Hi Jedi,
You're most welcome, and I'm glad your son is happy with his new present.
Cheers, *Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User*
Jimmy S.
Visit my MSN Zone.com and Gaming Help Site:
MS Games Help and Support Center:
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
Jedi Wrote:
| Hi Jimmy,
| My son unfortunately decided to take the game back and use the money on more
| figures of the game,the information itself is very usefull to me as a novice
| thanks very much
| "Jimmy S." wrote:
|| Hi Jedi,
|| Usually that message indicates that your video card isn't supported by DoW.
|| What type of video card do you have installed on your system?
|| Here are a few ways to identify which video card you have
|| installed on your computer.
|| 1. Click Start / Run / type: dxdiag
|| Click the Display Tab
|| Look under Device for the name and manufacturer
|| 2. Click Start / (Settings) Control Panel
|| Click Display
|| Click the Settings Tab
|| Click the Advanced... button
|| Click the Adapter Tab
|| 3. Click Start / Run / type: msinfo32
|| Click on the + Components
|| Click on Display to see the name on the right
|| 4. Use Belarc to see indentify your Video, Chipset and Motherboard:
|| 5. Get the information from the manufactures website (or store)
|| 6. Look on the Video card itself if you plug into a card, or
|| 7. Look in your Motherboard manual if you plug into the
|| on board video built into the motherboard of your computer.
|| Hope that helps you identify the make and model of your video card,
|| and afterwards, Try updating your Video drivers using these steps:
http://mvps.org/nibblesnbits/Video.html#drivers Good Luck!
|| --
|| Cheers, *Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User*
|| Jimmy S.
|| Visit my MSN Zone.com and Gaming Help Site:
|| MS Games Help and Support Center:
|| My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
|| _________________________________________________________
|| Jedi Wrote:
|| =================
||| I have installed Dawn of War(Warhammer 40000)When asked to replace disc 1 to
||| finnish installation I get the error message ERRORS:Spooge driver not
||| found.Verify that direct x is properly installed."I'm sure it is.
||| The disc also takes me to a graphics configuration box which is blank and
||| won't let me do anything except exit! Regards Jed