Beckie_21212005 said:
could anyone tell me why when i go to play a game my computer reboots it does
this with every game i try to play
Tower system or notebook/laptop?
Imediate reboot, or after running a short while?
What game titles?
Have you tried looking in the Windows XP Event Viewer to see is any
information on the shutdowns appears there? Have you tried disableing
"Automaticly restart" on system failure to see if any error messages
appear when your games fail?
If the games use DirectX, have you ran the DirectX diagnostic, completed
the tests and saved the results to your hard drive? Information from
that file could allow others with similar hardware to compare their
driver versions to yours.
What Anti-Virus and Anti Spyware applications are you using. Is your
computer behind a firewall?
Are you computer's ventalation fans working, including any interioor
fans on the CPU and video accaelerator? Have you ran software to view
the system's tempretures?