Future of technology, whats your take?


Yank Upstart
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
What do you see for the future of technology in general?
what kinda products do you think we will have?
I'd love to have a window to the future, so I could see what the world will be like when I'm gone... hopefully I'll be around long enough to see lots :D
Alf said:
Ive heard of it, but what is nanotech?

It's OK if you do not know what Nanotechnology is, but don't tell me you have not heard of Google too:D
Nonotechnology would allow us to create PC's that design other pc's that are better than the originals, then program nanobots to build them out of themselves. We'll have computers cybernetically linked with our brains so that we can play first-person shooters, just by closing our eyes and thinking of them. perhaps even 'dream' our own maps and environments, baddies, monsters and bosses to kill. People will have sex in order to exchange their bodily-infused nan-DNA and create hybrid nonobabes that will do the washing up. The future will be cool.:thumb:
personally i would not trust this idea with my life...
Nanotechnogy, does sound very interesting, I read an article recently.

I am looking forward to mind controlled computers, that will make for some awesome gaming, especially when combined with at home virtual reality suites.

Many more personal computers will start needing water cooling, maybe even something more powerfull.
...oh, and I'm also looking forward to teleportation becoming reality. No longer will you have to worry about traffic jams, just get into your home booth, tell it where you want to go, and you'll be teleported to your destination in an instant. I doubt we'll see it in our lifetime though, but there has been talk of it being possible! :)
Cache-man said:
...oh, and I'm also looking forward to teleportation becoming reality:)

I really hope this one becomes reality - how good would it be for women if they no longer needed to give birth?! The baby could just be 'beamed' outta their belly! ;)
Sexy Bex said:
I really hope this one becomes reality - how good would it be for women if they no longer needed to give birth?! The baby could just be 'beamed' outta their belly! ;)

Hehe...wouldn't it be wierd to see your distended belly, massively inflated one minute, then deflating in an instant before your eyes, just after the doc shouts to the nurse: Energise!'...?:eek::D
Lol! :D

On a more serious note, I suppose if they could pinpoint it accurately it would completely change surgery and medicine
LOL Ha ha ha ha....

Those last 3 remarks have just had me rolling around on the floor holding my belly cause its aching with laughter....:D
Sexy Bex said:
Lol! :D

On a more serious note, I suppose if they could pinpoint it accurately it would completely change surgery and medicine

True, but on a less serious note, wouldn't there be some major discussions first over things like:
1. Nine months before they beam the baby out, would they beam the sperm in?
2. Would women have personal translocators that they could use to beam the sperm out of any man they decide they like the look of?
3. Would men respond by insisting on 'egg-beamers' ?
4. Would anyone with the right hardware, beam eggs and sperm from passing strangers and make random babies that mother or father knew nothing about?

Crickey...all these issues would certainly require a mass-debate to resolve them.;) :D :eek:
1nteger said:
4. Would anyone with the right hardware, beam eggs and sperm from passing strangers and make random babies that mother or father knew nothing about?

Crickey...all these issues would certainly require a mass-debate to resolve them.;) :D :eek:

That could create a modern-day Jesus, born from the virgin. Scary.

My predictions on future-tech.....

Optical fibre wires,

I believe bluetooth was developed in the hope of transmitting electricity without wires.... we have wireless comms now, one day we might have wireless power "cables"

Electrically conductive computer components will be made of new forms of conductive plastic

Bio-electrical computers- kind of a cyborg idea (and thats what the technology will develop into)

Brain hook-ups for image transfers and knowledge... make a backup copy of your brain and memory.

I`ll no doubt think of more... Matrix style brain implants will prob be developed at the same time as the above brain idea- want to be an engineer? BAM! You are now!!
