Fw: is an error, really?!



I have win 2k A.S.
I update it to sp4 & all hotfixes (by auto update)
but now I have problem with html chm helps!!
even in windows help I have this problem!!!
when I click on a hyperlink I see a script error as :
Internet Explorer Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on this page.
Line : 519
Char : 9
Error : Object doesn't support this property or method
Code : 0
URL : ...
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?

this error is same in all help file!
my hh.exe file version is: 5.2.3644.0

any one have any suggestion?

Kind Regards,
Farzad Hayati.

Pete Lees

I have win 2k A.S. I update it to sp4 & all hotfixes (by auto
update) but now I have problem with html chm helps!! even in
windows help I have this problem!!! when I click on a hyperlink
I see a script error as :
Internet Explorer Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on this page.

Try unregistering the HTML Help ActiveX control (hhctrl.ocx) and then
re-registering it by opening a Command Prompt window and entering
these two commands:

regsvr32 /u <drive>:\winnt\system32\hhctrl.ocx
regsvr32 <drive>:\winnt\system32\hhctrl.ocx

This should fix the broken registry entries that are responsible for
your problem.


Dear Pete

Thanks For Your Help!
I re register hhctrl.ocx by regsvr32
my problem solved!
Thank you again for your help,

Kind Regards,
Farzad Hayati.

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