Skybuck Flying
My short story/question is:
Is FX5200 AGP 8x backwards compatible with AGP 4x ?
My long story/question is:
I have a Pentium III 450 mhz and 256 mb ram.
Motherboard is asus P3V4X ( AGP 4X ).
The video card was TNT2 32 mb ram.
The problem was that the video card had a cooling fan.
The cooling fan attracted ASSLOADS of DUST !
The cooling fan was making a very annoying sound.
First I blowed many times to blow off the dust.
I reinstalled it the sound got worse...
I decide to run cold water over it to clean away the dust. ( now black paint
stuff leaking from it )
I also tried to open the cooling fan... but one screw was jammed I could not
open it.
Damn, I wanted to re-oil it
I let the card dry... I placed it back into my computer after 2 hours of
I wondered what would happen... it worked but some lines were blinking.
So I knew something was wrong but I didn't care.
I knew the card was probably still wet and would probably die if I started a
heavy gpu intensive application.
So I then started a 3D game to see what would happen it started blinking
even more.
Then during loading of the game the computer crashed/rebooted.
From that point on it seemed the card had died !
The computer made one long beep and three short beeps indicating bad video
card memory or video card not found.
I could not see anything... I could only hold the power button for a few
seconds to reboot the computer...
But holding the power button is dangerous... that's how I fried my last
gigabyte motherboard... stupid power button switches !
Then after accidently rebooting a few times my PC made no sound at all so I
got scared and stopped rebooting... I was scarried my harddisk had die or
would die.
So that was a scary moment...
So I assume it is now dead... I am now using a ET6000 card with a special
made windows xp driver.
But I need the ET6000 for my old pentium... it's an PCI card you know... and
my old p166 needs it it doesn't have agp
So I started browsing for a new card... since the TNT2 can no longer play
any new games since it doesn't have T&L.
Also I hate these stupid ****ing fans
So I came across this card which seems the perfect deal for me ! =D
The NVidia GeForce FX 5200.
It doesn't have a stupid ****ing fan ! so that means no dust ! no sound ! no
cleaning ! no oiling ! no nothing ! =D
It also has T&L and probably some other new features =D
The best thing is it is cheap as well and will probably even play doom 3
lol... even if it is a 1 fps per second on my PIII I would still like it
Anyway maybe I can play homeworld 2 with it or so... I think I could... or
maybe something else
Anyway... I really do need a new card anyway so the cheapest card will do...
but I don't want a TNT2 replacement like the radeon 7000... because that's
lame... So buying a DirectX 9 card seems best... maybe some games aren't
that slow...
I see no reason to buy a DX8 card unlesssss...
Anyway.... to make a long story short...
My big doubt is AGP 8x
My computer only supports AGP 4x
Will FX 5200 card still work in my PIII 450 mhz with AGP 4x ?????
( the exact card is: asus v9520 Magic/T )
It even has a video in !!! the 5700 doesn't even have that ?!
( Since a family member if mine has a video thingy she cames around once a
year or so and I would like
to record any video stuff or I am even playing on buying a digital photo (?)
camera... that probably works different or maybe
it needs a video in as well.. I dont know... I played around with a video in
once and it s fun and a must have
once you used it, you just can't go without it.. just in case !
unless it
has some other form of input and a converter plug
I am hoping I can buy it for about 90 euro's at a local shop.
It's still quite expensive for just a replacement... my pc is starting to
die... after 6 years of use
I will soon buy a new pc... as soon as doom III is out
But I still want my old pc to work.
In case AGP 8x is not compatible with AGP 4x..
The next cheapest card I can buy as
Sapphire Radeon 7000 agp 4x or pci... for 40 euro's or so.
I haven't really checked it out yet.
The FX 5200 seems the perfect card for me ! =DDDD
Also I like asus
Though I don't like Via chipsets anymore =D
So please enlighten me about this
I can also ask the salesman if nobody knows... but I first try this
My short story/question is:
Is FX5200 AGP 8x backwards compatible with AGP 4x ?
My long story/question is:
I have a Pentium III 450 mhz and 256 mb ram.
Motherboard is asus P3V4X ( AGP 4X ).
The video card was TNT2 32 mb ram.
The problem was that the video card had a cooling fan.
The cooling fan attracted ASSLOADS of DUST !
The cooling fan was making a very annoying sound.
First I blowed many times to blow off the dust.
I reinstalled it the sound got worse...
I decide to run cold water over it to clean away the dust. ( now black paint
stuff leaking from it )
I also tried to open the cooling fan... but one screw was jammed I could not
open it.
Damn, I wanted to re-oil it

I let the card dry... I placed it back into my computer after 2 hours of
I wondered what would happen... it worked but some lines were blinking.
So I knew something was wrong but I didn't care.
I knew the card was probably still wet and would probably die if I started a
heavy gpu intensive application.
So I then started a 3D game to see what would happen it started blinking
even more.
Then during loading of the game the computer crashed/rebooted.
From that point on it seemed the card had died !
The computer made one long beep and three short beeps indicating bad video
card memory or video card not found.
I could not see anything... I could only hold the power button for a few
seconds to reboot the computer...
But holding the power button is dangerous... that's how I fried my last
gigabyte motherboard... stupid power button switches !
Then after accidently rebooting a few times my PC made no sound at all so I
got scared and stopped rebooting... I was scarried my harddisk had die or
would die.
So that was a scary moment...
So I assume it is now dead... I am now using a ET6000 card with a special
made windows xp driver.
But I need the ET6000 for my old pentium... it's an PCI card you know... and
my old p166 needs it it doesn't have agp

So I started browsing for a new card... since the TNT2 can no longer play
any new games since it doesn't have T&L.
Also I hate these stupid ****ing fans

So I came across this card which seems the perfect deal for me ! =D
The NVidia GeForce FX 5200.
It doesn't have a stupid ****ing fan ! so that means no dust ! no sound ! no
cleaning ! no oiling ! no nothing ! =D
It also has T&L and probably some other new features =D
The best thing is it is cheap as well and will probably even play doom 3
lol... even if it is a 1 fps per second on my PIII I would still like it
Anyway maybe I can play homeworld 2 with it or so... I think I could... or
maybe something else

Anyway... I really do need a new card anyway so the cheapest card will do...
but I don't want a TNT2 replacement like the radeon 7000... because that's
lame... So buying a DirectX 9 card seems best... maybe some games aren't
that slow...

Anyway.... to make a long story short...
My big doubt is AGP 8x
My computer only supports AGP 4x
Will FX 5200 card still work in my PIII 450 mhz with AGP 4x ?????
( the exact card is: asus v9520 Magic/T )
It even has a video in !!! the 5700 doesn't even have that ?!

( Since a family member if mine has a video thingy she cames around once a
year or so and I would like
to record any video stuff or I am even playing on buying a digital photo (?)
camera... that probably works different or maybe
it needs a video in as well.. I dont know... I played around with a video in
once and it s fun and a must have

once you used it, you just can't go without it.. just in case !

has some other form of input and a converter plug

I am hoping I can buy it for about 90 euro's at a local shop.
It's still quite expensive for just a replacement... my pc is starting to
die... after 6 years of use

I will soon buy a new pc... as soon as doom III is out

But I still want my old pc to work.
In case AGP 8x is not compatible with AGP 4x..
The next cheapest card I can buy as
Sapphire Radeon 7000 agp 4x or pci... for 40 euro's or so.
I haven't really checked it out yet.
The FX 5200 seems the perfect card for me ! =DDDD
Also I like asus

Though I don't like Via chipsets anymore =D
So please enlighten me about this

I can also ask the salesman if nobody knows... but I first try this