"FWT Newsletter - Weekly" - March 22, 2004
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* 3000 Years Calendar
3000 Years Calendar allows to look through Julian, Gregorian, Hebrew and
Islamic calendars in the following ranges of years:
Julian calendar (Old Style) from 1 to 3000
Gregorian calendar (New Style) from 1 to 3000
Hebrew calendar from 3761 to 6761
Islamic calendar from 1 to 2452
For any dat [...]
* applepie solutions image converter
Convert a .gif image into a .wbmp image... simply enter the url of the .gif
image to be converted. See a preview, and download the .wbmp file! (LT)
* AttoSOFT HTML Protector & Encryptor
It lets you protect your copyrighted documents when you release them onto
the net.
- Protect your content from unfriendly Copy & Paste.
- Multiple File Processing.
- Multi-Level Security.
- Install/Uninstall support.
- User-Friendly Interface. (LT)
* AttoSOFT MenuMaker
Here comes the newest software from AttoSOFT - MENUMAKER! What does it do?
It makes JavaScript menus in an easy way which you can then place in your
homepage !
It helps you to make your site look more professional , more attractive ,
and easier to navigate ..
By using using a JavaScript menu , you [...]
* Aura - Ambient Sound of Virgin Wood
for Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP
The program shows its icon near system watches and plays real godlike
sounds of virgin wood (LT)
* babeldoc
universal document processor. The Open Source tool for business-to-business
and systems-integrators and enterprises wishing to connect data and
documents centers. Babeldoc is intended for systems integrators and EAI
- is a Java framework for processing documents in linear stage [...]
System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Small utility to backup regulary your important files. (LT)
* Bali CALC
System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Decimal/hexadecimal calculator with memory (and Franc/Euro translator with
customizable change rate). (LT)
System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Small, but powerfull tool to protect your files (any type) using a 250
chars long key. With the new 3.0 version, you may also send and receive
encrypted emails! Bali CRYPTE may also encrypt a complete folder in one
click. (LT)
* Bali DynDNS
System : Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Freeware that you may use to update your dynamic IP with: DynDNS.org,
dnsQ.org, DHS.org, No-IP.com, MyIP.us, OVH.com If you use one ot these
services to get a fixed FTP or HTTP server on your computer people may
access using a unique URL (ie: http://you.dyndns.or [...]
* Bali MEMO
System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Contact manager and "to do list".
- Bali MEMO let you manage an address book (up to 500 cards). Each card
may have a contact name, telephone, and miscellaneous informations (400
chars). This book may be used from Bali TOOLS 2000 so that you may email
or phone [...]
* Beats Of Rage
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the
SEGA megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the
waiting proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we
tried to correct this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate
tribute to [...]
* bed
Menu driven binary editor. Dataformats are ascii, unsigned and signed
integers, float, bitflags, bitfields, labels, ebcdic and time_t. Different
sizes and byte ordenings are possible. Datatypes can be used in
structures. Other dataformats, filters and procedures can be defined in
plugins. Contains c [...]
* BootClean
BootClean is a utility that clears out TEMP, Temporary Internet, and
Recycling Bin files everytime you boot up your computer. However, it only
works if the installed drive is C:\. Also, it's only been tested on
Windows 95/98, so I'm not quite sure how it works on NT/2000/XP systems.
Open an ISO and burn it direct to your burner. Run with ASPI and SPTI
driver (Windows 95 till XP/2003). No other program or DLL required. (LT)
* Caravan Business Server
FREE for all platforms - All Windows Versions, IBM OS/2, Linux
An extremely powerful development platform for building Web-based products
and Web Applications. Includes Web Server, Database engine, Search Engine,
Communication Server, Application Server, Scripting language, cross
platform - develo [...]
* CaseConv.dll
Explorer shows pretty names for all files and directories, that actually
consist of uppercase letters. This means that if you see something like
"Lowercase" in an explorer window, its real name is one of the following:
A file or directory that is stored as "LOWERCASE"
A file or directory that is [...]
* Cauldron
A file (un)cooking utility
Cauldron is a program that can "cook" and "uncook" files. A "cooked" file
is a file that has become corrupt during download due to an incorrect
protocol being used. This happens frequently with poorly configured
webservers A good example is with MP3 files; I'm sure most [...]
* CDStarter
CDStarter - a freeware program to put on your CDs that will present the
user with a list of buttons to run software or open files on your CD. You
can define your own lists and each button can have its own icon. CDStarter
has support for different languages and operating systems.
Create buttons to [...]
* Check Writer
This complete program prints check data onto checks using a holder to hold
the check on a piece of paper and then feed through a printer.
Since each check is slightly different there is a designer that will allow
you to move the fields around using point and click (drag and drop) or key
in the pos [...]
* City'O'Scope
Where in the world should you travel - or perhaps even relocate - to pay
less, earn more, and improve your living conditions?
To help you answer this complex question, Macrofocus created City'O'Scope,
an interactive tool for visually analyzing prices and earnings around the
Note: City'O'Sco [...]
* Clic
Create 24bit icons transparently - fav.icons - Realtime screen grab - Sizes
16 to 96 - Fine capture mode - Realtime WYSIWYG. Complementary tool for
Animated ArtCard Creations and Snappy PhotoCard Creator. Integrated Help.
* Clipboard Viewer
View anything that comes in the clipboard instantly. Nothing much, but
comes in handy sometimes (LT)
* CodeBank
CodeBank is a hierachical (with folders) code-snippet database with syntax
highlightning and print preview.
- remembers the exact state you left it
- Great "Search Engine" for the database
- syntac highlightning in C/C++, Object Pascal, Java, XML, Visual Basic,
VBScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, [...]
* Codec Pack All in 1
A collection of codecs for playing DivX movies. All you need to see DivX
movies: DivX, XviD, AC3... (VJ)
* CRC32 Checker
With this program you can check file for manipulation for modify. (LT)
* cuneAform
This project has been designed to create a HTML Editor that anyone can use.
It's just like typing a document thanks to the editors WYSIWYG (What You
See Is What You Get) interface.
The editor has the ability to create professional websites with a simple
interface and while staying within the capab [...]
* Cydoor Dummy DLL
Replace this dll with the original and the spyware is remove
The dll is 39kb include delphi source. (LT)
* DateLens
Calendar applications for small handheld devices such as PDAs are growing
in popularity. This led us to develop DateLens, a novel calendar interface
that supports not only PDAs, but a range of devices, from desktop
computers to Tablet PCs. It supports users in performing planning and
analysis tasks [...]
* dbgen
dbgen is simple database generator. It takes two xml files: first contains
database descriptions in XML language, second contains SQL server
description and produces database creation script for SQL server of given
Package includes descriptions of Interbase/Firebird and PostgreSQL
servers. I [...]
* dEnabler
This handy little tool was made when I was trying to crack a little crackme
by dhack (crackme 13). To crack it you needed to enable disabled textbox.
So I wanted something more permanent than just patching. This little tool
was my solution. This tool enables every posible disabled thing you can
get [...]
* DesktopX (Free)
DesktopX is a revolutionary program that you can use to enhance your
desktop with objects.
These objects can do pretty much anything you can imagine. For example, an
object could be a calendar, a news reader, a weather checker, a stock
DesktopX objects can even be combined together to buil [...]
* Digit Skinnable Clock
The Digit Skinnable Clock For Windows XP is a fully customizable desktop
timepiece. The clock gives you control over the background image, this can
be a bitmap or JPEG of any dimension and supports freeform shapes by using
'magic pink' transparency.
The display can be changed to any font you h [...]
* Dir2HTML
Created a HTMLFILE from a folder. (LT)
* Disc Dump FrontEnd
As I've first discovered D(isc)Dump (a great little utiltiy to grab an
image file of a copyprotected CD) on http://www.cdrsoft.net/ I've tested
it, and I liked it...
The only disadvantage was that you had to use dos commands to get it
working, that's the reason I've wrote this little windows front [...]
* Disk Space Explorer
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1
Disk Space Explorer is a simple utility that scans the entire hard disk
and provides size-related information of each folder and its subfolders.
This will allow you to quickly identify which folders occupies the most
hard disk space. After scanning the hard disk it [...]
* Divij
Divij it´s a little but powerful utility to split files on parts (mainly
for cut big files on many and transport it).
It´s very fast splitting and joining the splitted pieces. It can delete
the original parts after joined them, and it´s very easy to use.
Includes a quick user guide.
* Downloader
This downloadmanger is easy to USE. Load the crypted file and then click on
DOWNLOAD. With proxysupport. Error URL not found and so on: identify the
downloader self. Fill out this information nad save the information, That
was it. EASY. With this downloader you can hide you original ftp address
and [...]
* E-Res-Q
Simple, portable POP3 mail reader. Enables you to selectively read and
delete messages without having to download them all. Ideal for getting rid
of large messages that clog up your mailbox. (LT)
* Easy Folder Backup
An easy to use but powerfull folder backup software. With high compressiona
and repair/restore function. Include password protection. For cryption use
AES 256 bit. (LT)
* EasySample
Sampling involves selecting and evaluating a portion of a population
(people, things, processes, documents, etc.) to draw conclusions about the
entire population. The advantage to this approach is that it avoids the
time, effort and expense of a comprehensive examination. Utilizing
statistics enhanc [...]
With this program you can easy crypt your email. This program use Cipher
128 bit. It's very high secure for email. Easy to use. in this version:
COPY to clipboard and minimize to trayicon. (LT)
* EGG - Easy Gallery Generator
EGG is a freeware gallery generating program.
The basic idea of this program is to take some picture files, and build a
gallery suitable for uploading to the web.
The gallery consists of a main page which shows "thumbnails" (smaller
versions) of the original pictures, and a page for each indiv [...]
* EnergySaver
EnergySaver is a System Tray utility with the following features -
- Turn Off Monitor without interfering pc. Useful when downloading large
files from internet, listening to music etc.
- Run Screen Saver immediately.
- Open your favourite folders with one click, customizable upto ten
* Equinox Home Edition (Beta)
Wouldn't it be great to have more control over how your computer looks?
Cintel Equinox lets you design your desktop your way!
Place pictures and files anywhere on your screen.
Move pictures around the desktop, blending them seamlessly.
Unprecedented control of your icons and pictures.
Make pi [...]
* Extract Attachments
Decode all UU encoded files in a specified directory using Winzip or unzip
several .zip-files. The installed Winzip-version should be capable of
handling command line arguments for this program to work. (LT)
* Field of Strategy
Field of Strategy (FoS) is a two-player game of strategy allowing replaying
the great battles of the history. For the moment, only the Napoleonic
module is available but the other eras are in preparation.
FoS is derived from the more complex war-game ESTH.
* FileAsoc
Windows File Association Editor
Make Explorer right click context menu items. Restore damaged file
associations. The registry entries and how they are used.
FileAsoc is a program for examining and editing the Registry settings
which tell Windows how to open files depending on the extension name. [...]
* Flash Extractor Scout LITE
Free handy utility that allow you to view flash movies, flash videos and
flash games extracted from Internet Explorer. (CS)
* Flock O' Sheep
Enjoy the antics of two dogs as they herd a flock of sheep around a virtual
world. A new environment created every time !!! windows 95/98 required
* FLV Player
This standalone Flash Video player now supports the new .flv format, which,
apart from giving you better compression quality, allows the Media
Components to show the length of a video file. This enables you to 'scrub'
..flv files.
There are three versions available of FLV Player:
- standalone execu [...]
* FPU'99
Modular file processing utility with MP3 encoding and smart rename modules
FPU'99 is a modularized batch file processor. The main program containing
only the file selector, all actual processing is performed in plug-in
modules. As of writing, there exist only two modules, an MP3 Encoding
module, [...]
* Free Space
View free space on all drives in real-time. Also shows memory usage.
Hides to tray and has small tray indicator. (LT)
* FTP-Connection
This program is a FTP-tool with crypted ftp information. This ftp file is
crypted with blowfish. Very secure. Support Sock4/4a and 5. If you have a
private ftp server or a ftp public server. But you don't want do tell
other people this ip. Then you can crytp all information. login data and
URL with [...]
* Furled
Filename URL Escapes Decoder
Furled is a small program that integrates into the Windows(tm) shell. It
provides a quick and convenient way to rename downloaded files to their
correct names instead of their
"Some%20hardly%20visible%20name%20%28here%29.ext" counterparts.
With Furled installed, sim [...]
* GamePoints Keeper
Operating system: Windows: 98/ME/2000/XP
GamePoints Keeper is a powerful program for storing and maintaining game
high-scores. Up to 10 players can enter, change, delete or print any
number of high-scores to up to 5 categories. Personal and general best
lists can be generated and player games data [...]
* Gedcom Viewer
an intuitive and helpful fashion. View the details of any individual in
plain text or GEDCOM Tag form. Copy data to the Windows Clipboard for use
in other programs. GEDCOM Viewer does not alter your GEDCOM files in any
way. (LT)
* Genealogia
The first Italian program for genealogical and historical studies.
Available on the net from April 1999
Main characteristics
- GEDCOM compatible, submitted to the FHD of the LDS
- Works with all the 128 tags of the GEDCOM 5.5 standard
- Controls the characteristics of the GEDCOM file
- Impo [...]
This program use the orignial AES algorithm 256 bit keysize. NO BACKDOOR.
NO PASSWORD CHECK in crypted file and no password save in the crypted
file. The ghost_aes.exe is complete 82kb great. You can create a
selfextracting crypted file. The sfx-file is 40kb + the crypted file. NO
This program use the orignial RC6 algorithm 2048 bit keysize. NO BACKDOOR.
NO PASSWORD CHECK in crypted file and no password save in the crypted
file. The ghost_rc6.exe is complete 96kb great. You can create a
selfextracting crypted file. The sfx-file is 47kb + the crypted file. NO
* GO-Cipher
use the orignial - Algorithm: Rijndael/Serpent/Twofish (256bit), Blowfish
(448Bit), Mars (1248bit) and RC6 (2048 bit). Incl shredder. This is the
first public version. You can choose many files and crypt all with one
passphrase. Simple to use but very high secure, no backdoor or anything
other. (LT [...]
* GoldieFTP
FTP client for .NET framework (LT)
* Goom
Goom is a visual effects generator for mp3 players, available for XMMS,
iTunes, Winamp and Windows Media Player.
Note: Also available for Linux and Mac OS X. (JF)
* Groovy
Groovy is a new agile dynamic language for the JVM combining lots of great
features from languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk and making them
available to the Java developers using a Java-like syntax.
Groovy is designed to help you get things done on the Java platform in a
quicker, more concis [...]
* Happy Helloween
In honour of a holiday Halloween company EleFun has issued new,
completely free-of-charge subject for Animated Desktop Wallpapers and
Screensavers which and is called - "Happy Halloween". At excellent
quality of the image in "Happy Halloween" there is an animated
three-dimensional character - a [...]
* Hard Angel
You remember CIH? The virus has injured 500000 computers and many computers
have been destroyed as a result of erasing of the Flash-BIOS. Now owners
of motherboards lock it but this problem is actual for hard disks still.
Hard Angel it is jumper for your hard drive.
Protect your hard drive with [...]
* HillBilly Whack!
Hillbilly Whack! combines old school graphics and old school game play to
equal old school fun. The game features more than 13 levels of single
player action centered around a Hillbilly named Samuel Jones who is trying
to find his kidnapped sweetheart Winnie May.
In Hillbilly Whack! y [...]
* Home Maintenance Guide
Informational Program that shows how to maintain your home. Contains Tips
and tricks and a built in calendar to show maintenance due at a given time
of the year. (LT)
* Household Budget Worksheet
This budgeting worksheet has been created to help you manage your monthly
living expenses. Use this to determine your monthly income, expenses,
secured and unsecured debt. You may utilize online and each block will be
automatically calculated for you or you may print and manually use. (LT)
* HTML Active Calendar
HTML active calendar generator (LT)
* Icon Master
It can create icons from any paint program you have. Instead of using
primitive icon editors that are usually not better then windows paint, now
you can draw icons in any drawing/painting program.
Program conversion supports 4, 8, 16, and 24 -bit mode icons. With this
tool you are able to conver [...]
* ICQPromoter
ICQPromoter is a powerful Marketing and Promotional tool for sending
messages to thousands of ONLINE or OFFLINE ICQ users. Audience can be
targeted by specific interests, country, city, occupation, age, gender or
language. This guarantees you the best response to your messages.
ICQPromoter is best a [...]
* IKEA office planner
create a whole new virtual office plan, with the IKEA office planner.
Planning your office couldn't be easier. You can drag and drop tables and
chairs into layouts, view them in 3-D, try different colours, print your
design, and you can even see the total cost of your new IKEA office.
system req [...]
* Image Scaler
Image manipulation program
I wrote this program because I've got tired of the poor quality image
scaling(i.e. resizing) in image manipulation programs like: PhotoShop,
PaintShopPro, Picture Publisher, ACDSee etc. which only offer the crappy
bicubic algorithm. The program is simple with some usefull [...]
Boost and optimize the speed of your Internet connection with this set of
tools. Internet Speed Booster is a free utility to help you keep your
system healthy and responsive. This program is a package of 3 utilities, a
network pinger - which prevents you from being disconnected by your ISP
(Internet [...]
* Inventory Manager Lite
Inventory Manager Lite is a Personal PC Helpdesk utility for Windows
A company's network may consist of computers, printers, hubs, scanners,
digitizers, and any number of other peripheral devices, along with the
associated operating systems and application software. Managing th [...]
* Invertor
The simplest image invertor in the World!
Invertor is a very simple program which can invert images through any
or simply make a negative (invert through black). Invertor's features are
very simple, but it is worth to try.
System Requirements Windows 9x/NT/2000
Note: The program's informa [...]
* Inzomia Browser Plug-in
The Inzomia Plugin Use the Inzomia plugin to view Inzomia enabled web pages
created with Zoom Studio 2 or Zoom Studio 2 - Home Edition.
Supports Netscape Navigator 4.x
Supports Internet Explorer 3 and later (LT)
* Inzomia Viewer
The Inzomia Viewer is a stand-alone desktop software which enables you to
use the unique Inzomia features such as pan & zoom and fullscreen mode on
your own images.
Supports JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP and LWF images, without altering your
registered filetypes.
The Inzomia viewer uses the Inzomia ActiveX [...]
* IonCalc
Do calculations faster and efficiently
- Operations with: Real, Complex, Matrix and Vector
- Plot functions or expressions
- Define new functions
- Easy and powerful built-in programming language
- Integrated editor and debugger
- Perfect as a desktop calculator
Functions: [...]
* IP Utilities
A basic IP utility program
Key Benefits
- Search a range of IP addresses to see what's used on your network.
- Printable results report
- Trace Route built in (LT)
* KazaamIT!
P2P Speed Booster Plus Ad Blocker .
Improves performance and blocks ads while using the Kazaa file sharing
* KeePass
Today you need to remember many passwords. You need a password for the
Windows network logon, your e-mail account, your homepage's ftp password,
online passwords (like CodeProject member account), etc. etc. etc. The
list is endless. Also, you should use different passwords for each
account. Because [...]
* Keyboard Pounder
for parents with curious young children. Let your baby pound away in
safety , no need to worry about programs or files accidentally deleted,
modified, or started..... Instant cause and effect ... soft music and
fish, flowers, and butterflies. Free and Fun (LT)
* Larry the K's One Click Browser
Larry the K's One Click Browser targets two Internet User types:
- Those who have a limited number of websites to be visited and wish to
rapidly access those sites
- Infrequent Internet users who find the Internet Explorer's Favorites
"Fly Out" menus to be cumbersome and difficult to use
Especi [...]
* LightningMail
LightningMail is a personalized mailing list management application with
many features and excellent performance.
LightningMail allows you to manage lists of over 2 billion recipients,
create personalized messages using macro's and send all of it through it's
built-in high automated SMTP client.
B [...]
* lil bit of light and snow
Decorate images with sparkling lights. Single lights, icicle lights, stars
in bright colors and real falling snow !!! Use supplied images or import
images of your own homes and scenes (LT)
* Lilbits Aquarium
Freeware screen saver with a community of of video captured tropical fish.
32 bit version with retouched graphics. A new aquarium created every
time. Rosy Barbs, Swordtails, Neon Tetras,Danios......Fun tank, almost as
good as the real thing. (LT)
* LimeWire Basic
File-sharing the quick and easy way!
- Downloads faster than Kazaa
- No spyware...EVER!
- Integrated library with audio player
- Interchangeable color schemes or "skins"!
- Ease of use - just install, run, and search
- Ability to search by artist, title, genre, or other metainfor [...]
* List2000
List2000 is a replacement for the MS-DOS "DIR" command. It has most of the
features of DOS's "DIR" and display files in a much nicer format using
different colours according to their file extension. It is extremely easy
to use.
List2000 will operate under Microsoft Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP. Th [...]
* LiveWireInvest
For the Livewire enthusiast This program was designed for use with
This program is in it's infant's stage. Brand new. You are welcome to
download it as time goes on and it matures. Even now at this point
however, I do rely on this program for making all of my Livewire
Investment decisions [...]
* Mach5 PopMonger
PopMonger steps through the email in a POP, IMAP, or MAPI email account,
matching each one against a set of rules, and then applying a set of
actions. It's quite powerful, and has a number of handy uses. Best of
all....... it's free!
Here's what PopMonger can do for you:
- Find list management r [...]
* Maze Master
Maze Master is a game where you have to guide a ghost through a series of
mazes while collecting colored balls, and in the later levels, avoiding
enemies. (LT)
* Melokeys
Melokeys is a 'delightful' little program that allows you to map sounds to
keys - free of charge and much to the chagrin of those in the same room!
Please be sure to read the security section before
Works on Windows 2000, XP or later.
Allows sound fi [...]
* MemoBook Notes
Notes Bar is featured by Microsoft ASP.NET (MemoBook panel).
How many times was I sorry that I didn't keep each of my yellow sticky
notes! Sometimes over a year passes and I can not find needed small piece
of information. Now I just save notes in the new Notes Bar in Internet
Explorer 6.0. It is c [...]
* Mezzoforce Ice
Photoshop compatible plugin
Create ice and liquid fx when editing images. Tested with Photoshop, Paint
shop Pro, Photobrush. May work with other editors. (LT)
* MinhiAccess
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1
MinhiAccess is a small utility to open up MS Access database files as well
as connect to SQL Server to view data. While you cannot edit the data, you
can export a table into XML, tab-seperated and comma-seperated value files
for further processing. (LT)
* MP3 CDOrganizer
MP3 CDOrganizer is a lightweight, but powerful MP3 Organizer for windows.
Essentially, MP3 CDOrganizer creates the proper directory structures and
files that can be burned onto a CD, and auto-played at any Windows PC with
a flexible Graphical Front-end.
MP3 CDOrganizer also supports unlimited Alb [...]
* Mr. Jack O' Lantern
Freeware activity: Simple and and entertaining Jack O lantern Design
Program. Just in time for trick or treating fun. (LT)
* MSN Joker
Want to play a joke on an MSN buddy of yours? This is the ultimate joke
program. It's stealthy and yet not too intrusive so that they end up
reformatting their hard drive. It is a program designed to only
temporarily affect them. Read or download the Guide for full details on
how the program works. [...]
* MSPlotter
MSPlotter (Mandelbrot Set Plotter) helps you create fractal images using
the Mandelbrot Set and the Julia Set. Just enter values for Center X,
Center Y, Range, and Power of Equation; press the "Plot" button to begin
the process of rendering your image, which may be saved in .bmp format.
Options let [...]
* MultiRenamer
Modify or replace name string or sun strings of all files under a directory
(and all it's sub-direcories) (LT)
* Multivalent Document Tools
All Document Formats (PDF, HTML, DVI, man pages, ...)
- Extract Text v1.1
- Full-Text Index v1.0.1 and Search v1.1 -- with the Lucene search engine
- Compute Lexical Signature v1.1
- Compress v2.2
- Uncompress v2.2: for inspection or hand editing
- Info v1.2: general metad [...]
* MyZippa
MyZippa makes archiving multiple folders easy. If you're tired of
right-clicking a dozen folders to compress each one separately then
MyZippa is the utility for you. It creates a separate archive for each one
of the selected folders. You can save various combinations of folders into
profiles which c [...]
* nConvers
Conversation Style Plug-in for Miranda ICQ (LT)
* NetDIVE Oxygen
Do you want a better Web browser than Microsoft Internet ExplorerT?
Then you want NetDIVE Oxygen web browser. Oxygen is better than IET
because of the following reasons:
It is faster
It is smaller, not loaded with all the stuff that you don't need or want
in a web browser, such as Email, etc.
* NetGraph
Realtime network monitoring tool
- Works on any DUN or Ethernet Adapter
- Option to run from the mouse so areas below graph are accessible(very
- Transparency
- Drag & Drop
- 2 mode Tray indicator
- Auto-Hide capability (Shows when trafic occurs)
- Automatically Hides and Sho [...]
* NFO Viewer
This is a small utility for viewing various file types (*.txt, *.nfo,
*.diz, *.log, *.ini, *.bat) it's completly coded in Microsoft Visual Basic
6.0. (LT)
* Note Central
Allows the user to copy entire documents to the clipboard with a single
click of the Mouse. (LT)
* nPad
Source Editor / Viewer
I wrote this program because I needed a versatile source viewer and editor
with syntax highlighing and basic text manipulation functions. This
program offers basically the same functionality as ConText, JediEdit,
UltraEdit etc. but for a single file and does it much faster. I [...]
* nPad2
Source Editor / Viewer
I wrote this program because I needed a versatile source viewer and editor
with syntax highlighing and basic text manipulation functions. This
program offers basically the same functionality as ConText, JediEdit,
UltraEdit etc. but for a single file and does it much faster. I [...]
* Online WBMP converter
The online WBMP converter by Teraflops Ltd.
The converter takes graphics files of format GIF, JPEG and BMP as input
and outputs optimized WBMP. It can be used for previewing(converting) WBMP
and OTA images to GIF format as well. The converter is also capable of
converting to and from GSM Operator L [...]
* Online WBMP Converter
Caution: only for 1Bit (b/w) Windows Bitmaps in *.bmp format up to 127x127
pixelWith this tool you're able to create "wireless bitmaps" (WBMP's).
These are bitmaps according to the standard of the "Wireless Application
Protocols" (WAP). You can first produce WBMP's and then integrate them as
usual i [...]
* Oracle View
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1 and Oracle 9.x
This is a simple program to connect to an Oracle database. You have the
ability to execute any SQL statements with the ability to rollback all
your transactions. In order to use the program, you need to install and
properly configure the Oracle Client [...]
* Password Generator
Generate passwords from specific criteria - length, used symbols. Can
generate several passwords and supports copying to clipboard. (JL)
* PC Perfection
Shape matching puzzle game . Move and rotate colorful objects in a race
against the clock. Completely mouse driven, PC Perfection is easy to
learn and hard to forget. Options for difficulty levels and timers make
this Win95/98 game fun and challenging for all ages. (LT)
* Perfect Keylogger LITE version
Do you want to know what your buddy or co-workers are doing online? Or
perhaps you want to check up on your children or spouse and know what they
are doing on the computer? With Perfect Keylogger it is possible in just 2
minutes! This program runs on the installed computer, fully hidden from
its use [...]
* Photo Resizer
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1
This is a very simple utility to allow you to batch-resize digital photos.
You simply indicate your maximum width or height in pixels and drag and
drop your picture files onto the window. The program will then
batch-resize all pictures into a subfolder. (LT)
* Phylodendron
Phylodendron is an application for drawing phylogenetic trees, used in
evolutionary biology. It will read tree data in New Hampshire (Newick)
format, then display graphical views of the phylogenetic tree. Various
options allow you to modify, adorn and edit the tree. Standard application
functions to [...]
* Pixbyte AntiSpam Freeware
The number of spam senders is still on the rise and will most probably not
decrease. When legislation passes a new law, the spam senders simply move
their business to another state or even another country. Since spam
senders want to make sure that the recipient reads the mail, it is getting
more and [...]
* Pong
A remake of the classic pong game. (LT)
* PopThis
Disable pop-up ads before they appear!
Sound notification each time a pop-up is blocked
Create a list of websites for pop-ups you want to appear
Small, simple, no-nonsense pop-up blocker
No Spyware or Adware and no additional toolbar
* PowerPoint Templates from Powerbacks
Download 50 Free Powerpoint Templates contained in a single PC .zip file,
11.1 Mb (JL)
* Practical Code Template Tool
This tool is an Add-In for MS Visual C++ 6.0. Will help the developer to
write code faster.
Custom template files can be made by you easily and simple.
Write all your frameworks in templates and then call them to build any
kind of application you have design.
Make your code standards and produ [...]
* PriNumEx32
Prime 32-bit Numbers Expert
Summary of Features:
- Test for primality of a given number;
- Generation of a random prime number in a given range;
- A given range retrieval of the first prime number;
- Automatic preparation of the range for further search;
- Decimal/hexadecimal representation of [...]
* ProcView32
Great tool for developers and advanced users
ProcView32 is a windows 32-bit process viewer. It is also intended to be
Window viewer. ProcView introduces a list of useful features such as
process termination and extended window properties listing. ProcView is
not compatible with Windows NT 4.0, but [...]
* QB - US States
Learn to find US States on the map. Memorize State Capitals.
Can you or your kids identify all of the fifty states on the map? If not,
here's a free Windows program that will help!
So easy to use, no instructions needed
Automatically adjusts to your way of learning to make it more efficient
and [...]
* Quick 'n Easy FTP Server
Quick 'n Easy FTP Server will make your file hosting even easier and
New user interface: XP Luna Look (can also be switched off for classic
- Added TaskPane
- Added XP Office 2003 menu's
- Changes now become directly active.
- Added context menu's and lots of other UI enhancement [...]
* QuickBurn (beta)
Easy and very short to use burning software. Start this prorgram, Use drag
and DROP for files and folders and click BURN CD. That's all, very easy to
use. Multisession support with import from an other session. CDRW erase
normal or quickly. ISO create and Burn ISO. Bootable CD. Integrated
Explorer. [...]
Easy and very short to use burning software. Start this prorgram, choose
your folder with the software and click BURN CD. That's all, very easy to
use. Multisession support with import from an other session. CDRW erase
normal or quickly. ISO create and Burn ISO. Bootable CD. Support every
CD/DVD Bur [...]
* Quiz Master
Quiz Master is a tool to allow easier use of the quiz channels (such as
#trivia) on IRC. It enables the user to ask questions (and provide
answers!) from a previously prepared file of questions/answers (see below
for details of how to create these files). It also provides extra
functionality to cate [...]
* Rebooter
Rebooter is a small utility program developed to help automate the PC
hardware testing process. It has been designed to work with PassMark
BurnInTest but will also work with 3rd party application. Rebooter allows
you to,
Shutdown, Reboot or Logout of a PC.
Reboot a PC from the command line
Se [...]
* ReleaseManager Public
This is a small releasemanager for your files
. Add till 20 files to your
release fill out the information and all pack to an archiv. A file_id.diz
with all information add too. (LT)
* Remove Clipboard Formatting
The purpose of this small utility is twofold:
It removes all clipboard formats except the text format (CF_TEXT) from the
clipboard and then pastes the results. Although this may sound stupid,
this is a great alternative for standard copy & paste operations in Office
applications (e.g., MS Word). W [...]
* Roxen WebServer
Roxen WebServer is a full-featured open-source web server distributed under
the GPL license. It runs on a number of different operating systems
including Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X.
Some of the strong points of this server are:
Open source code.
A web-based interface for easy configu [...]
* Saintly Folder Zipper
Saintly Folder Zipper is a utility to automate the zipping of one or more
folders on your machine. It's a simple and reliable unique backup utility
but you may find several other uses for it as well. I use it myself! Here
are some of it's features:
1. Skinnable with several skins available from thi [...]
* SARSTaxCalc
SARSTaxCalc is a freeware program designed solely to answer the question
"How much income tax must I pay?"
Income tax in South Africa is administered and collected by the South
African Revenue Services (SARS).
Income tax levels are set annually by the Government and formally
published as a book [...]
* Scuba Instructor
A must have (FREE) program for the Scuba Instructor.
Key Benefits
- Record incomes and expenses in the "Ledger"
- Full financial reporting
- Tracks Students
- Tracks Instructors
- Builds up course profiles with "components" for ultimate flexibility
- Schedule classes [...]
* Server Monitor
Server Monitor is a small monitoring tool designed to run from your system
tray, to monitor and log Availibility of Webservers and Services. With
Server Monitor, you can identify issues and fix unexpected conditions
before your users (or managers) report them to you!
Server Monitor maximizes availa [...]
* ServerMonitor
ServerMonitor is a small application that will watch your server for some
pre-defined ports.
Using ServerMonitor, you can monitor your HTTP, FTP, POP and SMTP ports to
verify if your server is still online.
If your server goes down, you can be notified (email or icq), so you know
instantly when yo [...]
* Sierpinski Fractal
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1
The Sierpinski fractal (the triangle of triangles) can be constructed by
repeatedly choosing a random midpoint between a current point and one of
the three pre-set points. At each iteration the newly chosen midpoint
becomes the new current point. This small program [...]
* Sigma Player
Sigma Player is a multimedia player that let you enjoy many kind of files.
You can play any mp3, wav, avi,DVD (vob), midi,mid, mpge and mpg files.
Features include hability to change from normal screen or full screen
mode. Playlist that when you shutdown the player your is saved for future
playing. [...]
* Site Journal
The Site Journal for Windows (95/98/2000/ME/NT/XP) is intended to help
site-supervising architects, engineers, and construction companies
document site inspections. All important data, events and associated site
photos are conveniently processed and managed with this slim and fast
program. (VJ)
* Sleeper
Sleeper is a small utility program developed to help test the ability of PC
systems to enter and recover from sleep and hibernation. It has been
designed to work with PassMark BurnInTest but will also work with 3rd
party applications. Sleeper allows you to,
Put a PC into any sleep state (S1, S2, [...]
* Spetnik's C++ Compiler Shell
Operating Systems: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows
Spetnik's C++ Compiler Shell is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the
free Borland C++ Builder 5.5 (available for free at www.inprise.com /
bcppbuilder / freecompiler / cppc55steps.html). The Borland Compiler is a
h [...]
* Spider's Cave
Spider's Cave is site generator. It takes set of scripts, templates,
content on different languages and generates sets of html files. After
that you only need to upload produced files to your hosting provider.
If you need an example look at this site, it produced by Spider's Cave.
Another example [...]
* Splitter & Merger
Splitter & Merger is a tool which its function is to split big files into
smaller and easy to handle ones. It has many features that makes it a very
strong tool, taking care in the easiness of use.
Note: Also available in Spanish.
* SportTool
SportTool (formerly Biker's Log) is a training log for a cycling and rowing
enthusiast. The training log tracks distance, average speed, elapsed time,
heart rate, weather conditions, route difficulty, etc. The program allows
you to print training reports for an arbitrary period. (LT)
* Sprite Dance
Freeware screen saver. Sparkling pixies dancing to Pacabel's canon .... If
you only have 5 minutes to relax, this is the screen saver for you. (LT)
* SummerProperties
A shell extension that calculates file checksums
This program adds another page to the file property sheet (when you
right-click on a file and then choose "Properties"). On this page you can
find the checksum(s) for the file in question. Supported checksum
algorithms are:
- CRC16 - not frequent [...]
* SuperChecks Lite
SuperChecks prints filled-out or blank checks on standard two-check check
blanks or plain paper. It also can print pages of four smaller blank
checks. The program allows you to set up as many checking accounts as
necessary and to switch between them. (LT)
* tC_Crypt
Here you can manage you passwords and sites. The Database is crypted with
password. (LT)
* TerraViewer
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1
This program makes use of Microsoft's free TerraService web service to
retrieve and display archived satellite images and topographic maps of any
region in the United States. You can search for regions by long/lat values
or by city names. The retrieved images can b [...]
* The Price Of Freedom
This is an EBook of my Father's War Diary, it is on-line from my home page
but I thought that I'd also make it available for everyone to download. My
father was in the British Royal Artillery and was taken prisoner by the
Japanese after the fall of Singapore in February 1942. He was a P.O.W. for
thr [...]
* The Tweaking Experience
The Tweaking Experience Registry Guide provides an extensive range of
registry tweaks, tricks & hacks for optimizing, enhancing and securing the
Windows XP, 2000 and 2003 Server.
Make your Windows computer faster, more efficient and more your own using
the hundreds of powerful tweaks (included wi [...]
* Trans-Roster
Auto Maintenance Reminder Program designed to notify you in advance of due
maintenance on your Vehicles.
- Track maintenance on multiple autos with ease.
- Built in schedule up to 200000 Miles.
- Daily reminder to notify you of due maintenance.
- Print Maintenance Check off sheets.
- Mainte [...]
* Tutmaker
With this program you can create a htmltutorial. Easy to use, all insert
from GUI. You can save the data as textfile for later use. (LT)
txtcrypter is a RSA 2048 bit textcrypter with public and privat key. With
this program you can crypt very safe your emails You can run this program
from a disk or so. Freeware for everyone. This program run under Windows
95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP only. (LT)
* Video Thumb
View any webcam/WDM video source in a small thumb-sized window above your
Specify width/height/position with shortcut (e.g.: "VideoThumb.exe" 320
240 100 300) (LT)
* Virtual Dimension
Virtual Dimension is a free, fast, and feature-full virtual desktop manager
for Windows platform. The main goal of this open-source project is indeed
to enhance the Microsoft "Window Manager" up to the level of usual Unix
Window Manager, by providing virtual desktops, as well as some additional
feat [...]
* WaLLPaperBoX
WaLLPaperBoX it's for those who like their desktop colored by images.
By using it, you get 3 beautiful images daily with out any intervention
from you.
The images could also be saved for later use. (VJ)
* WAP Pictus
An elegant piece of freeware that converts standard image files to
WAP-enabled format (LT)
* WapTiger WBMP Converter
With this tool you're able to create "wireless bitmaps" (WBMP's). These are
bitmaps according to the standard of the "Wireless Application Protocols"
(WAP). You can first produce WBMP's and then integrate them as usual into
your selfmade WML homepage ("Wireless Markup Language") (LT)
* When Clones Attack!
Written in just one day(!), this tiny 500kb download pits you against an
ever-increasing army of invading clones. A fun diversion, but definitely
not to be taken too seriously. (LT)
* Win-Res-Q
Restores (shows) hidden windows. Can be used to access your "lost"
applications after losing your trayicons. Also useful for exposing
strange, hidden windows lurking around your desktop.
For a complete tray-icon rescue solution, you can use TraySaver by Mike
Lin or YTrayMagic Lite by Yoconsoft. (LT [...]
* WinExec
WinExec is a small application launcher intended for use with HotKeys.
Normally it is only possible to launch one instance of an application
using a HotKey. WinExec works around this problem by starting up the
wanted application and then exiting, so that the next HotKey press won't
find a running in [...]
* WinOverBoost
Windows, in all its versions, has always had of the problems in the
management of RAM, the Paging file and the Cache. Even if with the several
versions and patch, the stability and the speed of the system it has been
improved, thanks to WinOverBoost we will succeed to increase the total
performance [...]
* WipeCMOS
WipeCMOS is designed to clear all CMOS settings to recover from lost
passwords or corrupt BIOS settings. (JF)
* WMLcreator
Have you ever wrote a file download WAP page, containing multiple links?
That's a lot of copy & paste work.
WMLcreator automatically generates WML files, bases of files in a provided
path. (LT)
* xDiskSpy
xDiskSpy is an ActiveX control that you can use in your Visual Basic, C++,
VBA, Delphi applications.
xDiskSpy Monitor folder and file activity.
xDiskSpy is an ActiveX DLL that allows you to monitor folders and files,
by setting filters you want to be notified about.
You can monitor file [...]
* Xitami
Xitami is a high-quality portable free web server. It is distributed with
source code according to a liberal License Agreement.
Summary of Xitami Features:
Server supports HTTP/1.0, FTP, CGI/1.1, SSI protocols, server-side image
maps, user-defined MIME types, multiple document roots, persistent [...]
* XMLPad
XML editor (LT)
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* 3000 Years Calendar
3000 Years Calendar allows to look through Julian, Gregorian, Hebrew and
Islamic calendars in the following ranges of years:
Julian calendar (Old Style) from 1 to 3000
Gregorian calendar (New Style) from 1 to 3000
Hebrew calendar from 3761 to 6761
Islamic calendar from 1 to 2452
For any dat [...]
* applepie solutions image converter
Convert a .gif image into a .wbmp image... simply enter the url of the .gif
image to be converted. See a preview, and download the .wbmp file! (LT)
* AttoSOFT HTML Protector & Encryptor
It lets you protect your copyrighted documents when you release them onto
the net.
- Protect your content from unfriendly Copy & Paste.
- Multiple File Processing.
- Multi-Level Security.
- Install/Uninstall support.
- User-Friendly Interface. (LT)
* AttoSOFT MenuMaker
Here comes the newest software from AttoSOFT - MENUMAKER! What does it do?
It makes JavaScript menus in an easy way which you can then place in your
homepage !
It helps you to make your site look more professional , more attractive ,
and easier to navigate ..
By using using a JavaScript menu , you [...]
* Aura - Ambient Sound of Virgin Wood
for Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP
The program shows its icon near system watches and plays real godlike
sounds of virgin wood (LT)
* babeldoc
universal document processor. The Open Source tool for business-to-business
and systems-integrators and enterprises wishing to connect data and
documents centers. Babeldoc is intended for systems integrators and EAI
- is a Java framework for processing documents in linear stage [...]
System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Small utility to backup regulary your important files. (LT)
* Bali CALC
System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Decimal/hexadecimal calculator with memory (and Franc/Euro translator with
customizable change rate). (LT)
System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Small, but powerfull tool to protect your files (any type) using a 250
chars long key. With the new 3.0 version, you may also send and receive
encrypted emails! Bali CRYPTE may also encrypt a complete folder in one
click. (LT)
* Bali DynDNS
System : Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Freeware that you may use to update your dynamic IP with: DynDNS.org,
dnsQ.org, DHS.org, No-IP.com, MyIP.us, OVH.com If you use one ot these
services to get a fixed FTP or HTTP server on your computer people may
access using a unique URL (ie: http://you.dyndns.or [...]
* Bali MEMO
System : Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Contact manager and "to do list".
- Bali MEMO let you manage an address book (up to 500 cards). Each card
may have a contact name, telephone, and miscellaneous informations (400
chars). This book may be used from Bali TOOLS 2000 so that you may email
or phone [...]
* Beats Of Rage
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the
SEGA megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the
waiting proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we
tried to correct this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate
tribute to [...]
* bed
Menu driven binary editor. Dataformats are ascii, unsigned and signed
integers, float, bitflags, bitfields, labels, ebcdic and time_t. Different
sizes and byte ordenings are possible. Datatypes can be used in
structures. Other dataformats, filters and procedures can be defined in
plugins. Contains c [...]
* BootClean
BootClean is a utility that clears out TEMP, Temporary Internet, and
Recycling Bin files everytime you boot up your computer. However, it only
works if the installed drive is C:\. Also, it's only been tested on
Windows 95/98, so I'm not quite sure how it works on NT/2000/XP systems.
Open an ISO and burn it direct to your burner. Run with ASPI and SPTI
driver (Windows 95 till XP/2003). No other program or DLL required. (LT)
* Caravan Business Server
FREE for all platforms - All Windows Versions, IBM OS/2, Linux
An extremely powerful development platform for building Web-based products
and Web Applications. Includes Web Server, Database engine, Search Engine,
Communication Server, Application Server, Scripting language, cross
platform - develo [...]
* CaseConv.dll
Explorer shows pretty names for all files and directories, that actually
consist of uppercase letters. This means that if you see something like
"Lowercase" in an explorer window, its real name is one of the following:
A file or directory that is stored as "LOWERCASE"
A file or directory that is [...]
* Cauldron
A file (un)cooking utility
Cauldron is a program that can "cook" and "uncook" files. A "cooked" file
is a file that has become corrupt during download due to an incorrect
protocol being used. This happens frequently with poorly configured
webservers A good example is with MP3 files; I'm sure most [...]
* CDStarter
CDStarter - a freeware program to put on your CDs that will present the
user with a list of buttons to run software or open files on your CD. You
can define your own lists and each button can have its own icon. CDStarter
has support for different languages and operating systems.
Create buttons to [...]
* Check Writer
This complete program prints check data onto checks using a holder to hold
the check on a piece of paper and then feed through a printer.
Since each check is slightly different there is a designer that will allow
you to move the fields around using point and click (drag and drop) or key
in the pos [...]
* City'O'Scope
Where in the world should you travel - or perhaps even relocate - to pay
less, earn more, and improve your living conditions?
To help you answer this complex question, Macrofocus created City'O'Scope,
an interactive tool for visually analyzing prices and earnings around the
Note: City'O'Sco [...]
* Clic
Create 24bit icons transparently - fav.icons - Realtime screen grab - Sizes
16 to 96 - Fine capture mode - Realtime WYSIWYG. Complementary tool for
Animated ArtCard Creations and Snappy PhotoCard Creator. Integrated Help.
* Clipboard Viewer
View anything that comes in the clipboard instantly. Nothing much, but
comes in handy sometimes (LT)
* CodeBank
CodeBank is a hierachical (with folders) code-snippet database with syntax
highlightning and print preview.
- remembers the exact state you left it
- Great "Search Engine" for the database
- syntac highlightning in C/C++, Object Pascal, Java, XML, Visual Basic,
VBScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, [...]
* Codec Pack All in 1
A collection of codecs for playing DivX movies. All you need to see DivX
movies: DivX, XviD, AC3... (VJ)
* CRC32 Checker
With this program you can check file for manipulation for modify. (LT)
* cuneAform
This project has been designed to create a HTML Editor that anyone can use.
It's just like typing a document thanks to the editors WYSIWYG (What You
See Is What You Get) interface.
The editor has the ability to create professional websites with a simple
interface and while staying within the capab [...]
* Cydoor Dummy DLL
Replace this dll with the original and the spyware is remove

The dll is 39kb include delphi source. (LT)
* DateLens
Calendar applications for small handheld devices such as PDAs are growing
in popularity. This led us to develop DateLens, a novel calendar interface
that supports not only PDAs, but a range of devices, from desktop
computers to Tablet PCs. It supports users in performing planning and
analysis tasks [...]
* dbgen
dbgen is simple database generator. It takes two xml files: first contains
database descriptions in XML language, second contains SQL server
description and produces database creation script for SQL server of given
Package includes descriptions of Interbase/Firebird and PostgreSQL
servers. I [...]
* dEnabler
This handy little tool was made when I was trying to crack a little crackme
by dhack (crackme 13). To crack it you needed to enable disabled textbox.
So I wanted something more permanent than just patching. This little tool
was my solution. This tool enables every posible disabled thing you can
get [...]
* DesktopX (Free)
DesktopX is a revolutionary program that you can use to enhance your
desktop with objects.
These objects can do pretty much anything you can imagine. For example, an
object could be a calendar, a news reader, a weather checker, a stock
DesktopX objects can even be combined together to buil [...]
* Digit Skinnable Clock
The Digit Skinnable Clock For Windows XP is a fully customizable desktop
timepiece. The clock gives you control over the background image, this can
be a bitmap or JPEG of any dimension and supports freeform shapes by using
'magic pink' transparency.
The display can be changed to any font you h [...]
* Dir2HTML
Created a HTMLFILE from a folder. (LT)
* Disc Dump FrontEnd
As I've first discovered D(isc)Dump (a great little utiltiy to grab an
image file of a copyprotected CD) on http://www.cdrsoft.net/ I've tested
it, and I liked it...
The only disadvantage was that you had to use dos commands to get it
working, that's the reason I've wrote this little windows front [...]
* Disk Space Explorer
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1
Disk Space Explorer is a simple utility that scans the entire hard disk
and provides size-related information of each folder and its subfolders.
This will allow you to quickly identify which folders occupies the most
hard disk space. After scanning the hard disk it [...]
* Divij
Divij it´s a little but powerful utility to split files on parts (mainly
for cut big files on many and transport it).
It´s very fast splitting and joining the splitted pieces. It can delete
the original parts after joined them, and it´s very easy to use.
Includes a quick user guide.
* Downloader
This downloadmanger is easy to USE. Load the crypted file and then click on
DOWNLOAD. With proxysupport. Error URL not found and so on: identify the
downloader self. Fill out this information nad save the information, That
was it. EASY. With this downloader you can hide you original ftp address
and [...]
* E-Res-Q
Simple, portable POP3 mail reader. Enables you to selectively read and
delete messages without having to download them all. Ideal for getting rid
of large messages that clog up your mailbox. (LT)
* Easy Folder Backup
An easy to use but powerfull folder backup software. With high compressiona
and repair/restore function. Include password protection. For cryption use
AES 256 bit. (LT)
* EasySample
Sampling involves selecting and evaluating a portion of a population
(people, things, processes, documents, etc.) to draw conclusions about the
entire population. The advantage to this approach is that it avoids the
time, effort and expense of a comprehensive examination. Utilizing
statistics enhanc [...]
With this program you can easy crypt your email. This program use Cipher
128 bit. It's very high secure for email. Easy to use. in this version:
COPY to clipboard and minimize to trayicon. (LT)
* EGG - Easy Gallery Generator
EGG is a freeware gallery generating program.
The basic idea of this program is to take some picture files, and build a
gallery suitable for uploading to the web.
The gallery consists of a main page which shows "thumbnails" (smaller
versions) of the original pictures, and a page for each indiv [...]
* EnergySaver
EnergySaver is a System Tray utility with the following features -
- Turn Off Monitor without interfering pc. Useful when downloading large
files from internet, listening to music etc.
- Run Screen Saver immediately.
- Open your favourite folders with one click, customizable upto ten
* Equinox Home Edition (Beta)
Wouldn't it be great to have more control over how your computer looks?
Cintel Equinox lets you design your desktop your way!
Place pictures and files anywhere on your screen.
Move pictures around the desktop, blending them seamlessly.
Unprecedented control of your icons and pictures.
Make pi [...]
* Extract Attachments
Decode all UU encoded files in a specified directory using Winzip or unzip
several .zip-files. The installed Winzip-version should be capable of
handling command line arguments for this program to work. (LT)
* Field of Strategy
Field of Strategy (FoS) is a two-player game of strategy allowing replaying
the great battles of the history. For the moment, only the Napoleonic
module is available but the other eras are in preparation.
FoS is derived from the more complex war-game ESTH.
* FileAsoc
Windows File Association Editor
Make Explorer right click context menu items. Restore damaged file
associations. The registry entries and how they are used.
FileAsoc is a program for examining and editing the Registry settings
which tell Windows how to open files depending on the extension name. [...]
* Flash Extractor Scout LITE
Free handy utility that allow you to view flash movies, flash videos and
flash games extracted from Internet Explorer. (CS)
* Flock O' Sheep
Enjoy the antics of two dogs as they herd a flock of sheep around a virtual
world. A new environment created every time !!! windows 95/98 required
* FLV Player
This standalone Flash Video player now supports the new .flv format, which,
apart from giving you better compression quality, allows the Media
Components to show the length of a video file. This enables you to 'scrub'
..flv files.
There are three versions available of FLV Player:
- standalone execu [...]
* FPU'99
Modular file processing utility with MP3 encoding and smart rename modules
FPU'99 is a modularized batch file processor. The main program containing
only the file selector, all actual processing is performed in plug-in
modules. As of writing, there exist only two modules, an MP3 Encoding
module, [...]
* Free Space
View free space on all drives in real-time. Also shows memory usage.
Hides to tray and has small tray indicator. (LT)
* FTP-Connection
This program is a FTP-tool with crypted ftp information. This ftp file is
crypted with blowfish. Very secure. Support Sock4/4a and 5. If you have a
private ftp server or a ftp public server. But you don't want do tell
other people this ip. Then you can crytp all information. login data and
URL with [...]
* Furled
Filename URL Escapes Decoder
Furled is a small program that integrates into the Windows(tm) shell. It
provides a quick and convenient way to rename downloaded files to their
correct names instead of their
"Some%20hardly%20visible%20name%20%28here%29.ext" counterparts.
With Furled installed, sim [...]
* GamePoints Keeper
Operating system: Windows: 98/ME/2000/XP
GamePoints Keeper is a powerful program for storing and maintaining game
high-scores. Up to 10 players can enter, change, delete or print any
number of high-scores to up to 5 categories. Personal and general best
lists can be generated and player games data [...]
* Gedcom Viewer
an intuitive and helpful fashion. View the details of any individual in
plain text or GEDCOM Tag form. Copy data to the Windows Clipboard for use
in other programs. GEDCOM Viewer does not alter your GEDCOM files in any
way. (LT)
* Genealogia
The first Italian program for genealogical and historical studies.
Available on the net from April 1999
Main characteristics
- GEDCOM compatible, submitted to the FHD of the LDS
- Works with all the 128 tags of the GEDCOM 5.5 standard
- Controls the characteristics of the GEDCOM file
- Impo [...]
This program use the orignial AES algorithm 256 bit keysize. NO BACKDOOR.
NO PASSWORD CHECK in crypted file and no password save in the crypted
file. The ghost_aes.exe is complete 82kb great. You can create a
selfextracting crypted file. The sfx-file is 40kb + the crypted file. NO
This program use the orignial RC6 algorithm 2048 bit keysize. NO BACKDOOR.
NO PASSWORD CHECK in crypted file and no password save in the crypted
file. The ghost_rc6.exe is complete 96kb great. You can create a
selfextracting crypted file. The sfx-file is 47kb + the crypted file. NO
* GO-Cipher
use the orignial - Algorithm: Rijndael/Serpent/Twofish (256bit), Blowfish
(448Bit), Mars (1248bit) and RC6 (2048 bit). Incl shredder. This is the
first public version. You can choose many files and crypt all with one
passphrase. Simple to use but very high secure, no backdoor or anything
other. (LT [...]
* GoldieFTP
FTP client for .NET framework (LT)
* Goom
Goom is a visual effects generator for mp3 players, available for XMMS,
iTunes, Winamp and Windows Media Player.
Note: Also available for Linux and Mac OS X. (JF)
* Groovy
Groovy is a new agile dynamic language for the JVM combining lots of great
features from languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk and making them
available to the Java developers using a Java-like syntax.
Groovy is designed to help you get things done on the Java platform in a
quicker, more concis [...]
* Happy Helloween
In honour of a holiday Halloween company EleFun has issued new,
completely free-of-charge subject for Animated Desktop Wallpapers and
Screensavers which and is called - "Happy Halloween". At excellent
quality of the image in "Happy Halloween" there is an animated
three-dimensional character - a [...]
* Hard Angel
You remember CIH? The virus has injured 500000 computers and many computers
have been destroyed as a result of erasing of the Flash-BIOS. Now owners
of motherboards lock it but this problem is actual for hard disks still.
Hard Angel it is jumper for your hard drive.
Protect your hard drive with [...]
* HillBilly Whack!
Hillbilly Whack! combines old school graphics and old school game play to
equal old school fun. The game features more than 13 levels of single
player action centered around a Hillbilly named Samuel Jones who is trying
to find his kidnapped sweetheart Winnie May.
In Hillbilly Whack! y [...]
* Home Maintenance Guide
Informational Program that shows how to maintain your home. Contains Tips
and tricks and a built in calendar to show maintenance due at a given time
of the year. (LT)
* Household Budget Worksheet
This budgeting worksheet has been created to help you manage your monthly
living expenses. Use this to determine your monthly income, expenses,
secured and unsecured debt. You may utilize online and each block will be
automatically calculated for you or you may print and manually use. (LT)
* HTML Active Calendar
HTML active calendar generator (LT)
* Icon Master
It can create icons from any paint program you have. Instead of using
primitive icon editors that are usually not better then windows paint, now
you can draw icons in any drawing/painting program.
Program conversion supports 4, 8, 16, and 24 -bit mode icons. With this
tool you are able to conver [...]
* ICQPromoter
ICQPromoter is a powerful Marketing and Promotional tool for sending
messages to thousands of ONLINE or OFFLINE ICQ users. Audience can be
targeted by specific interests, country, city, occupation, age, gender or
language. This guarantees you the best response to your messages.
ICQPromoter is best a [...]
* IKEA office planner
create a whole new virtual office plan, with the IKEA office planner.
Planning your office couldn't be easier. You can drag and drop tables and
chairs into layouts, view them in 3-D, try different colours, print your
design, and you can even see the total cost of your new IKEA office.
system req [...]
* Image Scaler
Image manipulation program
I wrote this program because I've got tired of the poor quality image
scaling(i.e. resizing) in image manipulation programs like: PhotoShop,
PaintShopPro, Picture Publisher, ACDSee etc. which only offer the crappy
bicubic algorithm. The program is simple with some usefull [...]
Boost and optimize the speed of your Internet connection with this set of
tools. Internet Speed Booster is a free utility to help you keep your
system healthy and responsive. This program is a package of 3 utilities, a
network pinger - which prevents you from being disconnected by your ISP
(Internet [...]
* Inventory Manager Lite
Inventory Manager Lite is a Personal PC Helpdesk utility for Windows
A company's network may consist of computers, printers, hubs, scanners,
digitizers, and any number of other peripheral devices, along with the
associated operating systems and application software. Managing th [...]
* Invertor
The simplest image invertor in the World!
Invertor is a very simple program which can invert images through any
or simply make a negative (invert through black). Invertor's features are
very simple, but it is worth to try.
System Requirements Windows 9x/NT/2000
Note: The program's informa [...]
* Inzomia Browser Plug-in
The Inzomia Plugin Use the Inzomia plugin to view Inzomia enabled web pages
created with Zoom Studio 2 or Zoom Studio 2 - Home Edition.
Supports Netscape Navigator 4.x
Supports Internet Explorer 3 and later (LT)
* Inzomia Viewer
The Inzomia Viewer is a stand-alone desktop software which enables you to
use the unique Inzomia features such as pan & zoom and fullscreen mode on
your own images.
Supports JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP and LWF images, without altering your
registered filetypes.
The Inzomia viewer uses the Inzomia ActiveX [...]
* IonCalc
Do calculations faster and efficiently
- Operations with: Real, Complex, Matrix and Vector
- Plot functions or expressions
- Define new functions
- Easy and powerful built-in programming language
- Integrated editor and debugger
- Perfect as a desktop calculator
Functions: [...]
* IP Utilities
A basic IP utility program
Key Benefits
- Search a range of IP addresses to see what's used on your network.
- Printable results report
- Trace Route built in (LT)
* KazaamIT!
P2P Speed Booster Plus Ad Blocker .
Improves performance and blocks ads while using the Kazaa file sharing
* KeePass
Today you need to remember many passwords. You need a password for the
Windows network logon, your e-mail account, your homepage's ftp password,
online passwords (like CodeProject member account), etc. etc. etc. The
list is endless. Also, you should use different passwords for each
account. Because [...]
* Keyboard Pounder
for parents with curious young children. Let your baby pound away in
safety , no need to worry about programs or files accidentally deleted,
modified, or started..... Instant cause and effect ... soft music and
fish, flowers, and butterflies. Free and Fun (LT)
* Larry the K's One Click Browser
Larry the K's One Click Browser targets two Internet User types:
- Those who have a limited number of websites to be visited and wish to
rapidly access those sites
- Infrequent Internet users who find the Internet Explorer's Favorites
"Fly Out" menus to be cumbersome and difficult to use
Especi [...]
* LightningMail
LightningMail is a personalized mailing list management application with
many features and excellent performance.
LightningMail allows you to manage lists of over 2 billion recipients,
create personalized messages using macro's and send all of it through it's
built-in high automated SMTP client.
B [...]
* lil bit of light and snow
Decorate images with sparkling lights. Single lights, icicle lights, stars
in bright colors and real falling snow !!! Use supplied images or import
images of your own homes and scenes (LT)
* Lilbits Aquarium
Freeware screen saver with a community of of video captured tropical fish.
32 bit version with retouched graphics. A new aquarium created every
time. Rosy Barbs, Swordtails, Neon Tetras,Danios......Fun tank, almost as
good as the real thing. (LT)
* LimeWire Basic
File-sharing the quick and easy way!
- Downloads faster than Kazaa
- No spyware...EVER!
- Integrated library with audio player
- Interchangeable color schemes or "skins"!
- Ease of use - just install, run, and search
- Ability to search by artist, title, genre, or other metainfor [...]
* List2000
List2000 is a replacement for the MS-DOS "DIR" command. It has most of the
features of DOS's "DIR" and display files in a much nicer format using
different colours according to their file extension. It is extremely easy
to use.
List2000 will operate under Microsoft Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP. Th [...]
* LiveWireInvest
For the Livewire enthusiast This program was designed for use with
This program is in it's infant's stage. Brand new. You are welcome to
download it as time goes on and it matures. Even now at this point
however, I do rely on this program for making all of my Livewire
Investment decisions [...]
* Mach5 PopMonger
PopMonger steps through the email in a POP, IMAP, or MAPI email account,
matching each one against a set of rules, and then applying a set of
actions. It's quite powerful, and has a number of handy uses. Best of
all....... it's free!
Here's what PopMonger can do for you:
- Find list management r [...]
* Maze Master
Maze Master is a game where you have to guide a ghost through a series of
mazes while collecting colored balls, and in the later levels, avoiding
enemies. (LT)
* Melokeys
Melokeys is a 'delightful' little program that allows you to map sounds to
keys - free of charge and much to the chagrin of those in the same room!
Please be sure to read the security section before
Works on Windows 2000, XP or later.
Allows sound fi [...]
* MemoBook Notes
Notes Bar is featured by Microsoft ASP.NET (MemoBook panel).
How many times was I sorry that I didn't keep each of my yellow sticky
notes! Sometimes over a year passes and I can not find needed small piece
of information. Now I just save notes in the new Notes Bar in Internet
Explorer 6.0. It is c [...]
* Mezzoforce Ice
Photoshop compatible plugin
Create ice and liquid fx when editing images. Tested with Photoshop, Paint
shop Pro, Photobrush. May work with other editors. (LT)
* MinhiAccess
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1
MinhiAccess is a small utility to open up MS Access database files as well
as connect to SQL Server to view data. While you cannot edit the data, you
can export a table into XML, tab-seperated and comma-seperated value files
for further processing. (LT)
* MP3 CDOrganizer
MP3 CDOrganizer is a lightweight, but powerful MP3 Organizer for windows.
Essentially, MP3 CDOrganizer creates the proper directory structures and
files that can be burned onto a CD, and auto-played at any Windows PC with
a flexible Graphical Front-end.
MP3 CDOrganizer also supports unlimited Alb [...]
* Mr. Jack O' Lantern
Freeware activity: Simple and and entertaining Jack O lantern Design
Program. Just in time for trick or treating fun. (LT)
* MSN Joker
Want to play a joke on an MSN buddy of yours? This is the ultimate joke
program. It's stealthy and yet not too intrusive so that they end up
reformatting their hard drive. It is a program designed to only
temporarily affect them. Read or download the Guide for full details on
how the program works. [...]
* MSPlotter
MSPlotter (Mandelbrot Set Plotter) helps you create fractal images using
the Mandelbrot Set and the Julia Set. Just enter values for Center X,
Center Y, Range, and Power of Equation; press the "Plot" button to begin
the process of rendering your image, which may be saved in .bmp format.
Options let [...]
* MultiRenamer
Modify or replace name string or sun strings of all files under a directory
(and all it's sub-direcories) (LT)
* Multivalent Document Tools
All Document Formats (PDF, HTML, DVI, man pages, ...)
- Extract Text v1.1
- Full-Text Index v1.0.1 and Search v1.1 -- with the Lucene search engine
- Compute Lexical Signature v1.1
- Compress v2.2
- Uncompress v2.2: for inspection or hand editing
- Info v1.2: general metad [...]
* MyZippa
MyZippa makes archiving multiple folders easy. If you're tired of
right-clicking a dozen folders to compress each one separately then
MyZippa is the utility for you. It creates a separate archive for each one
of the selected folders. You can save various combinations of folders into
profiles which c [...]
* nConvers
Conversation Style Plug-in for Miranda ICQ (LT)
* NetDIVE Oxygen
Do you want a better Web browser than Microsoft Internet ExplorerT?
Then you want NetDIVE Oxygen web browser. Oxygen is better than IET
because of the following reasons:
It is faster
It is smaller, not loaded with all the stuff that you don't need or want
in a web browser, such as Email, etc.
* NetGraph
Realtime network monitoring tool
- Works on any DUN or Ethernet Adapter
- Option to run from the mouse so areas below graph are accessible(very

- Transparency
- Drag & Drop
- 2 mode Tray indicator
- Auto-Hide capability (Shows when trafic occurs)
- Automatically Hides and Sho [...]
* NFO Viewer
This is a small utility for viewing various file types (*.txt, *.nfo,
*.diz, *.log, *.ini, *.bat) it's completly coded in Microsoft Visual Basic
6.0. (LT)
* Note Central
Allows the user to copy entire documents to the clipboard with a single
click of the Mouse. (LT)
* nPad
Source Editor / Viewer
I wrote this program because I needed a versatile source viewer and editor
with syntax highlighing and basic text manipulation functions. This
program offers basically the same functionality as ConText, JediEdit,
UltraEdit etc. but for a single file and does it much faster. I [...]
* nPad2
Source Editor / Viewer
I wrote this program because I needed a versatile source viewer and editor
with syntax highlighing and basic text manipulation functions. This
program offers basically the same functionality as ConText, JediEdit,
UltraEdit etc. but for a single file and does it much faster. I [...]
* Online WBMP converter
The online WBMP converter by Teraflops Ltd.
The converter takes graphics files of format GIF, JPEG and BMP as input
and outputs optimized WBMP. It can be used for previewing(converting) WBMP
and OTA images to GIF format as well. The converter is also capable of
converting to and from GSM Operator L [...]
* Online WBMP Converter
Caution: only for 1Bit (b/w) Windows Bitmaps in *.bmp format up to 127x127
pixelWith this tool you're able to create "wireless bitmaps" (WBMP's).
These are bitmaps according to the standard of the "Wireless Application
Protocols" (WAP). You can first produce WBMP's and then integrate them as
usual i [...]
* Oracle View
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1 and Oracle 9.x
This is a simple program to connect to an Oracle database. You have the
ability to execute any SQL statements with the ability to rollback all
your transactions. In order to use the program, you need to install and
properly configure the Oracle Client [...]
* Password Generator
Generate passwords from specific criteria - length, used symbols. Can
generate several passwords and supports copying to clipboard. (JL)
* PC Perfection
Shape matching puzzle game . Move and rotate colorful objects in a race
against the clock. Completely mouse driven, PC Perfection is easy to
learn and hard to forget. Options for difficulty levels and timers make
this Win95/98 game fun and challenging for all ages. (LT)
* Perfect Keylogger LITE version
Do you want to know what your buddy or co-workers are doing online? Or
perhaps you want to check up on your children or spouse and know what they
are doing on the computer? With Perfect Keylogger it is possible in just 2
minutes! This program runs on the installed computer, fully hidden from
its use [...]
* Photo Resizer
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1
This is a very simple utility to allow you to batch-resize digital photos.
You simply indicate your maximum width or height in pixels and drag and
drop your picture files onto the window. The program will then
batch-resize all pictures into a subfolder. (LT)
* Phylodendron
Phylodendron is an application for drawing phylogenetic trees, used in
evolutionary biology. It will read tree data in New Hampshire (Newick)
format, then display graphical views of the phylogenetic tree. Various
options allow you to modify, adorn and edit the tree. Standard application
functions to [...]
* Pixbyte AntiSpam Freeware
The number of spam senders is still on the rise and will most probably not
decrease. When legislation passes a new law, the spam senders simply move
their business to another state or even another country. Since spam
senders want to make sure that the recipient reads the mail, it is getting
more and [...]
* Pong
A remake of the classic pong game. (LT)
* PopThis
Disable pop-up ads before they appear!
Sound notification each time a pop-up is blocked
Create a list of websites for pop-ups you want to appear
Small, simple, no-nonsense pop-up blocker
No Spyware or Adware and no additional toolbar
* PowerPoint Templates from Powerbacks
Download 50 Free Powerpoint Templates contained in a single PC .zip file,
11.1 Mb (JL)
* Practical Code Template Tool
This tool is an Add-In for MS Visual C++ 6.0. Will help the developer to
write code faster.
Custom template files can be made by you easily and simple.
Write all your frameworks in templates and then call them to build any
kind of application you have design.
Make your code standards and produ [...]
* PriNumEx32
Prime 32-bit Numbers Expert
Summary of Features:
- Test for primality of a given number;
- Generation of a random prime number in a given range;
- A given range retrieval of the first prime number;
- Automatic preparation of the range for further search;
- Decimal/hexadecimal representation of [...]
* ProcView32
Great tool for developers and advanced users
ProcView32 is a windows 32-bit process viewer. It is also intended to be
Window viewer. ProcView introduces a list of useful features such as
process termination and extended window properties listing. ProcView is
not compatible with Windows NT 4.0, but [...]
* QB - US States
Learn to find US States on the map. Memorize State Capitals.
Can you or your kids identify all of the fifty states on the map? If not,
here's a free Windows program that will help!
So easy to use, no instructions needed
Automatically adjusts to your way of learning to make it more efficient
and [...]
* Quick 'n Easy FTP Server
Quick 'n Easy FTP Server will make your file hosting even easier and
New user interface: XP Luna Look (can also be switched off for classic
- Added TaskPane
- Added XP Office 2003 menu's
- Changes now become directly active.
- Added context menu's and lots of other UI enhancement [...]
* QuickBurn (beta)
Easy and very short to use burning software. Start this prorgram, Use drag
and DROP for files and folders and click BURN CD. That's all, very easy to
use. Multisession support with import from an other session. CDRW erase
normal or quickly. ISO create and Burn ISO. Bootable CD. Integrated
Explorer. [...]
Easy and very short to use burning software. Start this prorgram, choose
your folder with the software and click BURN CD. That's all, very easy to
use. Multisession support with import from an other session. CDRW erase
normal or quickly. ISO create and Burn ISO. Bootable CD. Support every
CD/DVD Bur [...]
* Quiz Master
Quiz Master is a tool to allow easier use of the quiz channels (such as
#trivia) on IRC. It enables the user to ask questions (and provide
answers!) from a previously prepared file of questions/answers (see below
for details of how to create these files). It also provides extra
functionality to cate [...]
* Rebooter
Rebooter is a small utility program developed to help automate the PC
hardware testing process. It has been designed to work with PassMark
BurnInTest but will also work with 3rd party application. Rebooter allows
you to,
Shutdown, Reboot or Logout of a PC.
Reboot a PC from the command line
Se [...]
* ReleaseManager Public
This is a small releasemanager for your files

release fill out the information and all pack to an archiv. A file_id.diz
with all information add too. (LT)
* Remove Clipboard Formatting
The purpose of this small utility is twofold:
It removes all clipboard formats except the text format (CF_TEXT) from the
clipboard and then pastes the results. Although this may sound stupid,
this is a great alternative for standard copy & paste operations in Office
applications (e.g., MS Word). W [...]
* Roxen WebServer
Roxen WebServer is a full-featured open-source web server distributed under
the GPL license. It runs on a number of different operating systems
including Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X.
Some of the strong points of this server are:
Open source code.
A web-based interface for easy configu [...]
* Saintly Folder Zipper
Saintly Folder Zipper is a utility to automate the zipping of one or more
folders on your machine. It's a simple and reliable unique backup utility
but you may find several other uses for it as well. I use it myself! Here
are some of it's features:
1. Skinnable with several skins available from thi [...]
* SARSTaxCalc
SARSTaxCalc is a freeware program designed solely to answer the question
"How much income tax must I pay?"
Income tax in South Africa is administered and collected by the South
African Revenue Services (SARS).
Income tax levels are set annually by the Government and formally
published as a book [...]
* Scuba Instructor
A must have (FREE) program for the Scuba Instructor.
Key Benefits
- Record incomes and expenses in the "Ledger"
- Full financial reporting
- Tracks Students
- Tracks Instructors
- Builds up course profiles with "components" for ultimate flexibility
- Schedule classes [...]
* Server Monitor
Server Monitor is a small monitoring tool designed to run from your system
tray, to monitor and log Availibility of Webservers and Services. With
Server Monitor, you can identify issues and fix unexpected conditions
before your users (or managers) report them to you!
Server Monitor maximizes availa [...]
* ServerMonitor
ServerMonitor is a small application that will watch your server for some
pre-defined ports.
Using ServerMonitor, you can monitor your HTTP, FTP, POP and SMTP ports to
verify if your server is still online.
If your server goes down, you can be notified (email or icq), so you know
instantly when yo [...]
* Sierpinski Fractal
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1
The Sierpinski fractal (the triangle of triangles) can be constructed by
repeatedly choosing a random midpoint between a current point and one of
the three pre-set points. At each iteration the newly chosen midpoint
becomes the new current point. This small program [...]
* Sigma Player
Sigma Player is a multimedia player that let you enjoy many kind of files.
You can play any mp3, wav, avi,DVD (vob), midi,mid, mpge and mpg files.
Features include hability to change from normal screen or full screen
mode. Playlist that when you shutdown the player your is saved for future
playing. [...]
* Site Journal
The Site Journal for Windows (95/98/2000/ME/NT/XP) is intended to help
site-supervising architects, engineers, and construction companies
document site inspections. All important data, events and associated site
photos are conveniently processed and managed with this slim and fast
program. (VJ)
* Sleeper
Sleeper is a small utility program developed to help test the ability of PC
systems to enter and recover from sleep and hibernation. It has been
designed to work with PassMark BurnInTest but will also work with 3rd
party applications. Sleeper allows you to,
Put a PC into any sleep state (S1, S2, [...]
* Spetnik's C++ Compiler Shell
Operating Systems: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows
Spetnik's C++ Compiler Shell is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the
free Borland C++ Builder 5.5 (available for free at www.inprise.com /
bcppbuilder / freecompiler / cppc55steps.html). The Borland Compiler is a
h [...]
* Spider's Cave
Spider's Cave is site generator. It takes set of scripts, templates,
content on different languages and generates sets of html files. After
that you only need to upload produced files to your hosting provider.
If you need an example look at this site, it produced by Spider's Cave.
Another example [...]
* Splitter & Merger
Splitter & Merger is a tool which its function is to split big files into
smaller and easy to handle ones. It has many features that makes it a very
strong tool, taking care in the easiness of use.
Note: Also available in Spanish.
* SportTool
SportTool (formerly Biker's Log) is a training log for a cycling and rowing
enthusiast. The training log tracks distance, average speed, elapsed time,
heart rate, weather conditions, route difficulty, etc. The program allows
you to print training reports for an arbitrary period. (LT)
* Sprite Dance
Freeware screen saver. Sparkling pixies dancing to Pacabel's canon .... If
you only have 5 minutes to relax, this is the screen saver for you. (LT)
* SummerProperties
A shell extension that calculates file checksums
This program adds another page to the file property sheet (when you
right-click on a file and then choose "Properties"). On this page you can
find the checksum(s) for the file in question. Supported checksum
algorithms are:
- CRC16 - not frequent [...]
* SuperChecks Lite
SuperChecks prints filled-out or blank checks on standard two-check check
blanks or plain paper. It also can print pages of four smaller blank
checks. The program allows you to set up as many checking accounts as
necessary and to switch between them. (LT)
* tC_Crypt
Here you can manage you passwords and sites. The Database is crypted with
password. (LT)
* TerraViewer
Requirement: .NET Framework 1.1
This program makes use of Microsoft's free TerraService web service to
retrieve and display archived satellite images and topographic maps of any
region in the United States. You can search for regions by long/lat values
or by city names. The retrieved images can b [...]
* The Price Of Freedom
This is an EBook of my Father's War Diary, it is on-line from my home page
but I thought that I'd also make it available for everyone to download. My
father was in the British Royal Artillery and was taken prisoner by the
Japanese after the fall of Singapore in February 1942. He was a P.O.W. for
thr [...]
* The Tweaking Experience
The Tweaking Experience Registry Guide provides an extensive range of
registry tweaks, tricks & hacks for optimizing, enhancing and securing the
Windows XP, 2000 and 2003 Server.
Make your Windows computer faster, more efficient and more your own using
the hundreds of powerful tweaks (included wi [...]
* Trans-Roster
Auto Maintenance Reminder Program designed to notify you in advance of due
maintenance on your Vehicles.
- Track maintenance on multiple autos with ease.
- Built in schedule up to 200000 Miles.
- Daily reminder to notify you of due maintenance.
- Print Maintenance Check off sheets.
- Mainte [...]
* Tutmaker
With this program you can create a htmltutorial. Easy to use, all insert
from GUI. You can save the data as textfile for later use. (LT)
txtcrypter is a RSA 2048 bit textcrypter with public and privat key. With
this program you can crypt very safe your emails You can run this program
from a disk or so. Freeware for everyone. This program run under Windows
95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP only. (LT)
* Video Thumb
View any webcam/WDM video source in a small thumb-sized window above your
Specify width/height/position with shortcut (e.g.: "VideoThumb.exe" 320
240 100 300) (LT)
* Virtual Dimension
Virtual Dimension is a free, fast, and feature-full virtual desktop manager
for Windows platform. The main goal of this open-source project is indeed
to enhance the Microsoft "Window Manager" up to the level of usual Unix
Window Manager, by providing virtual desktops, as well as some additional
feat [...]
* WaLLPaperBoX
WaLLPaperBoX it's for those who like their desktop colored by images.
By using it, you get 3 beautiful images daily with out any intervention
from you.
The images could also be saved for later use. (VJ)
* WAP Pictus
An elegant piece of freeware that converts standard image files to
WAP-enabled format (LT)
* WapTiger WBMP Converter
With this tool you're able to create "wireless bitmaps" (WBMP's). These are
bitmaps according to the standard of the "Wireless Application Protocols"
(WAP). You can first produce WBMP's and then integrate them as usual into
your selfmade WML homepage ("Wireless Markup Language") (LT)
* When Clones Attack!
Written in just one day(!), this tiny 500kb download pits you against an
ever-increasing army of invading clones. A fun diversion, but definitely
not to be taken too seriously. (LT)
* Win-Res-Q
Restores (shows) hidden windows. Can be used to access your "lost"
applications after losing your trayicons. Also useful for exposing
strange, hidden windows lurking around your desktop.
For a complete tray-icon rescue solution, you can use TraySaver by Mike
Lin or YTrayMagic Lite by Yoconsoft. (LT [...]
* WinExec
WinExec is a small application launcher intended for use with HotKeys.
Normally it is only possible to launch one instance of an application
using a HotKey. WinExec works around this problem by starting up the
wanted application and then exiting, so that the next HotKey press won't
find a running in [...]
* WinOverBoost
Windows, in all its versions, has always had of the problems in the
management of RAM, the Paging file and the Cache. Even if with the several
versions and patch, the stability and the speed of the system it has been
improved, thanks to WinOverBoost we will succeed to increase the total
performance [...]
* WipeCMOS
WipeCMOS is designed to clear all CMOS settings to recover from lost
passwords or corrupt BIOS settings. (JF)
* WMLcreator
Have you ever wrote a file download WAP page, containing multiple links?
That's a lot of copy & paste work.
WMLcreator automatically generates WML files, bases of files in a provided
path. (LT)
* xDiskSpy
xDiskSpy is an ActiveX control that you can use in your Visual Basic, C++,
VBA, Delphi applications.
xDiskSpy Monitor folder and file activity.
xDiskSpy is an ActiveX DLL that allows you to monitor folders and files,
by setting filters you want to be notified about.
You can monitor file [...]
* Xitami
Xitami is a high-quality portable free web server. It is distributed with
source code according to a liberal License Agreement.
Summary of Xitami Features:
Server supports HTTP/1.0, FTP, CGI/1.1, SSI protocols, server-side image
maps, user-defined MIME types, multiple document roots, persistent [...]
* XMLPad
XML editor (LT)