Buying the best you can afford in the hope that it'll satisfy your growing like for technology. Buying more than you need now just in case you get round to trying out that overclocking thingy, or watching something in HD or getting one of those games you hear about occasionally. Ceasing being a spectator of the ever-developing IT market and hoping your purchase will retain it's usefulness whilst everything next year will be twice as good and half as cheap.
So, why not an i5 2500K, Z68 mobo, 4G RAM, 1TB HDD, 22" 1080 screen for £500ish + delivery?
maybe a graphics card in the future
maybe a SSD
maybe some decent speakers and a sound card...
or is the next best thing just around the corner so I should wait?
will Win8 be just great or should I got for it now and svae money with Ubuntu?
So, why not an i5 2500K, Z68 mobo, 4G RAM, 1TB HDD, 22" 1080 screen for £500ish + delivery?
maybe a graphics card in the future
maybe a SSD
maybe some decent speakers and a sound card...
or is the next best thing just around the corner so I should wait?
will Win8 be just great or should I got for it now and svae money with Ubuntu?