itsme said:
I had a couple of folk look at it but it looks like pot 4 is damaged an the head is probably damaged ie: valves etc. So with cost of gaskets and valves etc along with labour it wasn't even an option.
I could have put some spannering hours in to make sure but took the decision too call it a scrapper as it had 315,000 miles on the clock. I have the reconditioned gearbox, new clutch and a few other high value spares to salvage and 2 brand new high quality tyres and two very good condition tyres to keep. It had a lot of other newish parts, water pump, starter, alternator, new, rear discs and pads, ball joints, them front wishbone thingys( forgoten the correct name) along with the fact that every thing else worked ok.
So bearing the above in mind I decided to buy another Galaxy confident that I had a good stock of spares to refurbish or replace if needed.
So I bought one. Swaped a few bits and everything look good.
Then the head of the bolt holding the timing belt crankshaft pulley sheared and the engine stopped, it was just ticking over at the time. So the probability is that the block is ok but some damge will have been done to the internals on the head. Technicaly savable and I could do all the work except finnal timing. However it is a lot of work and could cost £100 to £150 ish so I don't quite know what to do as it is a bit rough in places.
New Galaxy is a Giha with all the trimmings and only cost £750 so the idea was to run it and earn some loot and keep on tarting it up bit by bit. I had already put some new plates on it to make it look better, it is amazing what a new set of plates can do for the look of a car.
I'm gutted and have not got me head around what to do next..
Been working on me posh pc, got XP set up and several games installed and Acronis. Next step is Mandriva install and bonking. Then it is time to buuild me wooden case, I have almost got the cardboard testing case working as I want. Seems that fan placement and ducting is working so I'll get the saw , glue and sander out and build it. Just have to get a couple of pallets with nice looking planks and I'm set. Mind you I might struggle to get the plallets home on me motorcycle.
Back to the car Q. I'm thinking of stripping and selling all the expensive bits of and scraping the carcases. That should if I'm lucky raise me a reasonable amount of loot. Still baffled as what to buy next. I been spolit driving the Galaxy. So do I try to get another, one of the more economical engined ones. Or do I go for an ordinary 5 door good mpg car. Or do I stick me neck out and try for a brand new motor.
The local Pug garage has high spec 306's at £7.999 thats a £8.000 discount of the RRP.
I need a lottery win I think.
If you come across a diesel Galaxy with say 75,000 to 150,000 miles on the clock(would have to have had a very recent timing belt) cheapish then give us a nod. Interior would have to be v.good but roughish body work ie: paint work I can sort no problem thats if I ai'nt lost me touch with a sprayer as me mate will let me use his garage and kit.
Ta for the concern by the way.