fuzzy photos

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Certainly seems that SP 2 is really becoming a pill.

Photos that I've taken and edited using Roxio Photo Suite are fine and
clear. However, when I load those same photos into MM2 and use the full
screen view, they are horribly blurry.

Is this a problem that others have encountered? Suggestions would be
appreciated. Thanks,

Hello there,

Windows uses a fairly quick and dirty way to preview images....provided your
images are an adequate size MM will render them well and you will see a much
better quality in the final video.....you might want to check out the MM FAQ on
my website for further info.....

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hey Dean,
Read your blog and it's as if it was written specifically for me! Thanks. I
have learned so much from this forum over the last couple of days. People
like you, John Kelly & Papajohn are jewels to we who "don't know" but are
"eager to learn."
