"FWT Newsletter - Weekly" - August 23, 2004
Better late than never...
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* 11view
11view is a free, fast and easy image viewer with several unique features.
It has been created to show, print and convert images with the highest
possible quality. 11view is the most handy and easy-to-use viewer made
especially for digital camera owners.
Loading-time interpolation makes any picture [...]
* 1st Contact for Win3.x
1st Contact is a small but versatile contact manager that holds more than
65,000 contacts in both yellow and white pages. It also has ten
user-defined categories to choose from, so you can customize sorting and
displaying of your contacts. It maintains personal and business
information about your co [...]
* 3DTop
3DTop is a study into the usefulness of a three dimensional GUI (Graphics
User Interface). For too long have we denied ourselves the freedom that is
only offered by 3D games. A 2D Desktop is all well and good for simple
procedures, but after a while it can make you feel cramped and limited by
what y [...]
* 3E Plus
The program calculates the most economical thickness of industrial
insulation for user input operating conditions. You can make calculations
using the built-in thermal performance relationships of generic insulation
materials or supply conductivity data for other materials. (LT)
* Add-Remove Master
Add-Remove Master is an easy tool to help you to install and uninstall
programs It also give you a lot of tools to control your installed
programs like view programs Information, edit uninstall information in
registry and much more.
Screenshot (JF)
* Agata Report
Agata Report is a cross-platform (Windows & Linux) database reporting tool
with graph generation and a query tool like Crystal Reports that allows
you to get data from PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, DB2, MS-SQL, Informix,
InterBase, Sybase, or Frontbase and export that data as PostScript, plain
text, HT [...]
* AirMaster+
AIRMaster+ provides comprehensive information on assessing compressed air
systems, including modeling, existing and future system upgrades, and
evaluating savings and effectiveness of energy efficiency measures.
DOE and the Compressed Air Challenge recognize Qualified AIRMaster+
Specialists for the [...]
* Amortization and Annuities Program
This program will calculate monthly payments for a mortgage loan, display
the amortization schedule, and determine your savings from prepayment. You
will find out your yearly interest cost and principal balance. You can
also figure out the future value of regular deposits or of a single
deposit and [...]
* AndyCAD Lite (version Beta)
AndyCAD is a Handy and Easy CAD(Computer Aided Design) and drafting
program. Designed with the users at heart, great for beginners and
professionals alike. AndyCAD will go along way in fulfiling your drawing
needs in a stress free enviroment from Mechanical, Electrical, Schematic,
Charts, Floor plan [...]
* Antiblast
Are you afraid of W32.Blaster and its variants? You should be. AntiBlast
will kill and remove any variant of W32.Blaster as soon as you are
infected. Every 5 seconds, it scans for one of the 3 variants of Blaster.
When one is found, it will be removed and you will be informed.
* aPrivacy
APrivacy is a safe, easy-to-use and FREE privacy protection tool that
securely deletes online Internet tracks and program activity records that
are stored in your browser and other hidden files on your computer.
aPrivacy guarantees your privacy by ensuring all traces of your online
Internet and co [...]
* aSkin
aSkin is a cool program that cycles images (skins) over your Explorer and
Internet explorer. Each time you open Explorer or Internet Explorer a new
skin will decorate its background.
aSkin is 100% FREE.
Using aSkin you can set images to act as skins for Explorer and Internet
Explorer. Every time [...]
* Athens 2004 Olympic Games screensaver
Athens 2004 Olympic Games hightlights in amazing slideshow with automatic
desktop wallpaper changer will bring you into the center of the Olympic
Cyclone. The true spirit of the Olympic Games will surround you with the
Athens 2004 Olympic Games screensaver. It has never been easier before to
feel yo [...]
* Atom
Atom is a programmable, register based virtual machine for Win32 computers.
The program is a text-base console application. The VM can be programmed
using a neo-assembler language called Atom Assembler. This document
discusses the VM and explains each opcode in Atom Assembler. ScreenShot
* AV Defs Updater for F-PROT for DOS
Do you use F-PROT for DOS or plan to use it in an emergency situation? If
yes, you may be interested in the following free Windows utility
(compatible with all 32-bit Windows versions, including the first version
of Windows 95) that updates your F-PROT for DOS antivirus definitions in
the background [...]
* Barcode Check Digit Functions
BarcodeCD is a free add-in for MS Excel 2000/XP.
The add-in contains functions to return the check digit of the following
barcode types: EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, and ITF-14. (LT)
* BestCrosswords.com
Free Online Crossword Puzzles Daily
Welcome to BestCrosswords.com, the ultimate free online crossword puzzles
web site! This site is devoted exclusively to crossword puzzles. Thanks to
our sponsors, there are neither fees nor mandatory membership attached to
this site. However, there is an optiona [...]
* BinClock
BinClock is a program which shows the system time in a binary format.
It supports showing the time with seven sifferent colors, and it can
run a loop that prints the time every second.
The colors can be configured by a config file.
It's written in C and it's for geeks, of course ;-) (VJ)
* Bio-Rhythms for Win3.x
Bio-Rhythms (16-bit) was released as Freeware. Please distribute it to all
your friends who are still using Windows 3.x. as Bio-Rhythms will not run
in a 32-bit environment
To continue using this software past the thirty day evaluation period,
please send your name, email address and the name of th [...]
BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) is a single number which expresses a relationship
between height, body surface area, and body weight. The BMI is very useful
because it correlates very closely to your body fat percentage which is
much more difficult to measure.
This simple BMI tool will calculate your BMI a [...]
* Browser Information
Browser Informations about user's webbrowser: name, code name, version,
platform, viewed pages, Java enabled, screen resolution, (LT)
* Brush Strokes Image Editor
Edit images from a variety of formats (GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, PCX, BMP,
TARGA, AVI); create images for websites; create and view GIF animations;
adjust colours in photos; apply filters and transformations; magic wand
selections; use any picture as a brush or fill pattern; blur; sharpen.
Scree [...]
* Calendar Online
Simple calendar from Point Software (LT)
* Calendar+ for Win3.x
Calendar+ (16-bit) was released as Freeware. Please distribute it to all
your friends who are still using Windows 3.x. as Calendar+ will not run in
a 32-bit environment.
To continue using this software past the thirty day evaluation period,
please send your name, email address and the name of the [...]
* CatHtml
for Win9x/NT4+
Saved web pages don't usually have meaningful filenames. This can be
really boring when you've just downloaded a lot of newspaper articles or
technical documents.
Right-click a saved web page or a folder/directory and select "CatHtml" to
get a quick catalogue of web pages in the cu [...]
* CD Text Implementing
When I included CD TEXT support in HACP, many people asked for help with
implementing CD TEXT in their own programs. For this reason I've written a
small demo program which reads the CD TEXT info from the CD. The source
code (in Visual C++) is available for anyone who wants to learn more about
it. G [...]
* CDNotification ActiveX Control
Platform: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 3.5/4.0, Windows
2000, Windows XP
CDNotification ActiveX Control is a control that allows your program to
know when a CD is inserted in or ejected out of the CD-ROM drive. One day,
I got the ComonentSource Demo CDs which can change its conte [...]
* Cfont Pro
Click to enlarge Cfont Pro was developed as a way to manage fonts; to
include system, printer, and currently uninstalled fonts. Cfont Pro lets
you view installed system fonts, printer fonts, and a special mode where
you select a directory and view the fonts in that directory. View All mode
will let [...]
* CHAOS Submitter
Free URL submitter to Search Engines, Directories and Link Pages!
CHAOS Submitter is a industrial strength program made for the more
demanding Webmaster. If you're looking for the most unique and targeted
visitors try out CHAOS Submitter today. This tool submits websites to over
200 important in [...]
* Check your Domain
Check for a Domain name here. Hosted by www.wwhois.com (LT)
* Classic Clock
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
Classic Clock is a simple time piece for your PC. It features chimes, toll
and an alarm all in a visually realistic looking wall clock.
The first button at the bottom of the clock is the menu button. The second
button (in the middle) is the alarm reset button for when [...]
* Classico Clock
(95/98/NT) A unique desktop clock (LT)
* Color Codes Online
Color codes from Point Software (LT)
* Cron
Cron scans the file CRONTAB every minute and checks every line if the
specified time/date information matches the current time/date. If they are
equal, the command line specified will be executed. A log file (cron.log)
with the executed commands is written to the current directory. (LT)
* Cuckoo Clock
A unique desktop clock with an animated cuckoo on the hour and 2
independent chiming alarms. Very cool! (LT)
* Cutter
This tool can split large files into smaller parts by choosing a given
Splitting files allows you to transfer large files on small media like
floppy disk or to send file parts as e-mail attachments. (LT)
* DataShow Pro
Datashow is a program in which You can make powerful presentations on a PC
or an overhead projector, simple or advanced tutorials, sparkling
demonstrations for products or programs, all sorts of games, etc.
DataShow can be used as a MULTIMEDIA TOOL. You can easily make all sorts
of shows that has s [...]
* Del it
This tool will help you to delete any file completely by write random data
on it. It destroys the original file contents, so it can't be recovered.
Screenshot (JF)
* DialerZapper
DialerZapper is a useful utility that prevents software from dialing out
without your permission. There are many cases where you find out that your
computer phoned a number and stayed online for hours, leaving you with a
huge bill at the end of the month. This can happen either if you are using
a di [...]
* DiskFinder
DiskFinder is a basic disk catalog program. Single purpose of the
application is to find files fast and easy on large collections of
Screenshot (JF)
* Division Calculator
If you are a carpenter or a woodworker, you have probably needed to divide
a particular length into a certain number of equal segments. Simple
enough, right? Well this program takes that one step further. It not only
does the simple division for you, but also tells you where your marks are.
* DIY (do-it-yourself) Puzzler
A 16 tile slide puzzle with a twist. Load your favorite BMP image and
puzzle away. Includes one sample image. (LT)
* Drill your utter!
Enable you to drill your pronunciation in any language by visualizing
speaker's pronunciation and yours. It helps you to highlight any
particular word or even sound in the phrase and to listen to this word or
the sound you selected. Moreover it gives you possibility to record, to
listen and to look [...]
* Driving Test
This Driving Test is designed to check your knowledge of traffic laws,
rules of the road, motor vehicle laws, and safe driving practices. The
program presents the driving test as administered by many Motor Vehicle
departments in the United States, including scoring and time limits. Ideal
for any per [...]
* DUStat
DUStat is a free utility that provides an accurate account of the data
which is flowing through your computer's network connection at any given
moment. This readout is presented in both numerical and graphical format,
in real time.
There are many reasons why you might want to monitor your network
* Easy Calc Online
Simple calculator from Point Software (LT)
* EasyCalc Free
EasyCalc is a Software designed to take care of your daily Calculations
needs. It is a 16digit Calculator with upto 6digits of Precision
well-suited for Professionals and Amateurs to the Wonderful world of
Calculations. It has all the ready functions available in any normal
calculator plus scientifi [...]
* EClock
ECLOCK is a Clock designed to stay on top of applications at any corner of
your desktop.
There are following functions available in Eclock
a) Four Corners Placement Buttons
b) Click on Time to Quit the application
c) Rightclick on Time to change AM/PM format
d) Click on Date to Turn on/off Hou [...]
* Enc Art
Enc Art is an encryption program, it can encrypt your text (message) to a
bitmap image file and you can protect it with password.
Screenshot (JF)
* English Dictionary
with inflectional and derivational morphology
DICTGET accesses an English dictionary containing over 100,000 words and
has a spelling aid feature that enables you to find similar words. The
program also displays parts of speech, verb conjugations, and the singular
and plural forms of nouns. One im [...]
* English Grammar Worksheet
This program generates correctly structured English sentences even if you
don't know English. If you play enough with this program and read the
attached grammar help file, you will master the basic sentence patterns of
English. The program includes a help file with a Basic English grammar.
This prog [...]
* English Part-of-Speech TAGGER
TAGGER is a natural language parser that assigns parts of speech to English
text and displays phrase markings. This program is the basis for automatic
indexing and data mining projects. The Visual Basic interface is used for
educational purposes and to test various features of the parser. The
progra [...]
* English Test
So you think that you know English? Click here to take a quick on-line
test. (LT)
* English Vocabulary Practice
This program may be used by a non-English speaker who wants to learn
English vocabulary or by a young child learning to read. The program
includes English words and pictures representing the words. You can hear
the pronunciation for the words by clicking with the mouse on the
Some of the [...]
* eVoiceSaver
Record, Store and Send Voice Emails with eVoiceSaver . (VJ)
* ExEntryC's Calculator
This is a nice calculator with an on-screen history ticket, user definable
precision, 1 memory register. Values with up to 14 significant digits.
The calculator is available
- as a standalone function (executable included)
- as a Delphi component (Delphi 4.0 sources included)
Used as a Delphi [...]
* Extrasensory Perception ESP Test
Test your paranormal abilities. Find out if you can predict beyond the
limits of statistical chance. This program conducts the test and reports
the results. Repeat the test multiple times. Save the results to continue
at a later time. Use this program to test how much you should trust your
intuition [...]
* Extrasensory Perception ESP Test Online
Test your paranormal abilities. Find out if you can predict beyond the
limits of statistical chance. (LT)
* Fast type
FastType is a simple program that allows you to type something in a box,
and it will calculate the speed that you typed (in gross words per minute
* Flat Assembler
The flat assembler is a fast and efficient self-assembling 80x86 assembler
for DOS, Windows, and Linux operating systems. Currently, it supports all
8086-80486/Pentium instructions with MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, and 3DNow!
extensions. It can produce output in binary, MZ, PE, COFF, or ELF format.
It incl [...]
* FolderSync
Folder syncrinization utility (LT)
* Free Weather
View instant weather reports on your computer desktop and system tray.
Shows current conditions, detailed hourly forecast, daily forecast, and
severe weather alerts!
Automatically updated temperature appears in the desktop system tray.
* FreeRamNow
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This one I should have released, but just not sure why I didn't. It's a
memory reclaim program and it works very well and has a good set of
features to it. It's also a skinnable program and comes with a few skins
already. But some of the skins I didn't get to, so several [...]
* FTP Uploader
FTP Uploader is a small and easy to use program to send files from your
computer to your own personal webspace. A second function of the program
is that it puts the names of the uploaded files on the clipboard so that
you can use these names immediately. This last function can be handy for
example w [...]
* FTPGenius
FTPGenius is the FTP client for ZipGenius 5. It allows to connect to FTP
server over the Internet and to download files from them.
This add-on works only if ZipGenius is correctly installed. (LT)
* fXplorer
Customizable menu -
Hotkey activation -
Unobtrusive Deskbar -
Works similarly to windows explorer for commonly used actions -
Drag and drop file management (copy / move) -
Pretty good looking menu (JL)
* GO Toe (Good Old TicTacToe)
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
Lame excuse for a damn TicTacToe game! Well, it's still a nice clean and
playble version though. If you like TicTacToe, then you'll probably enjoy
my version here also.
If you have any errors about a dll missing, then copy or move the dll
files in the program directory [...]
* Good Old DOS!
This is a freeware utility dedicated to all the DOS lovers. It simply gives
you the command "DOS prompt" when you right click on a folder. This
command opens a new DOS window and sets the current directory to the
clicked folder. There is also a history of all the opened folders for
easier access.
* Hammer Reminders
Simple reminders of appointments and events
Recurring reminders - weekly, monthly, yearly and more
Reminder notification - set alarms which will notify you at specific
Taskbar notification icon for the default reminder file.
Flexible view control - Current, Today, Date Range or All
* HandyKit Free
Handykit As the name says, It is a multipurpose toolkit kind of software,
with the following feature.
a) Scheduler with very Fascinating and user-friendly interface
b) Notes - Create notes with Character Attributes and Quick-Text
c) 16 digit Calculator + Currency Convertor
d) Loan Calculator [...]
* Hattrick
Hattrick is an online football game where you trade players and coach your
team in competition with hundreds of thousands of simultaneous opponents
from all over the world.
Hattrick is free of charge. You run your team using a web browser. Matches
are played a couple times a week. You can log on a [...]
* HelpAid
Authoring tool for Windows Help files
HelpAid is a program that processes text files coded with keywords to
generate the HPJ and RTF files required as input by a Help Compiler. You
don't need a complicated word processor! Use your favorite text editor to
create "pop-ups", text and bitmap hyperlink [...]
HIRC is an IRC client. It's quite small and easy to use. It supports CTCP,
DCC, scripts, ect...ScreenShot (LT)
* HTML2Table
With HTML2Table you can convert HTML tables without all the HTML tags into
comma (or anything else) delimited tables which you easily can import into
Excel or a database.
This application is rather old and unmaintained, but it is still available
if someone finds it useful.ScreenShot (LT)
* Image Map Helper
A tool to generate HTML code for image map defined by [MAP] tag. Image map
allows you to put multiple links under different parts of a single image.
Might be useful for creating site navigation and so on...
oS: Win95 Win98 WinME WinNT Win2k WinXP (LT)
* InstantTimeZone
Direct show (near the clock) time (hour) of another timezone of the world.
* J.A.C.K. (Just Another Cookie Killer)
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
J.A.C.K. is a simple and clean approach to cookie management that allows
you to keep trusted cookies in a trust list, and to deny unwanted cookies
by using a deny list. When a cookie arrives, J.A.C.K. jumps up at you to
let you know that a new cookie has arrived. You then deci [...]
* JamWorks XG-1
The JAMWORKS XG-1 is a multivariate graphing calculator. It can be used as
a calculator and to explore math functions and their behavior. With the
XG-1 you can:
- Define an unlimited number of functions complete with user defined
- Plot 2D graphs with user selectable independent variab [...]
* JamWorksPro FileSpy
FileSpy is a file utility that is used to monitor and detect the arrival of
a file and execute a user defined command when the file arrives. FileSpy
will watch for the file to arrive in a directory. The directory can be on
a local drive or can be a shared folder on a network.
FileSpy can be used t [...]
* JFW Task Manager
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
This is a clone of the Windows NT Task Manager, but this one is for Win 9x
systems only. It's also not quite as feature rich as the NT version, and
my version may not be able to kill all possible stuck programs.
Otherwise, this is a nice task manager if you like the NT task [...]
* JFW URI Decoder
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
If you don't know what URI encoding and decoding is, then chances are that
you have no need for this program at all. But if you do, then there just
might be the rare occassion that you may find a need for this program.
Keep in mind though, this only decodes URI encoded d [...]
* JJ MP3 Renamer
JJ MP3 Renamer is a full-featured ID3 tagger/file renamer/playlist
generator/you name it.
With the powerful convert tools you can perform operations that are
tideous to do by hand, just with a single click. It makes it a lot easier
to give the MP3's correct names and a correct content of their ID [...]
* JSS Clock Sync
This is a freeware application for adjusting the PC clock. With 12 default
free NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers it is easy to start using JSS
Clock Sync. It connects to the first available NTP server, and then
adjusts the PC clock. JSS Clock Sync resides in the system tray. (VJ)
* Karakan
Karakan is a free and easy to use editor for creating MIDI karaoke files.
It runs on Windows 95 or higher. You can enter the lyrics of a song in the
Karakan editor, as text, in Song Text Format (STF). From this STF text and
a given MIDI file (.mid), Karakan makes a karaoke file (.kar). You can
test [...]
* Kashmir 3D
It's a software for making landscape CG or amuzing 3D maps.
You can render a beatiful landscape CG on your PC.
You can use USGS's DEMs, Grayscale Bitmaps and so on.
You can know which mountain you can see from your home.
Support for 3D Navigation by GPS Receiver.
Support for Full-Raytracing r [...]
* KBDTua
A turkish language keyboard driver for american keybords (Windows95/98).
With this keyboard driver you can type the special turkish characters. To
be able to also view them you need to install turkish fonts too. (LT)
* KIS (Keep It (a) Secret!)
In todays world there are so many userid's, codes, passwords, and keys,
that it is often difficult to remember them all.
Now "Keep it (a) secret!" can help you - remember just one secret code,
and you can have all your other user id's, codes, passwords, and keys,
stored in just one place. Easy and [...]
* Learn Words
Learn Words is designed to provide assistance to everyone who is learning
the vocabulary of a foreign language. It can help you to get stock of
active words and to acquire the habit of hearing, pronouncing and spelling
the words. Demonstrative dictionaries are in the installation package and
contain [...]
* MailWasher
MailWasher is a powerful email checker with effective spam elimination. It
lets you view and manage emails on the POP3 server - it's the safe way to
stop unwanted viruses and e-mails before they get to your computer.
Mailwasher is so easy to set up and use that you'll be managing your email
like [...]
* makeZip
for Win95 WinNT
Freeware ZIP utility (no UNZIP) with included Win95 self-extractor
(supports multiple passwords, all file attributes and date/time).
Drag&Drop interface, features conversion from ZIP to EXE from Explorer.
makeZip is available in an English and a German version (LT)
* MalWhere
Does your computer run slow or crash from time to time? If so then there
might be a malicious process running on your system without you knowing
about it. A process is a single executable module that runs concurrently
with other executable modules, most of the processes that run on your
computer are [...]
Software package, MANAGE XP, has been developed to assist in various
decision making stages of a Project. This software finds its utility
suited for a variety of projects where the user is able to provide
input in the form of precedence relationships, time, cost and resource
requirements of the [...]
* Mass ZIP
A mass UnZip utility
This software was written and compiled for windows9x. With Mass zip you
can extract all those zips in one click (ok maybe 2-3). I was using
"command prompt here" from microsoft, some little batches and pkunzip. I
always wanted a graphical solution to this "problem" that's why [...]
* Matches
Here's a little game called MATCHES. It's based on a game you sometimes see
at a birthday-party or in a pub. There are some rows of matches and he who
takes away the last one has lost (and has to pay for the beer). Can you
beat your computer?ScreenShot (LT)
* Media Converter
Media Converter (former EasyMorph) is a simple conversion tool that can
handle the most popular digital audio formats like MPEG - I Layer 3,
Windows Media Audio, WAV. It supports drag and drop play list arrangement,
ID3 V1 and V2 information editing, and CD ripping and burning.The easy to
use wizard [...]
* Memory-Trax I.
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
Reclaims memory that Windows forgot to release(Windows Mem Leak).
Automatically or manually reclaim that memory and lessen your chances of a
system crash. MEM-Trax comes in two flavors; GUI or Hidden version.
NOTES: This program uses VBScript (.vbs) as part of it's function. [...]
* Memory-Trax II
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
Reclaims memory that Windows forgot to release(Windows Mem Leak).
Automatically or manually reclaim that memory and lessen your chances of a
system crash. MEM-Trax comes in two flavors; GUI or Hidden version.
NOTES: This program uses VBScript (.vbs) as part of it's function. [...]
* Memory-Trax III
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
Memory-Trax III (MEM-Trax III) is a small program that reclaims memory
that Windows neglects to release (the famous Windows memory leak!). By
reclaiming your memory, you will find that your system crashes less and
most other programs will run more smoothly.
NOTES: This [...]
* Mini Personal CPU Monitor
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
Simple and easy personal cpu monitor to allow you to watch your cpu usage.
* Mini Personal File Index
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
Simple, small and easy to use file listing program which allows you
generate a list of files in a selected folder. List output can be sent to
printer, clipboard or generate html or text file. (LT)
* Mini Personal Ram-claim
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This is one of those "Yeah.... Whatever." kind of programs. It has kind of
a cool interface, but I just lost interest in this one. Not sure it's
fully functional, but it does reclaim memory like all my other memory
reclaim programs. (LT)
* Mini Personal Web Server
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
Simple, small and easy to use HTTP server for those who just want to share
their web pages or downloads with friends and family from their own
Windows based PC. (LT)
* MMH Cleaner
MMH Cleaner is a tool to help you clean your junk files, programs recent,
temp, and more. It also helps you to control your startup program.
* MotorMaster+
MotorMaster+4.0 is a software program that analyzes motor and motor system
efficiency. Designed for utility auditors, industrial plant energy
coordinators, and consulting engineers, MotorMaster+4.0 is used to
identify inefficient or oversized facility motors and compute the energy
and demand savings [...]
* MotorMaster+ International
MotorMaster+ International includes many of the capabilities and features
of MotorMaster+; however, now you can evaluate repair/replacement options
on a broader range of motors, including those tested under the Institute
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) standard, and those tested
using [...]
* Mozilla Sunbird (beta)
The Sunbird Project is a redesign of the Mozilla Calendar component. The
goal is to produce a cross platform standalone calendar application based
on Mozilla's XUL user interface language. At the moment the "Sunbird" name
is a project name. It is not official and may change in the future.
The inten [...]
* MozillaTracker
MozillaTracker is a small log analysis tool which tracks which browsers and
operating systems users of a webpage has. The logfile does not need to be
in any specific format. You may save the gathered statistics as a report
in text or HTML format, or print it directly.
The lists may be sorted, eith [...]
* MP3 Song Finder
Runs on Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000
A FREEWARE program enabling you to search up to TEN MP3 search engines
simultaneously, or display the results of up to FOUR MP3 search engines on
one screen (provided that your web browser can handle frames). (LT)
* MT-Organizer
MT-Organizer was created for organizing the information about your friends,
family, business assosiates or costumers and other groups of people fast
and easy and it also contains a reminder and a calendar. The reminder it
is very helpful and provides an easy way to remember birthdays,
appointments a [...]
* MuRas Filters
MuRa's Filters created with Filter Factory. They are the free plugins for
making seamless patterns. They are plugins for Adobe Photoshop and plugin
compatible programs(such as Paint Shop Pro, etc.) and available only for
the Windows. (JL)
* Mystikal Krystal Ball I.
SYSTEMS: Win 3.1/95/98/ME/NT/2K
Ancient Internet Mystic will answer all of your questions. But be nice to
him, he's been locked up in this program for a long time now and get a bit
cranky at times. (LT)
* Mystikal Krystal Ball II. 16 bit
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This, and the next entry, were suppose to be version 2.0 to my "Mystikal
Krystal Ball" program listed elsewhere on my site. But for some reason
(Not sure why) I never released this version. I'm still scratching my
skull trying to remember why I missed releasing this vers [...]
* Mystikal Krystal Ball II. 32 bit
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This, and the next entry, were suppose to be version 2.0 to my "Mystikal
Krystal Ball" program listed elsewhere on my site. But for some reason
(Not sure why) I never released this version. I'm still scratching my
skull trying to remember why I missed releasing this vers [...]
* New Age Clock
(95/98/NT) A unique desktop clock (LT)
* Note Attack!
Sheet Music MIDI Video Game - Note Attack!
Learn to read music by blasting notes into submission!
This program is completely FREE.
Note Attack has these features:
- Use your computer or MIDI compatible keyboard
- Adjust the speed
- Adjust the note range
- Optionally play note each time
- Hi [...]
* NotePads+ for Win3.x
NotePads+ (16-bit) was released as Freeware. Please distribute it to all
your friends who are still using Windows 3.x. as NotePads+ will not run in
a 32-bit environment.
To continue using this software past the thirty day evaluation period,
please send your name, email address and the name of the [...]
* NOx and Energy Assessment Tool (NxEAT)
The NOx and Energy Assessment Tool (NxEAT) helps plants in the petroleum
refining and chemical industries to assess and analyze NOx emissions and
application of energy efficiency improvements. Use the tool to inventory
emissions from equipment that generates NOx, and then compare how various
technol [...]
* Olate Download
Olate Download enables any website owner to quickly and easily add a
downloads system to their site. By incorporating an extensively tested
user interface and full CSS/XHTML support with a large feature list and
free technical support, Olate Download can provide you with an open
source, PHP solution [...]
* OneButton
OneButton is a small no-nonsense toolbar (launch pad) with 16 customizable
buttons and 12 buttons with fixed functions. When collapsed it only takes
up 36 x 36 pixels of your screen.
A popup menu appears when you right-click the main button, giving you
access to 15 different system folders (desk [...]
* Online - Engine Viewer
Engine Viewer is built off of the core of a search engine harvester
(spider). What this means is you can view your webpage in the same way a
search engine does, from how it breaks down the HTML, to which links it
extracts, how it interprets your robot exclusion rules and more! Since a
large percenta [...]
* Online - Site Timer
Site Timer allows you to analyze some of the most critical aspects of
webpage performance. You can easily find out how long it takes for a
dialup modem user to get your page, check all the graphical links to
ensure they're correct, even take a look at your servers HTTP headers and
more! Everything i [...]
* OptiNet
OptiNet is a sophisticated utility that tweak your system settings to boost
the speed of your network and internet connection. OptiNet customize the
optimizations according to the operating system you are running and the
connection type. This provides added speed to your Internet load times and
adds [...]
* Pac-Manic Worlds 3D
Pac-Manic Worlds 3D builds on the classic PacMan game.
The object of the game is to eat all of the dots in the maze while
avoiding the ghosts. At the maze you can find large shiny dots. These are
called Power Dots. When the hero eats one of these, he becomes more
powerful for short time. During thi [...]
* Painter 25
Painter 25 Features: TOOLS for Backdrops, Effects, and Filters, Banners,
Artistic, GIF and JPEG Optimizer, smallBMP's; GADGETS: free floating
buttons, labels, images, gradient text, smart shapes, bitmap fonts; IMAGE:
layers, seamless patterns, trace, emboss, mirror, flip, free rotation,
whirl, scrol [...]
* Password Cracker
Password Recovery Tool for Win95 Win98 WinME WinNT Win2k WinXP
A tool to recover (crack) passwords hidden under in ***** symbols in
various windows boxes. Might be useful to refresh some memory about the
passwords you have set... (LT)
* Personality Compatibility Analysis
Personality is defined as the totality of character attributes and
behavioral traits of a person. Personality Analysis is a methodology for
categorizing the character and behavior of a person.
The Zamora Personality Test provides a characterization of ten Individual
Attributes and ten Social Attrib [...]
* Pharaohs' Bubbles
Pharaohs' Bubbles is a fast and addictive puzzle game. Your goal is to
match three or more bubbles to remove them from the game board.
you use left and right arrow keys to point the point you want to place the
bubble there and hit fire to launch the ball in that direction, but be
careful as the gam [...]
* Phraser
Index Phrase Extraction
PHRASER is an experimental noun phrase parser for English text. After
invoking the part-of-speech tagger, PHRASER isolates noun phrases and
outputs them as potential index phrases. Using the Derivational Morphology
dictionary, the program can apply verb nominalization rules [...]
* PlusPAD
PlusPAD is an advanced PAD file generator, editor and validator.
If you are a software developer you need PlusPAD !
"PAD is the Portable Application Description, and it helps authors provide
product descriptions and specifications to online sources in a standard
way, using a standard da [...]
* Pong
Move the mouse up and down to move your paddle(the one on the right). Click
on "serve" to begin every time a poiint is scored (make sure you press
down and let up the mouse button on the serve button). You have ten
reversals, also. Press the H key at any time to reverse the horizontal
movement, or p [...]
* PowerZIP
PowerZip is THE most powerful and easy to use compression tool. Plus, it's
completely FREE.
PowerZip takes full advantage of Windows 95/98 interface to make managing
compressed files a snap. And to make it even easier to use, it provides a
complete online help (which you are viewing now) with exte [...]
* Pranas.NET Web Gallery Creator
Clean uncluttered interface of this freeware program allows you to create
elegant web galleries easily. With a miniature size and no installation
required you can download and run it in just a few seconds.
Users limited in time will appreciate the programs ability to create html
galleries in a coup [...]
* Prevent
Since 1980, when the personal computer was introduced, the use of computers
has increased enormously. Nowadays, many people spend a lot of their time
on the computer. Unfortunately, improper use or overuse of a computer can
lead to RSI. RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury and is the general
term [...]
* Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST)
Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST) provides an introduction
to process heating methods and tools to improve thermal efficiency of
heating equipment. Use the tool to survey process heating equipment that
uses fuel, steam, or electricity, and identify the most energy-intensive
equipmen [...]
* PSMemoPak2000
"Birthdays. Anniversaries. Tasks. Memos. Parties."
With PSMemoPak2000 personal information manager you're only a click away
from all the important days in yours or someone else's life.
"Stay on time and up to date."
Use the floating clock/calendar to stay on top of all your important
infor [...]
* Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT)
The Pumping System Assessment Tool helps industrial users assess the
efficiency of pumping system operations. PSAT uses achievable pump
performance data from Hydraulic Institute standards and motor performance
data from the MotorMaster+ database to calculate potential energy and
associated cost savi [...]
* Puzzles and Brain Teasers to Expand your Mind
To expand your mind you need to learn new facts and develop new modes of
thinking that will make the information that you already know more useful.
Solving the following problems will require a combination of world
knowledge, mathematics, common sense, science, and logic. This is not an
IQ test. The [...]
* PyCron
As our dependency upon machines for various tasks grow, time becomes an
integral factor that may work against us, when pressed upon deadlines.
Automation of such tasks, without the need for human intervention, becomes
vital to whether one is able to square away enough time to complete more
and more [...]
* Quinnsoft Calculator
This calculator is like a normal calculator, except for one important
feature--this one has six memory slots to store numbers in.
* Quinnsoft MP-3player
QSMP3 3.0 is a powerful, fast, easy-to-use MP3 player. Not only does QSMP3
play MP3s, but it lets you rate each song on a scale of 1 to 100 and
generate intelligent playlists based on that. Additionally (and new in
3.0), you can view the lyrics to the song currently playing using Lyrikal.
Just click [...]
* Quinnsoft timer
This is a basic timer. Whether you have a time-limited internet connection
or you are trying to prepare your favorite dish, this small compact timer
will ring when the timer reaches zero. There is no maximum input time
either so you can time long periods of time. (The display only clearly
shows tim [...]
This tool can convert existing RAR files into SFX archives; this means that
you won't need any compression utility to extract files from them. (LT)
* Recycled Content (ReCon) Tool
EPA created the Recycled Content (ReCon) Tool to help companies and
individuals estimate life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy
impacts from purchasing and/or manufacturing materials with varying
degrees of post-consumer recycled content. Emission estimates provided by
the ReCon Tool a [...]
* Roman Numeral Converter
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This is actually two programs. One to convert Arabic numerals to Roman
numerals and then one to convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals.
These were never intended to be released since they were merely testing
programs for the conversion code which I made for fellow p [...]
* Scorched 3D
Scorched 3D is a cross-platform 3D remake of the very popular 2D artillery
game Scorched Earth (DOS). Scorched 3D can be played against the computer,
other players, and remotely across the Internet or LAN.
Note: Available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD.
Screenshot (JF)
* Seattle Quake 2001
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
There's a whole lot of shakin' going on! Your little piece of the
earthquake from Seattle in 2001. If you missed it, here it is, if you want
to relive it, then here it is! (LT)
* Ship's Chronometer
(95/98/NT) A unique desktop clock (LT)
* Sigster
Sigster is a search engine that finds hash quicklinks on the web. These
quicklinks helps you download virus-free and fake-free files from various
p2p networks. Sigster finds Ed2k, Sig2dat, Magnet and BitTorrent links,
which means that you can search for files in the following networks:
- FastTrack [...]
* Simon's Revenge
SYSTEMS: Win 3.1/95/98/ME/NT/2K
A remake of the Classic 'Simon' electronic game. (LT)
* SmartBackup Free
SmartBackup covers the following options :
- Backup Software
- Restore Software
- Schedule Backup
- Selective Backups
- Startup/Shutdown Commands
- Backup Logs
- Print Logs
- Create a Textfile with FolderTree in a Profile
- Compression (only in full version)
- Encryption
Limita [...]
* SmartGenealogy
SmartGenealogy is a genealogy software that will let you record individual
persons with dates and places of birth, marriage and death and other
events in their lives, along with the sources and repositories where you
found the information from.
You can also include pictures or indicate multimedia f [...]
* SPAM Shredder
SPAM Shredder is an anti-spam email client that automatically classifies
incoming emails as spam or non-spam.
SPAM Shredder is a spam filtering software that lets you remove spam
emails just from the mail server without pulling them down into your
Inbox. SPAM Shredder ensures the efficient and ea [...]
SRIE (Secure Internet Explorer) is making sure your Internet Explorer can't
do anything you don't want
it to do, by using a controlled profile environment.SRIE is a loader that
isolates the IE from the rest of your machine by
using the runas facility in an automated fashion.
As an added bonus, an [...]
* StarBlaster
This game is called a minigame because it is really... mini. Size of 96x44
pixels and in only 2 colors. The reason for this minimalistic approach is
that it was used as an example to demonstrate how a built-in game in a
cellphone may look like. I have made it available here most for fun.
Start gam [...]
* Steam System Assessment Tool (SSAT)
The Steam System Assessment Tool (SSAT) allows users to assess potential
savings from individualized steam-system improvements. Users input data
about their plant's conditions, and the SSAT generates results detailing
the energy, cost, and emissions savings that up to 16 different
improvements could [...]
* Steam System Tool Suite
If you consider potential steam system improvements in your plant, the
results could be worthwhile. In fact, in many facilities, steam system
improvements can save 10% to 20% in fuel costs.
To help you tap into potential savings in your facility, DOE offers a
suite of tools for evaluating and ident [...]
* StuffIt Expander
FREE Expansion and Decoding Only
StuffIt Expander easily expands and decodes all those files you download
from the Web or receive in your email. It quickly accesses StuffIt files,
unzips zip files created by WinZip and other zip utilities, plus
decompresses tar, gzip and bzip files for Unix users. [...]
* Super Smashed Bros
This Super Mario like Game is unlike anything ever before in a
no-holds-barred adventure. Join Martinio and Loogie on their reckless
adventures featuring a 10 level quest, challenge mode, versus games mode
and much more. Plus it comes with joystick supp
Platform: Win95,Win98,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,W [...]
* SystemRescueCd
SystemRescueCd is a linux system on a bootable cdrom for repairing your
system (Windows or Linux) and your data after a crash. It also aims to
provide an easy way to carry out admin tasks on your computer, such as
creating and editing the partitions of the hard disk. It contains a lot of
system util [...]
* Table2HTML
With Table2HTML you can easily convert a tab or comma delimited table
(table in a Word document for example) to a HTML table. You can directly
copy/paste the table or specify a file that should be converted. You may
also specify font settings, alignment, and more of the generated HTML
This [...]
* TaskBytes
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This program isn't too bad at all really. It's a system tray based/menu
based task manager.
I'm actually still toying with the concept on this one, but started new
source code. So Figured I'd toss out the old version for anyone who might
like the idea of this kind of t [...]
* The Love Calculator
We all know that a name can tell a lot about a person. Names are not
randomly chosen: they all have a meaning.
Doctor Love knew this so he made another great invention just for the
lonely you!
Sometimes you'd like to know if a relationship with someone could work
out. Therefore Doctor Love himself [...]
* The Love Calculator Online
We all know that a name can tell a lot about a person. Names are not
randomly chosen: they all have a meaning.
Doctor Love knew this so he made another great invention just for the
lonely you!
Sometimes you'd like to know if a relationship with someone could work
out. Therefore Doctor Love himself [...]
* The Matrex Screen Saver
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This is my piss poor excuse for a Matrix (the movie) screen saver. It's
not bad, but not what I wanted. I was not capable enough to make an exact
clone of what was seen in the movie.
Just unzip this one to your system directory and then open your screen
saver settings [...]
* The Mjolner System: BETA Language
Modern object-oriented methodologies recommend an evolutionary approach
with free alternation between analysis, design and implementation. The
Mjolner System supports Rapid Application Development including initial
prototyping, object-oriented modeling and design, implementation,
documentation and d [...]
* The Ultimate Puzzle Site
Welcome to The Ultimate Puzzle Site, an initiative of three dutch former
students. We hope you, and many other people, will share the excitement of
puzzling. We guarantee that all puzzles and riddles on our site are
interesting (LT)
* Time-Trax
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
Digital Display Clock with quarterly, half hour and hourly chimes. 3 User
defined alarms with single line messages for each alarm. (LT)
* TKruN
SYSTEMS: Win 3.1/95/98/ME
TKruN is a launching pad for your Liberty Basic Tolkenized files and any
other programs. (LT)
* TopGist
TopGist is a FREE software that automatically clusters and personalizes
your search results into hierarchical topic folders when you search on
Google, Yahoo or MSN, and displays these topics within the web browser.
With TopGist, you can now decide at a glance whether the contents of the
folder are o [...]
* Tray It!
TrayIt! allows to save precious Taskbar space for minimized windows. For
each application which applies TrayIt! it creates a small icon in the
System Tray. (System Tray area is located near the Clock). When
application's window is minimized this icon represents the application on
the Taskbar instead [...]
* Traymark
Traymark is a useful utility that allows you to add bookmarks to web pages
and programs to a right-click menu in your system tray.
Update: Bug fixed in the browse button on the Edit Traymark dialog (6/14)
Note: if you wish to delete all your traymarks delete the traymarks.dat
file in the progr [...]
* Tyberis Music Database
Tyberis Music Database is capable of identifying partial recordings of
songs ("samples"). A sample can be as short as 5 seconds and may come from
a random position in the song.
The Database does not store the entire audio data of a song. Instead, it
uses a fingerprinting technology to recognize mus [...]
* Typing Test
Testing your typing speed as beginner, novice or expert (LT)
* UK's Kalender
This program helps you organizing your dates and tasks and reminds you of
upcoming events.
* UK's Kalender
UK's Kalender" is a MS Windows program intended to remind you of upcoming
events and todos. There are several views for your dates that are
organized similar to a calendar sheet. Dates and appointments can be
entered into the calendar via an input form.You can enter a forewarn time,
so as long as "U [...]
* Vega Strike
Vega Strike is a Windows and Linux action space simulator designed to bring
3d space combat to a whole new level of graphics, gameplay, and
Note: Very large download (170 MB).
Screenshot (JF)
* VersaTimer
VersaTimer offers a wide range of options for setting up timers, with a
unique rule system. It also shares some features with the highly
successful Speaking Clock range of software, most notably the ability to
announce the time left using sampled speech of high quality.
VersaTimer is the ideal g [...]
* ViewMinder
Digital photos are easy to take but hard to keep track of.
ViewMinder is the answer. No more mystery scenes.
Complete image management
ViewMinder's image editor lets you trim and rotate each image, adjust
contrast and improve colour balance.
Then its unique data editor builds a descript [...]
* wakka Darwin
Windows 95/98/NT
For all our friends in Kansas and the 44% of the American public that
believe our planet is only 4,000 years old, we've made a special edition
of our famous wakka game. Spank old Charles Darwin and his monkey, too!
More fun than a barrel of evolutionists. No batteries required. 100 [...]
* wakkawakka!
Windows 95/98/NT
Smack those pesky varmints down but be quick - because they are. Not
nearly as easy as it looks. Uses mouse or 10-key pad. Educational? You
Requires Colors > 256 & Sound card w/MIDI enabled (LT)
* WAP Prototype Maker
WAP Prototype Maker is a tool to quickly generate a set of WML pages.
Through WAP Prototype Maker's user interface you may very easy and quickly
create a complete hierarchy of pages containing texts, images and links.
The purpose of this program is to be able to quickly create and be able to
tes [...]
* Waste Reduction Model (WARM)
EPA created the WAste Reduction Mode (WARM) to help solid waste planners
and organizations track and voluntarily report greenhouse gas emissions
reductions from several different waste management practices.
WARM calculates and totals GHG emissions of baseline and alternative waste
management practi [...]
* wDIR
This is a very handy utility. The name stands for "Window DIRectory". It is
a utility to show the directory in a pop-up window at the DOS- prompt.
You'll never have to type "DIR /P" again.ScreenShot (LT)
* Web-Based PHRASER
Natural Language Phrase Parser for English
This is an interactive test of the PHRASER program. PHRASER identifies
indexable words and phrases based on the input options. The output can be
returned in XML format. Enter some English text in the input area and
click the "OK" button. Use the "Back" bu [...]
* Web-Based TAGGER
This is an interactive test of the TAGGER program. Enter some English text
in the input area and click the "OK" button. Parsed text is returned
either in XML format or in an easy-to-read marked form. The tagging
conventions are given below. (LT)
* WebFlash
WebFlash is a web screen saver which displays a "slideshow" of web pages
which you select. The screensaver makes it very easy to keep up-to-date
with all your favourite websites - weather, stock prices, sports results,
fan clubs, travel sites, blogs, bargain shopping, movie schedules,
horoscopes, co [...]
* Word Processing
for Win 95/98/ME Win NT/2K/XP
Word Processing enables you to have your own multimedia vocabulary. The
dictionaries are monolingual.
Structure of word is very close to the structure of an word entry in an
explanatory dictionary.
It is advisable (but not obligatory) to describe the word with the h [...]
* Xizzo
Resides in the System Tray (one-click access)
Groups URLs into relevant categories
Xizzo can launch automatically on system startup
Xizzo is Portable! Drag your .xiz data file, and the Xizzo.exe file to a
floppy and take it with you
Offers one-click data entry for most web pages
Password-p [...]
* XWord2
This program is designed to help users find those missing words in your
crossword puzzle solution. Instead of spending hours with a dictionary
simply type in the letters you have and the program will return a list of
possible matches. The dictionary contains over 200000 entries and includes
phrases [...]
* Yada
YADA is a very fast download manager. It will accelerate your downloads
from the Internet and resume broken connections. YADA includes an
easy-to-use interface and its installation does not interfere with the
normal behavior of your browser. Features of YADA
- Accelerate downloads for different typ [...]
* Yatzy 2004
Yatzee is a clasic dice game, in which your goal is to score as many points
as possible, by "building" sets of specific dice compinations. Yatzy2004
includes both single and two player modes, in addition to a global scoring
system. Special features: All Yatzy clients connect to a central server
(TCP [...]
* Zamora Personality Test
This personality test uses ten categories of individual and ten categories
of social personality attributes to help you look inside yourself, find
out how others see you, and get insights about other persons. Unlike
personality tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which look
at four asp [...]
* Zamora Personality Test Online
The Zamora Personality Test provides a systematic way of evaluating ten
Individual Attributes and ten Social Attributes. Please read the Question
and Answer section below before starting the test.
This web-based version does not require downloading any software. Click on
the following buttons to s [...]
* Zeal ProgressBar ActiveX/.NET Control
Zeal ProgressBar ActiveX/.NET Control displays a Setup-like progress bar.
The percent completed is printed in the middle of the bar and it changes
color as the status bar passes over it. Visual Basic and Visual Basic.NET
source code are included. If you like it, please send me a postcard and
tell me [...]
* zeta producer Freeware
zeta producer is a website content management system based upon Microsoft
Windows. With zeta producer users can easily manage their website with
nothing more but basic windows-knowledge.
The freeware version is based on version 4 of zeta producer. Compared with
the full version of zeta producer, t [...]
* ZIP Indexator
the program is intended to aid in indexing zip archives by seaching file
descriptions and creating a consolidated table of contents. If you have
many archives and are sometimes at a loss to understand the abbbreviated
names - Zip Indexator is exactly what you need!
- pre- and user-defin [...]
* Zip2ISO
This tool can convert a ZIP files into a ISO image file. (LT)
* ZipFree 2000!
ZipFree 2000! is simple but powerful program with an easy to use Windows
Explorer interface that allows you to create or send a ZIP file or Self -
Extracting ZIP without having to use any other compression or e-mail
- ZIP Auto-Extractible (no need for the recipient to have a ZI [...]
Better late than never...

In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* 11view
11view is a free, fast and easy image viewer with several unique features.
It has been created to show, print and convert images with the highest
possible quality. 11view is the most handy and easy-to-use viewer made
especially for digital camera owners.
Loading-time interpolation makes any picture [...]
* 1st Contact for Win3.x
1st Contact is a small but versatile contact manager that holds more than
65,000 contacts in both yellow and white pages. It also has ten
user-defined categories to choose from, so you can customize sorting and
displaying of your contacts. It maintains personal and business
information about your co [...]
* 3DTop
3DTop is a study into the usefulness of a three dimensional GUI (Graphics
User Interface). For too long have we denied ourselves the freedom that is
only offered by 3D games. A 2D Desktop is all well and good for simple
procedures, but after a while it can make you feel cramped and limited by
what y [...]
* 3E Plus
The program calculates the most economical thickness of industrial
insulation for user input operating conditions. You can make calculations
using the built-in thermal performance relationships of generic insulation
materials or supply conductivity data for other materials. (LT)
* Add-Remove Master
Add-Remove Master is an easy tool to help you to install and uninstall
programs It also give you a lot of tools to control your installed
programs like view programs Information, edit uninstall information in
registry and much more.
Screenshot (JF)
* Agata Report
Agata Report is a cross-platform (Windows & Linux) database reporting tool
with graph generation and a query tool like Crystal Reports that allows
you to get data from PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, DB2, MS-SQL, Informix,
InterBase, Sybase, or Frontbase and export that data as PostScript, plain
text, HT [...]
* AirMaster+
AIRMaster+ provides comprehensive information on assessing compressed air
systems, including modeling, existing and future system upgrades, and
evaluating savings and effectiveness of energy efficiency measures.
DOE and the Compressed Air Challenge recognize Qualified AIRMaster+
Specialists for the [...]
* Amortization and Annuities Program
This program will calculate monthly payments for a mortgage loan, display
the amortization schedule, and determine your savings from prepayment. You
will find out your yearly interest cost and principal balance. You can
also figure out the future value of regular deposits or of a single
deposit and [...]
* AndyCAD Lite (version Beta)
AndyCAD is a Handy and Easy CAD(Computer Aided Design) and drafting
program. Designed with the users at heart, great for beginners and
professionals alike. AndyCAD will go along way in fulfiling your drawing
needs in a stress free enviroment from Mechanical, Electrical, Schematic,
Charts, Floor plan [...]
* Antiblast
Are you afraid of W32.Blaster and its variants? You should be. AntiBlast
will kill and remove any variant of W32.Blaster as soon as you are
infected. Every 5 seconds, it scans for one of the 3 variants of Blaster.
When one is found, it will be removed and you will be informed.
* aPrivacy
APrivacy is a safe, easy-to-use and FREE privacy protection tool that
securely deletes online Internet tracks and program activity records that
are stored in your browser and other hidden files on your computer.
aPrivacy guarantees your privacy by ensuring all traces of your online
Internet and co [...]
* aSkin
aSkin is a cool program that cycles images (skins) over your Explorer and
Internet explorer. Each time you open Explorer or Internet Explorer a new
skin will decorate its background.
aSkin is 100% FREE.
Using aSkin you can set images to act as skins for Explorer and Internet
Explorer. Every time [...]
* Athens 2004 Olympic Games screensaver
Athens 2004 Olympic Games hightlights in amazing slideshow with automatic
desktop wallpaper changer will bring you into the center of the Olympic
Cyclone. The true spirit of the Olympic Games will surround you with the
Athens 2004 Olympic Games screensaver. It has never been easier before to
feel yo [...]
* Atom
Atom is a programmable, register based virtual machine for Win32 computers.
The program is a text-base console application. The VM can be programmed
using a neo-assembler language called Atom Assembler. This document
discusses the VM and explains each opcode in Atom Assembler. ScreenShot
* AV Defs Updater for F-PROT for DOS
Do you use F-PROT for DOS or plan to use it in an emergency situation? If
yes, you may be interested in the following free Windows utility
(compatible with all 32-bit Windows versions, including the first version
of Windows 95) that updates your F-PROT for DOS antivirus definitions in
the background [...]
* Barcode Check Digit Functions
BarcodeCD is a free add-in for MS Excel 2000/XP.
The add-in contains functions to return the check digit of the following
barcode types: EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, and ITF-14. (LT)
* BestCrosswords.com
Free Online Crossword Puzzles Daily
Welcome to BestCrosswords.com, the ultimate free online crossword puzzles
web site! This site is devoted exclusively to crossword puzzles. Thanks to
our sponsors, there are neither fees nor mandatory membership attached to
this site. However, there is an optiona [...]
* BinClock
BinClock is a program which shows the system time in a binary format.
It supports showing the time with seven sifferent colors, and it can
run a loop that prints the time every second.
The colors can be configured by a config file.
It's written in C and it's for geeks, of course ;-) (VJ)
* Bio-Rhythms for Win3.x
Bio-Rhythms (16-bit) was released as Freeware. Please distribute it to all
your friends who are still using Windows 3.x. as Bio-Rhythms will not run
in a 32-bit environment
To continue using this software past the thirty day evaluation period,
please send your name, email address and the name of th [...]
BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) is a single number which expresses a relationship
between height, body surface area, and body weight. The BMI is very useful
because it correlates very closely to your body fat percentage which is
much more difficult to measure.
This simple BMI tool will calculate your BMI a [...]
* Browser Information
Browser Informations about user's webbrowser: name, code name, version,
platform, viewed pages, Java enabled, screen resolution, (LT)
* Brush Strokes Image Editor
Edit images from a variety of formats (GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, PCX, BMP,
TARGA, AVI); create images for websites; create and view GIF animations;
adjust colours in photos; apply filters and transformations; magic wand
selections; use any picture as a brush or fill pattern; blur; sharpen.
Scree [...]
* Calendar Online
Simple calendar from Point Software (LT)
* Calendar+ for Win3.x
Calendar+ (16-bit) was released as Freeware. Please distribute it to all
your friends who are still using Windows 3.x. as Calendar+ will not run in
a 32-bit environment.
To continue using this software past the thirty day evaluation period,
please send your name, email address and the name of the [...]
* CatHtml
for Win9x/NT4+
Saved web pages don't usually have meaningful filenames. This can be
really boring when you've just downloaded a lot of newspaper articles or
technical documents.
Right-click a saved web page or a folder/directory and select "CatHtml" to
get a quick catalogue of web pages in the cu [...]
* CD Text Implementing
When I included CD TEXT support in HACP, many people asked for help with
implementing CD TEXT in their own programs. For this reason I've written a
small demo program which reads the CD TEXT info from the CD. The source
code (in Visual C++) is available for anyone who wants to learn more about
it. G [...]
* CDNotification ActiveX Control
Platform: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 3.5/4.0, Windows
2000, Windows XP
CDNotification ActiveX Control is a control that allows your program to
know when a CD is inserted in or ejected out of the CD-ROM drive. One day,
I got the ComonentSource Demo CDs which can change its conte [...]
* Cfont Pro
Click to enlarge Cfont Pro was developed as a way to manage fonts; to
include system, printer, and currently uninstalled fonts. Cfont Pro lets
you view installed system fonts, printer fonts, and a special mode where
you select a directory and view the fonts in that directory. View All mode
will let [...]
* CHAOS Submitter
Free URL submitter to Search Engines, Directories and Link Pages!
CHAOS Submitter is a industrial strength program made for the more
demanding Webmaster. If you're looking for the most unique and targeted
visitors try out CHAOS Submitter today. This tool submits websites to over
200 important in [...]
* Check your Domain
Check for a Domain name here. Hosted by www.wwhois.com (LT)
* Classic Clock
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
Classic Clock is a simple time piece for your PC. It features chimes, toll
and an alarm all in a visually realistic looking wall clock.
The first button at the bottom of the clock is the menu button. The second
button (in the middle) is the alarm reset button for when [...]
* Classico Clock
(95/98/NT) A unique desktop clock (LT)
* Color Codes Online
Color codes from Point Software (LT)
* Cron
Cron scans the file CRONTAB every minute and checks every line if the
specified time/date information matches the current time/date. If they are
equal, the command line specified will be executed. A log file (cron.log)
with the executed commands is written to the current directory. (LT)
* Cuckoo Clock
A unique desktop clock with an animated cuckoo on the hour and 2
independent chiming alarms. Very cool! (LT)
* Cutter
This tool can split large files into smaller parts by choosing a given
Splitting files allows you to transfer large files on small media like
floppy disk or to send file parts as e-mail attachments. (LT)
* DataShow Pro
Datashow is a program in which You can make powerful presentations on a PC
or an overhead projector, simple or advanced tutorials, sparkling
demonstrations for products or programs, all sorts of games, etc.
DataShow can be used as a MULTIMEDIA TOOL. You can easily make all sorts
of shows that has s [...]
* Del it
This tool will help you to delete any file completely by write random data
on it. It destroys the original file contents, so it can't be recovered.
Screenshot (JF)
* DialerZapper
DialerZapper is a useful utility that prevents software from dialing out
without your permission. There are many cases where you find out that your
computer phoned a number and stayed online for hours, leaving you with a
huge bill at the end of the month. This can happen either if you are using
a di [...]
* DiskFinder
DiskFinder is a basic disk catalog program. Single purpose of the
application is to find files fast and easy on large collections of
Screenshot (JF)
* Division Calculator
If you are a carpenter or a woodworker, you have probably needed to divide
a particular length into a certain number of equal segments. Simple
enough, right? Well this program takes that one step further. It not only
does the simple division for you, but also tells you where your marks are.
* DIY (do-it-yourself) Puzzler
A 16 tile slide puzzle with a twist. Load your favorite BMP image and
puzzle away. Includes one sample image. (LT)
* Drill your utter!
Enable you to drill your pronunciation in any language by visualizing
speaker's pronunciation and yours. It helps you to highlight any
particular word or even sound in the phrase and to listen to this word or
the sound you selected. Moreover it gives you possibility to record, to
listen and to look [...]
* Driving Test
This Driving Test is designed to check your knowledge of traffic laws,
rules of the road, motor vehicle laws, and safe driving practices. The
program presents the driving test as administered by many Motor Vehicle
departments in the United States, including scoring and time limits. Ideal
for any per [...]
* DUStat
DUStat is a free utility that provides an accurate account of the data
which is flowing through your computer's network connection at any given
moment. This readout is presented in both numerical and graphical format,
in real time.
There are many reasons why you might want to monitor your network
* Easy Calc Online
Simple calculator from Point Software (LT)
* EasyCalc Free
EasyCalc is a Software designed to take care of your daily Calculations
needs. It is a 16digit Calculator with upto 6digits of Precision
well-suited for Professionals and Amateurs to the Wonderful world of
Calculations. It has all the ready functions available in any normal
calculator plus scientifi [...]
* EClock
ECLOCK is a Clock designed to stay on top of applications at any corner of
your desktop.
There are following functions available in Eclock
a) Four Corners Placement Buttons
b) Click on Time to Quit the application
c) Rightclick on Time to change AM/PM format
d) Click on Date to Turn on/off Hou [...]
* Enc Art
Enc Art is an encryption program, it can encrypt your text (message) to a
bitmap image file and you can protect it with password.
Screenshot (JF)
* English Dictionary
with inflectional and derivational morphology
DICTGET accesses an English dictionary containing over 100,000 words and
has a spelling aid feature that enables you to find similar words. The
program also displays parts of speech, verb conjugations, and the singular
and plural forms of nouns. One im [...]
* English Grammar Worksheet
This program generates correctly structured English sentences even if you
don't know English. If you play enough with this program and read the
attached grammar help file, you will master the basic sentence patterns of
English. The program includes a help file with a Basic English grammar.
This prog [...]
* English Part-of-Speech TAGGER
TAGGER is a natural language parser that assigns parts of speech to English
text and displays phrase markings. This program is the basis for automatic
indexing and data mining projects. The Visual Basic interface is used for
educational purposes and to test various features of the parser. The
progra [...]
* English Test
So you think that you know English? Click here to take a quick on-line
test. (LT)
* English Vocabulary Practice
This program may be used by a non-English speaker who wants to learn
English vocabulary or by a young child learning to read. The program
includes English words and pictures representing the words. You can hear
the pronunciation for the words by clicking with the mouse on the
Some of the [...]
* eVoiceSaver
Record, Store and Send Voice Emails with eVoiceSaver . (VJ)
* ExEntryC's Calculator
This is a nice calculator with an on-screen history ticket, user definable
precision, 1 memory register. Values with up to 14 significant digits.
The calculator is available
- as a standalone function (executable included)
- as a Delphi component (Delphi 4.0 sources included)
Used as a Delphi [...]
* Extrasensory Perception ESP Test
Test your paranormal abilities. Find out if you can predict beyond the
limits of statistical chance. This program conducts the test and reports
the results. Repeat the test multiple times. Save the results to continue
at a later time. Use this program to test how much you should trust your
intuition [...]
* Extrasensory Perception ESP Test Online
Test your paranormal abilities. Find out if you can predict beyond the
limits of statistical chance. (LT)
* Fast type
FastType is a simple program that allows you to type something in a box,
and it will calculate the speed that you typed (in gross words per minute
* Flat Assembler
The flat assembler is a fast and efficient self-assembling 80x86 assembler
for DOS, Windows, and Linux operating systems. Currently, it supports all
8086-80486/Pentium instructions with MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, and 3DNow!
extensions. It can produce output in binary, MZ, PE, COFF, or ELF format.
It incl [...]
* FolderSync
Folder syncrinization utility (LT)
* Free Weather
View instant weather reports on your computer desktop and system tray.
Shows current conditions, detailed hourly forecast, daily forecast, and
severe weather alerts!
Automatically updated temperature appears in the desktop system tray.
* FreeRamNow
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This one I should have released, but just not sure why I didn't. It's a
memory reclaim program and it works very well and has a good set of
features to it. It's also a skinnable program and comes with a few skins
already. But some of the skins I didn't get to, so several [...]
* FTP Uploader
FTP Uploader is a small and easy to use program to send files from your
computer to your own personal webspace. A second function of the program
is that it puts the names of the uploaded files on the clipboard so that
you can use these names immediately. This last function can be handy for
example w [...]
* FTPGenius
FTPGenius is the FTP client for ZipGenius 5. It allows to connect to FTP
server over the Internet and to download files from them.
This add-on works only if ZipGenius is correctly installed. (LT)
* fXplorer
Customizable menu -
Hotkey activation -
Unobtrusive Deskbar -
Works similarly to windows explorer for commonly used actions -
Drag and drop file management (copy / move) -
Pretty good looking menu (JL)
* GO Toe (Good Old TicTacToe)
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
Lame excuse for a damn TicTacToe game! Well, it's still a nice clean and
playble version though. If you like TicTacToe, then you'll probably enjoy
my version here also.
If you have any errors about a dll missing, then copy or move the dll
files in the program directory [...]
* Good Old DOS!
This is a freeware utility dedicated to all the DOS lovers. It simply gives
you the command "DOS prompt" when you right click on a folder. This
command opens a new DOS window and sets the current directory to the
clicked folder. There is also a history of all the opened folders for
easier access.
* Hammer Reminders
Simple reminders of appointments and events
Recurring reminders - weekly, monthly, yearly and more
Reminder notification - set alarms which will notify you at specific
Taskbar notification icon for the default reminder file.
Flexible view control - Current, Today, Date Range or All
* HandyKit Free
Handykit As the name says, It is a multipurpose toolkit kind of software,
with the following feature.
a) Scheduler with very Fascinating and user-friendly interface
b) Notes - Create notes with Character Attributes and Quick-Text
c) 16 digit Calculator + Currency Convertor
d) Loan Calculator [...]
* Hattrick
Hattrick is an online football game where you trade players and coach your
team in competition with hundreds of thousands of simultaneous opponents
from all over the world.
Hattrick is free of charge. You run your team using a web browser. Matches
are played a couple times a week. You can log on a [...]
* HelpAid
Authoring tool for Windows Help files
HelpAid is a program that processes text files coded with keywords to
generate the HPJ and RTF files required as input by a Help Compiler. You
don't need a complicated word processor! Use your favorite text editor to
create "pop-ups", text and bitmap hyperlink [...]
HIRC is an IRC client. It's quite small and easy to use. It supports CTCP,
DCC, scripts, ect...ScreenShot (LT)
* HTML2Table
With HTML2Table you can convert HTML tables without all the HTML tags into
comma (or anything else) delimited tables which you easily can import into
Excel or a database.
This application is rather old and unmaintained, but it is still available
if someone finds it useful.ScreenShot (LT)
* Image Map Helper
A tool to generate HTML code for image map defined by [MAP] tag. Image map
allows you to put multiple links under different parts of a single image.
Might be useful for creating site navigation and so on...
oS: Win95 Win98 WinME WinNT Win2k WinXP (LT)
* InstantTimeZone
Direct show (near the clock) time (hour) of another timezone of the world.
* J.A.C.K. (Just Another Cookie Killer)
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
J.A.C.K. is a simple and clean approach to cookie management that allows
you to keep trusted cookies in a trust list, and to deny unwanted cookies
by using a deny list. When a cookie arrives, J.A.C.K. jumps up at you to
let you know that a new cookie has arrived. You then deci [...]
* JamWorks XG-1
The JAMWORKS XG-1 is a multivariate graphing calculator. It can be used as
a calculator and to explore math functions and their behavior. With the
XG-1 you can:
- Define an unlimited number of functions complete with user defined
- Plot 2D graphs with user selectable independent variab [...]
* JamWorksPro FileSpy
FileSpy is a file utility that is used to monitor and detect the arrival of
a file and execute a user defined command when the file arrives. FileSpy
will watch for the file to arrive in a directory. The directory can be on
a local drive or can be a shared folder on a network.
FileSpy can be used t [...]
* JFW Task Manager
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
This is a clone of the Windows NT Task Manager, but this one is for Win 9x
systems only. It's also not quite as feature rich as the NT version, and
my version may not be able to kill all possible stuck programs.
Otherwise, this is a nice task manager if you like the NT task [...]
* JFW URI Decoder
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
If you don't know what URI encoding and decoding is, then chances are that
you have no need for this program at all. But if you do, then there just
might be the rare occassion that you may find a need for this program.
Keep in mind though, this only decodes URI encoded d [...]
* JJ MP3 Renamer
JJ MP3 Renamer is a full-featured ID3 tagger/file renamer/playlist
generator/you name it.
With the powerful convert tools you can perform operations that are
tideous to do by hand, just with a single click. It makes it a lot easier
to give the MP3's correct names and a correct content of their ID [...]
* JSS Clock Sync
This is a freeware application for adjusting the PC clock. With 12 default
free NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers it is easy to start using JSS
Clock Sync. It connects to the first available NTP server, and then
adjusts the PC clock. JSS Clock Sync resides in the system tray. (VJ)
* Karakan
Karakan is a free and easy to use editor for creating MIDI karaoke files.
It runs on Windows 95 or higher. You can enter the lyrics of a song in the
Karakan editor, as text, in Song Text Format (STF). From this STF text and
a given MIDI file (.mid), Karakan makes a karaoke file (.kar). You can
test [...]
* Kashmir 3D
It's a software for making landscape CG or amuzing 3D maps.
You can render a beatiful landscape CG on your PC.
You can use USGS's DEMs, Grayscale Bitmaps and so on.
You can know which mountain you can see from your home.
Support for 3D Navigation by GPS Receiver.
Support for Full-Raytracing r [...]
* KBDTua
A turkish language keyboard driver for american keybords (Windows95/98).
With this keyboard driver you can type the special turkish characters. To
be able to also view them you need to install turkish fonts too. (LT)
* KIS (Keep It (a) Secret!)
In todays world there are so many userid's, codes, passwords, and keys,
that it is often difficult to remember them all.
Now "Keep it (a) secret!" can help you - remember just one secret code,
and you can have all your other user id's, codes, passwords, and keys,
stored in just one place. Easy and [...]
* Learn Words
Learn Words is designed to provide assistance to everyone who is learning
the vocabulary of a foreign language. It can help you to get stock of
active words and to acquire the habit of hearing, pronouncing and spelling
the words. Demonstrative dictionaries are in the installation package and
contain [...]
* MailWasher
MailWasher is a powerful email checker with effective spam elimination. It
lets you view and manage emails on the POP3 server - it's the safe way to
stop unwanted viruses and e-mails before they get to your computer.
Mailwasher is so easy to set up and use that you'll be managing your email
like [...]
* makeZip
for Win95 WinNT
Freeware ZIP utility (no UNZIP) with included Win95 self-extractor
(supports multiple passwords, all file attributes and date/time).
Drag&Drop interface, features conversion from ZIP to EXE from Explorer.
makeZip is available in an English and a German version (LT)
* MalWhere
Does your computer run slow or crash from time to time? If so then there
might be a malicious process running on your system without you knowing
about it. A process is a single executable module that runs concurrently
with other executable modules, most of the processes that run on your
computer are [...]
Software package, MANAGE XP, has been developed to assist in various
decision making stages of a Project. This software finds its utility
suited for a variety of projects where the user is able to provide
input in the form of precedence relationships, time, cost and resource
requirements of the [...]
* Mass ZIP
A mass UnZip utility
This software was written and compiled for windows9x. With Mass zip you
can extract all those zips in one click (ok maybe 2-3). I was using
"command prompt here" from microsoft, some little batches and pkunzip. I
always wanted a graphical solution to this "problem" that's why [...]
* Matches
Here's a little game called MATCHES. It's based on a game you sometimes see
at a birthday-party or in a pub. There are some rows of matches and he who
takes away the last one has lost (and has to pay for the beer). Can you
beat your computer?ScreenShot (LT)
* Media Converter
Media Converter (former EasyMorph) is a simple conversion tool that can
handle the most popular digital audio formats like MPEG - I Layer 3,
Windows Media Audio, WAV. It supports drag and drop play list arrangement,
ID3 V1 and V2 information editing, and CD ripping and burning.The easy to
use wizard [...]
* Memory-Trax I.
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
Reclaims memory that Windows forgot to release(Windows Mem Leak).
Automatically or manually reclaim that memory and lessen your chances of a
system crash. MEM-Trax comes in two flavors; GUI or Hidden version.
NOTES: This program uses VBScript (.vbs) as part of it's function. [...]
* Memory-Trax II
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
Reclaims memory that Windows forgot to release(Windows Mem Leak).
Automatically or manually reclaim that memory and lessen your chances of a
system crash. MEM-Trax comes in two flavors; GUI or Hidden version.
NOTES: This program uses VBScript (.vbs) as part of it's function. [...]
* Memory-Trax III
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
Memory-Trax III (MEM-Trax III) is a small program that reclaims memory
that Windows neglects to release (the famous Windows memory leak!). By
reclaiming your memory, you will find that your system crashes less and
most other programs will run more smoothly.
NOTES: This [...]
* Mini Personal CPU Monitor
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
Simple and easy personal cpu monitor to allow you to watch your cpu usage.
* Mini Personal File Index
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME
Simple, small and easy to use file listing program which allows you
generate a list of files in a selected folder. List output can be sent to
printer, clipboard or generate html or text file. (LT)
* Mini Personal Ram-claim
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This is one of those "Yeah.... Whatever." kind of programs. It has kind of
a cool interface, but I just lost interest in this one. Not sure it's
fully functional, but it does reclaim memory like all my other memory
reclaim programs. (LT)
* Mini Personal Web Server
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
Simple, small and easy to use HTTP server for those who just want to share
their web pages or downloads with friends and family from their own
Windows based PC. (LT)
* MMH Cleaner
MMH Cleaner is a tool to help you clean your junk files, programs recent,
temp, and more. It also helps you to control your startup program.
* MotorMaster+
MotorMaster+4.0 is a software program that analyzes motor and motor system
efficiency. Designed for utility auditors, industrial plant energy
coordinators, and consulting engineers, MotorMaster+4.0 is used to
identify inefficient or oversized facility motors and compute the energy
and demand savings [...]
* MotorMaster+ International
MotorMaster+ International includes many of the capabilities and features
of MotorMaster+; however, now you can evaluate repair/replacement options
on a broader range of motors, including those tested under the Institute
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) standard, and those tested
using [...]
* Mozilla Sunbird (beta)
The Sunbird Project is a redesign of the Mozilla Calendar component. The
goal is to produce a cross platform standalone calendar application based
on Mozilla's XUL user interface language. At the moment the "Sunbird" name
is a project name. It is not official and may change in the future.
The inten [...]
* MozillaTracker
MozillaTracker is a small log analysis tool which tracks which browsers and
operating systems users of a webpage has. The logfile does not need to be
in any specific format. You may save the gathered statistics as a report
in text or HTML format, or print it directly.
The lists may be sorted, eith [...]
* MP3 Song Finder
Runs on Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000
A FREEWARE program enabling you to search up to TEN MP3 search engines
simultaneously, or display the results of up to FOUR MP3 search engines on
one screen (provided that your web browser can handle frames). (LT)
* MT-Organizer
MT-Organizer was created for organizing the information about your friends,
family, business assosiates or costumers and other groups of people fast
and easy and it also contains a reminder and a calendar. The reminder it
is very helpful and provides an easy way to remember birthdays,
appointments a [...]
* MuRas Filters
MuRa's Filters created with Filter Factory. They are the free plugins for
making seamless patterns. They are plugins for Adobe Photoshop and plugin
compatible programs(such as Paint Shop Pro, etc.) and available only for
the Windows. (JL)
* Mystikal Krystal Ball I.
SYSTEMS: Win 3.1/95/98/ME/NT/2K
Ancient Internet Mystic will answer all of your questions. But be nice to
him, he's been locked up in this program for a long time now and get a bit
cranky at times. (LT)
* Mystikal Krystal Ball II. 16 bit
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This, and the next entry, were suppose to be version 2.0 to my "Mystikal
Krystal Ball" program listed elsewhere on my site. But for some reason
(Not sure why) I never released this version. I'm still scratching my
skull trying to remember why I missed releasing this vers [...]
* Mystikal Krystal Ball II. 32 bit
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This, and the next entry, were suppose to be version 2.0 to my "Mystikal
Krystal Ball" program listed elsewhere on my site. But for some reason
(Not sure why) I never released this version. I'm still scratching my
skull trying to remember why I missed releasing this vers [...]
* New Age Clock
(95/98/NT) A unique desktop clock (LT)
* Note Attack!
Sheet Music MIDI Video Game - Note Attack!
Learn to read music by blasting notes into submission!
This program is completely FREE.
Note Attack has these features:
- Use your computer or MIDI compatible keyboard
- Adjust the speed
- Adjust the note range
- Optionally play note each time
- Hi [...]
* NotePads+ for Win3.x
NotePads+ (16-bit) was released as Freeware. Please distribute it to all
your friends who are still using Windows 3.x. as NotePads+ will not run in
a 32-bit environment.
To continue using this software past the thirty day evaluation period,
please send your name, email address and the name of the [...]
* NOx and Energy Assessment Tool (NxEAT)
The NOx and Energy Assessment Tool (NxEAT) helps plants in the petroleum
refining and chemical industries to assess and analyze NOx emissions and
application of energy efficiency improvements. Use the tool to inventory
emissions from equipment that generates NOx, and then compare how various
technol [...]
* Olate Download
Olate Download enables any website owner to quickly and easily add a
downloads system to their site. By incorporating an extensively tested
user interface and full CSS/XHTML support with a large feature list and
free technical support, Olate Download can provide you with an open
source, PHP solution [...]
* OneButton
OneButton is a small no-nonsense toolbar (launch pad) with 16 customizable
buttons and 12 buttons with fixed functions. When collapsed it only takes
up 36 x 36 pixels of your screen.
A popup menu appears when you right-click the main button, giving you
access to 15 different system folders (desk [...]
* Online - Engine Viewer
Engine Viewer is built off of the core of a search engine harvester
(spider). What this means is you can view your webpage in the same way a
search engine does, from how it breaks down the HTML, to which links it
extracts, how it interprets your robot exclusion rules and more! Since a
large percenta [...]
* Online - Site Timer
Site Timer allows you to analyze some of the most critical aspects of
webpage performance. You can easily find out how long it takes for a
dialup modem user to get your page, check all the graphical links to
ensure they're correct, even take a look at your servers HTTP headers and
more! Everything i [...]
* OptiNet
OptiNet is a sophisticated utility that tweak your system settings to boost
the speed of your network and internet connection. OptiNet customize the
optimizations according to the operating system you are running and the
connection type. This provides added speed to your Internet load times and
adds [...]
* Pac-Manic Worlds 3D
Pac-Manic Worlds 3D builds on the classic PacMan game.
The object of the game is to eat all of the dots in the maze while
avoiding the ghosts. At the maze you can find large shiny dots. These are
called Power Dots. When the hero eats one of these, he becomes more
powerful for short time. During thi [...]
* Painter 25
Painter 25 Features: TOOLS for Backdrops, Effects, and Filters, Banners,
Artistic, GIF and JPEG Optimizer, smallBMP's; GADGETS: free floating
buttons, labels, images, gradient text, smart shapes, bitmap fonts; IMAGE:
layers, seamless patterns, trace, emboss, mirror, flip, free rotation,
whirl, scrol [...]
* Password Cracker
Password Recovery Tool for Win95 Win98 WinME WinNT Win2k WinXP
A tool to recover (crack) passwords hidden under in ***** symbols in
various windows boxes. Might be useful to refresh some memory about the
passwords you have set... (LT)
* Personality Compatibility Analysis
Personality is defined as the totality of character attributes and
behavioral traits of a person. Personality Analysis is a methodology for
categorizing the character and behavior of a person.
The Zamora Personality Test provides a characterization of ten Individual
Attributes and ten Social Attrib [...]
* Pharaohs' Bubbles
Pharaohs' Bubbles is a fast and addictive puzzle game. Your goal is to
match three or more bubbles to remove them from the game board.
you use left and right arrow keys to point the point you want to place the
bubble there and hit fire to launch the ball in that direction, but be
careful as the gam [...]
* Phraser
Index Phrase Extraction
PHRASER is an experimental noun phrase parser for English text. After
invoking the part-of-speech tagger, PHRASER isolates noun phrases and
outputs them as potential index phrases. Using the Derivational Morphology
dictionary, the program can apply verb nominalization rules [...]
* PlusPAD
PlusPAD is an advanced PAD file generator, editor and validator.
If you are a software developer you need PlusPAD !
"PAD is the Portable Application Description, and it helps authors provide
product descriptions and specifications to online sources in a standard
way, using a standard da [...]
* Pong
Move the mouse up and down to move your paddle(the one on the right). Click
on "serve" to begin every time a poiint is scored (make sure you press
down and let up the mouse button on the serve button). You have ten
reversals, also. Press the H key at any time to reverse the horizontal
movement, or p [...]
* PowerZIP
PowerZip is THE most powerful and easy to use compression tool. Plus, it's
completely FREE.
PowerZip takes full advantage of Windows 95/98 interface to make managing
compressed files a snap. And to make it even easier to use, it provides a
complete online help (which you are viewing now) with exte [...]
* Pranas.NET Web Gallery Creator
Clean uncluttered interface of this freeware program allows you to create
elegant web galleries easily. With a miniature size and no installation
required you can download and run it in just a few seconds.
Users limited in time will appreciate the programs ability to create html
galleries in a coup [...]
* Prevent
Since 1980, when the personal computer was introduced, the use of computers
has increased enormously. Nowadays, many people spend a lot of their time
on the computer. Unfortunately, improper use or overuse of a computer can
lead to RSI. RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury and is the general
term [...]
* Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST)
Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST) provides an introduction
to process heating methods and tools to improve thermal efficiency of
heating equipment. Use the tool to survey process heating equipment that
uses fuel, steam, or electricity, and identify the most energy-intensive
equipmen [...]
* PSMemoPak2000
"Birthdays. Anniversaries. Tasks. Memos. Parties."
With PSMemoPak2000 personal information manager you're only a click away
from all the important days in yours or someone else's life.
"Stay on time and up to date."
Use the floating clock/calendar to stay on top of all your important
infor [...]
* Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT)
The Pumping System Assessment Tool helps industrial users assess the
efficiency of pumping system operations. PSAT uses achievable pump
performance data from Hydraulic Institute standards and motor performance
data from the MotorMaster+ database to calculate potential energy and
associated cost savi [...]
* Puzzles and Brain Teasers to Expand your Mind
To expand your mind you need to learn new facts and develop new modes of
thinking that will make the information that you already know more useful.
Solving the following problems will require a combination of world
knowledge, mathematics, common sense, science, and logic. This is not an
IQ test. The [...]
* PyCron
As our dependency upon machines for various tasks grow, time becomes an
integral factor that may work against us, when pressed upon deadlines.
Automation of such tasks, without the need for human intervention, becomes
vital to whether one is able to square away enough time to complete more
and more [...]
* Quinnsoft Calculator
This calculator is like a normal calculator, except for one important
feature--this one has six memory slots to store numbers in.
* Quinnsoft MP-3player
QSMP3 3.0 is a powerful, fast, easy-to-use MP3 player. Not only does QSMP3
play MP3s, but it lets you rate each song on a scale of 1 to 100 and
generate intelligent playlists based on that. Additionally (and new in
3.0), you can view the lyrics to the song currently playing using Lyrikal.
Just click [...]
* Quinnsoft timer
This is a basic timer. Whether you have a time-limited internet connection
or you are trying to prepare your favorite dish, this small compact timer
will ring when the timer reaches zero. There is no maximum input time
either so you can time long periods of time. (The display only clearly
shows tim [...]
This tool can convert existing RAR files into SFX archives; this means that
you won't need any compression utility to extract files from them. (LT)
* Recycled Content (ReCon) Tool
EPA created the Recycled Content (ReCon) Tool to help companies and
individuals estimate life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy
impacts from purchasing and/or manufacturing materials with varying
degrees of post-consumer recycled content. Emission estimates provided by
the ReCon Tool a [...]
* Roman Numeral Converter
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This is actually two programs. One to convert Arabic numerals to Roman
numerals and then one to convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals.
These were never intended to be released since they were merely testing
programs for the conversion code which I made for fellow p [...]
* Scorched 3D
Scorched 3D is a cross-platform 3D remake of the very popular 2D artillery
game Scorched Earth (DOS). Scorched 3D can be played against the computer,
other players, and remotely across the Internet or LAN.
Note: Available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD.
Screenshot (JF)
* Seattle Quake 2001
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
There's a whole lot of shakin' going on! Your little piece of the
earthquake from Seattle in 2001. If you missed it, here it is, if you want
to relive it, then here it is! (LT)
* Ship's Chronometer
(95/98/NT) A unique desktop clock (LT)
* Sigster
Sigster is a search engine that finds hash quicklinks on the web. These
quicklinks helps you download virus-free and fake-free files from various
p2p networks. Sigster finds Ed2k, Sig2dat, Magnet and BitTorrent links,
which means that you can search for files in the following networks:
- FastTrack [...]
* Simon's Revenge
SYSTEMS: Win 3.1/95/98/ME/NT/2K
A remake of the Classic 'Simon' electronic game. (LT)
* SmartBackup Free
SmartBackup covers the following options :
- Backup Software
- Restore Software
- Schedule Backup
- Selective Backups
- Startup/Shutdown Commands
- Backup Logs
- Print Logs
- Create a Textfile with FolderTree in a Profile
- Compression (only in full version)
- Encryption
Limita [...]
* SmartGenealogy
SmartGenealogy is a genealogy software that will let you record individual
persons with dates and places of birth, marriage and death and other
events in their lives, along with the sources and repositories where you
found the information from.
You can also include pictures or indicate multimedia f [...]
* SPAM Shredder
SPAM Shredder is an anti-spam email client that automatically classifies
incoming emails as spam or non-spam.
SPAM Shredder is a spam filtering software that lets you remove spam
emails just from the mail server without pulling them down into your
Inbox. SPAM Shredder ensures the efficient and ea [...]
SRIE (Secure Internet Explorer) is making sure your Internet Explorer can't
do anything you don't want
it to do, by using a controlled profile environment.SRIE is a loader that
isolates the IE from the rest of your machine by
using the runas facility in an automated fashion.
As an added bonus, an [...]
* StarBlaster
This game is called a minigame because it is really... mini. Size of 96x44
pixels and in only 2 colors. The reason for this minimalistic approach is
that it was used as an example to demonstrate how a built-in game in a
cellphone may look like. I have made it available here most for fun.
Start gam [...]
* Steam System Assessment Tool (SSAT)
The Steam System Assessment Tool (SSAT) allows users to assess potential
savings from individualized steam-system improvements. Users input data
about their plant's conditions, and the SSAT generates results detailing
the energy, cost, and emissions savings that up to 16 different
improvements could [...]
* Steam System Tool Suite
If you consider potential steam system improvements in your plant, the
results could be worthwhile. In fact, in many facilities, steam system
improvements can save 10% to 20% in fuel costs.
To help you tap into potential savings in your facility, DOE offers a
suite of tools for evaluating and ident [...]
* StuffIt Expander
FREE Expansion and Decoding Only
StuffIt Expander easily expands and decodes all those files you download
from the Web or receive in your email. It quickly accesses StuffIt files,
unzips zip files created by WinZip and other zip utilities, plus
decompresses tar, gzip and bzip files for Unix users. [...]
* Super Smashed Bros
This Super Mario like Game is unlike anything ever before in a
no-holds-barred adventure. Join Martinio and Loogie on their reckless
adventures featuring a 10 level quest, challenge mode, versus games mode
and much more. Plus it comes with joystick supp
Platform: Win95,Win98,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,W [...]
* SystemRescueCd
SystemRescueCd is a linux system on a bootable cdrom for repairing your
system (Windows or Linux) and your data after a crash. It also aims to
provide an easy way to carry out admin tasks on your computer, such as
creating and editing the partitions of the hard disk. It contains a lot of
system util [...]
* Table2HTML
With Table2HTML you can easily convert a tab or comma delimited table
(table in a Word document for example) to a HTML table. You can directly
copy/paste the table or specify a file that should be converted. You may
also specify font settings, alignment, and more of the generated HTML
This [...]
* TaskBytes
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This program isn't too bad at all really. It's a system tray based/menu
based task manager.
I'm actually still toying with the concept on this one, but started new
source code. So Figured I'd toss out the old version for anyone who might
like the idea of this kind of t [...]
* The Love Calculator
We all know that a name can tell a lot about a person. Names are not
randomly chosen: they all have a meaning.
Doctor Love knew this so he made another great invention just for the
lonely you!
Sometimes you'd like to know if a relationship with someone could work
out. Therefore Doctor Love himself [...]
* The Love Calculator Online
We all know that a name can tell a lot about a person. Names are not
randomly chosen: they all have a meaning.
Doctor Love knew this so he made another great invention just for the
lonely you!
Sometimes you'd like to know if a relationship with someone could work
out. Therefore Doctor Love himself [...]
* The Matrex Screen Saver
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
This is my piss poor excuse for a Matrix (the movie) screen saver. It's
not bad, but not what I wanted. I was not capable enough to make an exact
clone of what was seen in the movie.
Just unzip this one to your system directory and then open your screen
saver settings [...]
* The Mjolner System: BETA Language
Modern object-oriented methodologies recommend an evolutionary approach
with free alternation between analysis, design and implementation. The
Mjolner System supports Rapid Application Development including initial
prototyping, object-oriented modeling and design, implementation,
documentation and d [...]
* The Ultimate Puzzle Site
Welcome to The Ultimate Puzzle Site, an initiative of three dutch former
students. We hope you, and many other people, will share the excitement of
puzzling. We guarantee that all puzzles and riddles on our site are
interesting (LT)
* Time-Trax
SYSTEMS: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K
Digital Display Clock with quarterly, half hour and hourly chimes. 3 User
defined alarms with single line messages for each alarm. (LT)
* TKruN
SYSTEMS: Win 3.1/95/98/ME
TKruN is a launching pad for your Liberty Basic Tolkenized files and any
other programs. (LT)
* TopGist
TopGist is a FREE software that automatically clusters and personalizes
your search results into hierarchical topic folders when you search on
Google, Yahoo or MSN, and displays these topics within the web browser.
With TopGist, you can now decide at a glance whether the contents of the
folder are o [...]
* Tray It!
TrayIt! allows to save precious Taskbar space for minimized windows. For
each application which applies TrayIt! it creates a small icon in the
System Tray. (System Tray area is located near the Clock). When
application's window is minimized this icon represents the application on
the Taskbar instead [...]
* Traymark
Traymark is a useful utility that allows you to add bookmarks to web pages
and programs to a right-click menu in your system tray.
Update: Bug fixed in the browse button on the Edit Traymark dialog (6/14)
Note: if you wish to delete all your traymarks delete the traymarks.dat
file in the progr [...]
* Tyberis Music Database
Tyberis Music Database is capable of identifying partial recordings of
songs ("samples"). A sample can be as short as 5 seconds and may come from
a random position in the song.
The Database does not store the entire audio data of a song. Instead, it
uses a fingerprinting technology to recognize mus [...]
* Typing Test
Testing your typing speed as beginner, novice or expert (LT)
* UK's Kalender
This program helps you organizing your dates and tasks and reminds you of
upcoming events.
* UK's Kalender
UK's Kalender" is a MS Windows program intended to remind you of upcoming
events and todos. There are several views for your dates that are
organized similar to a calendar sheet. Dates and appointments can be
entered into the calendar via an input form.You can enter a forewarn time,
so as long as "U [...]
* Vega Strike
Vega Strike is a Windows and Linux action space simulator designed to bring
3d space combat to a whole new level of graphics, gameplay, and
Note: Very large download (170 MB).
Screenshot (JF)
* VersaTimer
VersaTimer offers a wide range of options for setting up timers, with a
unique rule system. It also shares some features with the highly
successful Speaking Clock range of software, most notably the ability to
announce the time left using sampled speech of high quality.
VersaTimer is the ideal g [...]
* ViewMinder
Digital photos are easy to take but hard to keep track of.
ViewMinder is the answer. No more mystery scenes.
Complete image management
ViewMinder's image editor lets you trim and rotate each image, adjust
contrast and improve colour balance.
Then its unique data editor builds a descript [...]
* wakka Darwin
Windows 95/98/NT
For all our friends in Kansas and the 44% of the American public that
believe our planet is only 4,000 years old, we've made a special edition
of our famous wakka game. Spank old Charles Darwin and his monkey, too!
More fun than a barrel of evolutionists. No batteries required. 100 [...]
* wakkawakka!
Windows 95/98/NT
Smack those pesky varmints down but be quick - because they are. Not
nearly as easy as it looks. Uses mouse or 10-key pad. Educational? You
Requires Colors > 256 & Sound card w/MIDI enabled (LT)
* WAP Prototype Maker
WAP Prototype Maker is a tool to quickly generate a set of WML pages.
Through WAP Prototype Maker's user interface you may very easy and quickly
create a complete hierarchy of pages containing texts, images and links.
The purpose of this program is to be able to quickly create and be able to
tes [...]
* Waste Reduction Model (WARM)
EPA created the WAste Reduction Mode (WARM) to help solid waste planners
and organizations track and voluntarily report greenhouse gas emissions
reductions from several different waste management practices.
WARM calculates and totals GHG emissions of baseline and alternative waste
management practi [...]
* wDIR
This is a very handy utility. The name stands for "Window DIRectory". It is
a utility to show the directory in a pop-up window at the DOS- prompt.
You'll never have to type "DIR /P" again.ScreenShot (LT)
* Web-Based PHRASER
Natural Language Phrase Parser for English
This is an interactive test of the PHRASER program. PHRASER identifies
indexable words and phrases based on the input options. The output can be
returned in XML format. Enter some English text in the input area and
click the "OK" button. Use the "Back" bu [...]
* Web-Based TAGGER
This is an interactive test of the TAGGER program. Enter some English text
in the input area and click the "OK" button. Parsed text is returned
either in XML format or in an easy-to-read marked form. The tagging
conventions are given below. (LT)
* WebFlash
WebFlash is a web screen saver which displays a "slideshow" of web pages
which you select. The screensaver makes it very easy to keep up-to-date
with all your favourite websites - weather, stock prices, sports results,
fan clubs, travel sites, blogs, bargain shopping, movie schedules,
horoscopes, co [...]
* Word Processing
for Win 95/98/ME Win NT/2K/XP
Word Processing enables you to have your own multimedia vocabulary. The
dictionaries are monolingual.
Structure of word is very close to the structure of an word entry in an
explanatory dictionary.
It is advisable (but not obligatory) to describe the word with the h [...]
* Xizzo
Resides in the System Tray (one-click access)
Groups URLs into relevant categories
Xizzo can launch automatically on system startup
Xizzo is Portable! Drag your .xiz data file, and the Xizzo.exe file to a
floppy and take it with you
Offers one-click data entry for most web pages
Password-p [...]
* XWord2
This program is designed to help users find those missing words in your
crossword puzzle solution. Instead of spending hours with a dictionary
simply type in the letters you have and the program will return a list of
possible matches. The dictionary contains over 200000 entries and includes
phrases [...]
* Yada
YADA is a very fast download manager. It will accelerate your downloads
from the Internet and resume broken connections. YADA includes an
easy-to-use interface and its installation does not interfere with the
normal behavior of your browser. Features of YADA
- Accelerate downloads for different typ [...]
* Yatzy 2004
Yatzee is a clasic dice game, in which your goal is to score as many points
as possible, by "building" sets of specific dice compinations. Yatzy2004
includes both single and two player modes, in addition to a global scoring
system. Special features: All Yatzy clients connect to a central server
(TCP [...]
* Zamora Personality Test
This personality test uses ten categories of individual and ten categories
of social personality attributes to help you look inside yourself, find
out how others see you, and get insights about other persons. Unlike
personality tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which look
at four asp [...]
* Zamora Personality Test Online
The Zamora Personality Test provides a systematic way of evaluating ten
Individual Attributes and ten Social Attributes. Please read the Question
and Answer section below before starting the test.
This web-based version does not require downloading any software. Click on
the following buttons to s [...]
* Zeal ProgressBar ActiveX/.NET Control
Zeal ProgressBar ActiveX/.NET Control displays a Setup-like progress bar.
The percent completed is printed in the middle of the bar and it changes
color as the status bar passes over it. Visual Basic and Visual Basic.NET
source code are included. If you like it, please send me a postcard and
tell me [...]
* zeta producer Freeware
zeta producer is a website content management system based upon Microsoft
Windows. With zeta producer users can easily manage their website with
nothing more but basic windows-knowledge.
The freeware version is based on version 4 of zeta producer. Compared with
the full version of zeta producer, t [...]
* ZIP Indexator
the program is intended to aid in indexing zip archives by seaching file
descriptions and creating a consolidated table of contents. If you have
many archives and are sometimes at a loss to understand the abbbreviated
names - Zip Indexator is exactly what you need!
- pre- and user-defin [...]
* Zip2ISO
This tool can convert a ZIP files into a ISO image file. (LT)
* ZipFree 2000!
ZipFree 2000! is simple but powerful program with an easy to use Windows
Explorer interface that allows you to create or send a ZIP file or Self -
Extracting ZIP without having to use any other compression or e-mail
- ZIP Auto-Extractible (no need for the recipient to have a ZI [...]