south bridge and my north bride is too slow ( V-LINK 533
Can some one please help me out
Thanks alot