"FWT Newsletter - Weekly" - August 16, 2004
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* 101 Clips
The free multi-clipboard and screen capture program.
101 is the simplest of all multi-clipboard programs. Just have it running
minimized and it captures everything you cut or copy from other programs.
It keeps the last 30 clips. When you want to paste one back, all you have
to do is restore it and [...]
* 2004 Middle-earth Calendar
I wanted to create an elvish calendar, but I wanted it to be one I can
actually use. Compromises were therefore needed, and what I present here
is a Middle-earth style calendar that is fully functional.
I used the King's Reckoning of Gondor for the days of the week, as the six
days the Elves reckon [...]
* 3D Shooter
Test your sharpshooter skills and feel the hazard of the real hunt in the
open! Shoot targets moving across the landscape during one minute. Take a
rifle and visit our virtual shooting-range. This free shooter game will
take you away from the daily routine.
If you are a fan of shooter and arcade g [...]
* 7art Animals ScreenSaver
Graceful horses, clumsy bears, stripy zebras, angry wolves, stunning
tigers, monkeys, leos, elephants and other animals are waiting to enchant
you in this stunning MaxySoft's slideshow with amazing transition effects
between colourful images.
Let's enjoy them and get into their natural envir [...]
* 7art The Flight of the NAVIGATOR ScreenSaver
Colourful space plasma spinning around to bring you into the sweet dreams
of the childhood where you can travel at the speed of light and feel the
freedom and happiness and afterwards to recall it in the real everyday
world and become happier and to share it with other people.
The Flight of the N [...]
* Access Lending Library
Free Tutorial Material: A partly implemented Microsoft Access database
illustrating a few useful techniques. (LT)
* Across Lite
Across Lite is an excellent program for crossword buffs. It allows you to
solve virtually thousands of puzzles in one of two ways. First, you can
play the puzzles that are included in this download. Many more of these
special files are available for download at the author's Web site. Second,
you can [...]
* Adavanced Anti KeyLogger Lite
Advanced Anti Keylogger is a powerful, easy to use anti-spy program that
prohibits operation of any keylogger, either currently in use or in
development. Once installed, our anti-spy software will protect your
privacy immediately and constantly.
The most scary and dangerous feature of all spy soft [...]
* ADC Sound Recorder
We have prepared a special gift for all visitors of this page. ADC Sound
Recorder is freeware that you can use to record from all input lines
available with your sound card.
Recordings are automatically saved to a local hard drive and you can also
export them easily to standard WAV sound file forma [...]
* Addrsbk
Is a simple but effective and easy to use address book with superb search
facilities. Two separate sets of data, for example: Home and Business can
be created. (LT)
* American Indian Screen Saver
OS: Win 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
American Indian screen saver - early-1900 era photos of excellent
quality.ScreenShot (LT)
* AQWorldMax
Operating System: Windows 95,98,ME,NT3,NT4,2k,XP
Audio/Video Player,Toolbar Wallpaper,Drag & Drop Playlist,Open 33 File
Formats, Internet Browser( Open 21 File Formats ), skins, Different Sound
levels, Desktop Utilities, File Formats ( mp3, mp2; mpeg; mpg; wav; au;
aif; cda; mdi; rmi; midi; avi; w [...]
* Aranea Spywizard
Aranea Spywizard is a handy freeware tool that will instantly clean your
system if your OS (Operating System) is infected with Spyware, Adware or
Backdoor Trojans.
The tool is developed to help you get rid of annoying Dialers, Popups,
Toolbars, Window Hooks, Internet Worms and Hacker Tools that may [...]
* Arkanizer (lite)
Keen on Arcade Style games? That's quite for you. A new variation of
classic Arcanoid game for Windows PC with more interesting features and
changes (the old blocks have been changed into spheres) will bring you
hours of joy.
Keen on Shooters and Arcade Style games? You found it!! Arkanizer (lite)
* Arkanoid
Hours of real pleasure with a cool free arcade game. Hit the
rainbow-colored bricks with a ball until they all are gone. Develop your
tactics and spend your time using your logic. Bright colors, various
speeds make arkanoid game more ddictive.
New release of free classic arcade game Arkanoid. The [...]
* Asplets CMS
Asplets CMS is a very simple web site content management system. It is
programmed in ASP and uses MS Access as Database. The idea behind this
system is to leave the backend job to MS Access, since MS Access already
has a user friendly interface for maintaining database tables/records.
This system is [...]
* Baby Boh!
Chaos in Baby-Dreamland!
In this game you're a mean devil and it's your job to scare cute babys by
turning their dreamland into a nightmare.
Tell'em "Boh!", throw your magic ball at'em, or call a Jack-in-the-Box to
assist you.
Babys disappear when hit and re-enter the real world where their paren [...]
* Baby Boh!ing
This bowling game is a little...strange!
You are a cute devil and really like doing bad things.
So scare the babys with your evil bowling-pumpkins. You can aim straight
at the little dudes or, if you are an expert player, try to hit some bonus
items, too.
You have to clear each level with 3 pumpk [...]
* Basic Facts Bingo
Make learning and reviewing the basic arithmetic facts and operations an
enjoyable task and an effective learning experience with Basic Facts
Bingo. Easily generate random bingo cards with basic addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division questions.
The built-in random generator ensures th [...]
* BCPIndex
This beta application contains the complete 1662 version of The Book of
Common Prayer (BCP) together with facilities to search the book. This is a
32-bit application suitable for Windows-95/98/NT but not for Windows-3.x.
* Biblos
This little program is for keeping track of you books round the house. Do
you know which shelf the book you want is on? And do you know who you lent
it too if it isn't there? (LT)
* Black Citadel 3D
In the distant past, Dark Lord built his black citadel at the throat of
a great volcano. His countless armies tried many times to drown the
world in chaos. Yet the allied forces of human and other races defeated
Dark Lord and ruined his citadel.
But even today the surviving dark adepts are plo [...]
* Blaster (lite)
Cool must have game for those who like Star Wars craft. You've got a good
chance to fight for your little universe. All you need is sharp eye and
some patience. Point the mouse at the alien asteroids that move around
your planet, and shoot.
Blaster (lite) is a free computer game - one from the Pla [...]
* BSch and LCo
Schematic editor and Library editor
Work on Windows95/98/NT 4.0/2000
BSch is a schematic editor. To make operation easy, it has only basic
functions. But they are enough to draw general schematics. I recommend
BSch especially for those who are now drawing by hand or drawing their
schematics with [...]
* Butterfly screensaver
This Screensaver show the fly of Butterfly.
This Screensaver show the acrobatic flight of butterfly. It shows virtual
living butterflies in this screensaver.
Do you like see butterflies? Enjoy this beautiful 3D butterflies flying
around and swarm.
Butterflyes are obviously the most beautiful in [...]
* C++ Builder
Free Tutorial Material: A smaller collection of C++ Builder example
projects for complete beginners. (LT)
* Can't Hide
Can't Hide - find out what's running in the background of your system as
well as what is programmed to activate at boot (LT)
* Caracolix Lights Out
Lights Out let you turn your computer's monitor off directly from the
screen by pressing a button.
This - some times - is more convenient than using the monitor's switch and
much better than any screen saver because when the screen is off it can't
burn itself nor waste energy. This program is free [...]
* CashBook
This is just a simple cash-book. You can have several different accounts to
which you just credit or debit items and CashBook keeps a running total
for you. Just right for the kids' pocket money! (LT)
* CatsKeep
Is a program to assist in the magagement of a Boarding Cattery or, perhaps,
a Boarding Kennel. It keeps full records of all the Pets and their owners
and Prints Arrival and Departure sheets as well as Invoices and Pen-Labels
etc. PLEASE NOTE Version 7 is incompatible with earlier versions'
databases [...]
* CBN Selector
Use CBN Selector's "color grabber" to select color in any digital photo,
and have that color reproduced in the material of your choice. Creating
your custom colors that hold meaning for you has never been easier. CBN's
unique CBN Code ensures you get your color from the CBN affiliate in your
region. [...]
* CD Rippster
CD Rippster.exe - a CD ripper (LT)
Free of charge Information Storage and Retrieval Tool
CDS/ISIS is an advanced non-numerical information storage and retrieval
software developed by UNESCO since 1985 to satisfy the need expressed by
many institutions, especially in developing countries, to be able to
streamline their information pr [...]
* Click-4-Talk
The "Click-4-Talk" is a "do it your self web communication program" that
allows people to contact you from your web site. The user just clicks on
the "Click-4-Talk" button and the communication program starts up and they
just needs to press the "CALL" button to initiate a call you. You set up
your o [...]
* Color Tags
A free multilevel game for fans of tag-games! The rules are rather simple,
but to be a winner in the tags' racing you need both quick wits and fast
clicks. Clear the board moving colorful tags and adjusting them by color.
Good luck!
Color Tags is an original puzzle game with perfect graphics. In t [...]
* Crocodile Clips Elementary
for Windows 3.1, 95, 98 , NT or later.
To help with teaching the first principles of electricity, we've made
Crocodile Clips Elementary, for Windows and Macintosh. It's based on the
mathematically accurate simulation engine from Crocodile Physics and
Crocodile Technology, which are worldwide in mid [...]
* Crossword Cracker Lite
Ever ripped hair out when trying to figure out that last word in a
crossword puzzle?? Then give this neat little program a go!!
It is very simple to use, and gives a list of possible results very
quickly. This lite version features a wordlist of 48,000 words from the
English dictionary, which it q [...]
* Crossword Helper
Need help making or solving crossword puzzles? Need to find a six letter
word that is "S", something, something, "U", "R", something? Well that's
what this program will do. Tell it how many letters are in the word, fill
in the letters you have, and this program will show you the possible words
that [...]
* Crossword Utility
Henry Casson's Crossword Utility allows you to compose crossword grids with
blocks or bars. These can be printed directly or be copied into a Word
page. Grid creation allows for 90 degree symmetry and automatic numbering.
Moreover, grids can be saved as text, pasted into an email and be opened
by a [...]
* CrosswordPlus
CrosswordPlus is a program to assist in the compiling and solving of
crossword puzzles.
Features include :
- Design grids from 3x3 to 50x50 using 2 way or 4 way symmetry
- Search for words and phrases from a comprehensive word list
- Save grid, clues and settings in a .cwd file
- Save grid [...]
* Datascape
Freeware for Windows98/me/2000/xp
Graphic presentation of scientific data
Datascape is a 2D linear and logrithm data plot and browse tool for Win32.
It offers many powerful features for graph presentation of scientific data
by infinite zooming and various plot styles. It can also plot a
mathemat [...]
* Debbie's Recipe Organizer
Recipes.exe - a recipe organizer thingy (LT)
* Delphi 6
Free Tutorial Material: Complete Delphi program examples for complete
beginners. (LT)
* Detect Key Logger
Detect Key Logger.exe - software that detects key-loggers (LT)
* diskMETA-Lite
diskMETA-Lite is a free version of diskMETA hard disk search engine. This
version has all features of the commercial versions but some of them are
- unlimited number of indexes can be created
- supports only the three document formats .txt., .doc., .html
- option to add a custom filen [...]
* Dot Com
Dot Com is a fast Paced action game, in which you must think fast and move
fast. In each level of the game, you must find the fastest path to collect
all the glod bars. .com must collect them before the timer reaches zero.
Runs on Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP ScreenShot (LT)
* EasyWinIco
This template allows to associate an animated icon with the window (which
located in the left top corner of a window). No more !
This package includes Template, demo app and documentation.
For use EasyWinIco following is needed:
- Clarion 4, 5.0b or Clarion 5.5
- ABC or Legacy Template Chains
- [...]
* eePoker
Free Video Poker Game
Operating System: Windows 95,98,ME,2k,XP
A totally free five card draw poker game of Jacks or Better very similar
to playing an actual video poker machine. This game is simple, but
addicting. ScreenShot (LT)
* eePyramid
A Free Solitaire game.
The games are free.ScreenShot (LT)
* Encodester
Encodester.exe - encode wav to mp3 / mp3 to wav (LT)
* Everlong Battleships
for Windows 95/98
Most people should be familiar with this game, the board game is quite
common. If you're not, you basically have two 10x10 grids in which ships
are positioned. You place your own ships in one, and use the other to try
and locate your opponent's ships. The winner is the first one t [...]
* FCmon
How much time do you waste playing 'FreeCell' ? Too much I expect! This
little program will monitor your performance and suggest remedial fines if
your score falls below 60% wins! This version works on WINDOWS 3.x and
NT-4 but not on Windows-95/98. Users of Windows-95/98/200 should download
the (ide [...]
* Fifi Chat Server
Build your own web based chat room on your computer. Works without web
server even win98! One clicking quick start! No Java + no ActiveX = high
performance + best compatibility! Support emotions, actions, filters,
emoticons even sound and video! Build your full customized chat room only
need to know [...]
* File Shredder
File_Shredder.exe - ask Ollie North - he would advise you to securely shred
those sensitive files (LT)
* FileAnt
FileAnt is a Windows File Manager (like explorer) on tabs (like
UltraEdit-32), it is also a cool Ftp Client (like leechftp) and has nice
features such as folder pie charts, and a viewer for commonly used file
formats. It loads quickly from the tray and uses very little memory to
achieve what it does [...]
* FlatBoy
FlatBoy is a classic style platform game that reminds the old pc platform
games but looks new. the hero, FlatBoy must collect all the Red Balls. Be
aware from the Robot Monsters, the evil pumpkins and the Spiders. Do not
step on the fire Use the Arrow Keys to move, jump and climb Use the CTRL
Key to [...]
* Flight Chase
Want to boast of your adroitness and speed? Try to survive under the
cross-fire in this free strategy game. You operate a plane that is
constantly attacked. Escape enemies, get bonuses and lucky flight to you!
Flight Chase is a thrilling arcade game. Take part in a mortal race. Guide
your vehicle [...]
* Frank Zapper
You want a challenge? Assist Frank Zapper in this Deathmatch Contest!
A computer generates various deathmatch scenarios in the training center.
You have to defeat masses of bots. There's no place to hide, only a few
barrels provide some cover. You can also blow them up with your laser
Mayb [...]
* Free Software Catalogue
BSTC presents the Free Software Catalogue created under the project with
UNESCO. The main goal of this project is promotion of the use and
distribution of free software, particularly open source software. It is
based on CDS/ISIS database created by efforts of UNESCO and specialized in
development of [...]
* Free Software Catalogue Online
BSTC presents the Free Software Catalogue created under the project with
UNESCO. The main goal of this project is promotion of the use and
distribution of free software, particularly open source software. It is
based on CDS/ISIS database created by efforts of UNESCO and specialized in
development of [...]
* Friendster Picture Taker
Operating System: Windows 95,98,ME,2k,XP
This Software alow you to capture picture into JPEG format quick and easy.
Then upload your picture to the popular Friendster.com without having any
incompatible problem. - Or, you can just save it to your hard disk for
later view. ScreenShot (LT)
* GenBak
This is a simple program which will copy individual files, or whole
directories (with or without contained sub-directories) to a destination
address. Ideal for backing-up to CD-ROM or to a hard-drive partition. Much
easier than using WindowsExplorer! (LT)
GENISIS is an authoring software (for Win32) for visually producing web
forms to query CDS/ISIS databases. There are two versions of the tool:
GenisisWeb, for web publishing and GenisisCD for developing CDRom
interfaces for CDS/ISIS databases.
Genisis was originally developed by the former IBISCUS [...]
* GeoClock
Gives a pretty window with up to 16 clocks showing the time of day in
different cities of the world. Cities can be selected and new ones added
easily and the wallpaper changed. (LT)
* Got Memory?
OS: Win 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
I needed a little software application that showed detailed system memory
status as well as other stats to do some debugging on some software I was
Ended up developing my own - it's here to share with you.
Discliamer: this software may crash if you [...]
GPU is a Gnutella client that allows users to share files and
CPU-resources. Our objective is to develop a robust framework for
distributed computing based on the peer-to-peer network Gnutella. Through
GPU, we hope to support peaceful, open and free research through
supercomputing. The CPU-time shar [...]
* Grafmkr
This little program draws simple graphs which can be saved or printed. This
is an early version with few frills. More complex versions may appear!
* Guard Bar
The Guard Bar is an Internet Explorer Toolbar that is absolutely Free with
no software or adware bundled in. GuardBar will Block incoming Spyware and
Adware from infecting your computer.
-Block & Remove Spyware & Adware from infecting your PC.
-Eliminate pop-up ads.
-Clean Cookies, Temporary Int [...]
* Incoming (lite)
New features of the old Arcade will provide you with several hours of
absolute pleasure and fun! This flash game resembles the famous
"paratroopers" game. Download this free game and defend your planet from
the invaders. You'll find here bright colors and real drive. Shoot all the
Incoming [...]
* InfoLink Link Checker
InfoLink Link Checker is an easy-to-use 32-bit program that helps you
verify your links. For those of you who manage many Web sites, InfoLink
allows you to create a site list of all the sites you need to verify,
thereby eliminating the need to enter information each time verification
is performed. Y [...]
* Invasion (lite)
The invasion theme is still in fashion! Save your planet in this classic
arcade game. Attack is the best way of defence. Shoot at the invaders
moving at the top of the board and you will win! Free to play and
Invasion (lite) is a free game for downloading. It is a part of Planetoid
Pack - [...]
* JakeFormula
Top-down Formula One racing. The AI is driving pretty well IMHO. There is
an integrated track editor but in the complete absense of any instructions
I'd imagine it's very difficult to use.
This project is unfinished and not being developed any more.ScreenShot
* JumpStart
Do you get tired of reconfiguring shortcuts after every Windows
re-installation and using that Windows Explorer so much. JumpStart is a
little freeware program in the system tray which builds a menu from system
items and shortcuts in folders (and subfolders). Save the shortcuts to
your documents or [...]
* Kartano
Kartano (Mansion) is a simple board game. The objective is to claim as many
blocks of the board as possible. A block is claimed when it's completely
surrounded by the lines drawn by the players. Play the game. You'll get
the idea. The computer opponent plays like a complete idiot, though. (LT)
* kban
kban is a free PCB CAD program. Beginning to be developed under DOS in the
end of 1994, currently a beta version of kban for Windows is available.
My goal on the development of kban is to make it capable enough to handle
double-sided PCBs. By improving editing functions, I'm trying to achieve
the g [...]
* Keyboard
A soft-keyboard on screen
Available only in source codeScreenShot (LT)
* KeyGuru
KeyGuru a keyboard logger for all versions of windows, this utility allows
silent logging of any key pressed on the board. It works on all win9x,
win2k and winnt platforms. KeyGuru comes with a key translator utility
* KeySim
Key Sim simulates keystrokes, when you press the go-Button. It is used to
automize programs which do not have command line options.
KeySim is free. Please distribute it. ScreenShot (LT)
* Kinar KeepSafe FreeMail
Ideal for an individual user, Kinar KeepSafe FreeMail can be used right
away without waiting for enterprise-wide deployment.
Unlike other content security products, you can start using Kinar
immediately after installing it.
A CPA, a tax preparer or a finance consultant; an attorney in a law firm
* KISS Wave Editor
KISS Wave Editor is a complete wave editor. KISS Wave Editor makes editing
WAV files as easy as editing text with its clear user interface and
powerful effects. Our wave form editing window allows you to find the part
you want to edit quickly.
Have fun playing with adding the many effects offered, [...]
* LabIML
Most instruments with an RS232 serial port can be incorporated into a
computerised measurement system with the free Windmill LabIML software.
LabIML is a universal driver for instruments that send or accept ASCII
messages over RS232. It automatically feeds data from the instruments to
Windows appl [...]
* Lakota Speakster
OS: Win 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
This application "speaks" the Lakota words and phrases by the use of
computerized .wav files. It includes translation of over 3300 words from
English to Lakota as well as Lakota to English. An option of having a
percentage of them "spoken" to you via the click of [...]
* Laser MineSweeper
The object of this freeware game is to set your native land free and to
take away all mines left by the enemies. It's no easy task, but you will
cope with it - the mines are hidden under some of the squares on the board
- test them and find the mines.
Famous logic game for Windows PC - a kind of m [...]
* LimSee2
LimSee2 is a SMIL 1.0 and 2.0 authoring application featuring a powerfull
graphical user interface, designed to ease the manipulation of time-based
scenarios in SMIL multimedia presentations and increase productivity.
LimSee2 is a free and open-source Java application, with installers
available fo [...]
* Lines
Lines is an amusing puzzle game. The rules are simple: move the color disks
and arrange them into continuous lines of four or more. This line will
disappear. Disks can be moved only in the clean space and can not jump
between separated clean regions. Each disappearing line of disks brings
you some p [...]
* LotNums
Pick your winning lottery numbers with a program with a difference. This
application will pick from 1 to 8 numbers from a total of from 24 to 50
numbers so can be used for many types of lottery. The recently reported
apparent effect of the phase of the moon on the distribution of winning
numbers in [...]
* MacIco
Supported OS: Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
MacIco is completely free to use, no registration involved, so you do not
have to worry about that.
MacIco is quite old so it can not convert new Mac icon formats and
currently we do not have plans to develop it further.
Yeah, yeah.we know, you have been disa [...]
* Maple
Working Time Logger
Maple is a simple tool that enables you to log your activity - time spent
in working on your projects.
Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed prior to running this
application.ScreenShot (LT)
* Mechanism
Mechanisms - Test Online (LT)
* MegaManie2
Be a hero... and defeat the aliens in this action game!
If you like classic arcade space shooters, this is a nice game for you.
Aliens attack in various formations. After a few attack waves, you have to
beat a dangerous alien boss.
Your spaceship has 2 weapons.
The laser cannon has a high fire r [...]
* Memo2050
This is a simple Diary for Windows which will automatically display the
events for your week ahead. Entries can be made for any date up to
31/12/2050. Memo2050 does many useful tricks and has the advantage
simplicity over many other available diaries. (LT)
* Microprocessor Simulator
A Microprocessor Simulator For Beginners
for Win32 - Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003
An x86 style microprocessor simulator for students of low level
programming. The simulator is based on the low eight bits of the 8086
chip. It can be single stepped or continuously run. The CPU registers, and
RAM cont [...]
* MiniPlayer
A mini media player using mci interface
Available only in source codeScreenShot (LT)
* Mobsoft Mp3toWav Easy Edition
Mobsoft Mp3toWav: Easy Edition is here!!! convert Mp3 files to wave files
and visa-versa in seconds!!. This version is designed for simplicity and
batch processing, simply drag and drop and click convert! (LT)
* Mobsoft Mp3towav Free Edition
Mobsoft Mp3toWav: Free Edition is here!!! convert Mp3 files to wave files
and visa-versa in seconds!!.
Plus! you can also change/make Artist and Track Information for your
converted file. (LT)
* Mobsoft WavtoMp3
Mobsoft WavtoMp3 is here!!! convert Wav files to Mp3 files in seconds!!.
This version is designed for simplicity and batch processing, simply drag
and drop and click convert! (LT)
* Mymusic
Is a simple Windows cataloguing program to help keep track of your various
tapes and discs. (LT)
* Native American Crossword Puzzles 1
Our Native American crossword puzzles will test your knowledge of Native
American people, places and history. (LT)
* Native American Crossword Puzzles 2
Our Native American crossword puzzles will test your knowledge of Native
American people, places and history. (LT)
* OneAcross Anagram Search
Want to know what words you can make out of some word or phrase? Try our
anagram search! (LT)
* OneAcross Crossword Clue Search
Having trouble getting the last word in that crossword puzzle? Having
trouble getting the first? See if our search engine can help! Unlike pure
pattern dictionary searches, we actually analyze the clue as well. (LT)
* OneAcross Cryptogram Search
Having trouble getting started on a cryptogram? See if our search engine
can help! (LT)
* OneAcross Dictionary Word Search
Have you got the answer, and you're still not sure what it means? See if
its in our dictionary! (LT)
* OneLook Dictionary Search
Enter a word to search for dictionary web sites that include that word.
* Othello Combat
Forget about everything you knew about computers before and win this fight
with your computer. This addictive free game will make your logics work in
a proper way and set your mind free from problems. Try to occupy as many
squares as possible.
Othello Combat is a new release of Reversy-like board [...]
* Outlook Mp3 Player
The Reminder of Microsoft Outlook can play only wav-file alarms. This
Outlook Add-In component allow to play as alarms any music and video files
( mp3, mpg, avi, etc. ), open any document ( doc, rtf, txt, etc. ) or run
any executable program (com, exe, bat, etc.). Choose any file of any type
using t [...]
* Pentix
Another variation of Tetris - more different figures, more fun. Your goal
in this thinking free game is to adjust the blocks so that they could form
the lines. It's a real test for your quick wits.
Did you play Tetris®? Is the classic variant too simple for you? Try
Pentix now. Rules are the same a [...]
* Periodic Table of the Elements
Periodic table of the elements contains the basic data about the elements
in five languages: English, German, Croatian, French and Italian. (LT)
* Picture Puzzle
Any java 1.1 compatible web browser.
The object of Picture Puzzle is to assemble the pieces of the picture into
the correct order. Simple eh? Pieces can only be moved into the blank
square. You do this by simply clicking on a square adjacent to the blank
square. (LT)
* Pikachu To The Rescue (OutDoor Version)
A Free Platform Game in wiche Pikachu have to rescue the pokemons
Runs on Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XPScreenShot (LT)
* Pioneer Report MDI
What is Pioneer? It is a family of web browsers that allow you to view
files and web pages whether they are CSV, character-delimited, or
GordonRhodes Markup Language (GRML). They all share a common user
interface, except each displays content differently.
For example, Pioneer Title displays conten [...]
* PocketSMIL
PocketSMIL 2.0 is a SMIL 2.0 Player for the Pocket PC. It has been
developed as part of a feasibility test lead by the INRIA. Indeed, the aim
of the project was to show that it was possible to have a fully functional
SMIL 2.0 Basic Profile Player running on a limited resource system such as
the Pock [...]
* Popup Assassin Free
Popup Assassin Free analize IE windows and kills popup ones. Program has
White List and Black list features that allows you to fine tune it. Popup
Assassin Free is developed in Microsoft VC++ it is very fast and very
small. Furthermore it requires much less system resources in compare with
other pop [...]
* Port Scanner
Port_scanner.exe - if you don't know what this is - you don't need it (LT)
* Printable periodic table
Periodic table of the elements is prepared for prints in PostScript (PS)
and Portable Document Format (PDF) in two version
- black white version for laser printers
- colour version for colour printersScreenShot (LT)
* Protowall
Protowall is a lightweight program that runs in the background, taking up
little CPU and memory, while blocking thousands of bad IP addresses. In
Protowall, all the work is done by the driver that filters each packet,
extracts the IP header and then compares the address with the ones in the
table, t [...]
* Quake II VXMOD
This weapon mod makes weapon more deadly. Enemies bodies are stronger.
Weapon changes:
- Blaster - flare speed increased
- Shotgun - shots 3-bullet burst, damage reduced, knockback increased
- Supershotgun - damage and knockback increased
- Machinegun & Chaingun - knockback increased
- Grenade [...]
* Quantitative Game Monitoring System
QGMS helps researchers to analyze PC game and improve game design.
It is able to record key strokes and mouse clicks to a game and illustrate
data in various analytic tools such as a true 3D chart and a statistic
line chart etc.ScreenShot (LT)
* QuidNunc
This is a simple Alarm Clock which will alert you to an appointmet at the
scheduled time. QuidNunc uses both sound and vision and overrides anything
else you may be doing at the time! . This version works on
Windows-95/98/XP or NT. (LT)
* RahmanImager
Platforms: win98/Me/NT/2k/XP
License: Freeware (Personal Use only)
RahmanImager is an advanced full featured digital Image processing and
Manipulation platform with support for layers, vast arrays of filters,
Special Effects, Artistic Colorizing, Tools, optimizers etc. It is one of
the best alte [...]
* Relatran
Educational software on Technology: Mechanisms
This software makes practice of problems on mechanisms easier. It has been
designed to be used by high school students. It includes, among others,
calculations of forces, mechanical advantages, wheel's diameters, number
of teeth, speed ratios, forward [...]
* Rock'N Code
"RockN Code v3.0" audio (MP3, WAV) player is for those of you that want a
cool free player that has NO known intrusive code within. If you're tired
of all the other free players that pitch products and add spyware to your
system then give RockN Code a try? No adware, spyware, nag screens, no
pop-up [...]
* Ruckus Buck's: Grave Marker
Play Ruckus Buck's: Grave Marker. Find all the Unmarked graves without
disturbing the dead!
This Grave Marker is a Halloween themed Minesweeper game with a full
tutorial on how to play.ScreenShot (LT)
* Santa's Stories
Santas Stories.exe - our popular Christmas program where Santa speaks some
stories to the kids (LT)
* Savungan
Savungan is a *free* open source stateful inspection firewall designed for
Microsoft Windows platforms!
Savungan takes the exact control over the UDP/TCP flow, blocks/allows IP
and MAC protocols easily. TCP flow enforcement feature ensures that
correct packet sequences are followed in both directio [...]
* Scientific calculator for chemists with notebook
Scientific calculator for chemists with notebook is a fully functioning
JavaScript calculator. This calculator can be used as common scientific
calculator (sin, cos, log, power, root, memory), but it also includes a
molecular weight calculator and the tables with various physical and
chemical consta [...]
* Serai Puzzle
The prince is bored, and so his faithful servant recounts a simple puzzle,
in which the object is to correctly align 15 counters around the perimeter
of a circle. A per-
plexing puzzle that will keep any player (including the prince) challenged
for many hours.
System Requirements: Windows 95/98/20 [...]
SFO is a little program that prints out bitmap files using your printer's
resolution. PaintBrush that came with Windows 3.1 had an option that
prints a bitmap file using the printer's resolution, but the function is
gone on Windows 95. That is, this program works as a supplement for Paint
on Windows [...]
* Shamrock's Gold
Play Shamrock's Gold! This leprechaun will give you his gold if you can
find it all, but only if you can find it all.
This game is a St.Patrick's day themed Minesweeper gameScreenShot (LT)
* Shoshone
A computer software program designed to teach simple Shoshone words. The
program starts with a main menu to select the word types to be learned.
After selecting the specific word group, the program goes into a separate
program. The English and Shoshone word pairs are randomly displayed on the
screen [...]
* Shoujo Attack!
Help guide the cute little shoujo (Japanese for girls) to safety using
various anime/J-game skills! Inspired by the Lemmings series from
Psygnosis, Shoujo Attack will challenge your mind while giving you a full
dose of cuteness. It's a fun Lemmings and anime/fan culture tribute and
It has 7 [...]
* Smiley Vault
A tad under 1,800 animated and still smiley gifs. Express your emotions in
emails, web pages, letters etc by adding a smiley. There are glad, sad and
mad ones - grumpy, jumpy and frumpy ones - happy, rappy and crappy ones -
there are even smilies driving cars, flying planes, with hats, talking,
cryi [...]
* Snob
Snob is a bit of fun to try and tell you a little about the English 'class'
system which is still very much alive. To see how you might fit in (LT)
* Spy-Ad Exterminator
Spy-Ad Exterminator looks through your computer's memory, hard drives, and
registry for spyware, adware, worms, hijacks, keyloggers, IE Toolbars,
BHOs, etc . Items found are possible to be deleted, ignored, or
- Fast scan engine
- Possibility to restore quarantined files
- Quarant [...]
* Sunrise
Plots a graph showing the variations in day length through the year,
Sunrise and Sunset times, Longest and Shortest days etc for any latitude
and longitude.. It includes facilities to save configurations for
different locations. (LT)
* SuperPac
SuperPac a pacman implementation with some nice extras
Runs on Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XPScreenShot (LT)
* Tales of Lemma 1
Tales of Lemma 1 is the first game in a series of visual ren'ai short
stories. The star is a cute young 19-year-old woman named Miko, with whom
the player gets lost in the wilderness. Being more of a practice game, ToL
1 is pretty short, but it should give you a nice smile and a chuckle or
two! =
* Tetris
Try this free arcade game. It's a super game for those looking for
something new in classics. This game has not only a new appearance but
also fresh teasers for your brain. Make your choice between different
skill levels and have great time!
Recognize it? YES!! It is the famous classic computer ga [...]
* Text Magician
Edit text files the easy way. Join or split files while adding, deleting or
replacing text, change to upper or lower case, capitalise all words or the
start of all lines, add text to the start or end of lines, remove leading
or trailing spaces, add or remove blank lines, remove text blocks,
alphabet [...]
* Textrev
This program reads a simple Text File and reverses the contents, either
line by line, or as a single block. The result can be saved in a file and
subsequently loaded into MS-WORD or sililar application. A TrueType font
RSTimesMirror is included to print reversed characters and produce a full
Mirror [...]
* The LiveJournal Backup Toolkit
- Export to Plain Text (the reason I created this really, so I can store
all reformatted backups in GMail
- Export to CSV (A wee little different from LJ's, as you'll see!)
- Export to Movable Type
- Instructions on how you can export to WordPress , pMachine and Drupal
- Ability t [...]
* the OS Race
OS: Win 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
Like to play Pac Man while we're suppose to be working hard cranking out
code or editing a data base? Here's a Pac Man type game that has a little
twist.. see if Linux (the Tux) can win the OS (operating system) race or
will Bill just keep racking up the $'s. Scre [...]
* The Tessellation Doodle Program
Here is a small program that is a lot of fun, and you might learn something
about the mathematics of tiling the plane, too. This screen shot shows you
the idea- when you drag the mouse while holding the left button down,
filled circles will be drawn simultaneously in three colors of your
choice. The [...]
* Timetill
Ever wondered how many more years, days or even minutes till you go on
holiday, retire or some such? Or, perhaps how long since your last cup of
coffee or payrise? Timetill will keep you informed automatically if you
put a copy in your Windows' Start-up group. (LT)
* TISFAT Editor
TISFAT is a new unique approach to stick figure animations. It is a
realtime editor for stick figure animations based on the theory of
tweening, thus saving the work of drawing every single frame of animation
like in ye-olde days with textbooks.
TISFAT works with keyframes, where you set different [...]
* TISFAT Player
The TISFAT player, in it's old incarnation, is a standalone program that
plays all TISFAT content on Windows machines.
The TISFAT editor can attach movies to the player so that all you give
your friends, enemies, is a single file that will play the movie as soon
as they execute it.ScreenShot (LT)
* Touch Wood
Supported OS: Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
It's woodware, luckware, funware and above all it's freeware.Touch Wood is
your virtual good luck companion. Whenever you feel the need to celebrate
good news or pray for some luck by knocking or touching wood, just click
on its icon in system tray and you will [...]
* Troopers (lite)
An excellent free arcade logic style game. The board is turned upside down
and you are not the enemy but the victim. There are big brown spheres
moving at the top and dropping smaller colorful balls at your spheres.
Destroy all the falling spheres by shooting at them from a sphere of
Troopers (lit [...]
* Virtual Local IP
VLIP is a win32 based software that is able to virtually change local IP
address for a specified program. This software is able to simulate a
public IP address to a workstation in a LAN. Your PC seems to directly
connect to Internet, without any limitation of LAN. VLIP automatically
gets IP address [...]
* Web Radio Recorder
Web Radio Recorder - the registered version that was selling for 19.95
until now (07.26.2004). We thought / think it is a wonderful idea but
didn't hardly sell any so the public spoke - it's now freeware.
Want an easy way to record those Internet talk shows, streaming music, old
time radio broadca [...]
* Web Speakster
OS: Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, 2000 or XP (will not operate on workstations
without full user authorization setup)
Release: Was shareware @ $34.95 - freeware as of 01.03.2004
"WebSpeakster v2.0" talking browser is a PC software application that was
developed to help blind and vision impaired pe [...]
* Web Talkster
OS: Win 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP (will not operate on Windows Workgroups)
Is our latest and greatest "talking web browser". An honest to goodness
solid web browser that features several options that are very unique. This
browser takes advantage of Microsoft Agent technology at it's finest.
This [...]
* WebCasson
WebCasson, an implementation of Henry Casson's CXML utility:
Henry Casson's Crossword Utility allows you to compose crossword grids
with blocks or bars. These can be printed directly or be copied into a
Word page. Grid creation allows for 90 degree symmetry and automatic
numbering. Moreover, grids [...]
* Whack a croc
Windows 95/98/ME with DirectX 5.0 or later.
100mhz processor or faster recommended.
If you've ever been into a seaside arcade you will probably have seen (and
played) one of those games where you use a rubber hammer to hit small
creatures popping out of holes. There are a few variations o [...]
* What Health BMI Calc
The 'What Health BMI Calc' is an easy to use body mass index calculator for
Windows. Body Mass Index can be used to determine if an person is
overweight. In keeping with the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.)
recommendations, only height and weight measurements are needed to
calculate BMI. Gender in [...]
* What is your I.Q.?
High or low, you can significantly improve your intelligence. By giving
your brain some real challenge, you allow unused neurons to become more
active. New neuron connections will be created, making your brain working
better and faster.
Brain-teasers, riddles, enigmas can be very fun. But, they can [...]
* WheelKeys
WheelKeys simulates keystrokes in specified programs, when you turn the
mouse wheel.
WheelKeys is free. Please distribute it. (LT)
* WindMill COMDebug
Windmill comDebug: serial communication software that lets you read data
from instruments connected to your PC's COM port.
Our new comDebug program lets you communicate with almost any RS232,
RS422, RS485 or Modbus serial device. What's more, it's free! Its
extensive trouble-shooting capabilities [...]
* WinSplit
for Windows XP | 2000 | NT | ME | 98 | 95
WinSplit is a program which can split large files into smaller parts, and
then using the parts build the original file back up. This might be useful
when transferring large files from one machine to another via floppy disks
or across unstable internet con [...]
* Winsplit
Will split any large file, (Max about 140 MB), into smaller sections
(Default 1.44 MB) to fit onto floppy discs etc. It also generates small
DOS batch (.BAT) programs to reassemble the segments and to cleanup. (LT)
* Winsplit
You have reached the home of Winsplit 1.0.8, the light weight file
splitting/joining application for Win9x/NT platforms
Winspli a file splitter with a very small footprint(44 Kilobytes), allows
you to split files in 3 different ways, and join them back, Also features
batch-file generation and CRC c [...]
* WinSplit 95
WinSplit 95 is a file splitting tool excellently integrated into the
Windows 95 environment. Using WinSplit 95, you are able to split large
files in smaller parts, so you can handle them with floppy disks. This
action is reversible of course. This tools is absolutely easy to use, just
drag and drop [...]
* Word Search
A word search puzzle is a grid of letters that have words hidden in it with
the words also printed below the grid. This program makes printed word
search puzzles from word lists that you type in. The program can store
thousands of your word lists in disk files so that they can be reused to
make futu [...]
* WorteX's IconCollection
These site is not supported now. All icons you can download here.
Don't forget to check it with antivirus software. (LT)
* WorteX's Webtool
This program is intended for optimization of your HTML code. Program
deletes white space characters, left unchanged strings, preformatted text
and tags [textarea] and [style]. WebTool's unique feature is that it can
optimize embed Java scripts. As result of optimization file size could be
reduced an [...]
* XML Viewer
MindFusion's XML Viewer is a freeware program - a present to all our
friends and partners. It is used to examine the contents of an XML file in
an easy-to-use environment. In addition you can make modification to the
XML as follows:
- Insert new items
- Delete existing items
- Add properties t [...]
* XStandard Lite
XStandard is the most advanced, standards-based XHTML WYSIWYG editor
available. Use XStandard in Windows or browser-based content management
systems that support ActiveX. XStandard manages rich, multilingual content
and generates clean, accessible XHTML Strict or 1.1, without running code
clean-up r [...]
In this e-mail we provide you with the lastest freeware added to
Freeware World Team - http://www.all4you.dk/FreewareWorld/ - in the
last 7 days. Enjoy all of the gratis programs!
* 101 Clips
The free multi-clipboard and screen capture program.
101 is the simplest of all multi-clipboard programs. Just have it running
minimized and it captures everything you cut or copy from other programs.
It keeps the last 30 clips. When you want to paste one back, all you have
to do is restore it and [...]
* 2004 Middle-earth Calendar
I wanted to create an elvish calendar, but I wanted it to be one I can
actually use. Compromises were therefore needed, and what I present here
is a Middle-earth style calendar that is fully functional.
I used the King's Reckoning of Gondor for the days of the week, as the six
days the Elves reckon [...]
* 3D Shooter
Test your sharpshooter skills and feel the hazard of the real hunt in the
open! Shoot targets moving across the landscape during one minute. Take a
rifle and visit our virtual shooting-range. This free shooter game will
take you away from the daily routine.
If you are a fan of shooter and arcade g [...]
* 7art Animals ScreenSaver
Graceful horses, clumsy bears, stripy zebras, angry wolves, stunning
tigers, monkeys, leos, elephants and other animals are waiting to enchant
you in this stunning MaxySoft's slideshow with amazing transition effects
between colourful images.
Let's enjoy them and get into their natural envir [...]
* 7art The Flight of the NAVIGATOR ScreenSaver
Colourful space plasma spinning around to bring you into the sweet dreams
of the childhood where you can travel at the speed of light and feel the
freedom and happiness and afterwards to recall it in the real everyday
world and become happier and to share it with other people.
The Flight of the N [...]
* Access Lending Library
Free Tutorial Material: A partly implemented Microsoft Access database
illustrating a few useful techniques. (LT)
* Across Lite
Across Lite is an excellent program for crossword buffs. It allows you to
solve virtually thousands of puzzles in one of two ways. First, you can
play the puzzles that are included in this download. Many more of these
special files are available for download at the author's Web site. Second,
you can [...]
* Adavanced Anti KeyLogger Lite
Advanced Anti Keylogger is a powerful, easy to use anti-spy program that
prohibits operation of any keylogger, either currently in use or in
development. Once installed, our anti-spy software will protect your
privacy immediately and constantly.
The most scary and dangerous feature of all spy soft [...]
* ADC Sound Recorder
We have prepared a special gift for all visitors of this page. ADC Sound
Recorder is freeware that you can use to record from all input lines
available with your sound card.
Recordings are automatically saved to a local hard drive and you can also
export them easily to standard WAV sound file forma [...]
* Addrsbk
Is a simple but effective and easy to use address book with superb search
facilities. Two separate sets of data, for example: Home and Business can
be created. (LT)
* American Indian Screen Saver
OS: Win 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
American Indian screen saver - early-1900 era photos of excellent
quality.ScreenShot (LT)
* AQWorldMax
Operating System: Windows 95,98,ME,NT3,NT4,2k,XP
Audio/Video Player,Toolbar Wallpaper,Drag & Drop Playlist,Open 33 File
Formats, Internet Browser( Open 21 File Formats ), skins, Different Sound
levels, Desktop Utilities, File Formats ( mp3, mp2; mpeg; mpg; wav; au;
aif; cda; mdi; rmi; midi; avi; w [...]
* Aranea Spywizard
Aranea Spywizard is a handy freeware tool that will instantly clean your
system if your OS (Operating System) is infected with Spyware, Adware or
Backdoor Trojans.
The tool is developed to help you get rid of annoying Dialers, Popups,
Toolbars, Window Hooks, Internet Worms and Hacker Tools that may [...]
* Arkanizer (lite)
Keen on Arcade Style games? That's quite for you. A new variation of
classic Arcanoid game for Windows PC with more interesting features and
changes (the old blocks have been changed into spheres) will bring you
hours of joy.
Keen on Shooters and Arcade Style games? You found it!! Arkanizer (lite)
* Arkanoid
Hours of real pleasure with a cool free arcade game. Hit the
rainbow-colored bricks with a ball until they all are gone. Develop your
tactics and spend your time using your logic. Bright colors, various
speeds make arkanoid game more ddictive.
New release of free classic arcade game Arkanoid. The [...]
* Asplets CMS
Asplets CMS is a very simple web site content management system. It is
programmed in ASP and uses MS Access as Database. The idea behind this
system is to leave the backend job to MS Access, since MS Access already
has a user friendly interface for maintaining database tables/records.
This system is [...]
* Baby Boh!
Chaos in Baby-Dreamland!
In this game you're a mean devil and it's your job to scare cute babys by
turning their dreamland into a nightmare.
Tell'em "Boh!", throw your magic ball at'em, or call a Jack-in-the-Box to
assist you.
Babys disappear when hit and re-enter the real world where their paren [...]
* Baby Boh!ing
This bowling game is a little...strange!
You are a cute devil and really like doing bad things.
So scare the babys with your evil bowling-pumpkins. You can aim straight
at the little dudes or, if you are an expert player, try to hit some bonus
items, too.
You have to clear each level with 3 pumpk [...]
* Basic Facts Bingo
Make learning and reviewing the basic arithmetic facts and operations an
enjoyable task and an effective learning experience with Basic Facts
Bingo. Easily generate random bingo cards with basic addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division questions.
The built-in random generator ensures th [...]
* BCPIndex
This beta application contains the complete 1662 version of The Book of
Common Prayer (BCP) together with facilities to search the book. This is a
32-bit application suitable for Windows-95/98/NT but not for Windows-3.x.
* Biblos
This little program is for keeping track of you books round the house. Do
you know which shelf the book you want is on? And do you know who you lent
it too if it isn't there? (LT)
* Black Citadel 3D
In the distant past, Dark Lord built his black citadel at the throat of
a great volcano. His countless armies tried many times to drown the
world in chaos. Yet the allied forces of human and other races defeated
Dark Lord and ruined his citadel.
But even today the surviving dark adepts are plo [...]
* Blaster (lite)
Cool must have game for those who like Star Wars craft. You've got a good
chance to fight for your little universe. All you need is sharp eye and
some patience. Point the mouse at the alien asteroids that move around
your planet, and shoot.
Blaster (lite) is a free computer game - one from the Pla [...]
* BSch and LCo
Schematic editor and Library editor
Work on Windows95/98/NT 4.0/2000
BSch is a schematic editor. To make operation easy, it has only basic
functions. But they are enough to draw general schematics. I recommend
BSch especially for those who are now drawing by hand or drawing their
schematics with [...]
* Butterfly screensaver
This Screensaver show the fly of Butterfly.
This Screensaver show the acrobatic flight of butterfly. It shows virtual
living butterflies in this screensaver.
Do you like see butterflies? Enjoy this beautiful 3D butterflies flying
around and swarm.
Butterflyes are obviously the most beautiful in [...]
* C++ Builder
Free Tutorial Material: A smaller collection of C++ Builder example
projects for complete beginners. (LT)
* Can't Hide
Can't Hide - find out what's running in the background of your system as
well as what is programmed to activate at boot (LT)
* Caracolix Lights Out
Lights Out let you turn your computer's monitor off directly from the
screen by pressing a button.
This - some times - is more convenient than using the monitor's switch and
much better than any screen saver because when the screen is off it can't
burn itself nor waste energy. This program is free [...]
* CashBook
This is just a simple cash-book. You can have several different accounts to
which you just credit or debit items and CashBook keeps a running total
for you. Just right for the kids' pocket money! (LT)
* CatsKeep
Is a program to assist in the magagement of a Boarding Cattery or, perhaps,
a Boarding Kennel. It keeps full records of all the Pets and their owners
and Prints Arrival and Departure sheets as well as Invoices and Pen-Labels
etc. PLEASE NOTE Version 7 is incompatible with earlier versions'
databases [...]
* CBN Selector
Use CBN Selector's "color grabber" to select color in any digital photo,
and have that color reproduced in the material of your choice. Creating
your custom colors that hold meaning for you has never been easier. CBN's
unique CBN Code ensures you get your color from the CBN affiliate in your
region. [...]
* CD Rippster
CD Rippster.exe - a CD ripper (LT)
Free of charge Information Storage and Retrieval Tool
CDS/ISIS is an advanced non-numerical information storage and retrieval
software developed by UNESCO since 1985 to satisfy the need expressed by
many institutions, especially in developing countries, to be able to
streamline their information pr [...]
* Click-4-Talk
The "Click-4-Talk" is a "do it your self web communication program" that
allows people to contact you from your web site. The user just clicks on
the "Click-4-Talk" button and the communication program starts up and they
just needs to press the "CALL" button to initiate a call you. You set up
your o [...]
* Color Tags
A free multilevel game for fans of tag-games! The rules are rather simple,
but to be a winner in the tags' racing you need both quick wits and fast
clicks. Clear the board moving colorful tags and adjusting them by color.
Good luck!
Color Tags is an original puzzle game with perfect graphics. In t [...]
* Crocodile Clips Elementary
for Windows 3.1, 95, 98 , NT or later.
To help with teaching the first principles of electricity, we've made
Crocodile Clips Elementary, for Windows and Macintosh. It's based on the
mathematically accurate simulation engine from Crocodile Physics and
Crocodile Technology, which are worldwide in mid [...]
* Crossword Cracker Lite
Ever ripped hair out when trying to figure out that last word in a
crossword puzzle?? Then give this neat little program a go!!
It is very simple to use, and gives a list of possible results very
quickly. This lite version features a wordlist of 48,000 words from the
English dictionary, which it q [...]
* Crossword Helper
Need help making or solving crossword puzzles? Need to find a six letter
word that is "S", something, something, "U", "R", something? Well that's
what this program will do. Tell it how many letters are in the word, fill
in the letters you have, and this program will show you the possible words
that [...]
* Crossword Utility
Henry Casson's Crossword Utility allows you to compose crossword grids with
blocks or bars. These can be printed directly or be copied into a Word
page. Grid creation allows for 90 degree symmetry and automatic numbering.
Moreover, grids can be saved as text, pasted into an email and be opened
by a [...]
* CrosswordPlus
CrosswordPlus is a program to assist in the compiling and solving of
crossword puzzles.
Features include :
- Design grids from 3x3 to 50x50 using 2 way or 4 way symmetry
- Search for words and phrases from a comprehensive word list
- Save grid, clues and settings in a .cwd file
- Save grid [...]
* Datascape
Freeware for Windows98/me/2000/xp
Graphic presentation of scientific data
Datascape is a 2D linear and logrithm data plot and browse tool for Win32.
It offers many powerful features for graph presentation of scientific data
by infinite zooming and various plot styles. It can also plot a
mathemat [...]
* Debbie's Recipe Organizer
Recipes.exe - a recipe organizer thingy (LT)
* Delphi 6
Free Tutorial Material: Complete Delphi program examples for complete
beginners. (LT)
* Detect Key Logger
Detect Key Logger.exe - software that detects key-loggers (LT)
* diskMETA-Lite
diskMETA-Lite is a free version of diskMETA hard disk search engine. This
version has all features of the commercial versions but some of them are
- unlimited number of indexes can be created
- supports only the three document formats .txt., .doc., .html
- option to add a custom filen [...]
* Dot Com
Dot Com is a fast Paced action game, in which you must think fast and move
fast. In each level of the game, you must find the fastest path to collect
all the glod bars. .com must collect them before the timer reaches zero.
Runs on Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP ScreenShot (LT)
* EasyWinIco
This template allows to associate an animated icon with the window (which
located in the left top corner of a window). No more !
This package includes Template, demo app and documentation.
For use EasyWinIco following is needed:
- Clarion 4, 5.0b or Clarion 5.5
- ABC or Legacy Template Chains
- [...]
* eePoker
Free Video Poker Game
Operating System: Windows 95,98,ME,2k,XP
A totally free five card draw poker game of Jacks or Better very similar
to playing an actual video poker machine. This game is simple, but
addicting. ScreenShot (LT)
* eePyramid
A Free Solitaire game.
The games are free.ScreenShot (LT)
* Encodester
Encodester.exe - encode wav to mp3 / mp3 to wav (LT)
* Everlong Battleships
for Windows 95/98
Most people should be familiar with this game, the board game is quite
common. If you're not, you basically have two 10x10 grids in which ships
are positioned. You place your own ships in one, and use the other to try
and locate your opponent's ships. The winner is the first one t [...]
* FCmon
How much time do you waste playing 'FreeCell' ? Too much I expect! This
little program will monitor your performance and suggest remedial fines if
your score falls below 60% wins! This version works on WINDOWS 3.x and
NT-4 but not on Windows-95/98. Users of Windows-95/98/200 should download
the (ide [...]
* Fifi Chat Server
Build your own web based chat room on your computer. Works without web
server even win98! One clicking quick start! No Java + no ActiveX = high
performance + best compatibility! Support emotions, actions, filters,
emoticons even sound and video! Build your full customized chat room only
need to know [...]
* File Shredder
File_Shredder.exe - ask Ollie North - he would advise you to securely shred
those sensitive files (LT)
* FileAnt
FileAnt is a Windows File Manager (like explorer) on tabs (like
UltraEdit-32), it is also a cool Ftp Client (like leechftp) and has nice
features such as folder pie charts, and a viewer for commonly used file
formats. It loads quickly from the tray and uses very little memory to
achieve what it does [...]
* FlatBoy
FlatBoy is a classic style platform game that reminds the old pc platform
games but looks new. the hero, FlatBoy must collect all the Red Balls. Be
aware from the Robot Monsters, the evil pumpkins and the Spiders. Do not
step on the fire Use the Arrow Keys to move, jump and climb Use the CTRL
Key to [...]
* Flight Chase
Want to boast of your adroitness and speed? Try to survive under the
cross-fire in this free strategy game. You operate a plane that is
constantly attacked. Escape enemies, get bonuses and lucky flight to you!
Flight Chase is a thrilling arcade game. Take part in a mortal race. Guide
your vehicle [...]
* Frank Zapper
You want a challenge? Assist Frank Zapper in this Deathmatch Contest!
A computer generates various deathmatch scenarios in the training center.
You have to defeat masses of bots. There's no place to hide, only a few
barrels provide some cover. You can also blow them up with your laser
Mayb [...]
* Free Software Catalogue
BSTC presents the Free Software Catalogue created under the project with
UNESCO. The main goal of this project is promotion of the use and
distribution of free software, particularly open source software. It is
based on CDS/ISIS database created by efforts of UNESCO and specialized in
development of [...]
* Free Software Catalogue Online
BSTC presents the Free Software Catalogue created under the project with
UNESCO. The main goal of this project is promotion of the use and
distribution of free software, particularly open source software. It is
based on CDS/ISIS database created by efforts of UNESCO and specialized in
development of [...]
* Friendster Picture Taker
Operating System: Windows 95,98,ME,2k,XP
This Software alow you to capture picture into JPEG format quick and easy.
Then upload your picture to the popular Friendster.com without having any
incompatible problem. - Or, you can just save it to your hard disk for
later view. ScreenShot (LT)
* GenBak
This is a simple program which will copy individual files, or whole
directories (with or without contained sub-directories) to a destination
address. Ideal for backing-up to CD-ROM or to a hard-drive partition. Much
easier than using WindowsExplorer! (LT)
GENISIS is an authoring software (for Win32) for visually producing web
forms to query CDS/ISIS databases. There are two versions of the tool:
GenisisWeb, for web publishing and GenisisCD for developing CDRom
interfaces for CDS/ISIS databases.
Genisis was originally developed by the former IBISCUS [...]
* GeoClock
Gives a pretty window with up to 16 clocks showing the time of day in
different cities of the world. Cities can be selected and new ones added
easily and the wallpaper changed. (LT)
* Got Memory?
OS: Win 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
I needed a little software application that showed detailed system memory
status as well as other stats to do some debugging on some software I was
Ended up developing my own - it's here to share with you.
Discliamer: this software may crash if you [...]
GPU is a Gnutella client that allows users to share files and
CPU-resources. Our objective is to develop a robust framework for
distributed computing based on the peer-to-peer network Gnutella. Through
GPU, we hope to support peaceful, open and free research through
supercomputing. The CPU-time shar [...]
* Grafmkr
This little program draws simple graphs which can be saved or printed. This
is an early version with few frills. More complex versions may appear!
* Guard Bar
The Guard Bar is an Internet Explorer Toolbar that is absolutely Free with
no software or adware bundled in. GuardBar will Block incoming Spyware and
Adware from infecting your computer.
-Block & Remove Spyware & Adware from infecting your PC.
-Eliminate pop-up ads.
-Clean Cookies, Temporary Int [...]
* Incoming (lite)
New features of the old Arcade will provide you with several hours of
absolute pleasure and fun! This flash game resembles the famous
"paratroopers" game. Download this free game and defend your planet from
the invaders. You'll find here bright colors and real drive. Shoot all the
Incoming [...]
* InfoLink Link Checker
InfoLink Link Checker is an easy-to-use 32-bit program that helps you
verify your links. For those of you who manage many Web sites, InfoLink
allows you to create a site list of all the sites you need to verify,
thereby eliminating the need to enter information each time verification
is performed. Y [...]
* Invasion (lite)
The invasion theme is still in fashion! Save your planet in this classic
arcade game. Attack is the best way of defence. Shoot at the invaders
moving at the top of the board and you will win! Free to play and
Invasion (lite) is a free game for downloading. It is a part of Planetoid
Pack - [...]
* JakeFormula
Top-down Formula One racing. The AI is driving pretty well IMHO. There is
an integrated track editor but in the complete absense of any instructions
I'd imagine it's very difficult to use.
This project is unfinished and not being developed any more.ScreenShot
* JumpStart
Do you get tired of reconfiguring shortcuts after every Windows
re-installation and using that Windows Explorer so much. JumpStart is a
little freeware program in the system tray which builds a menu from system
items and shortcuts in folders (and subfolders). Save the shortcuts to
your documents or [...]
* Kartano
Kartano (Mansion) is a simple board game. The objective is to claim as many
blocks of the board as possible. A block is claimed when it's completely
surrounded by the lines drawn by the players. Play the game. You'll get
the idea. The computer opponent plays like a complete idiot, though. (LT)
* kban
kban is a free PCB CAD program. Beginning to be developed under DOS in the
end of 1994, currently a beta version of kban for Windows is available.
My goal on the development of kban is to make it capable enough to handle
double-sided PCBs. By improving editing functions, I'm trying to achieve
the g [...]
* Keyboard
A soft-keyboard on screen
Available only in source codeScreenShot (LT)
* KeyGuru
KeyGuru a keyboard logger for all versions of windows, this utility allows
silent logging of any key pressed on the board. It works on all win9x,
win2k and winnt platforms. KeyGuru comes with a key translator utility
* KeySim
Key Sim simulates keystrokes, when you press the go-Button. It is used to
automize programs which do not have command line options.
KeySim is free. Please distribute it. ScreenShot (LT)
* Kinar KeepSafe FreeMail
Ideal for an individual user, Kinar KeepSafe FreeMail can be used right
away without waiting for enterprise-wide deployment.
Unlike other content security products, you can start using Kinar
immediately after installing it.
A CPA, a tax preparer or a finance consultant; an attorney in a law firm
* KISS Wave Editor
KISS Wave Editor is a complete wave editor. KISS Wave Editor makes editing
WAV files as easy as editing text with its clear user interface and
powerful effects. Our wave form editing window allows you to find the part
you want to edit quickly.
Have fun playing with adding the many effects offered, [...]
* LabIML
Most instruments with an RS232 serial port can be incorporated into a
computerised measurement system with the free Windmill LabIML software.
LabIML is a universal driver for instruments that send or accept ASCII
messages over RS232. It automatically feeds data from the instruments to
Windows appl [...]
* Lakota Speakster
OS: Win 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
This application "speaks" the Lakota words and phrases by the use of
computerized .wav files. It includes translation of over 3300 words from
English to Lakota as well as Lakota to English. An option of having a
percentage of them "spoken" to you via the click of [...]
* Laser MineSweeper
The object of this freeware game is to set your native land free and to
take away all mines left by the enemies. It's no easy task, but you will
cope with it - the mines are hidden under some of the squares on the board
- test them and find the mines.
Famous logic game for Windows PC - a kind of m [...]
* LimSee2
LimSee2 is a SMIL 1.0 and 2.0 authoring application featuring a powerfull
graphical user interface, designed to ease the manipulation of time-based
scenarios in SMIL multimedia presentations and increase productivity.
LimSee2 is a free and open-source Java application, with installers
available fo [...]
* Lines
Lines is an amusing puzzle game. The rules are simple: move the color disks
and arrange them into continuous lines of four or more. This line will
disappear. Disks can be moved only in the clean space and can not jump
between separated clean regions. Each disappearing line of disks brings
you some p [...]
* LotNums
Pick your winning lottery numbers with a program with a difference. This
application will pick from 1 to 8 numbers from a total of from 24 to 50
numbers so can be used for many types of lottery. The recently reported
apparent effect of the phase of the moon on the distribution of winning
numbers in [...]
* MacIco
Supported OS: Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
MacIco is completely free to use, no registration involved, so you do not
have to worry about that.
MacIco is quite old so it can not convert new Mac icon formats and
currently we do not have plans to develop it further.
Yeah, yeah.we know, you have been disa [...]
* Maple
Working Time Logger
Maple is a simple tool that enables you to log your activity - time spent
in working on your projects.
Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed prior to running this
application.ScreenShot (LT)
* Mechanism
Mechanisms - Test Online (LT)
* MegaManie2
Be a hero... and defeat the aliens in this action game!
If you like classic arcade space shooters, this is a nice game for you.
Aliens attack in various formations. After a few attack waves, you have to
beat a dangerous alien boss.
Your spaceship has 2 weapons.
The laser cannon has a high fire r [...]
* Memo2050
This is a simple Diary for Windows which will automatically display the
events for your week ahead. Entries can be made for any date up to
31/12/2050. Memo2050 does many useful tricks and has the advantage
simplicity over many other available diaries. (LT)
* Microprocessor Simulator
A Microprocessor Simulator For Beginners
for Win32 - Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003
An x86 style microprocessor simulator for students of low level
programming. The simulator is based on the low eight bits of the 8086
chip. It can be single stepped or continuously run. The CPU registers, and
RAM cont [...]
* MiniPlayer
A mini media player using mci interface
Available only in source codeScreenShot (LT)
* Mobsoft Mp3toWav Easy Edition
Mobsoft Mp3toWav: Easy Edition is here!!! convert Mp3 files to wave files
and visa-versa in seconds!!. This version is designed for simplicity and
batch processing, simply drag and drop and click convert! (LT)
* Mobsoft Mp3towav Free Edition
Mobsoft Mp3toWav: Free Edition is here!!! convert Mp3 files to wave files
and visa-versa in seconds!!.
Plus! you can also change/make Artist and Track Information for your
converted file. (LT)
* Mobsoft WavtoMp3
Mobsoft WavtoMp3 is here!!! convert Wav files to Mp3 files in seconds!!.
This version is designed for simplicity and batch processing, simply drag
and drop and click convert! (LT)
* Mymusic
Is a simple Windows cataloguing program to help keep track of your various
tapes and discs. (LT)
* Native American Crossword Puzzles 1
Our Native American crossword puzzles will test your knowledge of Native
American people, places and history. (LT)
* Native American Crossword Puzzles 2
Our Native American crossword puzzles will test your knowledge of Native
American people, places and history. (LT)
* OneAcross Anagram Search
Want to know what words you can make out of some word or phrase? Try our
anagram search! (LT)
* OneAcross Crossword Clue Search
Having trouble getting the last word in that crossword puzzle? Having
trouble getting the first? See if our search engine can help! Unlike pure
pattern dictionary searches, we actually analyze the clue as well. (LT)
* OneAcross Cryptogram Search
Having trouble getting started on a cryptogram? See if our search engine
can help! (LT)
* OneAcross Dictionary Word Search
Have you got the answer, and you're still not sure what it means? See if
its in our dictionary! (LT)
* OneLook Dictionary Search
Enter a word to search for dictionary web sites that include that word.
* Othello Combat
Forget about everything you knew about computers before and win this fight
with your computer. This addictive free game will make your logics work in
a proper way and set your mind free from problems. Try to occupy as many
squares as possible.
Othello Combat is a new release of Reversy-like board [...]
* Outlook Mp3 Player
The Reminder of Microsoft Outlook can play only wav-file alarms. This
Outlook Add-In component allow to play as alarms any music and video files
( mp3, mpg, avi, etc. ), open any document ( doc, rtf, txt, etc. ) or run
any executable program (com, exe, bat, etc.). Choose any file of any type
using t [...]
* Pentix
Another variation of Tetris - more different figures, more fun. Your goal
in this thinking free game is to adjust the blocks so that they could form
the lines. It's a real test for your quick wits.
Did you play Tetris®? Is the classic variant too simple for you? Try
Pentix now. Rules are the same a [...]
* Periodic Table of the Elements
Periodic table of the elements contains the basic data about the elements
in five languages: English, German, Croatian, French and Italian. (LT)
* Picture Puzzle
Any java 1.1 compatible web browser.
The object of Picture Puzzle is to assemble the pieces of the picture into
the correct order. Simple eh? Pieces can only be moved into the blank
square. You do this by simply clicking on a square adjacent to the blank
square. (LT)
* Pikachu To The Rescue (OutDoor Version)
A Free Platform Game in wiche Pikachu have to rescue the pokemons
Runs on Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XPScreenShot (LT)
* Pioneer Report MDI
What is Pioneer? It is a family of web browsers that allow you to view
files and web pages whether they are CSV, character-delimited, or
GordonRhodes Markup Language (GRML). They all share a common user
interface, except each displays content differently.
For example, Pioneer Title displays conten [...]
* PocketSMIL
PocketSMIL 2.0 is a SMIL 2.0 Player for the Pocket PC. It has been
developed as part of a feasibility test lead by the INRIA. Indeed, the aim
of the project was to show that it was possible to have a fully functional
SMIL 2.0 Basic Profile Player running on a limited resource system such as
the Pock [...]
* Popup Assassin Free
Popup Assassin Free analize IE windows and kills popup ones. Program has
White List and Black list features that allows you to fine tune it. Popup
Assassin Free is developed in Microsoft VC++ it is very fast and very
small. Furthermore it requires much less system resources in compare with
other pop [...]
* Port Scanner
Port_scanner.exe - if you don't know what this is - you don't need it (LT)
* Printable periodic table
Periodic table of the elements is prepared for prints in PostScript (PS)
and Portable Document Format (PDF) in two version
- black white version for laser printers
- colour version for colour printersScreenShot (LT)
* Protowall
Protowall is a lightweight program that runs in the background, taking up
little CPU and memory, while blocking thousands of bad IP addresses. In
Protowall, all the work is done by the driver that filters each packet,
extracts the IP header and then compares the address with the ones in the
table, t [...]
* Quake II VXMOD
This weapon mod makes weapon more deadly. Enemies bodies are stronger.
Weapon changes:
- Blaster - flare speed increased
- Shotgun - shots 3-bullet burst, damage reduced, knockback increased
- Supershotgun - damage and knockback increased
- Machinegun & Chaingun - knockback increased
- Grenade [...]
* Quantitative Game Monitoring System
QGMS helps researchers to analyze PC game and improve game design.
It is able to record key strokes and mouse clicks to a game and illustrate
data in various analytic tools such as a true 3D chart and a statistic
line chart etc.ScreenShot (LT)
* QuidNunc
This is a simple Alarm Clock which will alert you to an appointmet at the
scheduled time. QuidNunc uses both sound and vision and overrides anything
else you may be doing at the time! . This version works on
Windows-95/98/XP or NT. (LT)
* RahmanImager
Platforms: win98/Me/NT/2k/XP
License: Freeware (Personal Use only)
RahmanImager is an advanced full featured digital Image processing and
Manipulation platform with support for layers, vast arrays of filters,
Special Effects, Artistic Colorizing, Tools, optimizers etc. It is one of
the best alte [...]
* Relatran
Educational software on Technology: Mechanisms
This software makes practice of problems on mechanisms easier. It has been
designed to be used by high school students. It includes, among others,
calculations of forces, mechanical advantages, wheel's diameters, number
of teeth, speed ratios, forward [...]
* Rock'N Code
"RockN Code v3.0" audio (MP3, WAV) player is for those of you that want a
cool free player that has NO known intrusive code within. If you're tired
of all the other free players that pitch products and add spyware to your
system then give RockN Code a try? No adware, spyware, nag screens, no
pop-up [...]
* Ruckus Buck's: Grave Marker
Play Ruckus Buck's: Grave Marker. Find all the Unmarked graves without
disturbing the dead!
This Grave Marker is a Halloween themed Minesweeper game with a full
tutorial on how to play.ScreenShot (LT)
* Santa's Stories
Santas Stories.exe - our popular Christmas program where Santa speaks some
stories to the kids (LT)
* Savungan
Savungan is a *free* open source stateful inspection firewall designed for
Microsoft Windows platforms!
Savungan takes the exact control over the UDP/TCP flow, blocks/allows IP
and MAC protocols easily. TCP flow enforcement feature ensures that
correct packet sequences are followed in both directio [...]
* Scientific calculator for chemists with notebook
Scientific calculator for chemists with notebook is a fully functioning
JavaScript calculator. This calculator can be used as common scientific
calculator (sin, cos, log, power, root, memory), but it also includes a
molecular weight calculator and the tables with various physical and
chemical consta [...]
* Serai Puzzle
The prince is bored, and so his faithful servant recounts a simple puzzle,
in which the object is to correctly align 15 counters around the perimeter
of a circle. A per-
plexing puzzle that will keep any player (including the prince) challenged
for many hours.
System Requirements: Windows 95/98/20 [...]
SFO is a little program that prints out bitmap files using your printer's
resolution. PaintBrush that came with Windows 3.1 had an option that
prints a bitmap file using the printer's resolution, but the function is
gone on Windows 95. That is, this program works as a supplement for Paint
on Windows [...]
* Shamrock's Gold
Play Shamrock's Gold! This leprechaun will give you his gold if you can
find it all, but only if you can find it all.
This game is a St.Patrick's day themed Minesweeper gameScreenShot (LT)
* Shoshone
A computer software program designed to teach simple Shoshone words. The
program starts with a main menu to select the word types to be learned.
After selecting the specific word group, the program goes into a separate
program. The English and Shoshone word pairs are randomly displayed on the
screen [...]
* Shoujo Attack!
Help guide the cute little shoujo (Japanese for girls) to safety using
various anime/J-game skills! Inspired by the Lemmings series from
Psygnosis, Shoujo Attack will challenge your mind while giving you a full
dose of cuteness. It's a fun Lemmings and anime/fan culture tribute and
It has 7 [...]
* Smiley Vault
A tad under 1,800 animated and still smiley gifs. Express your emotions in
emails, web pages, letters etc by adding a smiley. There are glad, sad and
mad ones - grumpy, jumpy and frumpy ones - happy, rappy and crappy ones -
there are even smilies driving cars, flying planes, with hats, talking,
cryi [...]
* Snob
Snob is a bit of fun to try and tell you a little about the English 'class'
system which is still very much alive. To see how you might fit in (LT)
* Spy-Ad Exterminator
Spy-Ad Exterminator looks through your computer's memory, hard drives, and
registry for spyware, adware, worms, hijacks, keyloggers, IE Toolbars,
BHOs, etc . Items found are possible to be deleted, ignored, or
- Fast scan engine
- Possibility to restore quarantined files
- Quarant [...]
* Sunrise
Plots a graph showing the variations in day length through the year,
Sunrise and Sunset times, Longest and Shortest days etc for any latitude
and longitude.. It includes facilities to save configurations for
different locations. (LT)
* SuperPac
SuperPac a pacman implementation with some nice extras
Runs on Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XPScreenShot (LT)
* Tales of Lemma 1
Tales of Lemma 1 is the first game in a series of visual ren'ai short
stories. The star is a cute young 19-year-old woman named Miko, with whom
the player gets lost in the wilderness. Being more of a practice game, ToL
1 is pretty short, but it should give you a nice smile and a chuckle or
two! =

* Tetris
Try this free arcade game. It's a super game for those looking for
something new in classics. This game has not only a new appearance but
also fresh teasers for your brain. Make your choice between different
skill levels and have great time!
Recognize it? YES!! It is the famous classic computer ga [...]
* Text Magician
Edit text files the easy way. Join or split files while adding, deleting or
replacing text, change to upper or lower case, capitalise all words or the
start of all lines, add text to the start or end of lines, remove leading
or trailing spaces, add or remove blank lines, remove text blocks,
alphabet [...]
* Textrev
This program reads a simple Text File and reverses the contents, either
line by line, or as a single block. The result can be saved in a file and
subsequently loaded into MS-WORD or sililar application. A TrueType font
RSTimesMirror is included to print reversed characters and produce a full
Mirror [...]
* The LiveJournal Backup Toolkit
- Export to Plain Text (the reason I created this really, so I can store
all reformatted backups in GMail
- Export to CSV (A wee little different from LJ's, as you'll see!)
- Export to Movable Type
- Instructions on how you can export to WordPress , pMachine and Drupal
- Ability t [...]
* the OS Race
OS: Win 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
Like to play Pac Man while we're suppose to be working hard cranking out
code or editing a data base? Here's a Pac Man type game that has a little
twist.. see if Linux (the Tux) can win the OS (operating system) race or
will Bill just keep racking up the $'s. Scre [...]
* The Tessellation Doodle Program
Here is a small program that is a lot of fun, and you might learn something
about the mathematics of tiling the plane, too. This screen shot shows you
the idea- when you drag the mouse while holding the left button down,
filled circles will be drawn simultaneously in three colors of your
choice. The [...]
* Timetill
Ever wondered how many more years, days or even minutes till you go on
holiday, retire or some such? Or, perhaps how long since your last cup of
coffee or payrise? Timetill will keep you informed automatically if you
put a copy in your Windows' Start-up group. (LT)
* TISFAT Editor
TISFAT is a new unique approach to stick figure animations. It is a
realtime editor for stick figure animations based on the theory of
tweening, thus saving the work of drawing every single frame of animation
like in ye-olde days with textbooks.
TISFAT works with keyframes, where you set different [...]
* TISFAT Player
The TISFAT player, in it's old incarnation, is a standalone program that
plays all TISFAT content on Windows machines.
The TISFAT editor can attach movies to the player so that all you give
your friends, enemies, is a single file that will play the movie as soon
as they execute it.ScreenShot (LT)
* Touch Wood
Supported OS: Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
It's woodware, luckware, funware and above all it's freeware.Touch Wood is
your virtual good luck companion. Whenever you feel the need to celebrate
good news or pray for some luck by knocking or touching wood, just click
on its icon in system tray and you will [...]
* Troopers (lite)
An excellent free arcade logic style game. The board is turned upside down
and you are not the enemy but the victim. There are big brown spheres
moving at the top and dropping smaller colorful balls at your spheres.
Destroy all the falling spheres by shooting at them from a sphere of
Troopers (lit [...]
* Virtual Local IP
VLIP is a win32 based software that is able to virtually change local IP
address for a specified program. This software is able to simulate a
public IP address to a workstation in a LAN. Your PC seems to directly
connect to Internet, without any limitation of LAN. VLIP automatically
gets IP address [...]
* Web Radio Recorder
Web Radio Recorder - the registered version that was selling for 19.95
until now (07.26.2004). We thought / think it is a wonderful idea but
didn't hardly sell any so the public spoke - it's now freeware.
Want an easy way to record those Internet talk shows, streaming music, old
time radio broadca [...]
* Web Speakster
OS: Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, 2000 or XP (will not operate on workstations
without full user authorization setup)
Release: Was shareware @ $34.95 - freeware as of 01.03.2004
"WebSpeakster v2.0" talking browser is a PC software application that was
developed to help blind and vision impaired pe [...]
* Web Talkster
OS: Win 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP (will not operate on Windows Workgroups)
Is our latest and greatest "talking web browser". An honest to goodness
solid web browser that features several options that are very unique. This
browser takes advantage of Microsoft Agent technology at it's finest.
This [...]
* WebCasson
WebCasson, an implementation of Henry Casson's CXML utility:
Henry Casson's Crossword Utility allows you to compose crossword grids
with blocks or bars. These can be printed directly or be copied into a
Word page. Grid creation allows for 90 degree symmetry and automatic
numbering. Moreover, grids [...]
* Whack a croc
Windows 95/98/ME with DirectX 5.0 or later.
100mhz processor or faster recommended.
If you've ever been into a seaside arcade you will probably have seen (and
played) one of those games where you use a rubber hammer to hit small
creatures popping out of holes. There are a few variations o [...]
* What Health BMI Calc
The 'What Health BMI Calc' is an easy to use body mass index calculator for
Windows. Body Mass Index can be used to determine if an person is
overweight. In keeping with the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.)
recommendations, only height and weight measurements are needed to
calculate BMI. Gender in [...]
* What is your I.Q.?
High or low, you can significantly improve your intelligence. By giving
your brain some real challenge, you allow unused neurons to become more
active. New neuron connections will be created, making your brain working
better and faster.
Brain-teasers, riddles, enigmas can be very fun. But, they can [...]
* WheelKeys
WheelKeys simulates keystrokes in specified programs, when you turn the
mouse wheel.
WheelKeys is free. Please distribute it. (LT)
* WindMill COMDebug
Windmill comDebug: serial communication software that lets you read data
from instruments connected to your PC's COM port.
Our new comDebug program lets you communicate with almost any RS232,
RS422, RS485 or Modbus serial device. What's more, it's free! Its
extensive trouble-shooting capabilities [...]
* WinSplit
for Windows XP | 2000 | NT | ME | 98 | 95
WinSplit is a program which can split large files into smaller parts, and
then using the parts build the original file back up. This might be useful
when transferring large files from one machine to another via floppy disks
or across unstable internet con [...]
* Winsplit
Will split any large file, (Max about 140 MB), into smaller sections
(Default 1.44 MB) to fit onto floppy discs etc. It also generates small
DOS batch (.BAT) programs to reassemble the segments and to cleanup. (LT)
* Winsplit
You have reached the home of Winsplit 1.0.8, the light weight file
splitting/joining application for Win9x/NT platforms
Winspli a file splitter with a very small footprint(44 Kilobytes), allows
you to split files in 3 different ways, and join them back, Also features
batch-file generation and CRC c [...]
* WinSplit 95
WinSplit 95 is a file splitting tool excellently integrated into the
Windows 95 environment. Using WinSplit 95, you are able to split large
files in smaller parts, so you can handle them with floppy disks. This
action is reversible of course. This tools is absolutely easy to use, just
drag and drop [...]
* Word Search
A word search puzzle is a grid of letters that have words hidden in it with
the words also printed below the grid. This program makes printed word
search puzzles from word lists that you type in. The program can store
thousands of your word lists in disk files so that they can be reused to
make futu [...]
* WorteX's IconCollection
These site is not supported now. All icons you can download here.
Don't forget to check it with antivirus software. (LT)
* WorteX's Webtool
This program is intended for optimization of your HTML code. Program
deletes white space characters, left unchanged strings, preformatted text
and tags [textarea] and [style]. WebTool's unique feature is that it can
optimize embed Java scripts. As result of optimization file size could be
reduced an [...]
* XML Viewer
MindFusion's XML Viewer is a freeware program - a present to all our
friends and partners. It is used to examine the contents of an XML file in
an easy-to-use environment. In addition you can make modification to the
XML as follows:
- Insert new items
- Delete existing items
- Add properties t [...]
* XStandard Lite
XStandard is the most advanced, standards-based XHTML WYSIWYG editor
available. Use XStandard in Windows or browser-based content management
systems that support ActiveX. XStandard manages rich, multilingual content
and generates clean, accessible XHTML Strict or 1.1, without running code
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