"FWT Newsletter - Weekly" - February 16, 2004
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* 12Ghosts ShutDown
Shut down with one click or with one key stroke. Run maintenance programs,
daily or at certain days of the week, for example scan disk and backup
programs. Just one click, then leave your computer and it will power-off
automatically after all programs finished.
Initiate an "auto-logon as a differen [...]
* ArtMasker
This program may hide information in pictures (BMP 8bit, 16bit, 32bit) and
musical files (WAV 8bit 16bit). The file with your information is
preliminary ciphered. Unique possibility of this program is setting
parameters or masking. The file-container does not change it's size. There
is a support of [...]
* BabelPad
BabelPad is a Unicode text editor for Windows (available in three builds,
one for Windows 2000 and XP, one for Windows NT 4.0, and one for Windows
95, 98 and ME).
It fully supports Unicode 3.2, and includes phonetic input methods for a
variety of scripts for which Windows does not provide an IME (I [...]
* BitDefender Free Online Virus Scan
Latest BitDefender virus detection technology - free and accessible from
anywhere in the world through an Internet browser.
BitDefender Scan Online is a fully functional antivirus product, with a
web-based interface and featuring all required elements for remotely
antivirus scanning and cleaning: [...]
* BMR/AMR Calculator
This handy little utility calculates your Basal Metabolic Rate and your
Active Metabolic Rate based on your gender, age, height, weight and
activity levels.
It returns values for both BMR and AMR in Calories (kCal) to asisst with
weight management programmes.
The BMR/AMR Calculator is fully config [...]
* BookInfo
Displays publication data for Reader and PDF ebooks.
One problem with current ebook readers is trying to view publication data
for an ebook. How many times have you had to open the reader, wait through
lengthy splash screens, and search through confusing menus just to get
that data? And with MS Rea [...]
* Bulk LIT
Bulk publish hundreds of Reader ebooks with a single click.
Need to compile a lot of MS Reader ebooks?
Tired of wasting precious time with apps that only compile one ebook at a
Bulk Lit can compile hundreds of OEB package files into MS Reader ebooks
with a single click. Just browse to the d [...]
* Cintel Equinox
Cintel Equinox lets you design your desktop your way!
Place pictures and files anywhere on your screen.
Move pictures around the desktop, blending them seamlessly.
Unprecedented control of your icons and pictures.
Make pictures link to a favourite website or a file on your computer.
Scree [...]
* Clock Screen Saver
The name of this product is self-describing, so as you probably already
have guessed Clock Screen Saver is a screen saver that displays the
current time. Three display modes are supported, including analog watch,
and two different kinds of digital watch. (LT)
* Courier Mail Server
Program Courier Mail Server presents itself a server of electronic mail,
run under control OS Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP. It will allow computers to
your local network be changed by the e-mail with each other and with any
computer, connected to Internet.
Note: homepage is Russian but software is Eng [...]
* CPExt
Windows 2000/XP Explorer filename extension column
Adds a column to Windows Explorer details view that shows the extension
part of a filename. The column can be sorted and repositioned like any
other column. (LT)
* Da Browser Based Games Browser
Win 95, Win 98, Win ME, Win NT, Win 2K, Win Xp
Da Browser Based Games Browser is a custom games web browser that delivers
easy navigation to browser based games, browser based games websites, and
web games directories. The distinctive feature of the Da Browser Based
Games Browser is that it automa [...]
* Doc Reader
DocReader is a Windows application to read Palm Doc-formatted files and
unencrypted Peanut Press files* on the PC.
This is a stand-alone program: no registry changes (by default), no shared
DLLs, etc. The only thing it writes to your disk is an .INI file in its
own directory (NOT the Windows direct [...]
* Doc Stats
Word count, readability assessment and word frequency analysis for text,
html and rtf files.
Just how many words does that document have?
How readable is it? Grade school level? College level?
Using a word too often? How many times and where?
Doc Stats scans text, html and rtf files to determine [...]
* DSL Speed Test Service
Online automatically optimizes DSL speed to max. (LT)
* DSL Web hosting
DSL Web hosting is a free dynamic dns client program which in-
cludes a built-in web hosting , let you run your own web hosting from
home on DSL connection with Dynamic IP address, any Internet users
could type in your domain and surf on your DSL Web hosting. easy , no
banner, quickly and i [...]
* E-Sense
E-Sense is the Windows native rewrite of the popular Enlightenment window
manager for the Unix X window system by Rasterman and Mandrake. Its goal
is to mimic as close as possible the original Enlightenment look'n feel,
together with providing windows users with what they need and is specific
to th [...]
* Easy Virtual HDD
Using this program you can easy create virtual drive from folder: just
click CREATE DRIVE then choose the letter and folder for it. That`s all!
Program will automatically recreate drives after system reboot!
All you need - just few mouse clicks!
Note: homepage is Russian/Ukrainian but software is [...]
* Equiv
The Equiv program allows for the analysis and management of data
collections from X-ray single crystal diffractometry (namely, a generally
large set of hkl indices, together with the corresponding diffraction
intensities, or structure factor, and standard deviations). It is
particularly useful for h [...]
* Ext2Fsd
This project is an ext2 file system driver for winnt/win2k/winxp. (LT)
* Fic Buddy
An open source OEB publication viewer.
Fic Buddy is an OEB publication viewer built from off-the-shelf
Features: View uncompressed OEB packages. Standard, web-friendly reading
experience using non-paginated document rendering. Portrait and Landscape
viewing modes. Table of Contents and [...]
* Fotana
Fotana brings you a highly interactive photo album building experience. All
of its functions are fast and easy to use:
Edit your photos
Organize your photos into albums
Share your photo albums
* freeLIT
A free command line tool for compiling MS Reader ebooks. Command line
freeLIT can be used alone or as a back-end compiler for other commercial
ebook generation applications.
The price is ideal - it's freeware.
And best of all, it's open source.
Added support for OEBPS 1.2 spec. New DTDs [...]
* Full Source
Full Source is an Internet Explorer menu extension which displays the
source Internet Explorer is displaying, directly from the Internet
Explorer object model. This is useful wherever javascript is dynamically
writing HTML into the DOM, or where XSLT has been used to generate HTML.
* Get Your Biorhythm
Calculate your biorhythm. Just enter your name, birthday and the date for
which you'd like to know your biorhythm. (LT)
HOTEL MARKETS is a financial board game in a beautiful 3d rendered
environment. Buy land, apply for building permission, build and upgrade
your hotels and create a profitable hotel business!
IMG2ASCII is a PHP program, that generates ASCII images from JPG, GIF or
PNG images. There are several options to alter the generated output, such
as color, inversed color, font sizes, background color, line height or
letter spacing only to name a few. (LT)
* IridiumX CoClassXplorer
Have you ever needed to "see" what's happening with a particular COM class,
how it interacts with the world around it and what interfaces it
publishes? Perhaps you need to monitor the COM classes an application
requires, to determine how and where those classes are created. CCX
delivers that visual [...]
* Kaspersy Online Virus Scanner
Online virus checker gives the possibility to check your files quickly and
free of charge. You indicate the file to be checked, this file is uploaded
from your computer to the "sanitary" server where it is scanned by the
top-rated anti-virus program, Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Even the most recent
viruse [...]
* LitCheck
Syntax check and optimize OEB source documents.
One of the most tedious tasks of ebook creation is trying to track down a
minor syntax error which annoyingly keeps a document from compiling. Lit
Check finds over 85% of errors, greatly speeding up editing of ebook
source files. Why waste valuable t [...]
* LITinfo
Retrieves publication data for Reader ebooks.
Command line utility
One unresolved issue with Reader is viewing publication data for an ebook.
Once the data is compiled into the ebook, it can still be accessed by
Reader, but there is a catch - Reader does not have a menu function to
allow access to [...]
* LITpad
A WYSIWYG editor for creating OEB source documents.
Most HTML editors include character entities and other extras which
prevent Reader ebooks from compiling properly. Lit Pad saves XHTML
documents that are natively compatible with OEB ebook compilers.
Supports: OEB ebook fonts, font sizes, and col [...]
* Mercury Audio Player
Mercury Audio Player is a powerful media player for the Windows operating
system. Mercury will run on Windows 98 or later, and weighs
in at the small size of 935 KB for the MSI installation download.
Fully Shoutcast Compatible Streaming Audio
Universal ID3v1 Tag Su [...]
* Michisoft Reader Studio
Reader Studio enables you to convert your *.html, *.txt or *.rtf eBooks and
other documents into the Microsoft Reader format (*.lit). The books can
then be read with Microsoft Reader for Windows or Pocket PC.
Reader Studio allows you to customize all cover graphics and is very easy
to use. The stan [...]
* MM3 WebAssistant Private
The WebAssistant archives all websites you have visited online. Offline too
each page is available with its URL. There is no difference between
surfing the Internet and surfing the archive. You can even use your
bookmarks & favorites list offline without any changes. When online the
utility updates [...]
* Monstrous Numerology Calculator
Name number: Relates to how you express yourself in the many outer
experiences of your life.
Destiny number: This number is dervied from your Birthdate, and tells a
lot about why you are here on Earth and what you are meant to accomplish.
Personality number: This number is de [...]
* Mozilla Firefox
Firefox (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is an award winning
preview of next generation browsing technology from mozilla.org.
Firefox empowers you to accomplish your online activities faster, more
safely and efficiently than any other browser, period. Built with Tab
browsing, popup b [...]
* MrMirror
Mr.Mirror is that small, easy to use backup program that anyone could have
written but didn't bother because they thought they had to create
something great...
Use Mr.Mirror to backup your files to an alternate disk drive ( e.g.
Zip/Jaz/Ez drive ). Mr.Mirror creates mirror images of a selection of
* My Card Maker
Create and print a greeting card in minutes
Create Choose a design from our gallery, or make cards with your photos.
It's the perfect way to share personalized greetings for holidays, a
birthday or any day! (LT)
* NFilter
Nfilter is a supplemental filtering program to your existing newsreader. It
is designed to run transparently alongside any client for Windows such as
Outlook Express, Agent, Netscape, etc.
It is a 32-bit windows console application which will run on Windows '95,
'98 or NT. It is especially usefu [...]
* oeb2pdf
Compile existing OEB sources as PDF ebooks. Command line utility
Oeb2pdf can be used alone or as a back-end compiler for other commercial
ebook generation applications. It is ideal for publishers who want to use
a single OEB source to produce ebooks in multiple formats.
Oeb2pdf is a simplified coo [...]
* PDFinfo
Retrieves publication data for PDF ebooks.
Command line utility
PDFinfo retrieves publication data, saving it as an easy to parse text INI
file. It also generates a thumbnail for the cover image, if present.
PDFinfo can be used alone or as a back-end utility for other commercial
ebook management a [...]
* Peter's Backup
Free Windows Backup Utility Program
For users of Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP, the solution to your backup
problems is here. Peter's backup has many advantages over the backup
programs supplied with Windows.
You can back up your data files on to disk, diskette or CD. Peter's backup
will keep track o [...]
* PiCalculator
With the help of this program you can count the pi constant with accuracy
up to 100000 digits. Calculation of pi constant will process using
* Power Batch
Power Batch freeware does batch convert, resize, rename and print out your
watermarked photos. Conversion is performed among JPEG, TIFF, GIF, BITMAP,
PNG and JPEG2000. Resizing can use one of the 11 resampling filters.
Renaming template uses a combination of EXIF date/time, auto number and
any custo [...]
* PowerPdf
the PowerPdf is a VCL to create PDF docment visually. Like QuickReport, you
can design PDF document easily on Delphi IDE.
Requires: Delphi 3.0 or Later.
The non-visual unit is avairavle with kylix.
PowerPdf is free software based on LGPL. You can use or modify it under
the GNU Library general [...]
* Reader Ebook Wizard
The easy way for anyone to create Reader ebooks.
The Reader Ebook Wizard allows you to publish text, html, and xhtml
documents as a Reader ebook. It simplifies the tedious chores of package
file creation, and ebook source preparation - simply fill in the blanks
and publish, its that easy. Ebooks ca [...]
* RememberIt
Receive FREE email and wireless reminders for all your special events,
occasions, and appointments. (LT)
* Robert's RUNES Fonts
Robert's RUNES Fonts are a complete 26 character runic alphabet. There are
over 10 different style rune alphabets. Robert's RUNES are based on the
Futhark and the Elder Futhark runes. The runes are an ancient alphabet
that has been used for magic and other purposes throughout the ages.
Now you can [...]
* RPM Browser for Windows
RPM Browser for Windows is a Windows tool for Linux users.
This FREE utility will allow you to examine the structure of RPM files
(used by RedHat and Mandrake). Additionally, it will allow file extraction
from the embedded archive via a 32-bit port of CPIO.
While binary files aren't too useful fr [...]
* SendTo Any Destination
SendTo Any Destination is a utility which allows you to quickly send files
and/or folders from any where, to any where, using the Send To flyout from
the context menu of a selected file. Once activated, you can type or
browse to any visible location on your LAN/WAN, and move or copy the
selection to [...]
* Small Goblin
Remake of Goblins game for PC.
This is a horrible beast to terrify you and your computer. Don't EVER run
it. Salut Qu?bec!
smallGoblin v.2 Special Edition ( everything: executable, Crusher, all
*.bat scenarios with soundtracks: Attack of the Cloblins, Santa Maradona
playing football, Catch t [...]
* SSE Setup
The SSE Setup program is a fullly customizable installation and
uninstallation program for program developers to use for distribution with
their own programs.
It can copy files, register DLL's/OCX's, create/set/delete registry
entires both on installation and uninstallation, create any number of
li [...]
* TextMaestro
With TextMaestro's patent-pending technologies, you can master any text
conversion project no matter how large it is. That's because, with
TextMaestro's library-based paradigm, you can develop or reuse "semantic"
rules for your conversion project one at a time and then apply them in any
order and co [...]
* TrendMicro HouseCall
The version of HouseCall you are about to use has been specially designed
to work with the Virus Map. This is a new information tool used for
tracking computer viruses worldwide in real time based on data from
HouseCall users such as yourself. See the top virus lists for each
continent and selected [...]
* Trojan Scanner
Is your system infected by Trojans?
Trojan horses are a huge security threat. A Trojan is a program that
enters your computer undetected, giving the attacker who planted the
Trojan unrestricted access to the data stored on your computer. Trojans
can transmit credit card information and other confi [...]
* TweakNow RegCleaner
The Registry is a heart and soul of any Windows system. It contains
information that controls how your Windows appears and how it behaves.
Most applications today use registry to store configuration and other
important data. When you install an application, a new registry entries
will be created. T [...]
* UniDream PowerSee
UniDream PowerSee (PS) offers highly efficient tools for you to browse your
digital photos and windows media files. Its annotation feature has the
ability to add comments including fonts, keywords, URL, custom play
intervals and transition effects, as well as voice comments. They also
give you the a [...]
* UNOFFICIAL PowerArchiver 6.11 Update
PowerArchiver is a popular archive utility and its latest freeware version
is 6.11. This patch updates some parts of PowerArchiver 6.11.
- Updates UNZDLL, ZIPDLL, UNRAR, UNBZ2 dlls.
- Updates icons.
- Updates default skin. (JF)
* UNOFFICIAL Windows98 Second Edition Service Pack 1
Microsoft has never released a service pack for Windows98 SE. But I made a
Service Pack for Windows98 SE users.
It contains all Windows98 SE updates from WindowsUpdate site and more.
It is a self-extracting and self-installing pack like Microsoft's update
files. Thus, you cannot choice files in [...]
* VSOCKS Light
VSOCKS Light is a FREE Proxy Server for Windows 95,98 & NT 4.0. You can use
it to access the Internet from any machine on your LAN with only a single
machine being connected to the Internet by a modem. VSOCKS Light will
autodial and hang up the phone line as necessary, and will pass all the
data bet [...]
* WinPDF
WinPDF offers an easy way of creating high-quality PDF documents out of
almost any windows application. The software installs a PDF writer
named "Easy PDF Creator" as if it were a real printer, making the
creation of PDF files as easy as printing. Common documents can be
converted to PDF files a [...]
* Xaraya
Xaraya is an Open Source extensible content management system. The system
allows on-the-fly extensions to the content and user areas which allow
greater control and versatility. Coupled with a XSLT style template engine
with complete templating of output gives Xaraya unmatched flexibility.
In the s [...]
* Yudit
Yudit is a free (Y)unicode text editor for all unices. It was first
released on 1997-11-08. At that time I wanted to write in Japanese and
Hungarian in one single document and I realized that it does not take much
effort to extend this goal and just support any script.
Yudit is a unicode text edito [...]
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* 12Ghosts ShutDown
Shut down with one click or with one key stroke. Run maintenance programs,
daily or at certain days of the week, for example scan disk and backup
programs. Just one click, then leave your computer and it will power-off
automatically after all programs finished.
Initiate an "auto-logon as a differen [...]
* ArtMasker
This program may hide information in pictures (BMP 8bit, 16bit, 32bit) and
musical files (WAV 8bit 16bit). The file with your information is
preliminary ciphered. Unique possibility of this program is setting
parameters or masking. The file-container does not change it's size. There
is a support of [...]
* BabelPad
BabelPad is a Unicode text editor for Windows (available in three builds,
one for Windows 2000 and XP, one for Windows NT 4.0, and one for Windows
95, 98 and ME).
It fully supports Unicode 3.2, and includes phonetic input methods for a
variety of scripts for which Windows does not provide an IME (I [...]
* BitDefender Free Online Virus Scan
Latest BitDefender virus detection technology - free and accessible from
anywhere in the world through an Internet browser.
BitDefender Scan Online is a fully functional antivirus product, with a
web-based interface and featuring all required elements for remotely
antivirus scanning and cleaning: [...]
* BMR/AMR Calculator
This handy little utility calculates your Basal Metabolic Rate and your
Active Metabolic Rate based on your gender, age, height, weight and
activity levels.
It returns values for both BMR and AMR in Calories (kCal) to asisst with
weight management programmes.
The BMR/AMR Calculator is fully config [...]
* BookInfo
Displays publication data for Reader and PDF ebooks.
One problem with current ebook readers is trying to view publication data
for an ebook. How many times have you had to open the reader, wait through
lengthy splash screens, and search through confusing menus just to get
that data? And with MS Rea [...]
* Bulk LIT
Bulk publish hundreds of Reader ebooks with a single click.
Need to compile a lot of MS Reader ebooks?
Tired of wasting precious time with apps that only compile one ebook at a
Bulk Lit can compile hundreds of OEB package files into MS Reader ebooks
with a single click. Just browse to the d [...]
* Cintel Equinox
Cintel Equinox lets you design your desktop your way!
Place pictures and files anywhere on your screen.
Move pictures around the desktop, blending them seamlessly.
Unprecedented control of your icons and pictures.
Make pictures link to a favourite website or a file on your computer.
Scree [...]
* Clock Screen Saver
The name of this product is self-describing, so as you probably already
have guessed Clock Screen Saver is a screen saver that displays the
current time. Three display modes are supported, including analog watch,
and two different kinds of digital watch. (LT)
* Courier Mail Server
Program Courier Mail Server presents itself a server of electronic mail,
run under control OS Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP. It will allow computers to
your local network be changed by the e-mail with each other and with any
computer, connected to Internet.
Note: homepage is Russian but software is Eng [...]
* CPExt
Windows 2000/XP Explorer filename extension column
Adds a column to Windows Explorer details view that shows the extension
part of a filename. The column can be sorted and repositioned like any
other column. (LT)
* Da Browser Based Games Browser
Win 95, Win 98, Win ME, Win NT, Win 2K, Win Xp
Da Browser Based Games Browser is a custom games web browser that delivers
easy navigation to browser based games, browser based games websites, and
web games directories. The distinctive feature of the Da Browser Based
Games Browser is that it automa [...]
* Doc Reader
DocReader is a Windows application to read Palm Doc-formatted files and
unencrypted Peanut Press files* on the PC.
This is a stand-alone program: no registry changes (by default), no shared
DLLs, etc. The only thing it writes to your disk is an .INI file in its
own directory (NOT the Windows direct [...]
* Doc Stats
Word count, readability assessment and word frequency analysis for text,
html and rtf files.
Just how many words does that document have?
How readable is it? Grade school level? College level?
Using a word too often? How many times and where?
Doc Stats scans text, html and rtf files to determine [...]
* DSL Speed Test Service
Online automatically optimizes DSL speed to max. (LT)
* DSL Web hosting
DSL Web hosting is a free dynamic dns client program which in-
cludes a built-in web hosting , let you run your own web hosting from
home on DSL connection with Dynamic IP address, any Internet users
could type in your domain and surf on your DSL Web hosting. easy , no
banner, quickly and i [...]
* E-Sense
E-Sense is the Windows native rewrite of the popular Enlightenment window
manager for the Unix X window system by Rasterman and Mandrake. Its goal
is to mimic as close as possible the original Enlightenment look'n feel,
together with providing windows users with what they need and is specific
to th [...]
* Easy Virtual HDD
Using this program you can easy create virtual drive from folder: just
click CREATE DRIVE then choose the letter and folder for it. That`s all!
Program will automatically recreate drives after system reboot!
All you need - just few mouse clicks!
Note: homepage is Russian/Ukrainian but software is [...]
* Equiv
The Equiv program allows for the analysis and management of data
collections from X-ray single crystal diffractometry (namely, a generally
large set of hkl indices, together with the corresponding diffraction
intensities, or structure factor, and standard deviations). It is
particularly useful for h [...]
* Ext2Fsd
This project is an ext2 file system driver for winnt/win2k/winxp. (LT)
* Fic Buddy
An open source OEB publication viewer.
Fic Buddy is an OEB publication viewer built from off-the-shelf
Features: View uncompressed OEB packages. Standard, web-friendly reading
experience using non-paginated document rendering. Portrait and Landscape
viewing modes. Table of Contents and [...]
* Fotana
Fotana brings you a highly interactive photo album building experience. All
of its functions are fast and easy to use:
Edit your photos
Organize your photos into albums
Share your photo albums
* freeLIT
A free command line tool for compiling MS Reader ebooks. Command line
freeLIT can be used alone or as a back-end compiler for other commercial
ebook generation applications.
The price is ideal - it's freeware.
And best of all, it's open source.
Added support for OEBPS 1.2 spec. New DTDs [...]
* Full Source
Full Source is an Internet Explorer menu extension which displays the
source Internet Explorer is displaying, directly from the Internet
Explorer object model. This is useful wherever javascript is dynamically
writing HTML into the DOM, or where XSLT has been used to generate HTML.
* Get Your Biorhythm
Calculate your biorhythm. Just enter your name, birthday and the date for
which you'd like to know your biorhythm. (LT)
HOTEL MARKETS is a financial board game in a beautiful 3d rendered
environment. Buy land, apply for building permission, build and upgrade
your hotels and create a profitable hotel business!
IMG2ASCII is a PHP program, that generates ASCII images from JPG, GIF or
PNG images. There are several options to alter the generated output, such
as color, inversed color, font sizes, background color, line height or
letter spacing only to name a few. (LT)
* IridiumX CoClassXplorer
Have you ever needed to "see" what's happening with a particular COM class,
how it interacts with the world around it and what interfaces it
publishes? Perhaps you need to monitor the COM classes an application
requires, to determine how and where those classes are created. CCX
delivers that visual [...]
* Kaspersy Online Virus Scanner
Online virus checker gives the possibility to check your files quickly and
free of charge. You indicate the file to be checked, this file is uploaded
from your computer to the "sanitary" server where it is scanned by the
top-rated anti-virus program, Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Even the most recent
viruse [...]
* LitCheck
Syntax check and optimize OEB source documents.
One of the most tedious tasks of ebook creation is trying to track down a
minor syntax error which annoyingly keeps a document from compiling. Lit
Check finds over 85% of errors, greatly speeding up editing of ebook
source files. Why waste valuable t [...]
* LITinfo
Retrieves publication data for Reader ebooks.
Command line utility
One unresolved issue with Reader is viewing publication data for an ebook.
Once the data is compiled into the ebook, it can still be accessed by
Reader, but there is a catch - Reader does not have a menu function to
allow access to [...]
* LITpad
A WYSIWYG editor for creating OEB source documents.
Most HTML editors include character entities and other extras which
prevent Reader ebooks from compiling properly. Lit Pad saves XHTML
documents that are natively compatible with OEB ebook compilers.
Supports: OEB ebook fonts, font sizes, and col [...]
* Mercury Audio Player
Mercury Audio Player is a powerful media player for the Windows operating
system. Mercury will run on Windows 98 or later, and weighs
in at the small size of 935 KB for the MSI installation download.
Fully Shoutcast Compatible Streaming Audio
Universal ID3v1 Tag Su [...]
* Michisoft Reader Studio
Reader Studio enables you to convert your *.html, *.txt or *.rtf eBooks and
other documents into the Microsoft Reader format (*.lit). The books can
then be read with Microsoft Reader for Windows or Pocket PC.
Reader Studio allows you to customize all cover graphics and is very easy
to use. The stan [...]
* MM3 WebAssistant Private
The WebAssistant archives all websites you have visited online. Offline too
each page is available with its URL. There is no difference between
surfing the Internet and surfing the archive. You can even use your
bookmarks & favorites list offline without any changes. When online the
utility updates [...]
* Monstrous Numerology Calculator
Name number: Relates to how you express yourself in the many outer
experiences of your life.
Destiny number: This number is dervied from your Birthdate, and tells a
lot about why you are here on Earth and what you are meant to accomplish.
Personality number: This number is de [...]
* Mozilla Firefox
Firefox (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is an award winning
preview of next generation browsing technology from mozilla.org.
Firefox empowers you to accomplish your online activities faster, more
safely and efficiently than any other browser, period. Built with Tab
browsing, popup b [...]
* MrMirror
Mr.Mirror is that small, easy to use backup program that anyone could have
written but didn't bother because they thought they had to create
something great...
Use Mr.Mirror to backup your files to an alternate disk drive ( e.g.
Zip/Jaz/Ez drive ). Mr.Mirror creates mirror images of a selection of
* My Card Maker
Create and print a greeting card in minutes
Create Choose a design from our gallery, or make cards with your photos.
It's the perfect way to share personalized greetings for holidays, a
birthday or any day! (LT)
* NFilter
Nfilter is a supplemental filtering program to your existing newsreader. It
is designed to run transparently alongside any client for Windows such as
Outlook Express, Agent, Netscape, etc.
It is a 32-bit windows console application which will run on Windows '95,
'98 or NT. It is especially usefu [...]
* oeb2pdf
Compile existing OEB sources as PDF ebooks. Command line utility
Oeb2pdf can be used alone or as a back-end compiler for other commercial
ebook generation applications. It is ideal for publishers who want to use
a single OEB source to produce ebooks in multiple formats.
Oeb2pdf is a simplified coo [...]
* PDFinfo
Retrieves publication data for PDF ebooks.
Command line utility
PDFinfo retrieves publication data, saving it as an easy to parse text INI
file. It also generates a thumbnail for the cover image, if present.
PDFinfo can be used alone or as a back-end utility for other commercial
ebook management a [...]
* Peter's Backup
Free Windows Backup Utility Program
For users of Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP, the solution to your backup
problems is here. Peter's backup has many advantages over the backup
programs supplied with Windows.
You can back up your data files on to disk, diskette or CD. Peter's backup
will keep track o [...]
* PiCalculator
With the help of this program you can count the pi constant with accuracy
up to 100000 digits. Calculation of pi constant will process using
* Power Batch
Power Batch freeware does batch convert, resize, rename and print out your
watermarked photos. Conversion is performed among JPEG, TIFF, GIF, BITMAP,
PNG and JPEG2000. Resizing can use one of the 11 resampling filters.
Renaming template uses a combination of EXIF date/time, auto number and
any custo [...]
* PowerPdf
the PowerPdf is a VCL to create PDF docment visually. Like QuickReport, you
can design PDF document easily on Delphi IDE.
Requires: Delphi 3.0 or Later.
The non-visual unit is avairavle with kylix.
PowerPdf is free software based on LGPL. You can use or modify it under
the GNU Library general [...]
* Reader Ebook Wizard
The easy way for anyone to create Reader ebooks.
The Reader Ebook Wizard allows you to publish text, html, and xhtml
documents as a Reader ebook. It simplifies the tedious chores of package
file creation, and ebook source preparation - simply fill in the blanks
and publish, its that easy. Ebooks ca [...]
* RememberIt
Receive FREE email and wireless reminders for all your special events,
occasions, and appointments. (LT)
* Robert's RUNES Fonts
Robert's RUNES Fonts are a complete 26 character runic alphabet. There are
over 10 different style rune alphabets. Robert's RUNES are based on the
Futhark and the Elder Futhark runes. The runes are an ancient alphabet
that has been used for magic and other purposes throughout the ages.
Now you can [...]
* RPM Browser for Windows
RPM Browser for Windows is a Windows tool for Linux users.
This FREE utility will allow you to examine the structure of RPM files
(used by RedHat and Mandrake). Additionally, it will allow file extraction
from the embedded archive via a 32-bit port of CPIO.
While binary files aren't too useful fr [...]
* SendTo Any Destination
SendTo Any Destination is a utility which allows you to quickly send files
and/or folders from any where, to any where, using the Send To flyout from
the context menu of a selected file. Once activated, you can type or
browse to any visible location on your LAN/WAN, and move or copy the
selection to [...]
* Small Goblin
Remake of Goblins game for PC.
This is a horrible beast to terrify you and your computer. Don't EVER run
it. Salut Qu?bec!

smallGoblin v.2 Special Edition ( everything: executable, Crusher, all
*.bat scenarios with soundtracks: Attack of the Cloblins, Santa Maradona
playing football, Catch t [...]
* SSE Setup
The SSE Setup program is a fullly customizable installation and
uninstallation program for program developers to use for distribution with
their own programs.
It can copy files, register DLL's/OCX's, create/set/delete registry
entires both on installation and uninstallation, create any number of
li [...]
* TextMaestro
With TextMaestro's patent-pending technologies, you can master any text
conversion project no matter how large it is. That's because, with
TextMaestro's library-based paradigm, you can develop or reuse "semantic"
rules for your conversion project one at a time and then apply them in any
order and co [...]
* TrendMicro HouseCall
The version of HouseCall you are about to use has been specially designed
to work with the Virus Map. This is a new information tool used for
tracking computer viruses worldwide in real time based on data from
HouseCall users such as yourself. See the top virus lists for each
continent and selected [...]
* Trojan Scanner
Is your system infected by Trojans?
Trojan horses are a huge security threat. A Trojan is a program that
enters your computer undetected, giving the attacker who planted the
Trojan unrestricted access to the data stored on your computer. Trojans
can transmit credit card information and other confi [...]
* TweakNow RegCleaner
The Registry is a heart and soul of any Windows system. It contains
information that controls how your Windows appears and how it behaves.
Most applications today use registry to store configuration and other
important data. When you install an application, a new registry entries
will be created. T [...]
* UniDream PowerSee
UniDream PowerSee (PS) offers highly efficient tools for you to browse your
digital photos and windows media files. Its annotation feature has the
ability to add comments including fonts, keywords, URL, custom play
intervals and transition effects, as well as voice comments. They also
give you the a [...]
* UNOFFICIAL PowerArchiver 6.11 Update
PowerArchiver is a popular archive utility and its latest freeware version
is 6.11. This patch updates some parts of PowerArchiver 6.11.
- Updates UNZDLL, ZIPDLL, UNRAR, UNBZ2 dlls.
- Updates icons.
- Updates default skin. (JF)
* UNOFFICIAL Windows98 Second Edition Service Pack 1
Microsoft has never released a service pack for Windows98 SE. But I made a
Service Pack for Windows98 SE users.
It contains all Windows98 SE updates from WindowsUpdate site and more.
It is a self-extracting and self-installing pack like Microsoft's update
files. Thus, you cannot choice files in [...]
* VSOCKS Light
VSOCKS Light is a FREE Proxy Server for Windows 95,98 & NT 4.0. You can use
it to access the Internet from any machine on your LAN with only a single
machine being connected to the Internet by a modem. VSOCKS Light will
autodial and hang up the phone line as necessary, and will pass all the
data bet [...]
* WinPDF
WinPDF offers an easy way of creating high-quality PDF documents out of
almost any windows application. The software installs a PDF writer
named "Easy PDF Creator" as if it were a real printer, making the
creation of PDF files as easy as printing. Common documents can be
converted to PDF files a [...]
* Xaraya
Xaraya is an Open Source extensible content management system. The system
allows on-the-fly extensions to the content and user areas which allow
greater control and versatility. Coupled with a XSLT style template engine
with complete templating of output gives Xaraya unmatched flexibility.
In the s [...]
* Yudit
Yudit is a free (Y)unicode text editor for all unices. It was first
released on 1997-11-08. At that time I wanted to write in Japanese and
Hungarian in one single document and I realized that it does not take much
effort to extend this goal and just support any script.
Yudit is a unicode text edito [...]