"FWT Newsletter - Weekly" - March 15, 2004
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* Adventures on the flying islands
Check out this free screensaver featuring marvelous 3D graphics and
original sound score. Watch an exotic island bound in magic water that
reflects the clouds drifting over. (VJ)
* All2WAV Recorder
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
All2WAV Recorder is a sound recording and playing program. With All2WAV
you can record sound from the microphone, Internet streaming audio, games
or media files (played by All2WAV Recorder or other multimedia
applications. e.g. WinAmp, RealOne Player, Windows Media Pla [...]
* AmiPic Lite
AmiPic is set of software tools designed primarily for boosting your web
search experience. With its support of "magic files" you can find and
decode hidden pics, mp3 and other files not visible by "naked eye" to
regular visitors! Or you can safely share files posted on your web site
without giving [...]
* Analog Clock
This is a full javascript clock that looks great on your desktop or
website, and it can do both. Includes multiple timezones, multiple
alarms, daylight saving, etc. (JF)
* ArtRage
ArtRage is a painting package designed to provide a realistic and fun
simulation of using paint on a canvas, along with pens, pencils, crayons,
and other tools. You can run ArtRage on a normal Windows machine with a
mouse, but it works particularly well if you have a graphics tablet. Even
better, ru [...]
* ASPI Driver
ASPI Driver package for Windows computers, to support third party hardware
and software. Includes ASPI drivers version 4.x for Windows 98, NT 4, Me,
2000 and XP. Also includes ASPICHK version checking utility.
Note: To play or rip CD audio, you will need to install an ASPI driver.
* Bakery Wizard
Create and manage all of your bread batches with this easy interface
application. Re-calculate all of your dough ingredients on the fly, plus
many more time-saving features, such as a batch cost calculator, save and
print features. Aimed mostly at commercial bakeries, Bakery Wizard was
designed with [...]
* Burrito
Burrito enables you to read and manage your e-mails with any FTP client by
acting as a POP3 / FTP protocol wrapper. Burrito is actually an FTP server
that translates FTP commands to POP3 commands and serves your e-mail
messages as individual FTP files.
Simply speaking, for an FTP connection you est [...]
* Capas
Program to print CD covers. (VJ)
* CJD MediaCentre
This is a very small application that uses Windows Media Player (WMP) but
doesn't have all the unnecessary extras that WMP or the new Winamp does.
This program can import M3U playlists that are exported by WMP and PLS
playlists from Winamp and other applications. It can also export M3U or
PLS pla [...]
* ColorCache
ColorCache is a professional color picker and palette management tool. Use
ColorCache to select screen colors, create harmonious color schemes, and
to manage and share palettes and color swatches.
Note: ColorCache is FREE for personal, educational and non-commercial
Screenshot (JF)
* Cooxie Toolbar
The Cooxie Toolbar reveals what the Internet Explorer has recorded about
your online activities, and helps you protect your privacy on the
Major features in version 1.0 include:
Edit Typed URL's: Lets you add or remove links
in the Address bar drop-down list.
Edit Visited URL's: Pro [...]
* Coppermine Photo Gallery
Coppermine is a multi-purpose fully-featured and integrated web picture
gallery script written in PHP using GD or ImageMagick lib with a MySQL
..:: Requirements
Web Server + PHP + MySQL + IM/GD = CPG!
Coppermine Photo Gallery has been tested working well on IIS, Apache
1.3.24 onwa [...]
* Crashed
The basic idea is to get 3 or more pieces to touch and remove them from the
playing board. Try to clear the board the best you can before the pieces
hit the top. Earn bonus points by clearing more than three pieces or
clearing the board.
There are special bombs such as BLACK BOMBS, COLOR BOMBS [...]
* CRM114
CRM114 is a system to examine incoming e-mail, system log streams, data
files or other data streams, and to sort, filter, or alter the incoming
files or data streams according to the user's wildest desires. Criteria
for categorization of data can be by satisfaction of regexes, by sparse
binary polyn [...]
* dfg BackUp
The data on your PCs or servers are at potential risk. Virus attacks can
delete your files. A head crash or power supply failure can destroy your
hard disk, ...
The leading backup program, dfg BackUp is the easy to use backup solution
for you.
Regardless if you are a home user or working [...]
* DigiAlbum
Is the sucessor of the TransAlb program (the support for TransAlb is
Generates automaticly perfect HTML-based photo albums!
Supports the EXIF data format of many digital cameras!
For Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP!
Supports losless JPEG image rotation!
Comes with 4 pre [...]
* Digital Clock
An amazing clock for your desktop. Stays at the top of the screen. (JL)
* Disco
Don't have disco lights at home? This program will make your monitor a
fantastic disko light. It will start blinking in different colors with
different effects. Great while your friends and you are listening to
* DRKSpider
DRKSpider will navigate a web site from a given URL, checking internal (and
external) links, style sheets, images and other files. Broken links will
be reported and the site map displayed in a tree control.* Navigation tree
matches site's navigation
* Detailed information about each link found
* D [...]
* DVD ImgTool
Operating System Support : Windows 9x/Me/NT4/2000/XP
DVD ImgTool is the original version of ImgTool, and also has .img image
support, plus additional features and a DLL file for IfoEdit DVD image
ImgTool Burn is the latest version of ImgTool, without .img image support,
but has a built in b [...]
* EasySleep
EasySleep is simple and easy to use auto shutdown timer software that
shutdown your computer automatically at a time period you choosed. You can
fall asleep while listening to your favorite music without having to worry
about shutting down your computer. (VJ)
* Edit IE URL
Edit IE URL is a freeware that lets you keep only the URLs you want to see
in the Internet Explorer's address bar. Edit IE URL can also be used for
clearing Internet Explorer Address Bar history, as it can remove any of
the URLs you don't want.
These URL addresses are maintained in the Windows Regi [...]
* Free pdc Calendar
Calendar list most holidays, allows the user to insert picture for each
month. Add special days and information about them. Special day
information displayed each time the program activates. Ever forget a
birthday, an anniversary, or other special dates? Pdc Essentials calendar
will solve the probl [...]
* Free Ram Optimizer XP
Optimize your memory (ram) using this lean program. Avoid application
crashes due to low memory. This program monitors your memory, and frees up
ram if it falls below a certain minimum. It consumes little memory (the
lowest when compared to other such programs available on the net). You can
configur [...]
* GanttProject
This software started during studies at the University of Marne-la-Vallee
(France). GanttProject lets you plan projects using a Gantt charts.
It is developed in Java (SDK>=1.4.1).
A project can be subdivided into sub-tasks, each with a begin date,
duration, dependencies, progress, and notes.
Gant [...]
* Grokster
Grokster is the latest generation of file sharing software. The Grokster
generation of file sharing presents these exciting features:
Free: Grokster is 100% free to use.
Peer-to-Peer: True person to person file searches and transfers.
Fast Searches: Unlike Gnutella type programs, Grokst [...]
With minimum expense and lots of fun you can improve your fitness to the
max with GYM-O-FIZZ! GYM-O-FIZZ is the new inter-active fitness fun for
the office. With the help of your PC and GYM-O-FIZZ you can improve your
physical and mental efficiency as well as your general well-being and
health in th [...]
* Handy Recovery
Handy Recovery is an easy to use program designed to restore files
accidentally deleted from a hard disk or a diskette. The program can
recover files damaged by virus attacks, power failures and software
faults. If some program does not use Recycle Bin when deleting files,
Handy Recovery can restore [...]
* Harry Potter's Clock
The deadly Chamber of Secrets has opened, but no one even believes it
exists. Voices whisper in your head, a monster is lurking the halls and a
deadly clock ticks life away. Install this Harry Potter clock and see
Harry Potter and his friends, hear the magical sounds of Hogwarts School
of Witchcraft [...]
* HDClone (Free Edition)
The Free Edition of HDClone is the ideal tool for moving contents of entire
harddisk drives onto bigger newer ones. This Edition can be downloaded for
free from our homepage and fits easily on a diskette. It ships with its
own operating system - Sphere SP - and is therefore not depending on other
in [...]
* Helper
Help authoring utility. Help topics are stored as records in a database.
Generates rtf, hpj and other files required by HCW to create the help
Requires HCW version 4.3 or greater. (LT)
* HiCDEject
While surveying shareware archives and download sites, you would find
various programs with little functionality, but that still require a lot
of disk space. Furthermore, some of these programs require you to also pay
a registration fee. For example, we found a program on a few sites that
opens and [...]
* Hotbabe Chess
Hotbabe Chess has the least features of any chess program around. No
clocks, no timers, no analysis, no sounds, no fancy piece bitmaps. It's
also a fairly easy chess engine to beat.
Chess Interface: Easy to use chess interface
Hotbabe Character: humorous hotbabe opponent
Browse Chess Histor [...]
* HoverWeather
HoverWeather is a new program by HoverInc that will display the current
weather on the desktop. Displayed are location, local time, weather
conditions and temperature (Celsius or Fahrenheit). HoverWeather is also
capable of displaying tomorrow´s weather forecast. (VJ)
* HovText
HovText is a small freeware and open source Windows application that
removes any formatting from a clipboard copied text - it means the text
will be pasted as raw text without any HTML codes or
fontsizes/colors/layout etc. A typical scenario is to copy a qoute from
Internet Explorer (ehmm.. Mozi [...]
* HTML Help Generator
HTML Help Generator is tool, using which help files in HTML can be easy
generated from script. Any HTML tag can be used, also can use own
#defines. Frameset can be auto-generated. Archive contains sample help
file, templates to generate own, and form to quick start apps which is
using HTML help. (L [...]
* Hyplay
Hyplay is an AVI Player created for a unique user experience. Hyplay is an
AVI Player also compatible with a lot of other formats (divx, mov, rm,
wmv, asf, etc.). With Hyplay, we want you to forget your computer, to be
only immersed in the world of your video. This AVI Player is focused on
user expe [...]
* ICE Encrypt
ICE Encrypt is a simple files/folder encrypting program. ICE Encrypt uses
for encryption algorithm of the new generation - ICESafe. (JF)
* ICE Mirror
This utility creates or maintains an exact duplicate of the original
directory. ICE Mirror will compare the mirrored directory to the master
directory and correct any disparities. ICE Mirror allows ultra fast
mirroring because it performs incremental updates. In other words it only
copies files that [...]
* IfoEdit
Operating System Support : Windows 9x/2000
This is a program for editing *.ifo files. With it, you are able to
correct the sector addresses in .ifo files, after you stipped out unwanted
..VOB files on DVD. Now comes with integrated DVD player to test changes
So now you are able to burn DVD Mo [...]
* ImgTool Burn
Operating System Support : Windows 9x/Me/NT4/2000/XP
ImgTool Burn uses the Nero API to burn DVD root directories directly to
DVD. Because the Nero API is used, you need an installed version of Nero
Burning ROM (get a free demo here).
Since version 1.1.1 ImgTool Burn supports "language-files". No [...]
* ImgTool Classic
Operating System Support : Windows 9x/Me/NT4/2000/XP
ImgTool Classic is used to build DVD video compliant images from dvd root
directories. It is mostly a GIU for a command line tool called mkisofs.
This tool is taken from the famous CDR-Tools suite of Jörg Schilling.
These tools are published unde [...]
* Irene
Irene - Rename Wizard is an easy to use, yet powerful file renaming tool
that provides a step-by-step wizard interface to rename multiple files
based on user defined rules. You can add a prefix and suffix and include
advanced variables like file date, extension name, file size, artist name
and other [...]
* Kplan Personal
Manage agendas, activities, notes, contacts, documents...
Kplan is an Information Management Software to organize your information
and your documents.
KPLAN PERSONAL is the ideal companion, light and fast to manage and
organize your information. KPLAN integrates an Information Manager, a Time
Man [...]
* M8
M8 is the simplest of all multi-clipboard programs. Just have it running
minimized and it captures everything you cut or copy from other programs.
It keeps the last 30 clips. When you want to paste one back, all you have
to do is restore M8 and click on the clip you want. When you move the
mouse ove [...]
* Macallan Mail Solution
Macallan Mail Solution is a Mail Server (SMTP/POP3/IMAP/HTTP) for Microsoft
Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 2000 that works with clients such as
Microsoft Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook. Filtering mechanisms
against Spammers using DNSBL (DNS Black List) and your own Keywords Black
List / Frie [...]
* Magnifixer
Magnifixer is a screen magnifier utility. You can place it anywhere on your
screen, make it any size you want and select a zoom level. Magnifixer will
always show the area of your screen where the mouse cursor resides.Place
anywhere on your screen
- Stay-on-top window option
- Zoom up to 15x
- Mo [...]
* Master Mind
The classic Master Mind game in a windows version.
In Svenna's Master Mind you can play against your computer, it saves your
statistics and keeps one for each user you have on your computer.
* Messenger Disable
If your Messenger Service is enabled, any person from Internet or Local
Network can send pop-up windows on your screen. The sender usually spoofs
the packet's source IP, making it impossible to trace. This program can
enable/disable the Messenger Service.
* metronome
This is a simple metronome for PC users. This free version plays tempos
from 45 to 170 bpm. (VJ)
* Microsoft Portrait
PPC version 2.21 has been released. It supports HP Photosmart Mobile Camera
and Hitachi G1000 Pocket PC Phone Built-In Camera.
Both PC version 2.2 and PPC version 2.21 are compatible with the latest
version of .NET Messenger Service. The PC version supports Microsoft Live
Communications Server 20 [...]
* MiniHelp Plus
MiniHelp Plus v3.5 makes creating Windows Help files easier than using a
Windows-based word processor. Using a specially scripted ASCII text file,
MiniHelp Plus v3.5 allows you to use the tools you already have on your
system (an ASCII text editor, Windows Paintbrush), avoiding the overhead,
complex [...]
This game is a BS(booring-simple
or Board-Strategy).This version is for
two human players on one computer. Every player can move his tanks and
shot when his turn comes. Also there are some gadgets like Time Limit ,
Invincible Bullet , Star Points , number of Brick and Steel Walls that can
be chan [...]
* Msg
Msg is a very simple GUI for the standard 'Net Send' command in NT systems.
It enables system messages to be sent to any machine on the local
network. It's biggest advantage is that no application is required to
receive the messages as they are sent as system messages. Ideal for
network administr [...]
* Multiple Tray Ping
Multiple Tray Ping is a easy to use ping monitoring program for Windows NT
and Windows 9x*. It allows you to test the response of a remote hosts at
set intervals using ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol).
You can have multiple pings active at the same time and their status is
indicated by a [...]
* My CharMap
Using My CharMap to view characters in specific fonts. Copy them to the
clipboard and then to your application.
Resizes to allow you to view each character set clearly and also includes
a magnify panel that will zoom your character even more.
* Naf
An easy to use tool to view all the fonts installed on your PC. Font faces
can be compared, styles applied and viewed, different point sizes
selected, colours compared, your own text entered or pasted, and a sample
sent to print. (VJ)
* Oasis SE
Don't have any money? No problem. Oasis SE is completely free!
Oasis SE is the quick-and-easy way to create fully functional Windows help
Summary of Key Features
- Fully supports context-sensitive help projects
- Graphical contents layout
- Features unique QuickLink facility for crea [...]
* Open Port Scanner
Checks your computer for open ports. Gives information about some of them.
So you can understand if you have trojan horses, viruses, etc. (JL)
* Option Calculator
Simple tool for option traders. You can :
calculate the value of put and call options
(The Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model)
calculate implied volatility
calculate greeks (Delta, Vega, Gamma, Theta)
see graph of option position (buy call or buy put)
* OrphansRemover
OrphansRemover searches and deletes shortcuts (*.lnk files) with an invalid
target in the given folders and subfolders, like your Start menu, Recent
documents, etc. These so called orphans are typically the result of
uninstalled programs, deleted or moved documents.
Screenshot (JF)
* Overdrive Automotive Tools
Overdrive Automotive Tools is a freeware program which provides the
automotive enthusiast with 21 easy-to-use calculators covering both basic
tasks and advanced design and engineering needs.
The new 2.1 release features 21 calculators in 4 categories related to
automotive tuning and design:
* Password Provider
Password Provider saves you time and security risks by automatically
creating unique and random passwords for you. You can choose to use
uppercase, lowercase, numbers, etc. Create just one at a time thousands
and save them to a text file. (VJ)
* PgmText
PgmText v.2.00 is used to edit text parts of program files or other binary
files. It's also possible to edit wide character text - resource part of a
program (text in Menu items, Buttons etc.).
You can search for a text or just navigate through the file - the program
will skip all other data and g [...]
* Planet's Visibility
Planet's Visibility presents a 3-color graph that shows when a planet, the
moon or the sun is visible during any year from 3000 BC to AD 6000 at any
location on the earth. The vertical axis marks the months of the year, the
horizontal axis marks the hours of the day. The three colors create a
contou [...]
* Pop Up Blocker and Ad Killer for Kazaa
Tired of being hit by pop ups while you run your file sharing program? Pop
Up Blocker and Ad Killer for Kazaa is designed to automatically detect and
stop the pop up windows that are opened by popular file sharing programs
such as Kazaa, Kazaa Lite, Morpheus, Grokster, iMesh, XoloX and Direct
Connec [...]
* PortComm
PortComm is a communication program to be used to send and receive data
asynchronously through the serial port (in the future through the USB port
as well).
It's also possible to manually change the state of the RTS and DTR signals
and to monitor the CTS and DSR signals.
You can choose among a f [...]
* PSC FreeHelp
PSC FreeHelp is a powerful utility for the automatic generation of the help
files in the CHM, HLP, HTML, RTF and TXT formats. PSC FreeHelp includes an
advanced Delphi 4=source code parser and will automatically create the
structure and topic pages of the help file and the help file itself, using
inf [...]
* Puzzle maker
Puzzle maker is a freeware program that helps make puzzle game from a
graphic file in a few mouse clicks. You can play the game in embedded
browser when the program runs or save the game as html file to use it in
your webpsite or send the game to your friends by e-mail.The program
cust [...]
* QuickMix
Are you fed up with carefully setting the audio mixer on your Windows
computer only to have the settings changed by another application or when
you reboot?
Do you need to store and recall different sets of mixer settings quickly
and easily?
Then QuickMix is for you.
QuickMix is a simple ap [...]
* QuickStart
QuickStart allows you to quickly find items in your Start Menu, Favorites,
Recent Files, Desktop and History, that match a typed keyword. In
addition, you can specify a custom directory, as well as file extensions
to look for. Just type in the keyword and press enter to be presented with
a list of i [...]
* Racer
Racer is a free car simulation project, using real car physics to get a
realistic feeling. Cars, tracks, scenes and such can be created with
relative simplicity in mind (compared to other driving simulations). The
3D and other file formats are, or should be, documented. Editors and
support programs [...]
* Redplayer
Redplayer is a simple and small application for viewing video-files,
flash-files, image-filePlayback support for:
- Movie-files (mpg, mpeg, mpe, mpa, m1v, mpv2)
- Video-files (avi)
- Windows Media files (asf, wmv)
- VideoCD files (dat)
- Playlists (m3u, m3l)
- Flash files (swf)
- Image files [...]
* REL Link Checker Lite
REL Link Checker Lite is a free easy-to-use link checker tool to help you
maintain the accuracy of links on your web site. The program will help you
easily locate broken links and links containing syntactic errors.
This is the free version of a more powerful tool, Web Link Validator. If
you are [...]
* rightSideUp
has an installer package and supports being uninstalled. I also added an
option allowing you to right-click on folders or individual images and
"auto-rotate" them using rightSideUp from within Windows Explor [...]
* River Past Wave@MP3
River Past Wave@MP3 is a simple and FREE software which converts between
MP3 audio and WAV file.
Select the file to convert from, and click on "Convert". It is that
Note: Requires DirectX 8.0+. (JF)
* Rosegarden
The World Wide Web has become an information wasteland. Wandering
the wasteland leaves you many times with frustration. But still, once
in a while you come upon a site which has all the information you are
looking for. It's like coming upon a rose in the wasteland. To help you
remember the locta [...]
* SA HotShot
SA HotShot is a simple hot-key program. With it, You can program most of
the alphabetic keys on your keyboard, when pressed in combination with the
"Windows" key, to launch any file or application on your computer. Once
running, it stays in your system tray and iFirst, run SAHotShot.exe. It
will loo [...]
* ScanDir
Create, manipulate, print, and save directory lists.
Use ScanDir to search (multiple) directories for all files or a selection
of files. Select files based on filename, path, extension, filesize and /
or filedate. Scan results can be printed or saved to an ASCII textfile.
Output header, seperator c [...]
* SearchSites
SearchSites - a time-saving tool for searching software sites!
If you are a software developer, you know that it is absolutely vital to
make sure that your product is listed on the software and shareware sites.
After all, if a product isn't seen, there is no way it will be sold!
You also know t [...]
* Smart Phone Recorder
Smart Phone Recorder - the PC answering machine software can record your
phone calls at an incredible compression rate of 3.7MB/Hour into windows
wave(.wav) files using your computer's voice modem. It greatly saves your
computer's resources.
Another unique feature is that Smart Phone Recorder can s [...]
* SMS Reciever
Providing the informations from a database, depending on user needs
trough SMS messages from mobile phones.
System requirements:
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
Microsoft Framework 1.0
Nokia PC Connectivity SDK 2.1
Nokia mobile phone with compatible cable or IrDA PC connection
* Snackster.net
Snackster.net is a powerful cookbook program that redefines how people will
get their recipes. Snackster.net is the world's best peer to peer recipe
sharing program. Unlike other popular file sharing networks Snackster.net
is dedicated to only cooking.
Manage and share your favorite recipes [...]
* SockScap
SocksCap is a non-commercial client for use with any SOCKSv5-compliant
server. It is licensed for NON-COMMERCIAL HOME USE ONLY and should not be
used by or in any governmental or commercial organization.
SocksCap automatically enables Windows-based TCP and UDP networking client
applications to trav [...]
* SoS
As you will know the speed of sound is temperature dependant. So if you
are designing a sound system for the South Pole or the Flaming Pits of
Hell you will find SoS really useful. (VJ)
* SPC Datepad
SPC Datepad is for organizing and reminding you of all your important
Screenshot (JF)
* SpechtorNet Instant Messenger
No Centralized Servers
Unlike AOL, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo!, IRC, and Jabber, SpechtorNet Instant
Messenger does not rely on a server to connect to others. In other
instant messaging environments, you are required to connect to a server,
which then alerts others that you are, in fact, logged in. Howe [...]
* StandardScreen
This little program offers you to change the screen resolution not only in
usual way (640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768) but you can change the
resolution down to 640x400, 512x384, 400x300, 320x240 and 320x200 pixels
too (which generally isn't supported in other software).If you own an
operating system [...]
* Starsmg.com
Send SMS with ease from your PC!
Starsmg.com allows you to send and receive SMS messages through your PC
with the touch of a button. You can set the delivery time, send Flash-SMS
or anonymous messages, etc.
Your PC acts as the gateway for sending messages. You get all the
advantages of using y [...]
* Startup Guard
Monitor your system's auto-startup programs with this lean program. Startup
Guard will inform you when new programs are added to the startup, in real
time, and you can approve/disapprove the new entry. Block worms, spyware,
adware, trojans, and other virus type malicious programs that may affect
you [...]
* StationRipper
StationRipper will allow you to "record" various internet radio stations.
It will allow you to get a list of available Shoutcast stations and start
recording them, creating a single MP3 file for each song the station
Screenshot (JF)
* teamLAN
teamLAN is available in two versions; client and administrator. The client
software is all that is needed for a home network and can interact
seamlessly without an administrator.
The administrator software allows the user to warn, block or kill other
users. This is meant for offices or labs alth [...]
* Texefex
Texefex creates gradient text effects in your documents or webpages.
Output in HTML or RTF (usable in Outlook, Word, Powerpoint and more)(new)
Convert images to text
- Create custom schemes with up to 8 colors
- Adjustable Rainbow Scheme
- Random color, font or size option
- Transform (jpg, gif [...]
* TextIt
TextIt handle unformatted text and works well with files over the 64kB
limitation in e.g. notepad. The most common utilities are included, like:
Search, Replace, Undo, Redo, Print and Run. TextIt also has some powerful
and easily configurable customisation options. (VJ)
The program of work visualization and calculation of flat lever mechanisms.
Includes the following opportunities:
Construction of mechanisms and check serviceability in real time.
Construction is carried out both in an evident mode and with coordinates
or with the task of distance and a corner c [...]
TMS is a password/code archiver.
With TMS you can store your password, authentication code, gaming code and
organize them in a 2 level tree-structure with categories (eg.: Internet,
Gaming, Work, Personal) and subcategories (eg.: EMail, Mailing List,
Online Magazines can be subcategories of the Int [...]
* ToolButton
Our software plugs into your Internet Explorer browser as a toolbar. A
toolbar is a horizontal row of selectable image "buttons" (what we call
ToolButtons) that are pre-defined by the web sites that provide them.
These ToolButtons are your direct link to the information, content and
news on the web [...]
* TurboRisk
TurboRisk plays the classic "World Domination Risk" game, where you are
battling to conquer the world.
The main features include:
Support for both human or computer driven players, up to ten per game.
Computer players programmable using a subset of PASCAL.
Highly customisable rules.
Sm [...]
UPGP is a simple yet powerful PGP-to-Windows Clipboard interface/PGP shell
that allows you to easily use the Freeware PGP v6.5.8 ("Pretty Good
Privacy") encryption program with any Windows 95+ email program or text
editor that supports the Windows Clipboard. This in [...]
* Vat Calculator
You enter the price, VAT, or price+VAT value and it calculates the other
ones. Can round the values. (JL)
* Visual Batch File
Fast backup, synchronize, copy and delete files utility. Automates
repetitive tasks. Includes 2 methods of sychronization, full and partial.
Friendly user interface with drag and drop. Support for network and
removable drives. Files can be backed up incrementally. Full and partial
restore features a [...]
Wait is a command line program that allows to pause for a specified
interval. It is thought for use in DOS environment (or Windows prompt). It
is very useful for pausing in batch files.
You can obtain main information on how program works running it from the
console prompt without parameters. (LT)
* WAV Launcher
This is a hidden program launcher. It will launch a specified program or
..wav file at user defined intervals. The user can select the program or
..WAV file to be launched and the frequency of launching. For programs you
can specify the style of launching; normal, maximized and minimized.This
program [...]
* Web Site Code Lookup
Enables you to open a particular web site and search in it for various
code/text. If this code/text exsists you are shown exactly its position.
* WebHit
WebHit is a serial webserver hit generator. Using a base URL and a serial
generator engine, WebHit will query a webserver as many times as you need.
WebHit will issue a different URL for every hit. You will be able to
download each query to a local directory. (LT)
* WebJump
WebJump is used to provide a page with short cuts to various service
providers, such as email accounts, intended to be used as the first page
the web browser opens.
Screenshot (JF)
* WEBphone
Private, confidential conversation
Read and write in the same time
Save/reload game
Needs WEB connection
Leave message when your partner is away
Live video while you are talking (needs Logitech QuickCam camera at he
sender's side)
Online Help when clicking on the turning globe ic [...]
* WinAudit
WinAudit is a software program that performs an exhaustive audit of the
hardware and software configuration of your computer. The audit report
contains details on installed software, license information, peripherals,
memory usage, processor model, network settings etc. You can view the
audit report [...]
* WPaper
WPaper v.1.00 is a small program to change the user wallpaper every boot,
daily or weekly.
WPaper runs on Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP.
WPaper is available free for non-commercial use. (LT)
* XPlanet
Xplanet was inspired by Xearth, which renders an image of the earth into
the X root window. All of the major planets and most satellites can be
drawn, similar to the Solar System Simulator. A number of different map
projections are also supported, including azimuthal, Lambert, Mercator,
Mollweide, o [...]
* XPlanetControl
XPlanetControl is the easy way to control your xPlanet. No need for command
line options, never again! With this frontend you can control all of the
features supported by xPlanet without looking at an optical overkill. (LT)
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* Adventures on the flying islands
Check out this free screensaver featuring marvelous 3D graphics and
original sound score. Watch an exotic island bound in magic water that
reflects the clouds drifting over. (VJ)
* All2WAV Recorder
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
All2WAV Recorder is a sound recording and playing program. With All2WAV
you can record sound from the microphone, Internet streaming audio, games
or media files (played by All2WAV Recorder or other multimedia
applications. e.g. WinAmp, RealOne Player, Windows Media Pla [...]
* AmiPic Lite
AmiPic is set of software tools designed primarily for boosting your web
search experience. With its support of "magic files" you can find and
decode hidden pics, mp3 and other files not visible by "naked eye" to
regular visitors! Or you can safely share files posted on your web site
without giving [...]
* Analog Clock
This is a full javascript clock that looks great on your desktop or
website, and it can do both. Includes multiple timezones, multiple
alarms, daylight saving, etc. (JF)
* ArtRage
ArtRage is a painting package designed to provide a realistic and fun
simulation of using paint on a canvas, along with pens, pencils, crayons,
and other tools. You can run ArtRage on a normal Windows machine with a
mouse, but it works particularly well if you have a graphics tablet. Even
better, ru [...]
* ASPI Driver
ASPI Driver package for Windows computers, to support third party hardware
and software. Includes ASPI drivers version 4.x for Windows 98, NT 4, Me,
2000 and XP. Also includes ASPICHK version checking utility.
Note: To play or rip CD audio, you will need to install an ASPI driver.
* Bakery Wizard
Create and manage all of your bread batches with this easy interface
application. Re-calculate all of your dough ingredients on the fly, plus
many more time-saving features, such as a batch cost calculator, save and
print features. Aimed mostly at commercial bakeries, Bakery Wizard was
designed with [...]
* Burrito
Burrito enables you to read and manage your e-mails with any FTP client by
acting as a POP3 / FTP protocol wrapper. Burrito is actually an FTP server
that translates FTP commands to POP3 commands and serves your e-mail
messages as individual FTP files.
Simply speaking, for an FTP connection you est [...]
* Capas
Program to print CD covers. (VJ)
* CJD MediaCentre
This is a very small application that uses Windows Media Player (WMP) but
doesn't have all the unnecessary extras that WMP or the new Winamp does.
This program can import M3U playlists that are exported by WMP and PLS
playlists from Winamp and other applications. It can also export M3U or
PLS pla [...]
* ColorCache
ColorCache is a professional color picker and palette management tool. Use
ColorCache to select screen colors, create harmonious color schemes, and
to manage and share palettes and color swatches.
Note: ColorCache is FREE for personal, educational and non-commercial
Screenshot (JF)
* Cooxie Toolbar
The Cooxie Toolbar reveals what the Internet Explorer has recorded about
your online activities, and helps you protect your privacy on the
Major features in version 1.0 include:
Edit Typed URL's: Lets you add or remove links
in the Address bar drop-down list.
Edit Visited URL's: Pro [...]
* Coppermine Photo Gallery
Coppermine is a multi-purpose fully-featured and integrated web picture
gallery script written in PHP using GD or ImageMagick lib with a MySQL
..:: Requirements
Web Server + PHP + MySQL + IM/GD = CPG!
Coppermine Photo Gallery has been tested working well on IIS, Apache
1.3.24 onwa [...]
* Crashed
The basic idea is to get 3 or more pieces to touch and remove them from the
playing board. Try to clear the board the best you can before the pieces
hit the top. Earn bonus points by clearing more than three pieces or
clearing the board.
There are special bombs such as BLACK BOMBS, COLOR BOMBS [...]
* CRM114
CRM114 is a system to examine incoming e-mail, system log streams, data
files or other data streams, and to sort, filter, or alter the incoming
files or data streams according to the user's wildest desires. Criteria
for categorization of data can be by satisfaction of regexes, by sparse
binary polyn [...]
* dfg BackUp
The data on your PCs or servers are at potential risk. Virus attacks can
delete your files. A head crash or power supply failure can destroy your
hard disk, ...
The leading backup program, dfg BackUp is the easy to use backup solution
for you.
Regardless if you are a home user or working [...]
* DigiAlbum
Is the sucessor of the TransAlb program (the support for TransAlb is
Generates automaticly perfect HTML-based photo albums!
Supports the EXIF data format of many digital cameras!
For Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP!
Supports losless JPEG image rotation!
Comes with 4 pre [...]
* Digital Clock
An amazing clock for your desktop. Stays at the top of the screen. (JL)
* Disco
Don't have disco lights at home? This program will make your monitor a
fantastic disko light. It will start blinking in different colors with
different effects. Great while your friends and you are listening to
* DRKSpider
DRKSpider will navigate a web site from a given URL, checking internal (and
external) links, style sheets, images and other files. Broken links will
be reported and the site map displayed in a tree control.* Navigation tree
matches site's navigation
* Detailed information about each link found
* D [...]
* DVD ImgTool
Operating System Support : Windows 9x/Me/NT4/2000/XP
DVD ImgTool is the original version of ImgTool, and also has .img image
support, plus additional features and a DLL file for IfoEdit DVD image
ImgTool Burn is the latest version of ImgTool, without .img image support,
but has a built in b [...]
* EasySleep
EasySleep is simple and easy to use auto shutdown timer software that
shutdown your computer automatically at a time period you choosed. You can
fall asleep while listening to your favorite music without having to worry
about shutting down your computer. (VJ)
* Edit IE URL
Edit IE URL is a freeware that lets you keep only the URLs you want to see
in the Internet Explorer's address bar. Edit IE URL can also be used for
clearing Internet Explorer Address Bar history, as it can remove any of
the URLs you don't want.
These URL addresses are maintained in the Windows Regi [...]
* Free pdc Calendar
Calendar list most holidays, allows the user to insert picture for each
month. Add special days and information about them. Special day
information displayed each time the program activates. Ever forget a
birthday, an anniversary, or other special dates? Pdc Essentials calendar
will solve the probl [...]
* Free Ram Optimizer XP
Optimize your memory (ram) using this lean program. Avoid application
crashes due to low memory. This program monitors your memory, and frees up
ram if it falls below a certain minimum. It consumes little memory (the
lowest when compared to other such programs available on the net). You can
configur [...]
* GanttProject
This software started during studies at the University of Marne-la-Vallee
(France). GanttProject lets you plan projects using a Gantt charts.
It is developed in Java (SDK>=1.4.1).
A project can be subdivided into sub-tasks, each with a begin date,
duration, dependencies, progress, and notes.
Gant [...]
* Grokster
Grokster is the latest generation of file sharing software. The Grokster
generation of file sharing presents these exciting features:
Free: Grokster is 100% free to use.
Peer-to-Peer: True person to person file searches and transfers.
Fast Searches: Unlike Gnutella type programs, Grokst [...]
With minimum expense and lots of fun you can improve your fitness to the
max with GYM-O-FIZZ! GYM-O-FIZZ is the new inter-active fitness fun for
the office. With the help of your PC and GYM-O-FIZZ you can improve your
physical and mental efficiency as well as your general well-being and
health in th [...]
* Handy Recovery
Handy Recovery is an easy to use program designed to restore files
accidentally deleted from a hard disk or a diskette. The program can
recover files damaged by virus attacks, power failures and software
faults. If some program does not use Recycle Bin when deleting files,
Handy Recovery can restore [...]
* Harry Potter's Clock
The deadly Chamber of Secrets has opened, but no one even believes it
exists. Voices whisper in your head, a monster is lurking the halls and a
deadly clock ticks life away. Install this Harry Potter clock and see
Harry Potter and his friends, hear the magical sounds of Hogwarts School
of Witchcraft [...]
* HDClone (Free Edition)
The Free Edition of HDClone is the ideal tool for moving contents of entire
harddisk drives onto bigger newer ones. This Edition can be downloaded for
free from our homepage and fits easily on a diskette. It ships with its
own operating system - Sphere SP - and is therefore not depending on other
in [...]
* Helper
Help authoring utility. Help topics are stored as records in a database.
Generates rtf, hpj and other files required by HCW to create the help
Requires HCW version 4.3 or greater. (LT)
* HiCDEject
While surveying shareware archives and download sites, you would find
various programs with little functionality, but that still require a lot
of disk space. Furthermore, some of these programs require you to also pay
a registration fee. For example, we found a program on a few sites that
opens and [...]
* Hotbabe Chess
Hotbabe Chess has the least features of any chess program around. No
clocks, no timers, no analysis, no sounds, no fancy piece bitmaps. It's
also a fairly easy chess engine to beat.
Chess Interface: Easy to use chess interface
Hotbabe Character: humorous hotbabe opponent
Browse Chess Histor [...]
* HoverWeather
HoverWeather is a new program by HoverInc that will display the current
weather on the desktop. Displayed are location, local time, weather
conditions and temperature (Celsius or Fahrenheit). HoverWeather is also
capable of displaying tomorrow´s weather forecast. (VJ)
* HovText
HovText is a small freeware and open source Windows application that
removes any formatting from a clipboard copied text - it means the text
will be pasted as raw text without any HTML codes or
fontsizes/colors/layout etc. A typical scenario is to copy a qoute from
Internet Explorer (ehmm.. Mozi [...]
* HTML Help Generator
HTML Help Generator is tool, using which help files in HTML can be easy
generated from script. Any HTML tag can be used, also can use own
#defines. Frameset can be auto-generated. Archive contains sample help
file, templates to generate own, and form to quick start apps which is
using HTML help. (L [...]
* Hyplay
Hyplay is an AVI Player created for a unique user experience. Hyplay is an
AVI Player also compatible with a lot of other formats (divx, mov, rm,
wmv, asf, etc.). With Hyplay, we want you to forget your computer, to be
only immersed in the world of your video. This AVI Player is focused on
user expe [...]
* ICE Encrypt
ICE Encrypt is a simple files/folder encrypting program. ICE Encrypt uses
for encryption algorithm of the new generation - ICESafe. (JF)
* ICE Mirror
This utility creates or maintains an exact duplicate of the original
directory. ICE Mirror will compare the mirrored directory to the master
directory and correct any disparities. ICE Mirror allows ultra fast
mirroring because it performs incremental updates. In other words it only
copies files that [...]
* IfoEdit
Operating System Support : Windows 9x/2000
This is a program for editing *.ifo files. With it, you are able to
correct the sector addresses in .ifo files, after you stipped out unwanted
..VOB files on DVD. Now comes with integrated DVD player to test changes
So now you are able to burn DVD Mo [...]
* ImgTool Burn
Operating System Support : Windows 9x/Me/NT4/2000/XP
ImgTool Burn uses the Nero API to burn DVD root directories directly to
DVD. Because the Nero API is used, you need an installed version of Nero
Burning ROM (get a free demo here).
Since version 1.1.1 ImgTool Burn supports "language-files". No [...]
* ImgTool Classic
Operating System Support : Windows 9x/Me/NT4/2000/XP
ImgTool Classic is used to build DVD video compliant images from dvd root
directories. It is mostly a GIU for a command line tool called mkisofs.
This tool is taken from the famous CDR-Tools suite of Jörg Schilling.
These tools are published unde [...]
* Irene
Irene - Rename Wizard is an easy to use, yet powerful file renaming tool
that provides a step-by-step wizard interface to rename multiple files
based on user defined rules. You can add a prefix and suffix and include
advanced variables like file date, extension name, file size, artist name
and other [...]
* Kplan Personal
Manage agendas, activities, notes, contacts, documents...
Kplan is an Information Management Software to organize your information
and your documents.
KPLAN PERSONAL is the ideal companion, light and fast to manage and
organize your information. KPLAN integrates an Information Manager, a Time
Man [...]
* M8
M8 is the simplest of all multi-clipboard programs. Just have it running
minimized and it captures everything you cut or copy from other programs.
It keeps the last 30 clips. When you want to paste one back, all you have
to do is restore M8 and click on the clip you want. When you move the
mouse ove [...]
* Macallan Mail Solution
Macallan Mail Solution is a Mail Server (SMTP/POP3/IMAP/HTTP) for Microsoft
Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 2000 that works with clients such as
Microsoft Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook. Filtering mechanisms
against Spammers using DNSBL (DNS Black List) and your own Keywords Black
List / Frie [...]
* Magnifixer
Magnifixer is a screen magnifier utility. You can place it anywhere on your
screen, make it any size you want and select a zoom level. Magnifixer will
always show the area of your screen where the mouse cursor resides.Place
anywhere on your screen
- Stay-on-top window option
- Zoom up to 15x
- Mo [...]
* Master Mind
The classic Master Mind game in a windows version.
In Svenna's Master Mind you can play against your computer, it saves your
statistics and keeps one for each user you have on your computer.
* Messenger Disable
If your Messenger Service is enabled, any person from Internet or Local
Network can send pop-up windows on your screen. The sender usually spoofs
the packet's source IP, making it impossible to trace. This program can
enable/disable the Messenger Service.
* metronome
This is a simple metronome for PC users. This free version plays tempos
from 45 to 170 bpm. (VJ)
* Microsoft Portrait
PPC version 2.21 has been released. It supports HP Photosmart Mobile Camera
and Hitachi G1000 Pocket PC Phone Built-In Camera.
Both PC version 2.2 and PPC version 2.21 are compatible with the latest
version of .NET Messenger Service. The PC version supports Microsoft Live
Communications Server 20 [...]
* MiniHelp Plus
MiniHelp Plus v3.5 makes creating Windows Help files easier than using a
Windows-based word processor. Using a specially scripted ASCII text file,
MiniHelp Plus v3.5 allows you to use the tools you already have on your
system (an ASCII text editor, Windows Paintbrush), avoiding the overhead,
complex [...]
This game is a BS(booring-simple

two human players on one computer. Every player can move his tanks and
shot when his turn comes. Also there are some gadgets like Time Limit ,
Invincible Bullet , Star Points , number of Brick and Steel Walls that can
be chan [...]
* Msg
Msg is a very simple GUI for the standard 'Net Send' command in NT systems.
It enables system messages to be sent to any machine on the local
network. It's biggest advantage is that no application is required to
receive the messages as they are sent as system messages. Ideal for
network administr [...]
* Multiple Tray Ping
Multiple Tray Ping is a easy to use ping monitoring program for Windows NT
and Windows 9x*. It allows you to test the response of a remote hosts at
set intervals using ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol).
You can have multiple pings active at the same time and their status is
indicated by a [...]
* My CharMap
Using My CharMap to view characters in specific fonts. Copy them to the
clipboard and then to your application.
Resizes to allow you to view each character set clearly and also includes
a magnify panel that will zoom your character even more.
* Naf
An easy to use tool to view all the fonts installed on your PC. Font faces
can be compared, styles applied and viewed, different point sizes
selected, colours compared, your own text entered or pasted, and a sample
sent to print. (VJ)
* Oasis SE
Don't have any money? No problem. Oasis SE is completely free!
Oasis SE is the quick-and-easy way to create fully functional Windows help
Summary of Key Features
- Fully supports context-sensitive help projects
- Graphical contents layout
- Features unique QuickLink facility for crea [...]
* Open Port Scanner
Checks your computer for open ports. Gives information about some of them.
So you can understand if you have trojan horses, viruses, etc. (JL)
* Option Calculator
Simple tool for option traders. You can :
calculate the value of put and call options
(The Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model)
calculate implied volatility
calculate greeks (Delta, Vega, Gamma, Theta)
see graph of option position (buy call or buy put)
* OrphansRemover
OrphansRemover searches and deletes shortcuts (*.lnk files) with an invalid
target in the given folders and subfolders, like your Start menu, Recent
documents, etc. These so called orphans are typically the result of
uninstalled programs, deleted or moved documents.
Screenshot (JF)
* Overdrive Automotive Tools
Overdrive Automotive Tools is a freeware program which provides the
automotive enthusiast with 21 easy-to-use calculators covering both basic
tasks and advanced design and engineering needs.
The new 2.1 release features 21 calculators in 4 categories related to
automotive tuning and design:
F [...]
* Password Provider
Password Provider saves you time and security risks by automatically
creating unique and random passwords for you. You can choose to use
uppercase, lowercase, numbers, etc. Create just one at a time thousands
and save them to a text file. (VJ)
* PgmText
PgmText v.2.00 is used to edit text parts of program files or other binary
files. It's also possible to edit wide character text - resource part of a
program (text in Menu items, Buttons etc.).
You can search for a text or just navigate through the file - the program
will skip all other data and g [...]
* Planet's Visibility
Planet's Visibility presents a 3-color graph that shows when a planet, the
moon or the sun is visible during any year from 3000 BC to AD 6000 at any
location on the earth. The vertical axis marks the months of the year, the
horizontal axis marks the hours of the day. The three colors create a
contou [...]
* Pop Up Blocker and Ad Killer for Kazaa
Tired of being hit by pop ups while you run your file sharing program? Pop
Up Blocker and Ad Killer for Kazaa is designed to automatically detect and
stop the pop up windows that are opened by popular file sharing programs
such as Kazaa, Kazaa Lite, Morpheus, Grokster, iMesh, XoloX and Direct
Connec [...]
* PortComm
PortComm is a communication program to be used to send and receive data
asynchronously through the serial port (in the future through the USB port
as well).
It's also possible to manually change the state of the RTS and DTR signals
and to monitor the CTS and DSR signals.
You can choose among a f [...]
* PSC FreeHelp
PSC FreeHelp is a powerful utility for the automatic generation of the help
files in the CHM, HLP, HTML, RTF and TXT formats. PSC FreeHelp includes an
advanced Delphi 4=source code parser and will automatically create the
structure and topic pages of the help file and the help file itself, using
inf [...]
* Puzzle maker
Puzzle maker is a freeware program that helps make puzzle game from a
graphic file in a few mouse clicks. You can play the game in embedded
browser when the program runs or save the game as html file to use it in
your webpsite or send the game to your friends by e-mail.The program
cust [...]
* QuickMix
Are you fed up with carefully setting the audio mixer on your Windows
computer only to have the settings changed by another application or when
you reboot?
Do you need to store and recall different sets of mixer settings quickly
and easily?
Then QuickMix is for you.
QuickMix is a simple ap [...]
* QuickStart
QuickStart allows you to quickly find items in your Start Menu, Favorites,
Recent Files, Desktop and History, that match a typed keyword. In
addition, you can specify a custom directory, as well as file extensions
to look for. Just type in the keyword and press enter to be presented with
a list of i [...]
* Racer
Racer is a free car simulation project, using real car physics to get a
realistic feeling. Cars, tracks, scenes and such can be created with
relative simplicity in mind (compared to other driving simulations). The
3D and other file formats are, or should be, documented. Editors and
support programs [...]
* Redplayer
Redplayer is a simple and small application for viewing video-files,
flash-files, image-filePlayback support for:
- Movie-files (mpg, mpeg, mpe, mpa, m1v, mpv2)
- Video-files (avi)
- Windows Media files (asf, wmv)
- VideoCD files (dat)
- Playlists (m3u, m3l)
- Flash files (swf)
- Image files [...]
* REL Link Checker Lite
REL Link Checker Lite is a free easy-to-use link checker tool to help you
maintain the accuracy of links on your web site. The program will help you
easily locate broken links and links containing syntactic errors.
This is the free version of a more powerful tool, Web Link Validator. If
you are [...]
* rightSideUp
"I've just finished packaging up and uploading v1.0 of rightSideUp. It nowFrom the author:
has an installer package and supports being uninstalled. I also added an
option allowing you to right-click on folders or individual images and
"auto-rotate" them using rightSideUp from within Windows Explor [...]
* River Past Wave@MP3
River Past Wave@MP3 is a simple and FREE software which converts between
MP3 audio and WAV file.
Select the file to convert from, and click on "Convert". It is that
Note: Requires DirectX 8.0+. (JF)
* Rosegarden
The World Wide Web has become an information wasteland. Wandering
the wasteland leaves you many times with frustration. But still, once
in a while you come upon a site which has all the information you are
looking for. It's like coming upon a rose in the wasteland. To help you
remember the locta [...]
* SA HotShot
SA HotShot is a simple hot-key program. With it, You can program most of
the alphabetic keys on your keyboard, when pressed in combination with the
"Windows" key, to launch any file or application on your computer. Once
running, it stays in your system tray and iFirst, run SAHotShot.exe. It
will loo [...]
* ScanDir
Create, manipulate, print, and save directory lists.
Use ScanDir to search (multiple) directories for all files or a selection
of files. Select files based on filename, path, extension, filesize and /
or filedate. Scan results can be printed or saved to an ASCII textfile.
Output header, seperator c [...]
* SearchSites
SearchSites - a time-saving tool for searching software sites!
If you are a software developer, you know that it is absolutely vital to
make sure that your product is listed on the software and shareware sites.
After all, if a product isn't seen, there is no way it will be sold!
You also know t [...]
* Smart Phone Recorder
Smart Phone Recorder - the PC answering machine software can record your
phone calls at an incredible compression rate of 3.7MB/Hour into windows
wave(.wav) files using your computer's voice modem. It greatly saves your
computer's resources.
Another unique feature is that Smart Phone Recorder can s [...]
* SMS Reciever
Providing the informations from a database, depending on user needs
trough SMS messages from mobile phones.
System requirements:
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
Microsoft Framework 1.0
Nokia PC Connectivity SDK 2.1
Nokia mobile phone with compatible cable or IrDA PC connection
* Snackster.net
Snackster.net is a powerful cookbook program that redefines how people will
get their recipes. Snackster.net is the world's best peer to peer recipe
sharing program. Unlike other popular file sharing networks Snackster.net
is dedicated to only cooking.
Manage and share your favorite recipes [...]
* SockScap
SocksCap is a non-commercial client for use with any SOCKSv5-compliant
server. It is licensed for NON-COMMERCIAL HOME USE ONLY and should not be
used by or in any governmental or commercial organization.
SocksCap automatically enables Windows-based TCP and UDP networking client
applications to trav [...]
* SoS
As you will know the speed of sound is temperature dependant. So if you
are designing a sound system for the South Pole or the Flaming Pits of
Hell you will find SoS really useful. (VJ)
* SPC Datepad
SPC Datepad is for organizing and reminding you of all your important
Screenshot (JF)
* SpechtorNet Instant Messenger
No Centralized Servers
Unlike AOL, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo!, IRC, and Jabber, SpechtorNet Instant
Messenger does not rely on a server to connect to others. In other
instant messaging environments, you are required to connect to a server,
which then alerts others that you are, in fact, logged in. Howe [...]
* StandardScreen
This little program offers you to change the screen resolution not only in
usual way (640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768) but you can change the
resolution down to 640x400, 512x384, 400x300, 320x240 and 320x200 pixels
too (which generally isn't supported in other software).If you own an
operating system [...]
* Starsmg.com
Send SMS with ease from your PC!
Starsmg.com allows you to send and receive SMS messages through your PC
with the touch of a button. You can set the delivery time, send Flash-SMS
or anonymous messages, etc.
Your PC acts as the gateway for sending messages. You get all the
advantages of using y [...]
* Startup Guard
Monitor your system's auto-startup programs with this lean program. Startup
Guard will inform you when new programs are added to the startup, in real
time, and you can approve/disapprove the new entry. Block worms, spyware,
adware, trojans, and other virus type malicious programs that may affect
you [...]
* StationRipper
StationRipper will allow you to "record" various internet radio stations.
It will allow you to get a list of available Shoutcast stations and start
recording them, creating a single MP3 file for each song the station
Screenshot (JF)
* teamLAN
teamLAN is available in two versions; client and administrator. The client
software is all that is needed for a home network and can interact
seamlessly without an administrator.
The administrator software allows the user to warn, block or kill other
users. This is meant for offices or labs alth [...]
* Texefex
Texefex creates gradient text effects in your documents or webpages.
Output in HTML or RTF (usable in Outlook, Word, Powerpoint and more)(new)
Convert images to text
- Create custom schemes with up to 8 colors
- Adjustable Rainbow Scheme
- Random color, font or size option
- Transform (jpg, gif [...]
* TextIt
TextIt handle unformatted text and works well with files over the 64kB
limitation in e.g. notepad. The most common utilities are included, like:
Search, Replace, Undo, Redo, Print and Run. TextIt also has some powerful
and easily configurable customisation options. (VJ)
The program of work visualization and calculation of flat lever mechanisms.
Includes the following opportunities:
Construction of mechanisms and check serviceability in real time.
Construction is carried out both in an evident mode and with coordinates
or with the task of distance and a corner c [...]
TMS is a password/code archiver.
With TMS you can store your password, authentication code, gaming code and
organize them in a 2 level tree-structure with categories (eg.: Internet,
Gaming, Work, Personal) and subcategories (eg.: EMail, Mailing List,
Online Magazines can be subcategories of the Int [...]
* ToolButton
Our software plugs into your Internet Explorer browser as a toolbar. A
toolbar is a horizontal row of selectable image "buttons" (what we call
ToolButtons) that are pre-defined by the web sites that provide them.
These ToolButtons are your direct link to the information, content and
news on the web [...]
* TurboRisk
TurboRisk plays the classic "World Domination Risk" game, where you are
battling to conquer the world.
The main features include:
Support for both human or computer driven players, up to ten per game.
Computer players programmable using a subset of PASCAL.
Highly customisable rules.
Sm [...]
UPGP is a simple yet powerful PGP-to-Windows Clipboard interface/PGP shell
that allows you to easily use the Freeware PGP v6.5.8 ("Pretty Good
Privacy") encryption program with any Windows 95+ email program or text
editor that supports the Windows Clipboard. This in [...]
* Vat Calculator
You enter the price, VAT, or price+VAT value and it calculates the other
ones. Can round the values. (JL)
* Visual Batch File
Fast backup, synchronize, copy and delete files utility. Automates
repetitive tasks. Includes 2 methods of sychronization, full and partial.
Friendly user interface with drag and drop. Support for network and
removable drives. Files can be backed up incrementally. Full and partial
restore features a [...]
Wait is a command line program that allows to pause for a specified
interval. It is thought for use in DOS environment (or Windows prompt). It
is very useful for pausing in batch files.
You can obtain main information on how program works running it from the
console prompt without parameters. (LT)
* WAV Launcher
This is a hidden program launcher. It will launch a specified program or
..wav file at user defined intervals. The user can select the program or
..WAV file to be launched and the frequency of launching. For programs you
can specify the style of launching; normal, maximized and minimized.This
program [...]
* Web Site Code Lookup
Enables you to open a particular web site and search in it for various
code/text. If this code/text exsists you are shown exactly its position.
* WebHit
WebHit is a serial webserver hit generator. Using a base URL and a serial
generator engine, WebHit will query a webserver as many times as you need.
WebHit will issue a different URL for every hit. You will be able to
download each query to a local directory. (LT)
* WebJump
WebJump is used to provide a page with short cuts to various service
providers, such as email accounts, intended to be used as the first page
the web browser opens.
Screenshot (JF)
* WEBphone
Private, confidential conversation
Read and write in the same time
Save/reload game
Needs WEB connection
Leave message when your partner is away
Live video while you are talking (needs Logitech QuickCam camera at he
sender's side)
Online Help when clicking on the turning globe ic [...]
* WinAudit
WinAudit is a software program that performs an exhaustive audit of the
hardware and software configuration of your computer. The audit report
contains details on installed software, license information, peripherals,
memory usage, processor model, network settings etc. You can view the
audit report [...]
* WPaper
WPaper v.1.00 is a small program to change the user wallpaper every boot,
daily or weekly.
WPaper runs on Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP.
WPaper is available free for non-commercial use. (LT)
* XPlanet
Xplanet was inspired by Xearth, which renders an image of the earth into
the X root window. All of the major planets and most satellites can be
drawn, similar to the Solar System Simulator. A number of different map
projections are also supported, including azimuthal, Lambert, Mercator,
Mollweide, o [...]
* XPlanetControl
XPlanetControl is the easy way to control your xPlanet. No need for command
line options, never again! With this frontend you can control all of the
features supported by xPlanet without looking at an optical overkill. (LT)