"FWT Newsletter - Weekly" - November 17, 2003
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* .parasite
..parasite is a Runbox/Url launch application. It's small and easy to
use. It can even run as a shell! Just like it's namesake, it sits on
top of Windows(The host) and allows quick access to commonly used
features. It can launch any item normally launched from the Run dialog
and send url's direct [...]
* 3D Christmas Screensaver
3D Christmas Screensaver is a christmas tree with decorations, lights, snow
and beautiful music.
Supports password protection;
Multimonitor support (black screens on all not primary monitors).
* About Time
Do you work with people all over the world? Always forgetting whether it's
time for them to be awake or not? Then it's About Time. (LT)
* Add/Remove Manager
Add/Remove Manager allows you to easily remove any program name from
"Add/Remove Programs" in the Windows Control Panel. This tool will come
in handy when you uninstall a program that does not remove its entry from
the "Add/Remove Programs" list. (VJ)
* Add/Remove Pro
Add/Remove Pro v. 2.08 - displays the entries in the Add/Remove Programs
list of Windows Registry, checks if each is valid, and uninstalls the
selected program or removes the entry from the list. (VJ)
* Agile Body Mass Index Calculator
Ladies and Gentlemen!
I want to present you Agile Body Mass Index Calculator!
It calculates BMI using Your height, weight and gender.
* Apollo 11 Mission screensaver
See the sights and hear the sounds that held the world in awe in the summer
of 1969
as Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on another planet.
This screensaver is free for everyone to use. Distribute it freely.
Some of the images have small captions with mission facts/dates/times
* AsciiDiff File Compare
This plain text file comparison utility displays a pair of files
side-by-side in a vertically-split display, so that the differences
between them are apparent. There are a number of customisation options,
some of which make it especially suitable for comparing program source
code written in the Natu [...]
* Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy
Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy is a presentation of the human skeletal
system in international Latin nomenclature. Designed for educational
purposes only, this is a terrific e-book for student doctors and nurses.
The Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy is a handy tool for anyone planning to
study medic [...]
* Atomic Flipix
If you like puzzle games then Flipix designed & developed by Atomic, will
keep your mind engaged
for hours!
This isometric puzzle game can be download as a screensaver or played
To install the screensaver, simply download the self extracting Zip file
to your computer and expand. Then clic [...]
* AtTable
Runs under Windows 3.1/95/NT
atTabl (Add to Tables) allows you to add html code or any kind of content
to each cell in your tables - after you've made them. If there's text in
the cells you can add the tag to each cell to format the text, just by
copying the table to the clipboard, enter the font [...]
* Attacker
Attacker -A TCP/UDP port listener. You provide a list of ports to listen on
and the program will notify you when a connection or data arrives at the
port(s). Can minimize to the system tray and play an audible alert. This
program is intended to act as a guard dog to notify you of attempted
probes to [...]
* Autumn Waterfalls Collection
Autumn Waterfalls Collection* is a moving water, (water illusions), Screen
Saver, the water really falls.
Enjoy 6 beautiful Waterfalls! Each has realistic moving water, and each
scene fades beautifully
from one into the next. You, the end user, have control over how you want
the sequence of s [...]
* BBChange
This tool can automatically change the Startup picture of Windows9x every
time you boot up... a little bit difficult to configure. (LT)
* BBCount
Dos-based bootup counter for DOS/Windows3.x/9x/ME/NT/2k (LT)
* BBMagnify
Little nice screen loupe! (LT)
* BBRestart
If you copy this little tool for example in your ShortCut-Bar then you can
reboot your computer with a single click on it... very nice (LT)
* BBShutDown
If you copy this little tool for example in your ShortCut-Bar then you can
shuts down(puts off in ACPI-Systems) your computer with a single click on
it... very nice (LT)
BCX includes the BASIC to C Translator, BASIC code generators,
Menu and MessageBox Wizards, BCX Programmer Help files,
over 200 GUI, Console Mode, and DLL sample programs
that will help you learn to use BCX, and much more! (JF)
* BinText
A small, very fast and powerful text extractor that will be of particular
interest to programmers. It can extract text from any kind of file and
includes the ability to find plain ASCII text, Unicode (double byte ANSI)
text and Resource strings, providing useful information for each item in
the opti [...]
* BitRate
Calculator for computing the optimal DivX Bitrate...(e.g. for Movie
encoding) (LT)
* Blast
Blast - a small, quick TCP service stress test tool. Blast does a good
amount of work very quickly and can help spot potential weaknesses in your
network servers. For a detailed explanation and examples of usage of this
tool, please read the .txt file included in the zip.
Some Features
- /trial sw [...]
* BluesExeEdit
Simple program to change textes in exe/dll/ocx/sys/* files. Iused it to
translate ICQ99B for my own into german. Easy to use... (LT)
* BOOMBox Internet Radio Player
BOOMBox is a small program that quickly gives you access to thousands of
online radio stations from country, to rap, to electronic, to pop. It
comes with a suite of options to search methods to quickly find the
station you're looking for and displays what song the station is currently
playing. It al [...]
* Boot Log Analyzer
FREE Boot Log Analyzer utility to help in identifying Windows95/98 boot-up
Looks at your Windows95 BOOTLOG.TXT file and calculates the time taken to
load each driver etc, in order to help in locating any cause of lengthy
boot-up times. The displayed result can be sorted by loading duratio [...]
* BootNet
BootNet is an advanced network bootdisk creation utilty that has been
designed with ease and flexibility in mind. Its combination of simple GUI
and easy modification for any network card makes this the perfect utility
for anybody that needs that disk in a rush without the hassle or fuss of
editing f [...]
* BOping
BOPing is a network scanner for the infamous Back Orifice program. It is
many times faster than the ping sweeper built in to the original client
This is intended as a vigilante tool to notify victims who unknowingly
have the trojan on their system. It includes the ability to notify
detect [...]
* BORGChat
-#Main chat. This chat is available for all users in every workgroup
-Private chat-Choose someone to chat with in a private chat.
-#Channels. Very similar with main chat .In the near future you will be
able to set a password for others to join it.
-Message board .Here you can post a message whic [...]
* Boss Screen
This small proggy will be always on guard and you will be able to preserve
your privacy by pressing an easy-to-remember hotkey combination. (JF)
* Buddy Alert
Buddy Alert is an AOL add-on that alerts you when an IM is received while
your away message is active. A sound will play to alert you each time an
IM is received -- you can customize the sound using a WAV of your choice.
This is useful when you have AOL minimized and still want to be alerted of
ne [...]
* Budgie
Budgie is MoDESoft's Budget Office, now free to use. It comprises Contacts
manager, database manager, email manager, schedule, spreadsheet, word
processor, zip file manager, an image tool, fax controller and manager,
CAB file extractor, backup helper, memo pad, RPN calculator, TVM
calculator, metric [...]
* Calendar
A cool calendar that displays a picture for each month.
Screenshot (JF)
* Camfrog Video Chat
See, hear, and chat with many people at once in video chat rooms run by
.. A user directory with photos makes it easy to find someone to video
chat with.
.. Get to know someone before you go on cam with instant messages.
.. High-quality audio and video, buddy lists, and it's incredibly sim [...]
* Cancer and Neoplasia
The english cancer factsheet informs about the origin, the types and the
therapy of cancer. It is rich illustrated and easy to understand for the
public. (LT)
* Captain Tray
Captain Tray - utility for minimization windows in system tray (near
clock). You have loved MP-3 player, file manager, other applications,
which have a no possibility minimize to system tray. Although this
program for you. Captain Tray may to work with DOS - program and console
application. After [...]
* CardMemory
This is a solitaire game in cards and it is one type of memory test game.
Player has to remember the clicked cards. When clicked on a card and if
any of the clicked card matches then click on the card to pair. Player has
to make as many pair of cards with less fails and within short time. A
pair ca [...]
* Cash
Personal accounting (LT)
* CD-Image Converters
Converters for some image file formats:
- fcd2raw.zip: Virtual CD-Rom V1/2* to WinOnCD/ToGO
- fcd2iso.zip: Virtual CD-Rom V1/2* to Easy CD-Creator
- fcd2nrg.zip: Virtual CD-Rom V1/2* to Nero Burning Rom
- raw2fcd.zip: WinOnCD/ToGO to Virtual CD-Rom V1-3*
- iso2fcd.zip Easy CD-Creator to Virtual [...]
* Chat
This is a chat software. Using this software, users can do chat with others
who are in TCP/IP network and can chat with different users at the same
time. This software can be used as server or client. When the Chat
software is started, it asks for server port number. Using this port
number users c [...]
* Checks
This software provides three types of game, number checks, letter checks
and "image checks.
This software provides three types of game, number checks, letter checks
and "image checks.
Number Checks: Assume how the number sequence should be and use the mouse
button or arrow keys to move the [...]
* ChgFDT
File timestamp changer for explorer's context menu. (LT)
* Chipmunk Basic
Chipmunk Basic for MacOS is an old fashioned Basic interpreter which runs
on almost all Macs, but also on Linux and Windows98/NT/Me/2000 (you find
the Windows version under 'Some ports of Chipmunk Basic for other
systems') (JF)
* Christmas Beat
Bring back the simple joy of Christmas with this animated screen saver that
features a full length upbeat Christmas medley and cute illustrations.
* Christmas Music Tree
This is a Interactive Screen Saver. What is an Interactive Screen Saver you
ask? It's just like a normal screen saver with one very big difference.
You can move the mouse and click on things without losing the screen
saver. There are 15 Christmas Ornaments on the tree. Clicking on each
Ornament will [...]
* Christmas Tree
This is a remake of dbd-ChristmasTree only much better than before. Click
and drag the ornaments to the tree to decorate the tree. Clicking on some
of the ornaments will bring out some surprises. Clicking on a button in
the music list will play 2 or 3 different versions of that song.
Screenshot ( [...]
* CIScan
CIScan is a Windows based SNMP detection and analysis utility that can
quickly and accurately identify Cisco devices with SNMP enabled in an
enterprise environment. This utility can effectively indicate devices that
are potentially vulnerable to the Cisco IPv4 Remote Denial of Service
vulnerability [...]
* CleanTray
CleanTray is a Free utility to view and delete those system tray programs
from your registry. (JF)
* ClipBoardiSHistory
The clipboard in Windows is a small but very handy feature for storing
The only problem is....You can hold only one piece of information at any
one time and sometimes, just sometimes, I need to "roll-back" a few
clipboard pieces of informatio, but of course, I can't.
That's wher [...]
* Cmd Line Shell
If you are a power user you probably use old DOS or new Win32 programs
designed to be run from the command line where the corresponding options
are indicated. To start with, many file maintenance jobs are far easier
when using command line utilities and batch files. The "user-friendly" way
to do man [...]
* Concrete
This one can play Bricks '2000 ). (LT)
* Connect Flo
Created for episode 9 of pixelflo, connectflo is a two player network
version of connect 4. Available in 4 languages (English, German, Frenc,
[PixelFlow is a state-of-the-art yet affordable Windows NT PC-based
Digital Particle Image Velocimetry system, capable of making quantitative
measurem [...]
* ConnectionMonitor
Pings hosts at regular intervals, to determing if your connection is
and generate a log of the results.
* Can be set to check many hosts
* Customisable ping timeout
*&n [...]
* Console Utilities
Console utilities for Win32. These are Unix-like utilities to be used from
the command line in a DOS box. They are true Win32 applications:
- Count: Count bytes, characters, letters, vowels, consonants, words,
lines sentences, words per sentence and letters per word.
- Cpy: Copy and updates file [...]
* ConvTextBiblia
Today, is posible find much resources in Internet for studying the Bible.
Each time, there are more dictionaries, commentaries, biblical texts,
studies, etc. Lamentably, not all texts follow a format easy for import it
in other programs.
ConvTextBiblia This program imports a plain text file and mak [...]
* Copy To Printer
Copy to Printer is a simple utility program that will send any file
directly to any printer Windows knows of. A typical use of this is to send
a PostScript file to a laser printer, which knows how to handle it. You
can also send to any printer the .prn file generated when printing
something after se [...]
* Crunch
Personal 128 bit encryption. With shell integration. (LT)
* CT CookieSpy
Ever wondered how many cookies are on your computer and where they came
from? This little utility will not only show you but also lets you delete
the ones you don't want. It will present you with a list of all the
cookies on your computer, date and time they were created, life expectancy
and show yo [...]
* Database Repair Utility
While database damage is a rare occurrence, this database repair utility
can help bring many problem databases back to good working order. Works
with ISAM databases used in many of our products. (LT)
* DataVolume
Lists the files, folders and types of files (for example, Word Documents)
that are taking up the most room on a disk drive or folder. (JF)
* DDosPing
DDoSPing is a remote scanner for the most common Distributed Denial of
Service programs (often called Zombies by the press). These were the
programs responsible for the recent rash of attacks on high profile web
This tool will detect Trinoo, Stacheldraht and Tribe Flood Network
programs run [...]
* Deskcam
Ever wanted to put your current desktop on your site/blog? Then this is the
application for you! It will grab your current desktop, resize it and save
it as either a JPEG or a GIF. Then FTP it to your web server. And it'll do
it every 60 seconds. Or whenever you tell it to.
Feature List
- captur [...]
* Documentor
This paperless office software is ideal for a small business. It uses a
method mimicing the classic file cabinet, and the sectioned file folder,
to store documents. It is suitable for a doctor, lawyer, or small
business, and can store 10 million file folders and 1 billion documents or
pages. The s [...]
* DrawganizerLite
File manager tasks such as backing up files, printing, moving, copying and
launching files. It's like programming Windows Explorer. It doesn't use a
script-type programming language, it simply uses powerful components
connected together to make a diagram (or drawing) of what you want to do.
Tasks ar [...]
* Dropper
for Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me.
Dropper is a universal tool that allows you to insert information into any
program that accepts text. Dropper works with all word processing
software, chat programs like ICQ, e-mail software, accounting programs
etc. Dropper has no limitations.
When not in use Dropper m [...]
* DVIPS Shell
Tired to remember the options to be used with the excellent dvips when you
want to print only some pages, or use an unusual magnification? DVIPS
Shell is a utility to prepare the command line and launch the dvips
program included, for instance, in the excellent free implementation of
TeX by Christia [...]
* Dynamics Solver
32-bit version for Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP
Dynamics Solver solves numerically both initial-value problems and
boundary-value problems for continuous and discrete dynamical systems:
- a single ordinary differential equation of arbitrary order,
- systems of first-order ordinary differential [...]
* Dyson Telescope Game
Flash based billiard-like game with Dyson telescope's elements for Windows
98/2000/XP (LT)
* EasyWrite Reader
This tool was developed to allow you to read discs written in MRW format on
systems that do not support MRW and includes the UDF reader for Windows
95, 98 and ME. (VJ)
* EH
EH is a reminder utility. So, if you sometimes forget your wedding
anniversary, of your children's birthday or to pay your taxes, EH might
help you to be a good husband, wife, father, mother or citizen.
EH is designed to be run, every time you start a Windows session, in order
to remind you to do [...]
* EmC
EmC (Email Control) is an anti-spam tool that allows you to reduce the
number of junk mails arriving in your inbox. The program works with a
combination of filters, that can be customized by the user and checks the
mail while it is still on your ISPs server. Based on your filter criteria,
it will pr [...]
* Employee Salary Calculator
Employee Sarlary Calculator is just that. all you have to do is type in the
Employees Name, The Date, and how much the person gets paid per hour. Then
you click the calculate button and thats it. It calculates how much the
employee should recieve and how many hoursthe employee worked each day,
week, [...]
* Encrypted Button Generator for PayPal
Easily create PayPal Web Accept buttons offline and then encrypt them using
your choice of two different encryption methods.
Note: Requires the Visual Basic 6 runtime modules.
Screenshot (JF)
* EscapeClose
EscapeClose is an absolutely free tiny utility, allowing you to close the
active window by pressing the Esc button. Or, to work more carefully, it
can position the mouse cursor in the upper right-hand corner of the active
window, where the Close button is located. It is especially useful when
you ar [...]
* Eval
Eval is a mathematical expression evaluator written in Java. It should work
on any computer system supporting Java. It is useful for quick
computations on the command line, and more complex calculations in a
script or batch file. You need Java 1.3 or better. (LT)
* ExCopy
Excopy is a little tool to copy the viewed contents of an explorer window
in text format to the clipboard display. Excopy registers in the File
context menu and displays the option 'Copy view text'.
In List view, Icon view etc, only the list of displayed file names is
In the View Details [...]
* Explorer Shell Hacks
Various shell registry hacks to make using windows less painful.
IE Image Extensions: Adds "Open Image In New Window" and "Copy Image
Location" to the IE context menus.
DOS Prompt Here: Adds "DOS Prompt Here" to the context menu for windows
explorer folders.
IE Blogdex Extensions: Adds blogdex sh [...]
* Extract Text
Extract Text is a utility to extract text strings (or other strings) from
binary files. It may be useful to find in program files messages,
copyright notices and so on. I have use it with success to extract the
word list in a long dictionary file. Of course, the program output usually
contains much [...]
* FileAlyzer
FileAlyzer is a tool to analyze files - the name itself was initially just
a typo of FileAnalyzer, but after a few days I decided to keep it.
FileAlyzer allows a basic analysis of files (showing file properties and
file contents in hex dump form) and is able to interpret common file
contents like re [...]
* FileCompare
Compares two folders of files in binary (recursive) to see if they are
identical. (JF)
* FileGateway
A Peer to Peer file transfer tool, that is friendly with HTTP
proxys/firewalls/routers/etc. * Works
across any proxy that supports HTTP * Runs
as a service on ALL versions of
Windows * Support for NT file
se [...]
* FileNamer
FileNamer is a software that helps you change name of one or more files
with use of special rename rules. (VJ)
* Filewatch
A file change monitor. Used with BlackICE Defender.
FileWatch (originally called ICEWatch 1.x) is a small utility that can
monitor a given file for changes. Monitoring can detect file size changes
or simply file writes, both with minimal impact on system resources (no
polling is performed). The pr [...]
* FixEOL
FixEOL is a simple utility to fix the end-of-line characters of text files
(Do not use it with binary files!!!). It may be used:
- to fix files with mixed end-of-file characters, such as those produced
by some utility programs which have been ported from Unix to Win32 in a
careless way, and
- to [...]
* FlipViewer
FlipViewer is a FlipBook Viewer that lets you view objects, such as web
pages, albums, manuals, catalogs (collectively called Books) created using
FlipPublisher, FlipAlbum 4.0 and 5.0 or any products that create OEB
Package Format files (OPF).
Based on the book concept, FlipViewer is not like any [...]
* FMNotes
Take notes in FileMaker Pro. I made this file because I often found myself
needing a simple floating notes field that's not attached to any
particular record. Basically, it's a text field in it's own file. (LT)
* Folder Organizer
Folder Organizer is a utility for power users that installs an icon in the
tray from which you can
- open or explore the system folders that contain
- the desktop
- the Start menu and its Documents, Programs and Start up submenus
- My (Your) Documents
- temporary files
- Send-t [...]
* FolderSort
Some programs need to have files in a particular order within a directory.
However, Explorer always shows you a sorted view which will usually bear
no relation to the actual sort order of the folder concerned (use a DOS
box to do a DIR in the folder and see the difference - providing you
haven't use [...]
* Font Tap
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Utility to extract glyphs from fonts as bitmap images. (LT)
* Forensic Toolkit
The Forensic ToolKit contains several Win32 Command line tools that can
help you examine the files on a NTFS disk partition for unauthorized
activity. We built these tools to help us do our job, we hope they can
help you as well. This tool OPEN SOURCE
Key Features
- AFind is the only tool that lis [...]
* Form Parser
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Decodes URL encoded input from web forms posted as email attachments using
the "mailto:" (LT)
* Fpipe
Command line port redirector for NT/2000.
FPipe is a source port forwarder/redirector. It can create a TCP or UDP
stream with a source port of your choice. This is useful for getting past
firewalls that allow traffic with source ports of say 23, to connect with
internal servers.
Usually a client [...]
* Fport
fport supports Windows NT4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP
fport reports all open TCP/IP and UDP ports and maps them to the owning
application. This is the same information you would see using the 'netstat
-an' command, but it also maps those ports to running processes with the
PID, process name and [...]
* Fresh View
Fresh View gives you the ability to organize and view multimedia files
(images, audio, video). Watch movies, listen to music, and view graphics
in a slide show. Image files in a folder can be displayed using a number
of views, including a thumbnail view that lets you quickly see what your
images are [...]
* FretBoardKnowledge
FretBoardKnowledge was created for one purpose only: Providing a tool that
simplifies and brings tremendous acceleration to the process of increasing
knowledge of the guitar fretboard; combining the esoteric with intuitivity
and practicality. Though simple and restricted FretBoardKnowledge may seem
* FSMax
A scriptable, server stress testing tool. This tool takes a text file as
input and runs a server through a series of tests based on the input. The
purpose of this tool is to find buffer overflows of DOS points in a
server. Be aware that the script file must be terminated by double
carriage return, o [...]
* ftpClient
Description: This is a ftp client software. Using this software, files can
be transferred from Linux/Unix ftp servers to windows environment. Enter
server ip address, username and password to connect to the ftp server.
After connection is established, go to server dialog to put or get a file
from ft [...]
* Galleta
Examine the contents of the cookie files from Interent Explorer.
Many computer crime investigations require the reconstruction of a
subject's Internet Explorer Cookie files. Since this analysis technique is
executed regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in the
cookie files. Gall [...]
* Gawk
If you are like many computer users, you would frequently like to make
changes in various text files wherever certain patterns appear, or extract
data from parts of certain lines while discarding the rest. To write a
program to do this in a language such as C or Pascal is a time-consuming
inconvenie [...]
* GetBot
Pause and resume downloads, get a huge list of files, and get everything in
a site with GetBot - the free, no spyware download manager for Windows.
GetBot is relentless, recovering broken downloads from errors and busy
servers. If a dial-up connection is lost, GetBot can redial the modem
automatica [...]
* GIF Vault
Over 7,500 32x32 GIF images (mostly 16 col) all categorized and ready to
put in a web page. All images are set with a transparent background and
are mostly around 500 bytes in size. An easy install setup has been
included and when installed will load the various pages into your browser.
These images [...]
* Google Deskbar
Google Deskbar enables you to search with Google from any application
without lifting your fingers from the keyboard. Installs easily in your
Windows taskbar.
Key Features:
Search using Google, even when your browser isn't running
Preview search results in a small inset window that closes [...]
* GradeGetter
GradeGetter is most useful for teachers and students.
GradeGetter can show you the percentage of points you got correct, when
you enter the number of points you got correct and the total number
possible. For example, if you had 8 out of 10 correct, you would fill in
the box for the number right (8 [...]
* Grfx32
Unattended display driver installation program for NT. (LT)
* Grimp
The free, no DLL install, no 3rd party server, website reader for Windows
-- easy, powerful, and complete without ads or nags. Automatically collect
and store content from thousands of websites which support RSS. Filter,
sort, and read the information off-line at your convenience. Works with
your fa [...]
* Group Mailer
Easily send individual messages to a list of clients or friends. Works with
a simple text file list of addresses and your ISP's SMTP server. This is a
great way to stay in touch with clients, send newsletters etc. (JF)
* HABCal
for Windows 95, 98, XP
On-screen perpetual calendar
Calculates days and weeks elapsed and ages. (LT)
* HABClean
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Make sure that "deleted" files cannot be read by snoops. (LT)
* HABEdit
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Notepad replacement with several extra features including a HEX editor.
(NB: A HEX editor is a dangerous tool in inexperienced hands; if you are
not confident in using one it may be advisable to get HABPad instead.)
* HABFiles
Previously known as HAButil
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Text-file conversion utility for use with data files formatted as text.
Reformats text files to match the input format required by particular
applications (LT)
* HABit Tidy
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Windows wrapper for the HTML Tidy for Windows command-line utility.
Allows you to clean up and correct HTML markup code. (LT)
* HABmon
for Windows 3.1x
Prevent out-of-resources crashes in Windows 3.1 by notifying the user of
low-resource conditions
Also contains close-down and re-start options and an alarm clock. (LT)
* HABPad
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Notepad replacement with several extra features including a HEX viewer.
(NB: If you need to edit binary files, get HABEdit instead.) (LT)
* Hard Disk Indicator
Add your hard-disks led at your system tray. Works only on Win2k & XP
systems. (JF)
* HD_Speed
Measures both sustained and burst data transfer rates of your hard disks,
cd/dvd-roms and floppy. Realtime graphical display. (JF)
HOLIDAY WORD SEARCH lets you print and solve word search puzzles using
ten built-in holiday word lists you can edit. And it's FREE! The holiday
lists have 300 words covering Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Halloween,
Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Secular Christmas,and Religious
Christmas. The p [...]
* Home Computer Security
This document helps you think about the problems you face when you have a
home computer and gives you advice on how to address these problems. By
taking the time to read this document, you know more about securing your
home computer and the extra costs required to do this job. Do the tasks
described [...]
* Huminity
Huminity is a free social networking software that allows you to chat with
anyone, navigate animated maps of connections and view the links of
friends between you and anyone else .introducing - Huminity 6-degree chat!
With Huminity you can chat with anyone, enter chat-rooms, find people and
search [...]
* ICEWatch
ICEWatch is designed to watch the attacks recorded against your computer by
BlackICE Defender, distributed by ISS. BlackICE is a software firewall
which will protect your computer from intrusion attempts through any
TCP/IP network connection.
While BlackICE does a great job protecting your compu [...]
* ICIT99
Recovers the ICQ99 Password of an .dat File. (LT)
* Icon Tap
for Windows 95, 98, XP
View and extract icons from Windows program (exe) files and dynamic link
libraries (DLL files) (LT)
* iDebugger
Loris iDebugger is a browser, which shows any content, delivered by a web
server, as ASCII source.
Document links are extracted and placed at the top of the screen, which
makes possible to follow and hyperlink in the page without typing it in
the address bar.
This application is especially useful [...]
* IM Auto Answer
Instant Message Auto Answer (IMAA) will answer all of your America Online
Instant Messages while you are away from the keyboard. Create up to 3
custom messages which are sent in rotation. You have the option to
automatically answer all IMs, only specified list of screen names, or you
can ignore a [...]
* Impulse Tracker
Impulse Tracker is a music tracker under development in South Australia by
Jeffrey Lim (Pulse/PoP). It is quite similar to the popular Scream Tracker
by Future Crew, and is therefore quite easy to learn. In fact, if you're
already experienced in Scream Tracker, then the switch to Impulse Tracker
can [...]
* Intelligent Copier
This is a "system tray" application.
The main purpose is to define Default Rules on proper section.
You can drag and drop to Intelligent Copier's window any file(s) you want.
If any of these files match any of your predefined rules, it will be
copied or moved (as specified on settings) to the pr [...]
* IntelliStopper
ntelliStopper is a next generation, intelligent, Free Pop up Blocker.
IntelliStopper works by following guidelines to determine which windows
are unwanted pop ups while allowing desirable pop up windows to load and
function properly.
IntelliStopper can also block annoying desktop pop up spam, [...]
* IP4Trace
A Win32 C++ programming library port of the OpenBSD 2.8 kernel-land IPv4
fragment reassembly implementation.
Network monitoring software such as IDS typically examines only complete
IP datagrams. Thus, attackers are able to fragment their IP traffic to
pass through corporate networks undetected and [...]
* iShellLink
Create a shortcut on the desktop.
BCB3 project creates a shortcut on the desktop. Same as shortcut.zip.
Includes an EXE. (LT)
* JavaScript Buttons II
Rollover Javascript code generator (2 images effect). (JF)
* Javascript Vault
The largest offline archive of javascripts you'll find. Over 700 assorted
scripts in 17 categories set up to run straight from your browser.
Something for everyone from easy to advanced users. Buttons, menus,
graphics, text, redirection, cookies, messages, scrollers, forms and more.
Set up in html p [...]
* Jeff's FileMaker Template
This is a free FileMaker Pro file to use as a basis for other FileMaker Pro
files. It has a bunch of fields (including ID, date entered, global
fields, etc), self-join relationships, and scripts (printing, duplicating
found sets, and so on).
It was created in FileMaker Pro 6.0 (LT)
* Jeff's MiniCalendar
Ever need to look at a calendar to see how many weeks until vacation? What
day of the week rent is due?
Sure, with Windows you can double-click the clock in the taskbar and see a
calendar as part of the Date and Time Properties -- and hope you don't
accidentilly change the date on your computer. [...]
* JPEG Resizer
Do you need to send a lots of photos to your Chief? Do you want to create a
thousands of thumbnails for your site by one click? Have you a digital
camera? Do you run a website and have graphics that take a long time to
load? This little program will resize your graphics so that they load
faster and [...]
* Karaoke Manager
Karaoke Manager is a database program for midi karaoke files formatted as
..kar, .st3 or .mid.
Karaoke Manager can...
- store the key information about your
- song files in a single location.
- search all the drives attached to your computer
- looking for Karaoke song-files.
- save and read [...]
* Kazaa FasterDownload
for Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000
A small add-on application to the most popular file sharing program on the
net, KaZaa Media Desktop. The program will rest unobtrusively in the
computers system tray and speed up the downloads you start in KaZaa. The
program will also assu [...]
* kitchen IKEA planning tools
Planning your kitchen couldn't be easier. You can drag and drop kitchen
units and appliances into layouts, view them in 3-D, try different
colours, print your design, and you can even see the total cost of your
new IKEA kitchen. (VJ)
* Knockin
Try to knock the others off the playfield, while at the same time
collecting as many coins as you can. Play against your buddies on a single
computer or over the internet. (RK)
* Kopassa
Kopassa is the next generation of Internet Browsers. Kopassa's ultimate
goal is to ally powerful and easy searching mechanism with the ability to
manipulate and work with the resulting information.
Some of Kopassa's features:
Web-Thumbnail technology built in
Multiple pane support
Major [...]
* LaTeX Macros
LaTeX Macros is a utility to send to your editor LaTeX commands. It also
helps you writing the document template (with options and packages) and
create for you the skeleton of an array, a table or complex environments.
You only have to select the corresponding button in a toolbar.
Especially desig [...]
* LDB ClockXP
The program is intended for indication of the current time both
submission of a signal and distribution of the message in the time,
established by the user.
The main window of clock settles down on a desktop atop of all windows,
that allows to supervise time not coming off from other employment. [...]
* LDB WallpaperXP
The program WallpaperXP is a Windows wallpaper changer.
LDB WallpaperXP supports russian and english languages.
The change of a background picture happens in loadtime of a Windows, then
the program is automatically unloaded from the RAM.
The choice of a picture is made accidentally on the b [...]
* Life
Life simulates the most famous cellular automaton: Life created by John
Horton Conway (it was widely known after Martin Gardner discussed it in
Scientific American).
In this automaton the universe (which may be rectangular or, if opposite
sides are identified, toroidal) is made up of a finite numbe [...]
* Linux Gnome Desktop for Windows
The GNOME Desktop provides the graphical user interface to the underlying
Linux operating system. We have recompiled over 4 million lines of code,
and now the GNOME Desktop runs on Windows. What makes this effort unique
is that we did this in 1.5 weeks, and changed less than 100 lines of the
origina [...]
* Long Filenames Finder
Long Filename Finder is the easiest way to find and shorten filenames that
are too long to be backed up to CD-R (or CD-RW).
Many CD-R mastering programs limit the length of the filenames that can be
stored on the CD-R. In some cases, this length is as short as 62
characters. Your files can easily h [...]
* Lotto Calculator
Check a list of Lotto draws and find out whether any winning numbers appear
in any in previous games, find out the odds for any Lotto, Powerball or
Keno, run the simulator and see just how long it takes to win, includes
just under 200 optimized wheeling systems, check the winning numbers
against you [...]
* MaMaDaSp
Make life hard for spammers, put up a website with a huge amount of fake
email adresses! (JF)
MATCH MAKER is a concentration-type program that helps your child learn
to identify and match letters, numbers, colors, shapes, objects, and
animals. And, it's FREE! You can match upper and lower case letters,
numbers and objects, pictures with pictures, or pictures with names. Print
options allow [...]
* MedDict UsEn Edition
It started as an online glossary, today it is a spellchecker extension for
MS Office, which is now available for download. We merged the glossary
with one of our previus works PharmaTab, farmacology tables, what will
guarantee also a professional use by medical students and staff. The
vocabulary is [...]
* MessengerScan
MessengerScan v1.05 is a Windows based detection and analysis utility that
can quickly and accurately identify Microsoft operating systems that are
vulnerable to the messenger service buffer overflow released in the
MS03-043 bulletin.
MessengerScan is intended for use by enterprise system and netw [...]
* MixedUp
Creates files of random data. File size can be from 1 byte to 99 Mbytes.
The random data can be totally random, or restricted to numeric ranges.
* MP3Tag Laboratory
MP3Tag Laboratory is an advanced id3tag editor, that can edit tag for one
or more files. Application beside standard editing functions includes
special functions for real mp3 files collectioners.
One of the really useful features of MP3Tag Lab is function called "MP3
sorting". It is a common issue [...]
* MultiBOX
Multibox is an ActiveX Control for use with Visual Basic© Applications.
Multibox is an enhanced message box and input box component combined. You
can now create a message box with checkbox or option button selections,
large text input/output and even change the command button captions. An
advanced t [...]
* MultiMail
This free program can be used to stress test SMTP servers. It also aids
anti-Spam tool developers as a useful mail-bombardment tool.
MultiMail 2.0 is a multi-threaded SMTP stress testing program which also
doubles up as a handy tool for anti-Spam software development. It starts
multiple threads, [...]
* MyInternet
MyInternet is freeware. No cost to you ever. No limitations.
Browse multiple web pages simultaneously. All opened pages can be easily
stopped, refreshed, closed or saved with one click.
If you click a link in the web page with the middle mouse button, the link
will be opened in a new window. And [...]
* NameCase
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Utility for changing the case of file or folder names. (LT)
* natural healing
Alternative Medicine Research. (VJ)
* Neo Tweaker Professional
OS: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003
Program Neo Tweaker Pro is intended for your operational system
development, for improvement her work and increase computer speed. Using
this program you can expose every possible interdictions speed up work of
your system, protect your system from [...]
* NeoTrace Express
NeoTrace Express is a freeware version of the popular NeoTrace tool. This
version offers the mapping features of the Professional version and the
essential features you need to trace web sites. It's multithreaded, so
it's very fast and can simultaneously check multiple hops on the route. It
shows th [...]
* Net Send Spoofer
This utility allows you to send anonymous Net Send messages to anyone on
your network or anyone that has a direct IP address (which usually does
not include anyone that is on a cable or LAN connection). You can also
make the messages appear like they are being sent from a different
computer. (VJ)
* Net Speakerphone
Net Speakerphone is just another one communication program for local
network. The main function is voice communication in full duplex mode. You
can also send files, urls and doing some simple remote administration
(logoff, restart, shutdown, torn monitor on or off, e.t.c.). Text
messaging is able ev [...]
* NetCheckers
The NetCheckers freeware game is non intelligent network game. American
Checkers can be played over LAN, intranet using TCP/IP. This software can
be used for playing checkers as server, client or single board. Once the
connection is established, mouse can be used to move the checkers board
pieces. S [...]
* NetChess
The NetChess freeware game is non intelligent network game.
Chess can be played over LAN, intranet using TCP/IP. This software can be
used for playing chess as server, client or single board. Once the
connection is established, mouse can be used to move the chess board
pieces. Same action will b [...]
* NetChineseCheckers
The NetChineseCheckers freeware game is non intelligent network game.
Chinese Checkers(8x8,10x10) can be played over LAN, intranet using TCP/IP.
This software can be used for playing checkers as server, client or single
board. Once the connection is established, mouse can be used to move the
checker [...]
* NetRummy
NetRummy is a basic rummy game in card games. Using this software, Rummy
game can be played over LAN, intranet using TCP/IP between two players.
The deck consists of 52 cards with 4 suites, Diamond, Flower, Heart and
Spade. Each suit consists from low to high
Ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack Queen Ki [...]
* NetSleuth
Resolves all the IP addresses for a given machine name or host name. (JF)
* NetTicTacToe
The NetTicTacToe freeware game is non intelligent network game. TicTacToe
can be played over LAN, intranet using TCP/IP. This software can be used
for playing TicTacToe as server, client or single board. Once the
connection is established, Select the circle or cross and click on empty
square to plac [...]
* Nokia Logo Vault
4,000 logos, 1,348 picture messages and 70 startup logos for Nokia phones.
Jazz up your dull looking screen, replace that drab Nokia operator logo.
All you need is a data cable and a shareware program to make use of any of
these logos.
Screenshot (JF)
* Nonsense 2000
The latest addition to the Nonsense series and a worthy sequel to Nonsense
Madness with its 20 fast paced side-scrolling levels!
Jump, shoot and spit your way through 20 action-packed levels. A must-have
download! (RK)
* Nonsense Madness
One of our best games and one of the best freeware games ever in this
genre. Jump, shoot and spit your way through 20 action-packed levels. A
must-have download! (RK)
* Noone's VCD Player
You insert a VCD, you click the icon, it does the rest... No questions
asked! If you've got VCDs in 2 or more drives, plays them all... non-stop,
making life easier for you.. And when the movie ends, it offers to eject
the disc. Go ahead - pamper yourself.. (JF)
* Noted
You like to use notepad to edit files, but can't because it doesn't handle
UNIX or Mac formatted files? You find that the search and replace
facilities are just not powerful enough? You want to be able to see what
line of a file you're on? You want features to be more accessable. Don't
want to use a [...]
* NTLast
NTLast is specifically targeted for serious security and IIS
administration. Scheduled review of your NT event logs is critical for
your network. A server breach can be uncovered by regular system auditing.
Identifying and tracking who has gained access to your system, then
documenting the details i [...]
* Numbers
Numbers is a small program to set up and solve a simple arithmetic problem:
you are given from 2 to 7 (integer) numbers (called Operands) and have to
guess how to combine them by means of the four elementary operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to get a given Result
(or th [...]
* OdoPlus
Deluxe Mouse Tracking
OdoPlus tracks the distance your mouse pointer travels on the screen. It
also keeps record of how often you clicked each mouse button and in which
part of the desktop.
- Tracks overall and intermediate distance
- Click counts for left, right, center buttons
- N [...]
* Pasco
Many computer crime investigations require the reconstruction of a
subject's internet activity. Since this analysis technique is executed
regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in Internet
Explorer activity files (index.dat files). Pasco, the latin word meaning
"browse", was develo [...]
* Password Keeper
Little utility for saving the infinite list of passwords you accumulate for
various websites. Originally written to keep these passwords out of the
registry and the password list file in Windows, and because I never
trusted spyware programs like Gator.
Screenshot (JF)
* Patchit
A file byte-patching utility. This is driven by a simple scripting
language. It can patch sequences of bytes in any file, search for byte
patterns (with wildcards) and also extract and utilise DLL exported
function addresses as source positions in files to be patched. (LT)
* PD-Castles
If you start this program up and click on nothing, it will act as a normal
screen saver going from a day time mode to a night time mode on it's own.
You can: Change day/night mode, play music, change the volume of the
music, bring out the cannon(s) and fire it/them. Walk through the Castles
at nigh [...]
* Pentominoes
This program solves all kind of problems for Golomb's pentominoes (LT)
* Personal Progress File Personal Edition
The Personal Edition of PPF is designed for home use and may be used FREE
The software...
- simplifies the preparation of NRA pages
- works on MS Windows 3.x, 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME and XP
- is VERY easy to use
- saves your work automatically
- lets you update your file at any [...]
* PitPad
You don't have to use standard text editor that is in your Windows
operating system - Notepad. Because PitPad is a freeware text and hex
editor and he is perfect Notepad successor. He have a lot of additional
functions that Notepad don't have.
PitPad is also hex editor. So from this day you can c [...]
In PIZZA PLACE, you are in charge of deliveries for the neighborhood pizza
parlor for one night. And, the program is FREE! You take phone orders,
tell the crew how many pizzas to bake and tell the delivery car where to
go. The program teaches mental math, logical thinking skills and good
business p [...]
* PowerMenu
Power Menu is a small app that adds "Always On Top", "Minimize To Tray",
"Priority" and "Transparency" sub menus to all top level system menus..
Note: Some features are only available on NT/2K/XP.
Screenshot (JF)
* PowerPlay
PowerPlay is a free feature-rich audio CD player for Windows 95/98/NT.
Features include retrieving disc and track titles from FreeDB internet
database, multiple drive support, disc statistics, exporting database,
full uninstallation and much more...
Windows 95/98/NT
Full CDDB support for retrie [...]
* Protaxis BestFonts
Protaxis BestFonts is an small freeware utility that help you to preview
installed fonts,
organize fonts in font groups, send font files on e-mail, pack fonts in
zip archive.
This utility is very useful if you wish to choose which font apply for
Suppose you want to make a web banner, an [...]
PUSE is a Perl version of FUSE Light, a multiuser server for macromedia
PUSE is a pair of perl modules (FUSE::Server and FUSE::Client) which can
be controlled through perl's object interface, making it easier than ever
to create FUSE servers and test FUSE clients. By setting custom call [...]
* QUICK notes
This is a small program that helps you to keep organized your everyday
notes. (JF)
* RealAccount
RealAccount is a freeware plugin for Microsoft Outlook versions XP and
2003. purpose is to enhance Outlook accounts handling, with the ability to
choose preferred account, signature and email format for each defined mail
folder. RealAccount is focused to people who wants to maintain different
profi [...]
* Registry Saver
Backup your registry with a single click
Registry Saver makes backups of your Windows registry, and stores them in
uniquely named directories. It can also shut down your PC or put it to
sleep mode afterwards.
- Backups registry files conveniently in one place
- Standby/hibernate/power [...]
* Resource Explorer Pro
Extract resources from win32 PE files. Bitmaps, icons, cursors, accelerator
maps, string tables, menus, dialogs, web pages, gifs, jpegs. You name it,
we can extract it. And view it. And some other stuff. (LT)
* Restoration
Restore files which are deleted from the recycle bin or deleted while
holding down the Shift key by mistake.
Conversely, this program has another function that makes it almost
impossible to restore all deleted files.
You can use it after deletion of confidential documents, embarrassing
files and s [...]
* Rifiuti
Examine the contents of the INFO2 file in the Recycle Bin on Windows
Many computer crime investigations require the reconstruction of a
subject's Recycle Bin. Since this analysis technique is executed
regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in the Recycle
Bin repository [...]
* RPCScan
RPCScan is a Windows based detection and analysis utility that can quickly
and accurately identify Microsoft operating systems that are vulnerable to
the multiple buffer overflow vulnerabilities released in the MS03-026 and
MS03-039 bulletins.
RPCScan is intended for use by enterprise system and n [...]
* ScanLine
ScanLine is a command-line port scanner for all Windows platforms.
It can perform traditional ICMP "pinging", optional additional ICMP
TimeStamp scanning, can show host response times and number of hops, do
TCP scanning, simple UDP scanning, banner grabbing and hostname
Scanning is perf [...]
* Scratch Copy
Scratch Copy program is a small utility for performing copy of stream audio
and video files, like .mp3 or .avi from a damaged CD and for copying files
according to Winamp playlist.
Description :
This program not tries to recover unreadable data, but continues copy
anyway even in case the area, [...]
* ServiWin
ServiWin utility displays the list of installed drivers and services on
your system. For some of them, additional useful information is displayed:
file description, version, product name, company that created the driver
file, and more.
In addition, ServiWin allows you to easily stop, start, restart [...]
* ShadeNow
Dims your screen after an inactivity period still allowing you to see
what's happening on your desktop. (LT)
* ShoWin
ShoWin displays useful information about windows by dragging a cursor over
Perhaps one of the most popular uses of this program is to display hidden
password editbox fields (text behind the asterisks *****). This will work
in many programs although Microsoft have changed the way things work i [...]
* Simple Budget
A very simple, no frills, but functional program that itemises all of your
expenses plus your income and then shows you how much money you have left
each week, fortnight, month and year. No complicated instructions or
interface, start entering data as soon as the program has loaded. Fully
functional [...]
* SInfo
for Windows 95/98/Me and snfxp120.exe for Windows XP
Sinfo (System Information Utility) is designed to help Windows programmers
and advanced users by providing information on many aspects of Windows. It
can display full information on current classes, windows, processes and
threads. There are some [...]
* Slice
Do you ever need to transport large files on floppy disks? Winzip spanning
takes too long, and if one disk fails, you need the whole set over again.
Your can use Slice to chop up large files into custom sized chunks, which
can be stitched back together later. Small & fast, and now with it's own
inst [...]
* SnakesLadders
This is Snakes and Ladders dice game. As the name suggests, the aim of the
game is to escape from snakes and go through the ladders to reach to HOME
safely. (VJ)
* SNScan
SNScan is a Windows based SNMP detection utility that can quickly and
accurately identify SNMP enabled devices on a network. This utility can
effectively indicate devices that are potentially vulnerable to SNMP
related security threats, such as those released on February 12, 2002 and
the Cisco IPv4 [...]
* SokoMind
SokoMind is a Sokoban game where you have to move boxes across corridors
into target squares. You can only push one single box at a time, and you
are not able to pull boxes. This is not as easy as it may sound; be
careful, do not block your way. (VJ)
* SolCalendar
Turn your desktop into your personal calendar & organiser.
Desktop calendar/organiser
Reminder: music/message alert. You can even set an event to be
Application Scheduler: schedule an application to run at
certain time.
Customizable desktop wallpaper interfaces (text colo [...]
* SQLScan
SQLScan is a Windows GUI scanner tailored specifically to finding SQL
servers that may be vulnerable to the recent SQL "Slammer" or "SQHell"
worm that attacks vulnerable Microsoft SQL 2000 servers.
Use of the tool should be fairly self-evident. Enter a list of IP
addresses to be scanned in the IP l [...]
* StarGateSG1
This is for StarGate Fans and everyone who watches the program. It has a
very nice interface which plays the StarGate theme. It shows thumbnail
pictures as well as all the programs names, dates and summeries of the
first seven seasons. If your a StarGate Fan don't pass this up. (JF)
* Stream Explorer
Stream Explorer (Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003) is a utility that reveals
file streams with Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP, or 2003.
Stream Explorer will show you the number of streams in each file as they
are listed per folder.
When you select a file, Stream Explorer will list all the streams in that
f [...]
* SuperScan for Windows 2000 and XP
SuperScan 4 is a completely-rewritten update of the highly popular Windows
port scanning tool, SuperScan. Here are some of the new features in this
- Superior scanning speed
- Support for unlimited IP ranges
- Improved host detection using multiple ICMP methods
- TCP SYN scanning
* SysColour
Displays the current system colour configuration and allows the user to
alter each colour. Provides more color types than the Control Panel
screen configuration utility. (JF)
* TABfinder
TABfinder is a freeware application that will help you in finding guitar
tab's in the net.
You don't have visit website that have TAB search engine. You can use
TABfinder. Just type band or song name, select propper engine and click
"TAB search" button. Then TABfinder will open your internet brow [...]
* TaskBuddy
TaskBuddy is loaded with features designed to help you get organized and
stay organized. Whether you use it personally or in a team/network
environment, TaskBuddy provides you with a fast task database environment,
notification alarms, task notes, priority status and the ability to add
and customize [...]
* TeX Organizer
TeX Organizer is a simple utility to organize the use under Windows
95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP of a group of DOS and/or Windows programs that are to
be applied to a single file or to a group or related files. The best
example (but not the only) is provided by TeX. Let us assume that you have
a DOS (or eve [...]
* Text2Html
Freeware Text to HTML converter
- Entirely FREE software!
- Converts text files into HTML files
- Command line capability
- Handles http, ftp, gopher, telnet, wais, nntp and mailto tags
- Options to change default HTML attribute colours.
- Limited file management: in-app. drag/d [...]
* The Anomy sanitizer
The Anomy sanitizer is what most people would call "an email virus
scanner". That description is not totally accurate, but it does cover one
of the more important jobs that the sanitizer can do for you - it can scan
email attachments for viruses. Other things it can do:
Disable potentially danger [...]
* The Email Primer
The Primer contains tips on email use, especially for the Outlook Express
email program. There's a lot of useful information in it for all email
users, though. Learn how to use your addressbook more efficiently, create
distribution lists, manage your email with folders and filters! There is a
brief [...]
* The Jokebook
It contains jokes of ALL descriptions covering just about every topic
possible. if you enjoy laughing at the human species then this is just for
you. This is in html (web) format and has been set up with an installer,
so just click and enjoy! (JF)
* The Kids Puzzle
A Kids Jigsaw Puzzle. Improve yours or your kids coordination by Solving
jigsaw puzzles. There are several picture and a variety of difficulty
levels for you to select. The game accompanied by sound effect and vocal
Screenshot (JF)
* The Shift-Puzzle
for Windows9x/ME/NT/2000/XP
This is the first of a serie of games i'll make. I hope you will like it.
The game principle is rather simple. After clicking on "Mixing" you have
to shift the single pieces into the right order. It's also possible to
make own skins. If you have some nice new skins plea [...]
* The Tiny Project
The Tiny Project is a collection of common scripts, in an exteremely tiny
implementation. Not to the point of obfuscation, but still pretty small.
They all run under strict and -w and are completely FREE. Just view the
source and grab a copy...
- Tiny Guestbook: A guestbook in 35 lines
- Tiny Bull [...]
* Touch
Touch is a simple utility to update the different date and time stamps of a
single file or of a group of files. You may drag the files from the
Explorer and drop them over the Touch window, or select them in a standard
dialog box or even indicate them in the command line used to start Touch.
You mig [...]
* TransMaus
Transparent mouse cursors (LT)
* Transparentizer
Makes some windows partly transparent so you can see both the window and
what's under it. You can also define a color key, all parts of the window
with this color will become completely transparent.
Requires Windows 2000/XP (No kidding! it won't work without!) (LT)
* TreeSize
for Windows 3.1x
Calculates the total size of a selected directory.
With it, you can find out how much disk-space is occupied by the files in
any directory, including subdirectories. (LT)
* Trout
A visual (i.e. GUI as opposed to command-line) traceroute and Whois
program. Pinging can be set at a controllable rate as can the frequency of
repeatedly scanning the selected host. The built-in simple Whois lookup
can be used to identify hosts discovered along the route to the
destination computer. [...]
* UDPFlood
UDPFlood is a UDP packet sender. It sends out UDP packets to the specified
IP and port at a controllable rate. Packets can be made from a typed text
string, a given number of random bytes or data from a file.
Warning: This tool may have the ability to cause crippling performance or
other damage to [...]
* UniqueDisplay
WinXP does a terrific job of saving individual settings like wallpaper,
colors, etc. Unfortunately, if you change your monitor resolution, it gets
changed for everyone. Not cool. This program takes care of WinXP's
shortcomings, allowing each user to have their own desktop resolution.
Works fine with [...]
* UpTime
Small program, which shows the uptime of the current machine, that means
how much time has been gone since the last reboot (LT)
* UserClone
UserClone is a tool specifically created to copy your America Online filing
cabinet and favorite places to another screenname.
This is a very useful when creating a new screenname. You no longer have
to worry about losing important
e-mails or transferring your favorite places by hand. (VJ)
* Utopia Chat System
A peer to peer chat system, capable of supporting hundreds of different
users over a TCP/IP network. Features include public chat rooms, private
rooms (entrance by invitation only), user avatars, personal mail, server
side mailboxes, complex kick and ban rules, message broadcasting, emotions
and muc [...]
* VANRecord
Record everything you can hear with a single click. Save to OGG files
Support all input lines: speakers, line-ins, microphones ...
Small, easy to use. No hidden cost
Homepage is Vietnam language. The English version of software available
from Simtel Net (LT)
* Vision
Reports all open TCP and UDP ports and maps them to the owning process or
Vision, a host based Forensic Utility is the GUI successor to the
well-known freeware tool, Fport. This innovative new product from
Foundstone shows all of the open TCP and UDP ports on a machine, displays
the s [...]
* Visual Graph - BETA
Visual Graph is an equation graphing program. (LT)
* WallMan
A small but powerfull wallpaper manager. (JF)
* Web Driver SDK
The Web Driver 3.0 SDK provides everything you need and more to make
cutting edge multimedia web applications. This SDK contains tools,
documentation, demos, how-to's and tutorials that you can use to get up
and running with the most powerful Web Driver to date. It will help you if
you're just learn [...]
* Wicked's Clipboard Manager
A clipboard manager that allows you to edit your clipboard easily. This can
also split your clipboard for storing text into 5! (JF)
* Wicked's Faster Typist
An addictive stimulation game to train your typing skills by becoming a
virtual typist! (JF)
* Wicked's Ramager
A Ram management program designed to be as discreet as possible, while
helping you to manage your amount of free physical memory. (JF)
* Wicked's Stick-On Notes
Shows messenges you left behind during your previous computer session when
you start the computer. The size and position of WSSON is also saved. (JF)
* Wicked's Web Viewer
A web browser using IE's web rendering engine but with all the extra
nosense from IE filtered out. Many new features are added in instead. (JF)
* WinFind
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Utility for listing all open windows on your desktop (LT)
* WinHost
This utility allows you to easily create, store, and send macros to an AOL
chatroom on the fly. Create and store an endless amount of macros and
categorize them into seven separate storage sections. (VJ)
* WinScorer
This utility allows you to score AOL chatroom trivia games with ease.
Never score by hand again! Let WinScorer do the calculations for you.
WinScorer also allows you to create macros, generate score reports, score
text from the clipboard, automatically log and save your scored games,
plus many [...]
* WordScramble
This is a word scramble game with around 3500 words. This game consists of
randomly selected 10 scramble words from dictionary which are placed in
left side, leaving the right side edit boxes free. Unscramble the words
and fill in right side edit boxes. After completion, click on Check to
check your [...]
* WordStar Converter
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Converts old word processor files in WordStar format to plain text so that
you can read them and load into a modern word processor for reformatting
* xRun
A transparent (!), sorta skinnable, program launcher for almost all
versions of Windows, including 98, 98se, Me, and newer. Designed to
replace the standard Windows run dialog, and offer plenty of features not
usually found in a run box. Offers it's own shortcut capability, search
and lookup functio [...]
* YAPS - Yet Another Port Scanner
Fast TCP/IP port scanner.
* Supports simultaneous connecting to many
* Supports command line and GUI mode
* Customisable timeout
* Can scan range of addre [...]
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* .parasite
..parasite is a Runbox/Url launch application. It's small and easy to
use. It can even run as a shell! Just like it's namesake, it sits on
top of Windows(The host) and allows quick access to commonly used
features. It can launch any item normally launched from the Run dialog
and send url's direct [...]
* 3D Christmas Screensaver
3D Christmas Screensaver is a christmas tree with decorations, lights, snow
and beautiful music.
Supports password protection;
Multimonitor support (black screens on all not primary monitors).
* About Time
Do you work with people all over the world? Always forgetting whether it's
time for them to be awake or not? Then it's About Time. (LT)
* Add/Remove Manager
Add/Remove Manager allows you to easily remove any program name from
"Add/Remove Programs" in the Windows Control Panel. This tool will come
in handy when you uninstall a program that does not remove its entry from
the "Add/Remove Programs" list. (VJ)
* Add/Remove Pro
Add/Remove Pro v. 2.08 - displays the entries in the Add/Remove Programs
list of Windows Registry, checks if each is valid, and uninstalls the
selected program or removes the entry from the list. (VJ)
* Agile Body Mass Index Calculator
Ladies and Gentlemen!
I want to present you Agile Body Mass Index Calculator!
It calculates BMI using Your height, weight and gender.
* Apollo 11 Mission screensaver
See the sights and hear the sounds that held the world in awe in the summer
of 1969
as Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on another planet.
This screensaver is free for everyone to use. Distribute it freely.
Some of the images have small captions with mission facts/dates/times
* AsciiDiff File Compare
This plain text file comparison utility displays a pair of files
side-by-side in a vertically-split display, so that the differences
between them are apparent. There are a number of customisation options,
some of which make it especially suitable for comparing program source
code written in the Natu [...]
* Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy
Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy is a presentation of the human skeletal
system in international Latin nomenclature. Designed for educational
purposes only, this is a terrific e-book for student doctors and nurses.
The Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy is a handy tool for anyone planning to
study medic [...]
* Atomic Flipix
If you like puzzle games then Flipix designed & developed by Atomic, will
keep your mind engaged
for hours!
This isometric puzzle game can be download as a screensaver or played
To install the screensaver, simply download the self extracting Zip file
to your computer and expand. Then clic [...]
* AtTable
Runs under Windows 3.1/95/NT
atTabl (Add to Tables) allows you to add html code or any kind of content
to each cell in your tables - after you've made them. If there's text in
the cells you can add the tag to each cell to format the text, just by
copying the table to the clipboard, enter the font [...]
* Attacker
Attacker -A TCP/UDP port listener. You provide a list of ports to listen on
and the program will notify you when a connection or data arrives at the
port(s). Can minimize to the system tray and play an audible alert. This
program is intended to act as a guard dog to notify you of attempted
probes to [...]
* Autumn Waterfalls Collection
Autumn Waterfalls Collection* is a moving water, (water illusions), Screen
Saver, the water really falls.
Enjoy 6 beautiful Waterfalls! Each has realistic moving water, and each
scene fades beautifully
from one into the next. You, the end user, have control over how you want
the sequence of s [...]
* BBChange
This tool can automatically change the Startup picture of Windows9x every
time you boot up... a little bit difficult to configure. (LT)
* BBCount
Dos-based bootup counter for DOS/Windows3.x/9x/ME/NT/2k (LT)
* BBMagnify
Little nice screen loupe! (LT)
* BBRestart
If you copy this little tool for example in your ShortCut-Bar then you can
reboot your computer with a single click on it... very nice (LT)
* BBShutDown
If you copy this little tool for example in your ShortCut-Bar then you can
shuts down(puts off in ACPI-Systems) your computer with a single click on
it... very nice (LT)
BCX includes the BASIC to C Translator, BASIC code generators,
Menu and MessageBox Wizards, BCX Programmer Help files,
over 200 GUI, Console Mode, and DLL sample programs
that will help you learn to use BCX, and much more! (JF)
* BinText
A small, very fast and powerful text extractor that will be of particular
interest to programmers. It can extract text from any kind of file and
includes the ability to find plain ASCII text, Unicode (double byte ANSI)
text and Resource strings, providing useful information for each item in
the opti [...]
* BitRate
Calculator for computing the optimal DivX Bitrate...(e.g. for Movie
encoding) (LT)
* Blast
Blast - a small, quick TCP service stress test tool. Blast does a good
amount of work very quickly and can help spot potential weaknesses in your
network servers. For a detailed explanation and examples of usage of this
tool, please read the .txt file included in the zip.
Some Features
- /trial sw [...]
* BluesExeEdit
Simple program to change textes in exe/dll/ocx/sys/* files. Iused it to
translate ICQ99B for my own into german. Easy to use... (LT)
* BOOMBox Internet Radio Player
BOOMBox is a small program that quickly gives you access to thousands of
online radio stations from country, to rap, to electronic, to pop. It
comes with a suite of options to search methods to quickly find the
station you're looking for and displays what song the station is currently
playing. It al [...]
* Boot Log Analyzer
FREE Boot Log Analyzer utility to help in identifying Windows95/98 boot-up
Looks at your Windows95 BOOTLOG.TXT file and calculates the time taken to
load each driver etc, in order to help in locating any cause of lengthy
boot-up times. The displayed result can be sorted by loading duratio [...]
* BootNet
BootNet is an advanced network bootdisk creation utilty that has been
designed with ease and flexibility in mind. Its combination of simple GUI
and easy modification for any network card makes this the perfect utility
for anybody that needs that disk in a rush without the hassle or fuss of
editing f [...]
* BOping
BOPing is a network scanner for the infamous Back Orifice program. It is
many times faster than the ping sweeper built in to the original client
This is intended as a vigilante tool to notify victims who unknowingly
have the trojan on their system. It includes the ability to notify
detect [...]
* BORGChat
-#Main chat. This chat is available for all users in every workgroup
-Private chat-Choose someone to chat with in a private chat.
-#Channels. Very similar with main chat .In the near future you will be
able to set a password for others to join it.
-Message board .Here you can post a message whic [...]
* Boss Screen
This small proggy will be always on guard and you will be able to preserve
your privacy by pressing an easy-to-remember hotkey combination. (JF)
* Buddy Alert
Buddy Alert is an AOL add-on that alerts you when an IM is received while
your away message is active. A sound will play to alert you each time an
IM is received -- you can customize the sound using a WAV of your choice.
This is useful when you have AOL minimized and still want to be alerted of
ne [...]
* Budgie
Budgie is MoDESoft's Budget Office, now free to use. It comprises Contacts
manager, database manager, email manager, schedule, spreadsheet, word
processor, zip file manager, an image tool, fax controller and manager,
CAB file extractor, backup helper, memo pad, RPN calculator, TVM
calculator, metric [...]
* Calendar
A cool calendar that displays a picture for each month.
Screenshot (JF)
* Camfrog Video Chat
See, hear, and chat with many people at once in video chat rooms run by
.. A user directory with photos makes it easy to find someone to video
chat with.
.. Get to know someone before you go on cam with instant messages.
.. High-quality audio and video, buddy lists, and it's incredibly sim [...]
* Cancer and Neoplasia
The english cancer factsheet informs about the origin, the types and the
therapy of cancer. It is rich illustrated and easy to understand for the
public. (LT)
* Captain Tray
Captain Tray - utility for minimization windows in system tray (near
clock). You have loved MP-3 player, file manager, other applications,
which have a no possibility minimize to system tray. Although this
program for you. Captain Tray may to work with DOS - program and console
application. After [...]
* CardMemory
This is a solitaire game in cards and it is one type of memory test game.
Player has to remember the clicked cards. When clicked on a card and if
any of the clicked card matches then click on the card to pair. Player has
to make as many pair of cards with less fails and within short time. A
pair ca [...]
* Cash
Personal accounting (LT)
* CD-Image Converters
Converters for some image file formats:
- fcd2raw.zip: Virtual CD-Rom V1/2* to WinOnCD/ToGO
- fcd2iso.zip: Virtual CD-Rom V1/2* to Easy CD-Creator
- fcd2nrg.zip: Virtual CD-Rom V1/2* to Nero Burning Rom
- raw2fcd.zip: WinOnCD/ToGO to Virtual CD-Rom V1-3*
- iso2fcd.zip Easy CD-Creator to Virtual [...]
* Chat
This is a chat software. Using this software, users can do chat with others
who are in TCP/IP network and can chat with different users at the same
time. This software can be used as server or client. When the Chat
software is started, it asks for server port number. Using this port
number users c [...]
* Checks
This software provides three types of game, number checks, letter checks
and "image checks.
This software provides three types of game, number checks, letter checks
and "image checks.
Number Checks: Assume how the number sequence should be and use the mouse
button or arrow keys to move the [...]
* ChgFDT
File timestamp changer for explorer's context menu. (LT)
* Chipmunk Basic
Chipmunk Basic for MacOS is an old fashioned Basic interpreter which runs
on almost all Macs, but also on Linux and Windows98/NT/Me/2000 (you find
the Windows version under 'Some ports of Chipmunk Basic for other
systems') (JF)
* Christmas Beat
Bring back the simple joy of Christmas with this animated screen saver that
features a full length upbeat Christmas medley and cute illustrations.
* Christmas Music Tree
This is a Interactive Screen Saver. What is an Interactive Screen Saver you
ask? It's just like a normal screen saver with one very big difference.
You can move the mouse and click on things without losing the screen
saver. There are 15 Christmas Ornaments on the tree. Clicking on each
Ornament will [...]
* Christmas Tree
This is a remake of dbd-ChristmasTree only much better than before. Click
and drag the ornaments to the tree to decorate the tree. Clicking on some
of the ornaments will bring out some surprises. Clicking on a button in
the music list will play 2 or 3 different versions of that song.
Screenshot ( [...]
* CIScan
CIScan is a Windows based SNMP detection and analysis utility that can
quickly and accurately identify Cisco devices with SNMP enabled in an
enterprise environment. This utility can effectively indicate devices that
are potentially vulnerable to the Cisco IPv4 Remote Denial of Service
vulnerability [...]
* CleanTray
CleanTray is a Free utility to view and delete those system tray programs
from your registry. (JF)
* ClipBoardiSHistory
The clipboard in Windows is a small but very handy feature for storing
The only problem is....You can hold only one piece of information at any
one time and sometimes, just sometimes, I need to "roll-back" a few
clipboard pieces of informatio, but of course, I can't.

That's wher [...]
* Cmd Line Shell
If you are a power user you probably use old DOS or new Win32 programs
designed to be run from the command line where the corresponding options
are indicated. To start with, many file maintenance jobs are far easier
when using command line utilities and batch files. The "user-friendly" way
to do man [...]
* Concrete
This one can play Bricks '2000 ). (LT)
* Connect Flo
Created for episode 9 of pixelflo, connectflo is a two player network
version of connect 4. Available in 4 languages (English, German, Frenc,
[PixelFlow is a state-of-the-art yet affordable Windows NT PC-based
Digital Particle Image Velocimetry system, capable of making quantitative
measurem [...]
* ConnectionMonitor
Pings hosts at regular intervals, to determing if your connection is
and generate a log of the results.
* Can be set to check many hosts
* Customisable ping timeout
*&n [...]
* Console Utilities
Console utilities for Win32. These are Unix-like utilities to be used from
the command line in a DOS box. They are true Win32 applications:
- Count: Count bytes, characters, letters, vowels, consonants, words,
lines sentences, words per sentence and letters per word.
- Cpy: Copy and updates file [...]
* ConvTextBiblia
Today, is posible find much resources in Internet for studying the Bible.
Each time, there are more dictionaries, commentaries, biblical texts,
studies, etc. Lamentably, not all texts follow a format easy for import it
in other programs.
ConvTextBiblia This program imports a plain text file and mak [...]
* Copy To Printer
Copy to Printer is a simple utility program that will send any file
directly to any printer Windows knows of. A typical use of this is to send
a PostScript file to a laser printer, which knows how to handle it. You
can also send to any printer the .prn file generated when printing
something after se [...]
* Crunch
Personal 128 bit encryption. With shell integration. (LT)
* CT CookieSpy
Ever wondered how many cookies are on your computer and where they came
from? This little utility will not only show you but also lets you delete
the ones you don't want. It will present you with a list of all the
cookies on your computer, date and time they were created, life expectancy
and show yo [...]
* Database Repair Utility
While database damage is a rare occurrence, this database repair utility
can help bring many problem databases back to good working order. Works
with ISAM databases used in many of our products. (LT)
* DataVolume
Lists the files, folders and types of files (for example, Word Documents)
that are taking up the most room on a disk drive or folder. (JF)
* DDosPing
DDoSPing is a remote scanner for the most common Distributed Denial of
Service programs (often called Zombies by the press). These were the
programs responsible for the recent rash of attacks on high profile web
This tool will detect Trinoo, Stacheldraht and Tribe Flood Network
programs run [...]
* Deskcam
Ever wanted to put your current desktop on your site/blog? Then this is the
application for you! It will grab your current desktop, resize it and save
it as either a JPEG or a GIF. Then FTP it to your web server. And it'll do
it every 60 seconds. Or whenever you tell it to.
Feature List
- captur [...]
* Documentor
This paperless office software is ideal for a small business. It uses a
method mimicing the classic file cabinet, and the sectioned file folder,
to store documents. It is suitable for a doctor, lawyer, or small
business, and can store 10 million file folders and 1 billion documents or
pages. The s [...]
* DrawganizerLite
File manager tasks such as backing up files, printing, moving, copying and
launching files. It's like programming Windows Explorer. It doesn't use a
script-type programming language, it simply uses powerful components
connected together to make a diagram (or drawing) of what you want to do.
Tasks ar [...]
* Dropper
for Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me.
Dropper is a universal tool that allows you to insert information into any
program that accepts text. Dropper works with all word processing
software, chat programs like ICQ, e-mail software, accounting programs
etc. Dropper has no limitations.
When not in use Dropper m [...]
* DVIPS Shell
Tired to remember the options to be used with the excellent dvips when you
want to print only some pages, or use an unusual magnification? DVIPS
Shell is a utility to prepare the command line and launch the dvips
program included, for instance, in the excellent free implementation of
TeX by Christia [...]
* Dynamics Solver
32-bit version for Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP
Dynamics Solver solves numerically both initial-value problems and
boundary-value problems for continuous and discrete dynamical systems:
- a single ordinary differential equation of arbitrary order,
- systems of first-order ordinary differential [...]
* Dyson Telescope Game
Flash based billiard-like game with Dyson telescope's elements for Windows
98/2000/XP (LT)
* EasyWrite Reader
This tool was developed to allow you to read discs written in MRW format on
systems that do not support MRW and includes the UDF reader for Windows
95, 98 and ME. (VJ)
* EH
EH is a reminder utility. So, if you sometimes forget your wedding
anniversary, of your children's birthday or to pay your taxes, EH might
help you to be a good husband, wife, father, mother or citizen.
EH is designed to be run, every time you start a Windows session, in order
to remind you to do [...]
* EmC
EmC (Email Control) is an anti-spam tool that allows you to reduce the
number of junk mails arriving in your inbox. The program works with a
combination of filters, that can be customized by the user and checks the
mail while it is still on your ISPs server. Based on your filter criteria,
it will pr [...]
* Employee Salary Calculator
Employee Sarlary Calculator is just that. all you have to do is type in the
Employees Name, The Date, and how much the person gets paid per hour. Then
you click the calculate button and thats it. It calculates how much the
employee should recieve and how many hoursthe employee worked each day,
week, [...]
* Encrypted Button Generator for PayPal
Easily create PayPal Web Accept buttons offline and then encrypt them using
your choice of two different encryption methods.
Note: Requires the Visual Basic 6 runtime modules.
Screenshot (JF)
* EscapeClose
EscapeClose is an absolutely free tiny utility, allowing you to close the
active window by pressing the Esc button. Or, to work more carefully, it
can position the mouse cursor in the upper right-hand corner of the active
window, where the Close button is located. It is especially useful when
you ar [...]
* Eval
Eval is a mathematical expression evaluator written in Java. It should work
on any computer system supporting Java. It is useful for quick
computations on the command line, and more complex calculations in a
script or batch file. You need Java 1.3 or better. (LT)
* ExCopy
Excopy is a little tool to copy the viewed contents of an explorer window
in text format to the clipboard display. Excopy registers in the File
context menu and displays the option 'Copy view text'.
In List view, Icon view etc, only the list of displayed file names is
In the View Details [...]
* Explorer Shell Hacks
Various shell registry hacks to make using windows less painful.
IE Image Extensions: Adds "Open Image In New Window" and "Copy Image
Location" to the IE context menus.
DOS Prompt Here: Adds "DOS Prompt Here" to the context menu for windows
explorer folders.
IE Blogdex Extensions: Adds blogdex sh [...]
* Extract Text
Extract Text is a utility to extract text strings (or other strings) from
binary files. It may be useful to find in program files messages,
copyright notices and so on. I have use it with success to extract the
word list in a long dictionary file. Of course, the program output usually
contains much [...]
* FileAlyzer
FileAlyzer is a tool to analyze files - the name itself was initially just
a typo of FileAnalyzer, but after a few days I decided to keep it.
FileAlyzer allows a basic analysis of files (showing file properties and
file contents in hex dump form) and is able to interpret common file
contents like re [...]
* FileCompare
Compares two folders of files in binary (recursive) to see if they are
identical. (JF)
* FileGateway
A Peer to Peer file transfer tool, that is friendly with HTTP
proxys/firewalls/routers/etc. * Works
across any proxy that supports HTTP * Runs
as a service on ALL versions of
Windows * Support for NT file
se [...]
* FileNamer
FileNamer is a software that helps you change name of one or more files
with use of special rename rules. (VJ)
* Filewatch
A file change monitor. Used with BlackICE Defender.
FileWatch (originally called ICEWatch 1.x) is a small utility that can
monitor a given file for changes. Monitoring can detect file size changes
or simply file writes, both with minimal impact on system resources (no
polling is performed). The pr [...]
* FixEOL
FixEOL is a simple utility to fix the end-of-line characters of text files
(Do not use it with binary files!!!). It may be used:
- to fix files with mixed end-of-file characters, such as those produced
by some utility programs which have been ported from Unix to Win32 in a
careless way, and
- to [...]
* FlipViewer
FlipViewer is a FlipBook Viewer that lets you view objects, such as web
pages, albums, manuals, catalogs (collectively called Books) created using
FlipPublisher, FlipAlbum 4.0 and 5.0 or any products that create OEB
Package Format files (OPF).
Based on the book concept, FlipViewer is not like any [...]
* FMNotes
Take notes in FileMaker Pro. I made this file because I often found myself
needing a simple floating notes field that's not attached to any
particular record. Basically, it's a text field in it's own file. (LT)
* Folder Organizer
Folder Organizer is a utility for power users that installs an icon in the
tray from which you can
- open or explore the system folders that contain
- the desktop
- the Start menu and its Documents, Programs and Start up submenus
- My (Your) Documents
- temporary files
- Send-t [...]
* FolderSort
Some programs need to have files in a particular order within a directory.
However, Explorer always shows you a sorted view which will usually bear
no relation to the actual sort order of the folder concerned (use a DOS
box to do a DIR in the folder and see the difference - providing you
haven't use [...]
* Font Tap
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Utility to extract glyphs from fonts as bitmap images. (LT)
* Forensic Toolkit
The Forensic ToolKit contains several Win32 Command line tools that can
help you examine the files on a NTFS disk partition for unauthorized
activity. We built these tools to help us do our job, we hope they can
help you as well. This tool OPEN SOURCE
Key Features
- AFind is the only tool that lis [...]
* Form Parser
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Decodes URL encoded input from web forms posted as email attachments using
the "mailto:" (LT)
* Fpipe
Command line port redirector for NT/2000.
FPipe is a source port forwarder/redirector. It can create a TCP or UDP
stream with a source port of your choice. This is useful for getting past
firewalls that allow traffic with source ports of say 23, to connect with
internal servers.
Usually a client [...]
* Fport
fport supports Windows NT4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP
fport reports all open TCP/IP and UDP ports and maps them to the owning
application. This is the same information you would see using the 'netstat
-an' command, but it also maps those ports to running processes with the
PID, process name and [...]
* Fresh View
Fresh View gives you the ability to organize and view multimedia files
(images, audio, video). Watch movies, listen to music, and view graphics
in a slide show. Image files in a folder can be displayed using a number
of views, including a thumbnail view that lets you quickly see what your
images are [...]
* FretBoardKnowledge
FretBoardKnowledge was created for one purpose only: Providing a tool that
simplifies and brings tremendous acceleration to the process of increasing
knowledge of the guitar fretboard; combining the esoteric with intuitivity
and practicality. Though simple and restricted FretBoardKnowledge may seem
* FSMax
A scriptable, server stress testing tool. This tool takes a text file as
input and runs a server through a series of tests based on the input. The
purpose of this tool is to find buffer overflows of DOS points in a
server. Be aware that the script file must be terminated by double
carriage return, o [...]
* ftpClient
Description: This is a ftp client software. Using this software, files can
be transferred from Linux/Unix ftp servers to windows environment. Enter
server ip address, username and password to connect to the ftp server.
After connection is established, go to server dialog to put or get a file
from ft [...]
* Galleta
Examine the contents of the cookie files from Interent Explorer.
Many computer crime investigations require the reconstruction of a
subject's Internet Explorer Cookie files. Since this analysis technique is
executed regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in the
cookie files. Gall [...]
* Gawk
If you are like many computer users, you would frequently like to make
changes in various text files wherever certain patterns appear, or extract
data from parts of certain lines while discarding the rest. To write a
program to do this in a language such as C or Pascal is a time-consuming
inconvenie [...]
* GetBot
Pause and resume downloads, get a huge list of files, and get everything in
a site with GetBot - the free, no spyware download manager for Windows.
GetBot is relentless, recovering broken downloads from errors and busy
servers. If a dial-up connection is lost, GetBot can redial the modem
automatica [...]
* GIF Vault
Over 7,500 32x32 GIF images (mostly 16 col) all categorized and ready to
put in a web page. All images are set with a transparent background and
are mostly around 500 bytes in size. An easy install setup has been
included and when installed will load the various pages into your browser.
These images [...]
* Google Deskbar
Google Deskbar enables you to search with Google from any application
without lifting your fingers from the keyboard. Installs easily in your
Windows taskbar.
Key Features:
Search using Google, even when your browser isn't running
Preview search results in a small inset window that closes [...]
* GradeGetter
GradeGetter is most useful for teachers and students.
GradeGetter can show you the percentage of points you got correct, when
you enter the number of points you got correct and the total number
possible. For example, if you had 8 out of 10 correct, you would fill in
the box for the number right (8 [...]
* Grfx32
Unattended display driver installation program for NT. (LT)
* Grimp
The free, no DLL install, no 3rd party server, website reader for Windows
-- easy, powerful, and complete without ads or nags. Automatically collect
and store content from thousands of websites which support RSS. Filter,
sort, and read the information off-line at your convenience. Works with
your fa [...]
* Group Mailer
Easily send individual messages to a list of clients or friends. Works with
a simple text file list of addresses and your ISP's SMTP server. This is a
great way to stay in touch with clients, send newsletters etc. (JF)
* HABCal
for Windows 95, 98, XP
On-screen perpetual calendar
Calculates days and weeks elapsed and ages. (LT)
* HABClean
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Make sure that "deleted" files cannot be read by snoops. (LT)
* HABEdit
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Notepad replacement with several extra features including a HEX editor.
(NB: A HEX editor is a dangerous tool in inexperienced hands; if you are
not confident in using one it may be advisable to get HABPad instead.)
* HABFiles
Previously known as HAButil
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Text-file conversion utility for use with data files formatted as text.
Reformats text files to match the input format required by particular
applications (LT)
* HABit Tidy
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Windows wrapper for the HTML Tidy for Windows command-line utility.
Allows you to clean up and correct HTML markup code. (LT)
* HABmon
for Windows 3.1x
Prevent out-of-resources crashes in Windows 3.1 by notifying the user of
low-resource conditions
Also contains close-down and re-start options and an alarm clock. (LT)
* HABPad
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Notepad replacement with several extra features including a HEX viewer.
(NB: If you need to edit binary files, get HABEdit instead.) (LT)
* Hard Disk Indicator
Add your hard-disks led at your system tray. Works only on Win2k & XP
systems. (JF)
* HD_Speed
Measures both sustained and burst data transfer rates of your hard disks,
cd/dvd-roms and floppy. Realtime graphical display. (JF)
HOLIDAY WORD SEARCH lets you print and solve word search puzzles using
ten built-in holiday word lists you can edit. And it's FREE! The holiday
lists have 300 words covering Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Halloween,
Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Secular Christmas,and Religious
Christmas. The p [...]
* Home Computer Security
This document helps you think about the problems you face when you have a
home computer and gives you advice on how to address these problems. By
taking the time to read this document, you know more about securing your
home computer and the extra costs required to do this job. Do the tasks
described [...]
* Huminity
Huminity is a free social networking software that allows you to chat with
anyone, navigate animated maps of connections and view the links of
friends between you and anyone else .introducing - Huminity 6-degree chat!
With Huminity you can chat with anyone, enter chat-rooms, find people and
search [...]
* ICEWatch
ICEWatch is designed to watch the attacks recorded against your computer by
BlackICE Defender, distributed by ISS. BlackICE is a software firewall
which will protect your computer from intrusion attempts through any
TCP/IP network connection.
While BlackICE does a great job protecting your compu [...]
* ICIT99
Recovers the ICQ99 Password of an .dat File. (LT)
* Icon Tap
for Windows 95, 98, XP
View and extract icons from Windows program (exe) files and dynamic link
libraries (DLL files) (LT)
* iDebugger
Loris iDebugger is a browser, which shows any content, delivered by a web
server, as ASCII source.
Document links are extracted and placed at the top of the screen, which
makes possible to follow and hyperlink in the page without typing it in
the address bar.
This application is especially useful [...]
* IM Auto Answer
Instant Message Auto Answer (IMAA) will answer all of your America Online
Instant Messages while you are away from the keyboard. Create up to 3
custom messages which are sent in rotation. You have the option to
automatically answer all IMs, only specified list of screen names, or you
can ignore a [...]
* Impulse Tracker
Impulse Tracker is a music tracker under development in South Australia by
Jeffrey Lim (Pulse/PoP). It is quite similar to the popular Scream Tracker
by Future Crew, and is therefore quite easy to learn. In fact, if you're
already experienced in Scream Tracker, then the switch to Impulse Tracker
can [...]
* Intelligent Copier
This is a "system tray" application.
The main purpose is to define Default Rules on proper section.
You can drag and drop to Intelligent Copier's window any file(s) you want.
If any of these files match any of your predefined rules, it will be
copied or moved (as specified on settings) to the pr [...]
* IntelliStopper
ntelliStopper is a next generation, intelligent, Free Pop up Blocker.
IntelliStopper works by following guidelines to determine which windows
are unwanted pop ups while allowing desirable pop up windows to load and
function properly.
IntelliStopper can also block annoying desktop pop up spam, [...]
* IP4Trace
A Win32 C++ programming library port of the OpenBSD 2.8 kernel-land IPv4
fragment reassembly implementation.
Network monitoring software such as IDS typically examines only complete
IP datagrams. Thus, attackers are able to fragment their IP traffic to
pass through corporate networks undetected and [...]
* iShellLink
Create a shortcut on the desktop.
BCB3 project creates a shortcut on the desktop. Same as shortcut.zip.
Includes an EXE. (LT)
* JavaScript Buttons II
Rollover Javascript code generator (2 images effect). (JF)
* Javascript Vault
The largest offline archive of javascripts you'll find. Over 700 assorted
scripts in 17 categories set up to run straight from your browser.
Something for everyone from easy to advanced users. Buttons, menus,
graphics, text, redirection, cookies, messages, scrollers, forms and more.
Set up in html p [...]
* Jeff's FileMaker Template
This is a free FileMaker Pro file to use as a basis for other FileMaker Pro
files. It has a bunch of fields (including ID, date entered, global
fields, etc), self-join relationships, and scripts (printing, duplicating
found sets, and so on).
It was created in FileMaker Pro 6.0 (LT)
* Jeff's MiniCalendar
Ever need to look at a calendar to see how many weeks until vacation? What
day of the week rent is due?
Sure, with Windows you can double-click the clock in the taskbar and see a
calendar as part of the Date and Time Properties -- and hope you don't
accidentilly change the date on your computer. [...]
* JPEG Resizer
Do you need to send a lots of photos to your Chief? Do you want to create a
thousands of thumbnails for your site by one click? Have you a digital
camera? Do you run a website and have graphics that take a long time to
load? This little program will resize your graphics so that they load
faster and [...]
* Karaoke Manager
Karaoke Manager is a database program for midi karaoke files formatted as
..kar, .st3 or .mid.
Karaoke Manager can...
- store the key information about your
- song files in a single location.
- search all the drives attached to your computer
- looking for Karaoke song-files.
- save and read [...]
* Kazaa FasterDownload
for Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000
A small add-on application to the most popular file sharing program on the
net, KaZaa Media Desktop. The program will rest unobtrusively in the
computers system tray and speed up the downloads you start in KaZaa. The
program will also assu [...]
* kitchen IKEA planning tools
Planning your kitchen couldn't be easier. You can drag and drop kitchen
units and appliances into layouts, view them in 3-D, try different
colours, print your design, and you can even see the total cost of your
new IKEA kitchen. (VJ)
* Knockin
Try to knock the others off the playfield, while at the same time
collecting as many coins as you can. Play against your buddies on a single
computer or over the internet. (RK)
* Kopassa
Kopassa is the next generation of Internet Browsers. Kopassa's ultimate
goal is to ally powerful and easy searching mechanism with the ability to
manipulate and work with the resulting information.
Some of Kopassa's features:
Web-Thumbnail technology built in
Multiple pane support
Major [...]
* LaTeX Macros
LaTeX Macros is a utility to send to your editor LaTeX commands. It also
helps you writing the document template (with options and packages) and
create for you the skeleton of an array, a table or complex environments.
You only have to select the corresponding button in a toolbar.
Especially desig [...]
* LDB ClockXP
The program is intended for indication of the current time both
submission of a signal and distribution of the message in the time,
established by the user.
The main window of clock settles down on a desktop atop of all windows,
that allows to supervise time not coming off from other employment. [...]
* LDB WallpaperXP
The program WallpaperXP is a Windows wallpaper changer.
LDB WallpaperXP supports russian and english languages.
The change of a background picture happens in loadtime of a Windows, then
the program is automatically unloaded from the RAM.
The choice of a picture is made accidentally on the b [...]
* Life
Life simulates the most famous cellular automaton: Life created by John
Horton Conway (it was widely known after Martin Gardner discussed it in
Scientific American).
In this automaton the universe (which may be rectangular or, if opposite
sides are identified, toroidal) is made up of a finite numbe [...]
* Linux Gnome Desktop for Windows
The GNOME Desktop provides the graphical user interface to the underlying
Linux operating system. We have recompiled over 4 million lines of code,
and now the GNOME Desktop runs on Windows. What makes this effort unique
is that we did this in 1.5 weeks, and changed less than 100 lines of the
origina [...]
* Long Filenames Finder
Long Filename Finder is the easiest way to find and shorten filenames that
are too long to be backed up to CD-R (or CD-RW).
Many CD-R mastering programs limit the length of the filenames that can be
stored on the CD-R. In some cases, this length is as short as 62
characters. Your files can easily h [...]
* Lotto Calculator
Check a list of Lotto draws and find out whether any winning numbers appear
in any in previous games, find out the odds for any Lotto, Powerball or
Keno, run the simulator and see just how long it takes to win, includes
just under 200 optimized wheeling systems, check the winning numbers
against you [...]
* MaMaDaSp
Make life hard for spammers, put up a website with a huge amount of fake
email adresses! (JF)
MATCH MAKER is a concentration-type program that helps your child learn
to identify and match letters, numbers, colors, shapes, objects, and
animals. And, it's FREE! You can match upper and lower case letters,
numbers and objects, pictures with pictures, or pictures with names. Print
options allow [...]
* MedDict UsEn Edition
It started as an online glossary, today it is a spellchecker extension for
MS Office, which is now available for download. We merged the glossary
with one of our previus works PharmaTab, farmacology tables, what will
guarantee also a professional use by medical students and staff. The
vocabulary is [...]
* MessengerScan
MessengerScan v1.05 is a Windows based detection and analysis utility that
can quickly and accurately identify Microsoft operating systems that are
vulnerable to the messenger service buffer overflow released in the
MS03-043 bulletin.
MessengerScan is intended for use by enterprise system and netw [...]
* MixedUp
Creates files of random data. File size can be from 1 byte to 99 Mbytes.
The random data can be totally random, or restricted to numeric ranges.
* MP3Tag Laboratory
MP3Tag Laboratory is an advanced id3tag editor, that can edit tag for one
or more files. Application beside standard editing functions includes
special functions for real mp3 files collectioners.
One of the really useful features of MP3Tag Lab is function called "MP3
sorting". It is a common issue [...]
* MultiBOX
Multibox is an ActiveX Control for use with Visual Basic© Applications.
Multibox is an enhanced message box and input box component combined. You
can now create a message box with checkbox or option button selections,
large text input/output and even change the command button captions. An
advanced t [...]
* MultiMail
This free program can be used to stress test SMTP servers. It also aids
anti-Spam tool developers as a useful mail-bombardment tool.
MultiMail 2.0 is a multi-threaded SMTP stress testing program which also
doubles up as a handy tool for anti-Spam software development. It starts
multiple threads, [...]
* MyInternet
MyInternet is freeware. No cost to you ever. No limitations.
Browse multiple web pages simultaneously. All opened pages can be easily
stopped, refreshed, closed or saved with one click.
If you click a link in the web page with the middle mouse button, the link
will be opened in a new window. And [...]
* NameCase
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Utility for changing the case of file or folder names. (LT)
* natural healing
Alternative Medicine Research. (VJ)
* Neo Tweaker Professional
OS: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003
Program Neo Tweaker Pro is intended for your operational system
development, for improvement her work and increase computer speed. Using
this program you can expose every possible interdictions speed up work of
your system, protect your system from [...]
* NeoTrace Express
NeoTrace Express is a freeware version of the popular NeoTrace tool. This
version offers the mapping features of the Professional version and the
essential features you need to trace web sites. It's multithreaded, so
it's very fast and can simultaneously check multiple hops on the route. It
shows th [...]
* Net Send Spoofer
This utility allows you to send anonymous Net Send messages to anyone on
your network or anyone that has a direct IP address (which usually does
not include anyone that is on a cable or LAN connection). You can also
make the messages appear like they are being sent from a different
computer. (VJ)
* Net Speakerphone
Net Speakerphone is just another one communication program for local
network. The main function is voice communication in full duplex mode. You
can also send files, urls and doing some simple remote administration
(logoff, restart, shutdown, torn monitor on or off, e.t.c.). Text
messaging is able ev [...]
* NetCheckers
The NetCheckers freeware game is non intelligent network game. American
Checkers can be played over LAN, intranet using TCP/IP. This software can
be used for playing checkers as server, client or single board. Once the
connection is established, mouse can be used to move the checkers board
pieces. S [...]
* NetChess
The NetChess freeware game is non intelligent network game.
Chess can be played over LAN, intranet using TCP/IP. This software can be
used for playing chess as server, client or single board. Once the
connection is established, mouse can be used to move the chess board
pieces. Same action will b [...]
* NetChineseCheckers
The NetChineseCheckers freeware game is non intelligent network game.
Chinese Checkers(8x8,10x10) can be played over LAN, intranet using TCP/IP.
This software can be used for playing checkers as server, client or single
board. Once the connection is established, mouse can be used to move the
checker [...]
* NetRummy
NetRummy is a basic rummy game in card games. Using this software, Rummy
game can be played over LAN, intranet using TCP/IP between two players.
The deck consists of 52 cards with 4 suites, Diamond, Flower, Heart and
Spade. Each suit consists from low to high
Ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack Queen Ki [...]
* NetSleuth
Resolves all the IP addresses for a given machine name or host name. (JF)
* NetTicTacToe
The NetTicTacToe freeware game is non intelligent network game. TicTacToe
can be played over LAN, intranet using TCP/IP. This software can be used
for playing TicTacToe as server, client or single board. Once the
connection is established, Select the circle or cross and click on empty
square to plac [...]
* Nokia Logo Vault
4,000 logos, 1,348 picture messages and 70 startup logos for Nokia phones.
Jazz up your dull looking screen, replace that drab Nokia operator logo.
All you need is a data cable and a shareware program to make use of any of
these logos.
Screenshot (JF)
* Nonsense 2000
The latest addition to the Nonsense series and a worthy sequel to Nonsense
Madness with its 20 fast paced side-scrolling levels!
Jump, shoot and spit your way through 20 action-packed levels. A must-have
download! (RK)
* Nonsense Madness
One of our best games and one of the best freeware games ever in this
genre. Jump, shoot and spit your way through 20 action-packed levels. A
must-have download! (RK)
* Noone's VCD Player
You insert a VCD, you click the icon, it does the rest... No questions
asked! If you've got VCDs in 2 or more drives, plays them all... non-stop,
making life easier for you.. And when the movie ends, it offers to eject
the disc. Go ahead - pamper yourself.. (JF)
* Noted
You like to use notepad to edit files, but can't because it doesn't handle
UNIX or Mac formatted files? You find that the search and replace
facilities are just not powerful enough? You want to be able to see what
line of a file you're on? You want features to be more accessable. Don't
want to use a [...]
* NTLast
NTLast is specifically targeted for serious security and IIS
administration. Scheduled review of your NT event logs is critical for
your network. A server breach can be uncovered by regular system auditing.
Identifying and tracking who has gained access to your system, then
documenting the details i [...]
* Numbers
Numbers is a small program to set up and solve a simple arithmetic problem:
you are given from 2 to 7 (integer) numbers (called Operands) and have to
guess how to combine them by means of the four elementary operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to get a given Result
(or th [...]
* OdoPlus
Deluxe Mouse Tracking
OdoPlus tracks the distance your mouse pointer travels on the screen. It
also keeps record of how often you clicked each mouse button and in which
part of the desktop.
- Tracks overall and intermediate distance
- Click counts for left, right, center buttons
- N [...]
* Pasco
Many computer crime investigations require the reconstruction of a
subject's internet activity. Since this analysis technique is executed
regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in Internet
Explorer activity files (index.dat files). Pasco, the latin word meaning
"browse", was develo [...]
* Password Keeper
Little utility for saving the infinite list of passwords you accumulate for
various websites. Originally written to keep these passwords out of the
registry and the password list file in Windows, and because I never
trusted spyware programs like Gator.
Screenshot (JF)
* Patchit
A file byte-patching utility. This is driven by a simple scripting
language. It can patch sequences of bytes in any file, search for byte
patterns (with wildcards) and also extract and utilise DLL exported
function addresses as source positions in files to be patched. (LT)
* PD-Castles
If you start this program up and click on nothing, it will act as a normal
screen saver going from a day time mode to a night time mode on it's own.
You can: Change day/night mode, play music, change the volume of the
music, bring out the cannon(s) and fire it/them. Walk through the Castles
at nigh [...]
* Pentominoes
This program solves all kind of problems for Golomb's pentominoes (LT)
* Personal Progress File Personal Edition
The Personal Edition of PPF is designed for home use and may be used FREE
The software...
- simplifies the preparation of NRA pages
- works on MS Windows 3.x, 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME and XP
- is VERY easy to use
- saves your work automatically
- lets you update your file at any [...]
* PitPad
You don't have to use standard text editor that is in your Windows
operating system - Notepad. Because PitPad is a freeware text and hex
editor and he is perfect Notepad successor. He have a lot of additional
functions that Notepad don't have.
PitPad is also hex editor. So from this day you can c [...]
In PIZZA PLACE, you are in charge of deliveries for the neighborhood pizza
parlor for one night. And, the program is FREE! You take phone orders,
tell the crew how many pizzas to bake and tell the delivery car where to
go. The program teaches mental math, logical thinking skills and good
business p [...]
* PowerMenu
Power Menu is a small app that adds "Always On Top", "Minimize To Tray",
"Priority" and "Transparency" sub menus to all top level system menus..
Note: Some features are only available on NT/2K/XP.
Screenshot (JF)
* PowerPlay
PowerPlay is a free feature-rich audio CD player for Windows 95/98/NT.
Features include retrieving disc and track titles from FreeDB internet
database, multiple drive support, disc statistics, exporting database,
full uninstallation and much more...
Windows 95/98/NT
Full CDDB support for retrie [...]
* Protaxis BestFonts
Protaxis BestFonts is an small freeware utility that help you to preview
installed fonts,
organize fonts in font groups, send font files on e-mail, pack fonts in
zip archive.
This utility is very useful if you wish to choose which font apply for
Suppose you want to make a web banner, an [...]
PUSE is a Perl version of FUSE Light, a multiuser server for macromedia
PUSE is a pair of perl modules (FUSE::Server and FUSE::Client) which can
be controlled through perl's object interface, making it easier than ever
to create FUSE servers and test FUSE clients. By setting custom call [...]
* QUICK notes
This is a small program that helps you to keep organized your everyday
notes. (JF)
* RealAccount
RealAccount is a freeware plugin for Microsoft Outlook versions XP and
2003. purpose is to enhance Outlook accounts handling, with the ability to
choose preferred account, signature and email format for each defined mail
folder. RealAccount is focused to people who wants to maintain different
profi [...]
* Registry Saver
Backup your registry with a single click
Registry Saver makes backups of your Windows registry, and stores them in
uniquely named directories. It can also shut down your PC or put it to
sleep mode afterwards.
- Backups registry files conveniently in one place
- Standby/hibernate/power [...]
* Resource Explorer Pro
Extract resources from win32 PE files. Bitmaps, icons, cursors, accelerator
maps, string tables, menus, dialogs, web pages, gifs, jpegs. You name it,
we can extract it. And view it. And some other stuff. (LT)
* Restoration
Restore files which are deleted from the recycle bin or deleted while
holding down the Shift key by mistake.
Conversely, this program has another function that makes it almost
impossible to restore all deleted files.
You can use it after deletion of confidential documents, embarrassing
files and s [...]
* Rifiuti
Examine the contents of the INFO2 file in the Recycle Bin on Windows
Many computer crime investigations require the reconstruction of a
subject's Recycle Bin. Since this analysis technique is executed
regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in the Recycle
Bin repository [...]
* RPCScan
RPCScan is a Windows based detection and analysis utility that can quickly
and accurately identify Microsoft operating systems that are vulnerable to
the multiple buffer overflow vulnerabilities released in the MS03-026 and
MS03-039 bulletins.
RPCScan is intended for use by enterprise system and n [...]
* ScanLine
ScanLine is a command-line port scanner for all Windows platforms.
It can perform traditional ICMP "pinging", optional additional ICMP
TimeStamp scanning, can show host response times and number of hops, do
TCP scanning, simple UDP scanning, banner grabbing and hostname
Scanning is perf [...]
* Scratch Copy
Scratch Copy program is a small utility for performing copy of stream audio
and video files, like .mp3 or .avi from a damaged CD and for copying files
according to Winamp playlist.
Description :
This program not tries to recover unreadable data, but continues copy
anyway even in case the area, [...]
* ServiWin
ServiWin utility displays the list of installed drivers and services on
your system. For some of them, additional useful information is displayed:
file description, version, product name, company that created the driver
file, and more.
In addition, ServiWin allows you to easily stop, start, restart [...]
* ShadeNow
Dims your screen after an inactivity period still allowing you to see
what's happening on your desktop. (LT)
* ShoWin
ShoWin displays useful information about windows by dragging a cursor over
Perhaps one of the most popular uses of this program is to display hidden
password editbox fields (text behind the asterisks *****). This will work
in many programs although Microsoft have changed the way things work i [...]
* Simple Budget
A very simple, no frills, but functional program that itemises all of your
expenses plus your income and then shows you how much money you have left
each week, fortnight, month and year. No complicated instructions or
interface, start entering data as soon as the program has loaded. Fully
functional [...]
* SInfo
for Windows 95/98/Me and snfxp120.exe for Windows XP
Sinfo (System Information Utility) is designed to help Windows programmers
and advanced users by providing information on many aspects of Windows. It
can display full information on current classes, windows, processes and
threads. There are some [...]
* Slice
Do you ever need to transport large files on floppy disks? Winzip spanning
takes too long, and if one disk fails, you need the whole set over again.
Your can use Slice to chop up large files into custom sized chunks, which
can be stitched back together later. Small & fast, and now with it's own
inst [...]
* SnakesLadders
This is Snakes and Ladders dice game. As the name suggests, the aim of the
game is to escape from snakes and go through the ladders to reach to HOME
safely. (VJ)
* SNScan
SNScan is a Windows based SNMP detection utility that can quickly and
accurately identify SNMP enabled devices on a network. This utility can
effectively indicate devices that are potentially vulnerable to SNMP
related security threats, such as those released on February 12, 2002 and
the Cisco IPv4 [...]
* SokoMind
SokoMind is a Sokoban game where you have to move boxes across corridors
into target squares. You can only push one single box at a time, and you
are not able to pull boxes. This is not as easy as it may sound; be
careful, do not block your way. (VJ)
* SolCalendar
Turn your desktop into your personal calendar & organiser.
Desktop calendar/organiser
Reminder: music/message alert. You can even set an event to be
Application Scheduler: schedule an application to run at
certain time.
Customizable desktop wallpaper interfaces (text colo [...]
* SQLScan
SQLScan is a Windows GUI scanner tailored specifically to finding SQL
servers that may be vulnerable to the recent SQL "Slammer" or "SQHell"
worm that attacks vulnerable Microsoft SQL 2000 servers.
Use of the tool should be fairly self-evident. Enter a list of IP
addresses to be scanned in the IP l [...]
* StarGateSG1
This is for StarGate Fans and everyone who watches the program. It has a
very nice interface which plays the StarGate theme. It shows thumbnail
pictures as well as all the programs names, dates and summeries of the
first seven seasons. If your a StarGate Fan don't pass this up. (JF)
* Stream Explorer
Stream Explorer (Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003) is a utility that reveals
file streams with Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP, or 2003.
Stream Explorer will show you the number of streams in each file as they
are listed per folder.
When you select a file, Stream Explorer will list all the streams in that
f [...]
* SuperScan for Windows 2000 and XP
SuperScan 4 is a completely-rewritten update of the highly popular Windows
port scanning tool, SuperScan. Here are some of the new features in this
- Superior scanning speed
- Support for unlimited IP ranges
- Improved host detection using multiple ICMP methods
- TCP SYN scanning
* SysColour
Displays the current system colour configuration and allows the user to
alter each colour. Provides more color types than the Control Panel
screen configuration utility. (JF)
* TABfinder
TABfinder is a freeware application that will help you in finding guitar
tab's in the net.
You don't have visit website that have TAB search engine. You can use
TABfinder. Just type band or song name, select propper engine and click
"TAB search" button. Then TABfinder will open your internet brow [...]
* TaskBuddy
TaskBuddy is loaded with features designed to help you get organized and
stay organized. Whether you use it personally or in a team/network
environment, TaskBuddy provides you with a fast task database environment,
notification alarms, task notes, priority status and the ability to add
and customize [...]
* TeX Organizer
TeX Organizer is a simple utility to organize the use under Windows
95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP of a group of DOS and/or Windows programs that are to
be applied to a single file or to a group or related files. The best
example (but not the only) is provided by TeX. Let us assume that you have
a DOS (or eve [...]
* Text2Html
Freeware Text to HTML converter
- Entirely FREE software!
- Converts text files into HTML files
- Command line capability
- Handles http, ftp, gopher, telnet, wais, nntp and mailto tags
- Options to change default HTML attribute colours.
- Limited file management: in-app. drag/d [...]
* The Anomy sanitizer
The Anomy sanitizer is what most people would call "an email virus
scanner". That description is not totally accurate, but it does cover one
of the more important jobs that the sanitizer can do for you - it can scan
email attachments for viruses. Other things it can do:
Disable potentially danger [...]
* The Email Primer
The Primer contains tips on email use, especially for the Outlook Express
email program. There's a lot of useful information in it for all email
users, though. Learn how to use your addressbook more efficiently, create
distribution lists, manage your email with folders and filters! There is a
brief [...]
* The Jokebook
It contains jokes of ALL descriptions covering just about every topic
possible. if you enjoy laughing at the human species then this is just for
you. This is in html (web) format and has been set up with an installer,
so just click and enjoy! (JF)
* The Kids Puzzle
A Kids Jigsaw Puzzle. Improve yours or your kids coordination by Solving
jigsaw puzzles. There are several picture and a variety of difficulty
levels for you to select. The game accompanied by sound effect and vocal
Screenshot (JF)
* The Shift-Puzzle
for Windows9x/ME/NT/2000/XP
This is the first of a serie of games i'll make. I hope you will like it.
The game principle is rather simple. After clicking on "Mixing" you have
to shift the single pieces into the right order. It's also possible to
make own skins. If you have some nice new skins plea [...]
* The Tiny Project
The Tiny Project is a collection of common scripts, in an exteremely tiny
implementation. Not to the point of obfuscation, but still pretty small.
They all run under strict and -w and are completely FREE. Just view the
source and grab a copy...
- Tiny Guestbook: A guestbook in 35 lines
- Tiny Bull [...]
* Touch
Touch is a simple utility to update the different date and time stamps of a
single file or of a group of files. You may drag the files from the
Explorer and drop them over the Touch window, or select them in a standard
dialog box or even indicate them in the command line used to start Touch.
You mig [...]
* TransMaus
Transparent mouse cursors (LT)
* Transparentizer
Makes some windows partly transparent so you can see both the window and
what's under it. You can also define a color key, all parts of the window
with this color will become completely transparent.
Requires Windows 2000/XP (No kidding! it won't work without!) (LT)
* TreeSize
for Windows 3.1x
Calculates the total size of a selected directory.
With it, you can find out how much disk-space is occupied by the files in
any directory, including subdirectories. (LT)
* Trout
A visual (i.e. GUI as opposed to command-line) traceroute and Whois
program. Pinging can be set at a controllable rate as can the frequency of
repeatedly scanning the selected host. The built-in simple Whois lookup
can be used to identify hosts discovered along the route to the
destination computer. [...]
* UDPFlood
UDPFlood is a UDP packet sender. It sends out UDP packets to the specified
IP and port at a controllable rate. Packets can be made from a typed text
string, a given number of random bytes or data from a file.
Warning: This tool may have the ability to cause crippling performance or
other damage to [...]
* UniqueDisplay
WinXP does a terrific job of saving individual settings like wallpaper,
colors, etc. Unfortunately, if you change your monitor resolution, it gets
changed for everyone. Not cool. This program takes care of WinXP's
shortcomings, allowing each user to have their own desktop resolution.
Works fine with [...]
* UpTime
Small program, which shows the uptime of the current machine, that means
how much time has been gone since the last reboot (LT)
* UserClone
UserClone is a tool specifically created to copy your America Online filing
cabinet and favorite places to another screenname.
This is a very useful when creating a new screenname. You no longer have
to worry about losing important
e-mails or transferring your favorite places by hand. (VJ)
* Utopia Chat System
A peer to peer chat system, capable of supporting hundreds of different
users over a TCP/IP network. Features include public chat rooms, private
rooms (entrance by invitation only), user avatars, personal mail, server
side mailboxes, complex kick and ban rules, message broadcasting, emotions
and muc [...]
* VANRecord
Record everything you can hear with a single click. Save to OGG files
Support all input lines: speakers, line-ins, microphones ...
Small, easy to use. No hidden cost
Homepage is Vietnam language. The English version of software available
from Simtel Net (LT)
* Vision
Reports all open TCP and UDP ports and maps them to the owning process or
Vision, a host based Forensic Utility is the GUI successor to the
well-known freeware tool, Fport. This innovative new product from
Foundstone shows all of the open TCP and UDP ports on a machine, displays
the s [...]
* Visual Graph - BETA
Visual Graph is an equation graphing program. (LT)
* WallMan
A small but powerfull wallpaper manager. (JF)
* Web Driver SDK
The Web Driver 3.0 SDK provides everything you need and more to make
cutting edge multimedia web applications. This SDK contains tools,
documentation, demos, how-to's and tutorials that you can use to get up
and running with the most powerful Web Driver to date. It will help you if
you're just learn [...]
* Wicked's Clipboard Manager
A clipboard manager that allows you to edit your clipboard easily. This can
also split your clipboard for storing text into 5! (JF)
* Wicked's Faster Typist
An addictive stimulation game to train your typing skills by becoming a
virtual typist! (JF)
* Wicked's Ramager
A Ram management program designed to be as discreet as possible, while
helping you to manage your amount of free physical memory. (JF)
* Wicked's Stick-On Notes
Shows messenges you left behind during your previous computer session when
you start the computer. The size and position of WSSON is also saved. (JF)
* Wicked's Web Viewer
A web browser using IE's web rendering engine but with all the extra
nosense from IE filtered out. Many new features are added in instead. (JF)
* WinFind
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Utility for listing all open windows on your desktop (LT)
* WinHost
This utility allows you to easily create, store, and send macros to an AOL
chatroom on the fly. Create and store an endless amount of macros and
categorize them into seven separate storage sections. (VJ)
* WinScorer
This utility allows you to score AOL chatroom trivia games with ease.
Never score by hand again! Let WinScorer do the calculations for you.
WinScorer also allows you to create macros, generate score reports, score
text from the clipboard, automatically log and save your scored games,
plus many [...]
* WordScramble
This is a word scramble game with around 3500 words. This game consists of
randomly selected 10 scramble words from dictionary which are placed in
left side, leaving the right side edit boxes free. Unscramble the words
and fill in right side edit boxes. After completion, click on Check to
check your [...]
* WordStar Converter
for Windows 95, 98, XP
Converts old word processor files in WordStar format to plain text so that
you can read them and load into a modern word processor for reformatting
* xRun
A transparent (!), sorta skinnable, program launcher for almost all
versions of Windows, including 98, 98se, Me, and newer. Designed to
replace the standard Windows run dialog, and offer plenty of features not
usually found in a run box. Offers it's own shortcut capability, search
and lookup functio [...]
* YAPS - Yet Another Port Scanner
Fast TCP/IP port scanner.
* Supports simultaneous connecting to many
* Supports command line and GUI mode
* Customisable timeout
* Can scan range of addre [...]